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Author: alongim

Anak comelku Autistic Spectrum Disorder

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Post time 12-12-2006 07:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by norsha at 12-12-2006 01:35 PM

exercise apa nie?
kalau learning materials, so far norsha guna normal kids nya books jer..walaupun my son taklah sama tahap dgn normal kids, tapi selagi he shows improvement, for me, itu still ...

exercise ni cam guna trampoline. anak yatie kalau jln ginjat2. overly sensitive kot tapak kaki dia. kalau bagi dia jump on the trampoline tu, dia mesti kena jatuhkan seluruh tapak kaki dia. in a way blh kurangkan sensitivity tapak kaki dia. mg da pun suka ka sgt lomak. bagi lompat atas katil pun blh tapi kurang effective. sa far yatie tgk skarang dah ok dah skit. kalau jalan atas rumput tak pakai kasut pun dah ok. also kalau dia jump on the trampoline tu it will help kurangkan energy dia. senag skit nak tidur mlm. kalau tidak.. kul 3-4 pagi la baru lena.

yg learning material plak, my daughter nya psycho suggested PECS -- Picture Exchage Comunication System. It's a way of communicating dng gambar. For the first stage yatie just guna tu utk dia kenal objects and vocab. then utk tgk understanding dia to directions- -- bila minata mana2 object suruh dia hand over. tgk kat sini PECS. click kat products. Itu ori nya kalau beli starter pack mau dekat RM300. tapi the psycho syorkan buat sendiri. ni yg yatie buat sendiri

yatie personalise pitures tu boh yg anak yatie see/use everyday.... alhamdulillah byk sgt vocab dia bertambah-tambah. buku2 pun blh tapi nak kena beli macam2. yg ni satu je macam2 ada....

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Post time 12-12-2006 11:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #141 yatiedin's post

wah...rajinnya yatie..
norsha malas, semua buat dalam power point je..tapi tu pun my son boring sb sama jer..normally dia sendiri akan choose games yg educational (matching alphabet or number with sounds ataupun matching words with pics) from internet..mmg dia suka this kind of games..maknya pun suke sb takyah payah2 buat sendiri and free of charge..hehehehe
direction lak..norsha ajar dia cam my normal kids yg lain jer..keep on telling and far, mmg most of the basic direction mmg dia leh faham..

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Post time 12-12-2006 11:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by norsha at 12-12-2006 11:00 PM
wah...rajinnya yatie..
norsha malas, semua buat dalam power point je..tapi tu pun my son boring sb sama jer..normally dia sendiri akan choose games yg educational (matching alphab ...

waktu tu semangat lebih. tu yg boleh buat. kalau lambat 2-3 hari sure tak terjadi bendalah tu.
Actually mmg senang ngan internet ni kan. anak yatie pun baru start main games on the net. tapi nak main teletubbies je. dah la hari2 tgk video teletubbies, games lagi nak main. mama dia pun sudah fening.
norsha blh bagi the url for educational games tu tak? blh yatie try introduce kat anak yatie. kot2 la dia mau change to something else.
oh BTW, yatie ada jumpa this video link about autism and how the family cope with the disorder. blh la try tgk

Autism Everyday

[ Last edited by  yatiedin at 12-12-2006 11:36 PM ]

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Post time 13-12-2006 06:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yatiedin at 12-12-2006 11:30 PM

waktu tu semangat lebih. tu yg boleh buat. kalau lambat 2-3 hari sure tak terjadi bendalah tu.
Actually mmg senang ngan internet ni kan. anak yatie pun baru start main games on the ne ...

heheh..meh norsha tell u one thing about my son srg nie..
norsha dgn hubby mmg tak tahu camne dia leh jumpa url2 yg dia selalu kita org tak penah carikan for him..dia yg search sendiri..nak tanya dia..u paham2 laa...dia org bukan reti nak bagitau..kita org hanya leh intai dia dari jauh jer..kalau dtg dekat dia tak bagi..

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Post time 14-12-2006 11:29 AM | Show all posts
rajin sunguh yatie ni.  Itula...anak punya pasal kan?

Nak tanya sikit yatie and mothers kat sini...just to understand...kalau ajar nama-nama benda dengan cara tunjuk the real object tu sendiri susah ke dia nak pick up yatie?  
Lagi satu, tentang echolalic atau mengajuk orang cakap tu memang biasa ke?  Macam mana dia express apa dia nak atau pun jawab soalan kita ataupun express opinion?  Susah tak bagi dia?


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Post time 14-12-2006 02:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #141 yatiedin's post

so impressed la with you yatie..rajin tul...i ngan anak normal nih pun ppunyer la penyakit M tuh tinggi...

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Post time 14-12-2006 07:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by norsha at 13-12-2006 06:58 PM

heheh..meh norsha tell u one thing about my son srg nie..
norsha dgn hubby mmg tak tahu camne dia leh jumpa url2 yg dia selalu kita org tak penah carikan for him..dia yg  ...

kih kih kih... itu la budak2 ni. anak yatie pun kalau guna pc, kita nak lalu blakang dia pun dia dah kelam-kabut. takut la orang nak tekan apa2 ke kat pc tu. siap tolak kita lagi jauh2...

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Post time 14-12-2006 08:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KakFie at 14-12-2006 11:29 AM
rajin sunguh yatie ni.  Itula...anak punya pasal kan?

Nak tanya sikit yatie and mothers kat sini...just to understand...kalau ajar nama-nama benda dengan cara tunjuk the real object tu sendiri s ...

kak fie,
anak punya pasal.. sangguh mengabiskan masa dan tenaga nak buat benda2 tu. ada lagi benda2 yg dok plan nak buat tapi tak sempat lg. satu lg benda yg yatie berjaya buat is animal slideshow. yatie notice nadiah ni mau ikut dengan tengok tv or pc. kalau yatie tunjuk benda2 kat dia and ajar verbally dia akan ignore je. nadiah ni mmg dari kecik blh nyanyi. eventhough pronounciation dia berterabur tapi tahu dia nyanyi coz the melody is always perfect siap ngan intonation smua. ni kira echolalia la. bila yatie nyanyikan untuk dia dia suka. maknanya dia recognize and time2 tu dia nak comunicate ngan kita. tapi cakap tak mau. tapi yatie take notice benda2 apa yg dia suka cam animals. kalau tunjukkan cat ke dog ke yg real life punya dia diam je. tapi kat lam tv dia tunjuk reaction. slideshow tu yatie letak dalam 25 animals and semua dia kenal. yg dia tak penah dengar cam 'dolphin', bila dia dengar dari show tu dia ikut. show tu yatie record suara yatie sendiri. lepas tu try buat slideshow family plak. nak bagi dia kenal siapa mak tok dia, pak ngah etc. skarang kalau cakap je ngan dia "p salam ngan mak ngah" dia tahu siapa mak ngah tu.
satu lagi masalah budak2 ni, kalau kita tunjuk, dia tak tengok benda yg ditunjuk. dia tgk jari kita. itu pun kalau dia tgk la.

bab echolalia tu, kita kena take notice everything yg dia cakap. mula2 they just echo ja. either ayat2 lam tv ke or songs yg dia suka repeat berkali-kali tapi tak really tahu what they are saying.  bila dia mula guna words tu yg ada kena-mengena ngan surrounding dia, then we know they are begining to be aware. dulu nadiah nak suruh yatie buat apa2 kat dia dia akan repeat ayat2 lam lagu barney dia. payah la cam tu sbb tak paham wat she wants. time2 tu dia pun mula la melalak. skarang dah pandai cakap just one word. tapi kita paham apa dia nak.  even if ayat atau perkataan yg dia guna tu dtg dari tv pun tapi kalau kena ngan situation dia, itu dah bagus. sbb dia dah nak communicate ngan kita cuma tak tahu the right words je. contoh: nadiah suka tgk barney yg about outer space. lam tu barney n the kids go outer space naik rocket and lalu kat sun and moon etc. satu hari bila dia tgk robot and rocket kat kedai dia asyik cakap "the moon". dok bagitau yatie berkali-kali. lama baru yatie paham yg dia nak relate robot n rocket tu ngan crita barney yg dia tgk tu coz dm tu ada robot n rocket. tu la masalahnya di rumah ni yatie n hubby je yg paham cakap nadiah sbb hari2 sama2 tgk barney, elmo n teletubbies ngan dia. org lain kat rumah ni tak paham sangat dia cakap sbb tak tgk.

dua hari lepas, we all  kat dlm kreta, nadiah nak susu. air panas kat lam boot and we all plak kat tgh2 highway tak leh nak stop. hubby yatie kata buat je ngan air masak, nadiah tak kisah kot. bila dah siap, kasi susu tu kat dia, dia tolak  tak nak. bebel2 apa tah dah nak mula nangis. yatie pun dok tanya dia nak apa and last2 dia cakap "hot". oh... baru la tahu, dia nak susu dia panas. that shows dia dah pandai communicate. masalah skarang nak press dia suruh cakap coz dia masih tak mau keluarkan perkataan2 dia. tapi bila kita cakap ngan dia, dia paham semuanya.

hmmm... kak fie paham dak yatie tulih apa ni... cam terabur je...

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Post time 14-12-2006 08:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 14-12-2006 02:06 PM
so impressed la with you yatie..rajin tul...i ngan anak normal nih pun ppunyer la penyakit M tuh tinggi...

terpaksa merajinkan diri... nak buat camna. dah la sorang ni je anak... autistic plak tu. kalau yatie tak buat, tak ada orang lain nak buat. tapi nasib baik yatie tak keje. at least boleh tumpukan sepenuh masa kat dia

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Post time 15-12-2006 12:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yatiedin at 14-12-2006 08:28 PM

kak fie,
anak punya pasal.. sangguh mengabiskan masa dan tenaga nak buat benda2 tu. ada lagi benda2 yg dok plan nak buat tapi tak sempat lg. satu lg benda yg yatie berjaya buat is animal sli ...

faham yatie...faham.  Thanks bebanyak for the lengthy explanation.  Seronok baca first hand experience.

Lagi satu yatie and mothers....banyak pulaklah soalan ek...sorry.  Kak fie baca yang autism ada categorynya...mild, full blown etc.  Apa yang membezakan anak-anak dalam different category ni?  Kalau yang mild macam mana dan yang full blown pulak macam mana?

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Post time 16-12-2006 12:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KakFie at 15-12-2006 12:42 AM

faham yatie...faham.  Thanks bebanyak for the lengthy explanation.  Seronok baca first hand experience.

Lagi satu yatie and mothers....banyak pulaklah soalan ek...sorry.  Kak fie baca yang a ...

norsha sendiri pun takde info pesal mild..full blown nie..if kak fie ada info..share2 la..:hatdown:

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Post time 17-12-2006 01:23 AM | Show all posts
Hi all. Lama tak masuk.. dah byk yg join.. bagus laa.. I ni geram sgt kalau setengah parents ni yg suka sembunyi kalau anak2 ada problem.. kesian budak2 tu. Utk moms yg ada anak special ni.. shud feel lucky cos Einstein pun autisme jugak.. tu belum kira Bill Gates lagi.. Yg penting camana kita handle budak2 ni.. Ada article dlm indon website, katanya utk anak-anak yg mcm ni.. kita kena prihatin lebih.. sebab kekanak autisma dan genius ni hampir sama perangainya.. monitor closely.. kot kita rasa dia autisma tapi sebenarnya genius..sebab cara nak handle diorang ni different. Dapatkan nasihat pakar.. takut kita silap treat dia..

My nephew dah twelve dis year tapi still tak khatan.. nampak doc mcm nampak hantu . Tapi nak diusahakn jugak sebelum hujung tahun ni. Sesiapa yg ada experience khatankan budak ASD share la kat sini..

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Post time 17-12-2006 08:57 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ahtzue at 17-12-2006 01:23 AM
Hi all. Lama tak masuk.. dah byk yg join.. bagus laa.. I ni geram sgt kalau setengah parents ni yg suka sembunyi kalau anak2 ada problem.. kesian budak2 tu. Utk moms yg ada anak special ni.. shud f ...

norsha understand camne parents dia pening kepala nak pegang kaki tangan dia bila nak bawak jumpa doc..dah la 12, sure dah besar panjang, mana larat nak pegang kaki tangan..btw..tq for sharing the info, sb norsha pun tak terpikir pesal nie..nampaknya my son kena khatan kan awal2 la..tu pun tak tahu nak buat camne..rasa kena pengsan kan dia dulu..:lol

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Post time 18-12-2006 09:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ahtzue at 17-12-2006 01:23 AM
Hi all. Lama tak masuk.. dah byk yg join.. bagus laa.. I ni geram sgt kalau setengah parents ni yg suka sembunyi kalau anak2 ada problem.. kesian budak2 tu. Utk moms yg ada anak special ni.. shud f ...

hehe..nih kene pakai bius pengsan abis nih...

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Post time 19-12-2006 10:13 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KakFie at 15-12-2006 12:42 AM

faham yatie...faham.  Thanks bebanyak for the lengthy explanation.  Seronok baca first hand experience.

Lagi satu yatie and mothers....banyak pulaklah soalan ek...sorry.  Kak fie baca yang a ...

Tak pa kak fie. tanya je. mana yg yatie boleh jawab, yatie try.

mmg betul, autism ni ada byk categories. Nama pun Autistic Spectrum Disorder. It's a spectrum. Imagine a spectrum of rainbow... kalau kita letak budak2 auties sepanjang2 rainbow tu, each kid will be at a different spot. Meaning one kid will have different symptoms combination from the other. waktu yatie bawak Nadiah pegi Tole Institute for acupuncture dulu, byk la jumpa budak2 auties yg lain. walaupun ada similarities, tapi in detail perangai they all berlainan.

Ryan (4, Indon) tak bercakap, tak de eye contact and suka main ngan jari2 dia. tak boleh cope kalau tempat yg ramai2 orang cam shopping places. tak hyper and suka dok sorang2. tak kisah orang peluk2 dia, pegang dia.

Aizat (4, Shah Alam) tak bercakap, tak de eye contact and suka main ngan jari2 jugak. tend to bite his hands sampai luka2. prone to aggressive reaction  kalau  things don't go his way.

Bryan (6, Puchong) tak bercakap n tak de eye contact. very the hyper one... kejap2 naik atas krusi, kejap tgk dah atas meja. yatie tengk pun pening. suka kacau benda2 orang

Nabil (8, Qatar) tak bercakap tapi suka grunt and groan... maknanya ada la suara. no eye contact. hyper jugak tapi sorang2 dia je. mesti nak kena pegang something lam tngan dia. persistent hand flapping. destructive.. kalau ada toys habih di patah2kan, pijak tendang habih semua

Sanjeev (11, Sabah) boleh cakap tapi kena prompt dia. not voluntary. bila tanya dia jawab. tu pun kadang kena tanya 2-3 kali baru cakap. sendiri2 nak cakap mmg tak akan la. itu pun bila dia bercakap, monotonous je intonation dia. no emotion. very obsessed ngan jigsaw puzzle. pergi skolah biasa and academically he is fine. exams dpt marks like 75% cam tu. persisitent hand flapping. tak hyper and ada eye contact bila disuruh tengok.

waktu tu Nadiah is the only girl and paling kecik plak tu. Tapi lam byk2 budak kat situ, dia yg byk bersuara. dok asyik menyanyi. tapi sorang2 dia la.. tak berkawan ngan org lain. kalau yatie sama2 nyanyi dia respond tapi bila panggil dia or cakap ngan dia, dia ignore je. no eye contact. tak la hyper sgt tapi byk la sgt energy dia. slalu berjaga malam sampai kul 3-4 pagi.. cerah mata. tapi tak la melompat n berlari sana sini.. cuma tak rasa ngantuk je. no persistent hand flapping. kadang2 she will bite and scratch kalau ada yg tak kena and she has a meltdown. nadiah tak suka kita peluk2 dia or touch her.

some severe autism cases, they tend to hurt themselves like hantuk kepala kat dinding or biting nails and hands sampai luka2. but they just keep doing it sebab they don't feel it. dari kefahaman yatie, what causes the suymptoms are the sensory issues. kita ada lima deria: touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. walaupun bagi auties tak de cacat celanya ngan hearing or feeling etc they all, tapi the message yg di hantar ke otak tu somehow rather tungang terbalik. for example, kalau kita gosok kertas pasir di tapak tgn, kita rasa kasar tapi tak la sakit. an autie kid may feel the sensation of  kertas pasir tu too intense. kena skit je dia berasa sakit. or another mungkin tak rasa apa2 so dia gosok kuat2 sampai luka2. bukan la kulit tu berbeza tebal nipis nya, cuma bila they all sentuh sesuatu, message yg di hantar ke brain tu ada short circuit skit. nothing wrong with the brain dari segi development. They are not retarded.  in fact byk auties ni very inteligent sampai genius pun ada. Tapi how the brain interprete some sensory feelings tu  berbeza dari normal ppl.

yatie ada baca this book and lam tu dia explain camna auties may feel, hear, see, tastes and smell yg berbeza dari normal ppl. macam mana their brain may interprete satu2 situation and kita boleh paham kenapa auties tend tu behave like they do.  nanti yatie postkan the except from the book. very good and can make you understand them better.

ni nak kluar jap, nanti sambung balik.
hopefully kak fie dapat some clarity ngan explanation yg tak seberapa ni....

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Post time 19-12-2006 10:43 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ahtzue at 17-12-2006 01:23 AM
Hi all. Lama tak masuk.. dah byk yg join.. bagus laa.. I ni geram sgt kalau setengah parents ni yg suka sembunyi kalau anak2 ada problem.. kesian budak2 tu. Utk moms yg ada anak special ni.. shud f ...

yatie ada kawan yg anak dia normal tapi bila berkhatan kena bius bagi pengsan terus sbb bila nampak doctor dtg je dia lompat lari dari katil...
kira ok la kalu anak sedara ahtzue pun bius jugak

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Post time 19-12-2006 10:46 AM | Show all posts

all the best to all the great moms in this thread

about my son

he still hates reading...refuse to read the words shown on the tv screen
kalau kasik buku suh baca pon dia buat tatau aje...

tp semalam kasik buku maths suh dia buat campor tolak tu dia suka...
1st page of the asessment book..dia dpt 19/20... semangat nak buat 2nd page...
tp dpt 14/20 je sebab 9 dia sume terbalik!

malam ni tgk lagi macamana.....

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Post time 19-12-2006 11:02 AM | Show all posts

Reply #155 yatiedin's post

wah..good info yatie..

paste la lagi info kalau ada..mana tahu kot2 berguna untuk handle these kids..

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Post time 19-12-2006 04:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Delifrance at 19-12-2006 10:46 AM

all the best to all the great moms in this thread

about my son

he still hates reading...refuse to read the words shown on the tv screen
kalau kasik buku suh baca pon dia buat tatau  ...

hi delifrance,
thankx for the wish.
nak tanya skit. is your son an autie as well? sorry sbb dah baca postings lama2 tapi tak ingat sapa anak sapa. how old is he?

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Post time 19-12-2006 04:43 PM | Show all posts
Ok here is the promised excerpt from a book about autism.  I like this part very much coz it makes me feel that i understand my daughter better.
(sorry the image tu slow skit coz file quite big. malas nak type so scan je the whole page)

----We learn about the world through the information we receive from our five senses, which our brain and central nervous system put together and interpret to give us a coherent whole. Say, for example we enter a restaurant to have dinner. We see the long line in front of the reservation desk and the people milling about, looking forlorn and impatient; we hear the noise of a roomful of diners; we smell the food cooking and trays of meals hoisted by the bustling wait staff; our mouths water in anticipation, and

on his shirt which feels so scratchy it抯 as if a sharp fork is repeatedly scratching against his skin every time he moves. And even if no one sense is overpowering him, taken as a whole they may be bombarding him with so much information that everything is jammed together into one overwhelming chunk. He can抰 settle into the wait, for instance, if he抯 registering everything all at once: the clang of silverware against plates, the feel of the carpet underfoot, the crowd gathering at the front, the sensations of his toung in his mouth, the smell of cooking wafting from the kitchen. It may feel like an unsettling sesory assault.
Given all this, how can he sit still patiently in such a chaotic (or so it seems to him) environment? How ca he focus on the yummy dinner he抯 about t sit down for when his feet feels like they抮e walking on quicksand? How can he respond in the same way you would? That explains why your child may see like he抯 acting up

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