Reply #139 mmc's post
Ntah...ferry nie x hormat langsung warga emas ala2 senior citizen nie kan muchi....  |
Reply #137 niceghost2005's post
jawapan yg sama ngan teman........ |
walo pun aku byk yg tak setuju tentang dasar perbelanjaan kerajaan (federal), tapi tang nih aku setuju sesangat. Mungkin orang lain - civvies/politicians - tak nampak aper pekdah nyerr nak spent sampai RM2mill in 2 months, but byk INTANGIBLE benefits yg our men & officers akan timba di sana. Bukan semua benefits can equate to RM but a lot more.
Navy, Air Force dah merata dunia depa pegi and esp navy, sekali involve mana2 maritime exibition overseas dah berapa million habeh .. tak saper question pun. so sesekali bagi laaa mat-mat terap peluang laakkkk ... u can't win a war without sending your man to capture da land .. INFANTRY guys ..
BTW kalo nak kira duit RM2mil tu aper la sgt ... ketua cawangan UMNO yg kat Ampang Jaya dpt kontrak "megindahkan" 7 roundabout pun cost RM2juta lebihhh tak derr saper bising .. aper pekdahnyerr sgt except utk bangla & vietnam posing gambo bila hari minggu .. kita tak cakna pun ....
:2cool: :2cool: :2cool: |
Reply #142 niceghost2005's post
wei bila aku ambik test ni....mana teman paham weh |
Reply #147 niceghost2005's post
heh heh ... zaman batu tak da ka uncle .... |
pendapat peribadi saya , saya sokong dan setuju mereka ke sana. It is good for them , to open their eyes, their hearts and to be proud of themselves. Selama ni kalau jadi askar ni terutamanya pangkat rendah dipandang rendah oleh orang lain, sekurang - kurangnya ini dapat membuka mata mereka. Jika tiada peluang ini bila lagi mereka akan ke negeri orang. 1 RAMD juga pergi operasi, mereka tidak hanya melakukan tugas istiadat. Dah lama saya tahu mengenai hal ini. Tawaran ini diberikan selepas orang UK melihat bagaimana mereka berkawad. Bila bertugas dan berada bersama mereka ini saya merasa amat gembira dan bangga kerana mereka memberikan persembahan yang menarik malahan pegawai - pegawai dan anggotax nya jika anda lihat dari dekat handsome orangnya and I will not be suprised jika nanti ada yang bawa balik isteri orang sana terutamanya yang pangkat bawahan. |
Reply #149 Zielah's post
haha tu dah ala ala royal families of malaysia..kebanyakan sekarang sema muka eurasian. |
Reply #150 DarkBaron's post
mmm at least tu boleh lah gak nampak mamat-mamat askar yang handsome .... laa ni banyak sangat macam budak sekolah. |
pendapat peribadi saya , saya sokong dan setuju mereka ke sana. It is good for them , to open their eyes, their hearts and to be proud of themselves.
Setuju. Good for morael. Jangan semua hal militri nak kritik. |
[ Last edited by belacan79 at 13-4-2008 02:24 AM ] |
Well, having terrible English doesn't stop us from sending troops to Congo, Cambodia, Namibia, Bosnia, Kosovo......and besides do they have the need to communicate while doing Honor Guards duty? |
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ada siaran langsung tak aahhh |
Reply #147 niceghost2005's post
6 keatas  |
Reply #149 Zielah's post
kak Zie nanti upload pic aaaa..... kasi malaysian galz jamu mata dulu ler  |
Originally posted by alphawolf at 14-4-2008 08:43 AM 
Well, having terrible English doesn't stop us from sending troops to Congo, Cambodia, Namibia, Bosnia, Kosovo......and besides do they have the need to communicate while doing Honor Guards duty?
Well, I wouldn't know how their duties like....but if you said that they wouldn't have the need to communicate while doing Honor Guards Duty, its ok I guess.
And on the other hand would let the mat salleh know and see for themselves how good ours are....beside the Gurkhas |
By saying not communicating, means not communicating with the tourists...ah BTW, they have their officers anyway... |
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