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Author: najwahayyat

Ovarian Cyst

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Post time 2-5-2007 07:48 PM | Show all posts
saya rasa kalau kawan2 ada ovarian cyst, nak amik supplement baik tanya gynae dulu apa supplement yg sesuai. sbb ada certain tu blh galakkan lagi saiz cyst.

saya nak tanya ada tak shbt2 yg buat rawatan homeopathy utk cyst? skrg saya baru 3 bln ambil homeopathy dgn doktor kat kg baru. My period pain dah kurang. Masa mula2 makan homeopathy, keluar darah piyed warna hitam-coklat. Ada bau pulak tu. Tapi, masuk bln kedua, piyed dah ok..tapi tak conceive lagi smpi skrg. baru ni pi scan dgn doctor lain pulak (utk second opinion). Doktor tu kata mcm ada cyst di sblh kanan.

Setakat ni dah ramai gynae yg saya jumpa.. tapi, entahlah...mcm depa pon dah takdak idea. Taktau lagi siapa yg benar2 nak tolong saya utk hapuskan cyst dan utk conceive...

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Post time 2-5-2007 10:11 PM | Show all posts
aku dah buang cyst taon lepas..sekali dgn ovari belah kanan....sblom tu dah cuba macam macam cara...tapi mende tu makin besar jerrr....last sekali operate jugak...alhamdulillah dah selamat..last check up bulan 11 taon lepas..doc. cakap  dah ok..dah tutup buku dah..tapi takut gak sebab ramai yg cakap cyst ni boleh berulang lagi...

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Post time 2-5-2007 11:40 PM | Show all posts


i got ovarian cancer when i was 14 years i'm 20...skrg dah buat 5 surgery untuk polycystic ovary last operation- laparotomy  was 1 april i'm waiting for the result either it's a cancer or tired...

[ Last edited by  bleomycin87 at 3-5-2007 10:14 AM ]

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Post time 3-5-2007 08:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #143 bleomycin87's post

apa pon..kita kena tabah dengan ujian......

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Post time 4-5-2007 11:10 AM | Show all posts
Korang try la rawatan uncle K, proven member haku yg ada cyst lagik besar dari haku 7 x 6 cm skang dah kecut dah cyst dia tuh, pakai rawatan gelombang, doktor pun cam x pecaya...tak de dah nak gi open surgery...aku nak try jugak kot

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Post time 8-5-2007 10:06 PM | Show all posts
salam semua...saya nak mintak pendapat..

saya nyer masalah period banyak sangat...keluar berketul-ketul lagi. Dah pergi gynae, buat ultrasound tak nampak apa2...tapi saya ambil pil iron atas nasihat doktor, memang kurang darah pun.

ini ciri2 saya ada cyst ker yea....tapi period tak sakit pun...cuma darah tu keluar banyak sangat...lama pulak tu..sampai 10 hari..

ada sesiapa yang experience masalah yang sama?

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Post time 8-5-2007 10:48 PM | Show all posts
bila baca ttg cyst ni,rasa tak sabar plak nak jumpa doc.coz kita ni mcm ade je lately period skit je ari ke3 dah kering,then mmg ade masalah sakit puan dari dulu lagi,dari kecik lagi.... ya allah mudah2an tak de pape la nti.:pray:

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Post time 9-5-2007 10:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by suhanafadz at 8-5-2007 10:48 PM
bila baca ttg cyst ni,rasa tak sabar plak nak jumpa doc.coz kita ni mcm ade je lately period skit je ari ke3 dah kering,then mmg ade masalah sakit puan dari dulu lagi,dari kecik lagi.... ya allah ...

gi cepat 2..jangan bertangguh...

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Post time 10-5-2007 11:17 AM | Show all posts

Reply #147 suhanafadz's post

sakit puan dr kecik? Sakit ape?

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Post time 10-5-2007 03:03 PM | Show all posts
About three years ago, Ina was diagnosed as having PCOS (i.e. Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome). Jadi Ina di sarankan oleh gynea masa tu utk menjalankan satu procedure dinamakan laparscopy. After that surgery about 6 - 8 months after, Ina conceive.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is characterized byanovulation (irregular or absent menstrual periods) and hyperandrogenism(elevated serum testosterone and androstenedione). Patients with this syndromemay complain of abnormal bleeding, infertility, obesity, excess hair growth,hair loss and acne. In addition to the clinical and hormonal changes associatedwith this condition, vaginal ultrasound shows enlarged ovaries with anincreased number of small (6-10mm) follicles around the periphery (PolycysticAppearing Ovaries or PAO). While ultrasound reveals that polycystic appearingovaries are commonly seen in up to 20% of women in the reproductive age range,PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a estimated to affect about half as many orapproximately 6-10% of women. The condition appears to have a genetic componentand those effected often have both male and female relatives with adult-onsetdiabetes, obesity, elevated blood triglycerides, high blood pressure and femalerelatives with infertility, hirsutism and menstrual problems.

As of yet, we do not understand why one woman whodemonstrates polycystic appearing ovaries on ultrasound has regular menstrualcycles and no signs of excess androgens while another develops PCOS. One of themajor biochemical features of polycystic ovary syndrome is insulin resistanceaccompanied by compensatory hyperinsulinemia (elevated fasting blood insulinlevels). There is increasing data that hyperinsulinemia produces thehyperandrogenism of polycystic ovary syndrome by increasing ovarian androgenproduction, particularly testosterone and by decreasing the serum sex hormonebinding globulin concentration. The high levels of androgenic hormonesinterfere with the pituitary ovarian axis, leading to increased LH levels,anovulation, amenorrhea, recurrent pregnancy loss, and infertility.Hyperinsulinemia has also been associated high blood pressure and increasedclot formation and appears to be a major risk factor for the development ofheart disease, stroke and type II diabetes.

There is little agreement when it comes to how PCOSis diagnosed. Most physicians will consider this diagnosis after making sureyou do not have other conditions such as Cushing's disease (overactive adrenalgland), thyroid problems, congenital adrenal hyperplasia or increased prolactinproduction by the pituitary gland. TSH, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, prolactin and adexamethasone suppression test may be advisable. After reviewing your medicalhistory, your physicians will determine which tests are necessary. If you haveirregular or absent menstrual periods, clues from the physical exam will beconsidered next. Your height and weight will be noted along with any increasefacial or body hair or loss of scalp hair, acne and acanthosis nigricans (adiscoloration of the skin under the arms, breasts and in the groin). Elevatedandrogen levels (male hormones), DHEAS or testosterone help make the diagnosis.A two hour insulin and glucose tolerance test will be obtained. Many physicianstell their patients that insulin values are normal, when in fact the valueindicates that insulin may be playing a role in stimulating the development ofPCOS. Most labs report levels less than 25-30 miu/ml as normal, while in fact,levels over 10miu/ml on a fasting blood sample suggests that PCOS may berelated to hyperinsulinism. As women with polycystic ovary syndrome may be agreater risk for other medical conditions, testing for cardiovascular riskfactors such as blood lipids, homocysteine, CRP and PAI-1 (a blood factor thatpromotes abnormal clotting) will also be carried out.

Traditional treatments have been difficult,expensive and have limited success when used alone. Infertility treatmentsinclude weight loss diets, ovulation medications (clomiphene,letrozole,Follistim, Gonal-F), ovarian drilling surgery and IVF. Other symptoms have beenmanaged by anti-androgen medication (birth control pills, spironolactone,flutamide or finasteride).

Ovarian drilling can be performed at the time oflaparoscopy. A laser fibre or electrosurgical needle is used to puncture theovary 10-12 times. This treatment results in a dramatic lowering of malehormones within days. Studies have shown that up to 80% will benefit from suchtreatment. Many who failed to ovulate with letrozole or metformin therapy willrespond when rechallenged with these medications after ovarian drilling.Interestingly, women in these studies who are smokers, rarely responded to thedrilling procedure. Side effects are rare, but may result in adhesion formationor ovarian failure if the procedure is performed by an inexperienced surgeon.

For women in the reproductive age range, polycysticovary syndrome is a serious, common cause of infertility, because of theendocrine abnormalities which accompany elevated insulin levels. There isincreasing evidence that this endocrine abnormality can be reversed bytreatment with widely available standard medications which are leadingmedicines used in this country for the treatment of adult onset diabetes,metformin (Glucophage 500 or 850 mg three times per day or 1000mg twice dailywith meals), pioglitazone (Actos 15-30 mg once a day), rosiglitazone (Avandia4-8 mg once daily) or a combination of these medications. These medications havebeen shown to reverse the endocrine abnormalities seen with polycystic ovarysyndrome within two or three months. They can result in decreased hair loss,diminished facial and body hair growth, normalization of elevated bloodpressure, regulation or menses, weight loss, reduction in cardiovascular riskfactors, normal fertility, and a reduced risk of miscarriage. We have seenpregnancies result in less than two months in woman who conceived in their veryfirst ovulatory menstrual cycle. By six months over 90% of women treated withinsulin-lowering agents, diet and exercise will resume regular menses.

The medical literature suggests that theendocrinopathy in most patients with polycystic ovary syndrome can be resolvedwith insulin lowering therapy. This is clinically very important because thetherapy reduces hirsutism, obesity, blood pressure, triglyceride levels,elevated blood clotting factors and facilitates reestablishment of the normalpituitary ovarian cycle, thus often allowing resumption of normal ovulatorycycles and pregnancy. We know the polycystic ovary syndrome is associated withincreased risk of heart attack and stroke because of the associated heartattack and stroke risk factors, hypertension, obesity, hyperandrogenism,hypertriglyceridemia, and these are to a large degree resolved by therapy withthese medications.

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Post time 10-5-2007 03:09 PM | Show all posts
Dapat dari website

Polycystic Ovary (PCO) mengancam kesuburan wanita Malaysia

Wanita yang gemuk, pusingan haidnya tidak teraturdan tumbuh rambut pada kaki, badan atau muka berwaspadalah mungkin andamengalami masalah kilang ovary bengkak atau 憄olycystic ovary

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Post time 10-5-2007 03:10 PM | Show all posts
Merawat polycystic ovari

i. Tujuan rawatan polycystic ovary ialah pertamauntuk meningkatkan kesuburan kerana sebahagian besar daripada mereka berjumpadoktor dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan anak dan kerana mereka mengalamiketidaksuburan ataupun kemandulan.

ii. Tujuan kedua ialah untuk membetulkan pusinganhaid supaya jarak antara satu haid supaya jarak antara satu haid dengan yanglainnya lebih kerap ataupun normal iaitu 30 hari.

Cara cara untuk mengawal kegemukan (obesity)

Dalam merawat pesakit perkara yang terpentingsekali bagi pesakit berkenaan ialah ketabahan ,disiplin serta keazaman diriuntuk mengurangkan berat badan. Kebanyakan daripada mereka mungkin melebihi 70kg dan berat badan yang sebaiknya bagi wanita yang ukuran tinggi 5 kaki 2 inciialah kurang daripada 60 kg.

Untuk mengurangkan berat badan memang memerlukanketabahan, kegigihan dan disiplin yang kuat kerana sebenarnya orang orang yangobese atau gemuk mengalami masalah tabiat makan. Oleh itu ia memerlukan rawatanmental supaya ia lebih tabah dan disiplin lagi dalam mengawal pemakanan mereka.Di samping mengawal pemakanan yang mungkin berlebihan dalam kabohidret dangula, ialah mereka perlu membuat riadah atau exercise yang sewajar.

Meningkatkan kesuburan wanita.

Dari segi merawat kesuburan terdapat banyak kaedahrawatan yang sering dicuba oleh pakar-pakar sakitpuan. Diantaranya ialahubat-ubat seperti berikut.

Ubat suburClomiphene

Biasanya ubat subur Clomiphene atau clomid akandiberikan dalam dos yang tinggi mungkin sampai ke tahap 250 mg atau lima bijisehari untuk selama 5 hari hingga 7 hari mulai daripada hari kedua atau ketigadari hari mula keluar haid. Tujuan rawatan ini ialah untuk merangsang ovariyang polycystic ini untuk mengeluarkan telur.

Respons yang positif dengan adanya pengeluarantelur mungkin berlaku hanya di kalangan sebahagian pesakit sahaja, mungkinseparuh daripada mereka tidak akan menunjukkan kesan positif dari segipengeluaran telur.

Walau demikian setiap wanita yang menjalani rawatankesuburan memerlukan pengawasan dan ujian yang teliti oleh pakar sakitpuankerana jika terlalu banyak telur dikeluarkan pada satu masa dan ini bolehmembahayakan kesihatan menyebabkan kandungan yang berganda-ganda.

Ubat kesuburan yang lain daripada Clomiphene ialahubat suntikan hormon Gonadotrophin yang juga diberikan mulai hari kedua haidselama limahari berturut-turut. Bahayanya ubat ini ialah rangsangan telur yang berlebihanmenyebabkan terlalu banyak telur keluar dan ini boleh menjejaskan kesihatan danmenyebabkan kehamilan berganda.

Ubat Metformine

Sekarang ini ubat Metformine yang biasa digunakanuntuk merawat kencing manis digunakan dalam jangka masa enam bulan berturut dandos yang digunakan ialah antara 1 gm hingga 2.5 gm setiap hari sampai enambulan. Mengikut kajian 60 peratus daripada wanita yang memakan ubat ini akanmenetas telurnya dan sebahagian besar juga akan akhirnya mengandung.

Rawatan laparoscopy dan ovarian drilling
Ini adalah satu kaedah baru dimana pesakit損olycystic ovary

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Post time 1-6-2007 03:31 PM | Show all posts
waa... betul ke... selalu jugak tgk uncle k post kat sini.... uncle k tolong story sikit....

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Post time 1-6-2007 03:44 PM | Show all posts
Uncle_k, Tolong check inbox and reply my pm. Thank you.

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Post time 2-6-2007 10:21 PM | Show all posts
I am just wondering if cysts is something like when someone  says 'ada ketumbuhan dalam bahagian rahim'. If so, well i have met someone who specialises in women's health but traditional way and she said she had some clients who came to her asking if they are anyway they can avoid the surgeries of removing the ketumbuhan. And she said insyallah boleh. What she did was some traditional herbal sauna which from where we come from we call it Tajul so its not some typical sauna you see these days a bit different in method. And then she also makes sure that these ladies drink air kunyit regularly.
After sometime of going throgh the treatments, the ketumbuhan takde lagi and no surgeres needed.
I said how come? Apparently the kunyit drink acts as a agent which reacts like an antibiotic. Not sure lah...

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Post time 3-6-2007 02:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wak_pijah at 1-6-2007 13:55
saya ahli baru di sini dan nak share pengalaman ada ovarian cyst ni dan endometriosis juga

Tahun lepas saya disahkan dr pakar yg saya mengalami cyst yng cukup besar 6 X 7cm sebanyak 2 biji dan ...
...ovarian cyst that are ruptured can be life threatening and therefore needs immediate medical attention...

...when an ovarian cyst is ruptured...its contents get spill into your abdominal and pelvic cavities...and this can cause pain...the pain could be mild to some...and severe to some others...

...if the area of the cysts that ruptured also will cause more pain and can cause other problems too...such as internal bleeding...

...lagik satu...ovarian cyst nie pon adakalanya bley menjadi ianya ruptured inside...bayangkan the damage yang akan terjadi...spillage of cancerous cells to other organs in the abdominal and pelvic cavities...walaupon very rarely happen...tapi...we may never noe rite??....sebab tu...walaupon benign cyst...dr will try to avoid spillage of the cyst contents during surgeries...


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Post time 12-6-2007 01:56 PM | Show all posts
aku baghu gi juper gynae tadi..konon nak mintak consultation jek pasal aku ada asthma n tgh amik daily alang2 dr ckp check ler seme..breast, scan,pap smear...skali check dia ckp aku ada cyst 4.5x4.8cm..wahhh..aku terkedu ler t dia amik darah gak for gi balik...huhuhuhu...nak kene khatam thread ni plak...

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Post time 12-6-2007 10:50 PM | Show all posts
aku ada beb mende nak tanya korang:
1) apa sequence diagnosis yg korang dah lalui?-ultrasound/mri/ct scan, or apa2 lgk diagnosis lain yg perlu?
2) dr ultrasound korang tuh apa yg nampak ek?-adakah dia nampak clear with white lines kat tepi tuh, or ada kabut2 kat kwsn cyst tuh?
3) through ujian tuh seme mcm mana doc korang pastikan yg itu benign(non-cancer) or malignant(cancer)?

soklan nih aku tujukan khas utk akak bm, red and dr arissa,
as skang aku amik seretide accuhaler, td aku ngk leaflet dia..ada lebih kurang dia dia based on test done on mice ada compoung dlm seretide tuh leh induce tumor(benign) on the uterus or..apa ntah luper ler term dia..alamak..adakah aku jdk mcm tikus tuh?

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Post time 15-6-2007 05:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #159 honeybee1802's post



nayy nak share cerita pasal endo..tahun 2005 masa nayy wat master kat ukm nayy baru jek tahu yg nayy ada cycst dkt ovari belah kiri..tanda-tanda awal:

1. sakit dekat pinggang yang teramat sangat
2. sakit di bahagian ari-ari
3. keadaan yang tidak selesa bila mkn terlalu banyak

utk confirm kan nayy gi o&g kat hukm pastu confirm nayy ada endo. waktu tu na dgn hubby baru jek plan nk tunang. hubby la yg temankan nayy gi hospital every month..size cyst waktu tu agak besar around 6cm dan doc suggest suruh buang. tak puas ati nyer pasal nayy try gi private hospital and doc suggest benda yang sama gak. tp disebabkan nayy punya sakit tak teruk sangat dan blh ilang tiap kali ambik ponstant (period still normal utk setiap bulan ; cycle days around 27-28 days ) jd nayy dgn hubby decide nk monitor dlu cycst tu.

dlm masa tu selang sebulan dtg hukm pastu nayy try tradisional medicine. mkn rempah yg emak syorkan. pastu pernah dengar air try jugak minum air tuh + doa byk2..lama kelamaan cycst nayy 6 cm dlu dgn izin allah skangni dh kecut jd 3 cm..(dh 2 thn pon). lepas kawin dgn hubby still lagi buat check up kat hukm dan kali ni nayy dgn hubby try to conceive secara normal dlu.

skarang ni dh masuk 3 bulan tp still takde tanda2 nk dpt baby jd nayy and hubby decide dlm setahunni kalau takder progress nayy nk buat laparoscopy buang cycst tu dan try apa cara sekalipun nk dpt baby.

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Post time 16-6-2007 07:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nayy at 15-6-2007 05:17 PM


nayy nak share cerita pasal endo..tahun 2005 masa nayy wat master kat ukm nayy baru jek tahu yg nayy ada cycst dkt ovari belah kiri..tanda-tanda awal:

1. sa ...

br gi sjmc..cyst tuh ialah endo...kalo endo nih saya rs gejalanya dah lama kot..sbb saya dulu2 mmg ada period pain.nsb saya baik kot..leh dpt anak gaks...mungkin tuh jugak kot saya ske bleeding time dr ckp maybe chances utk dpt anak yg second nih susah skit sbb ada mende nih..sama mcm navy gak ler dr suggest buat laps..then buat treatment hormone utk hentikan haid sementara dr suh balik dan fikirkan...

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