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Author: Yuni

Yasuko to Kenji ~Matsuoka Masahiro (TOKIO) & Tabe Mikako~

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Post time 27-7-2008 10:22 AM | Show all posts

Reply #141 Yuni's post

wah chuka chuka! (oops, hangul lak, dh biase ) omedetou!!!

ep.2 SBK lum release lg... ade minor delay ckit... tp plg lmbtpun senin la...

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 Author| Post time 27-7-2008 10:31 AM | Show all posts

Reply #142 Kittie's post

hehe.. biasalah 2.. nihon-go & hangul interchangeable, mcm BM ngan BI lah jugaks!

oh ok! nanti update cnie eks? kita tis week ari khamis baru blk putrajaya, so blehlah pulun d/load habis2 an selama ada 3 hari kat umah nie..

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Post time 27-7-2008 10:41 AM | Show all posts

Reply #143 Yuni's post

hamboi hamboi... pdnla tido lmbt bangun awal... hehe...

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 Author| Post time 27-7-2008 10:48 AM | Show all posts

Reply #144 Kittie's post

eh! bkn cuti tau tis time, tp coz ada kursus kat PJ, so senang ulang-alik dari Klang coz laiks dekat.. bgn awal nie pesal kena kejut td, rasa mcm naks tido blk nie, tp mcm dah ter'stuck' lerr plaks kat cnie!

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2008 01:20 AM | Show all posts
dah habis dah tgk citer nie Epi.01 bout 1 1/2 hour ago!! BEST!!! :victory: suka!!! lagu Amagasa nie pun best!!! dah lama x dgr lagu TOKIO yg best, so good 4 them lorr buat collaboration ngan shiina ringo tis time.. :victory:

yg penting, both couples ada chemistry dlm citer nie, eventhough baru 1st time berlakon 2gether.. & masahiro matsuoka? handsome lah mamat nie, x sangka dia handsome plaks be4 tis, BUT serious, menjadiklah dia.. so gagah perkasa & gentleman pada aku! hirosue? mmg dah lama suka dia dah pun.. & that adek2? comel jugaks lah ber2.. suka tgk umah tsubaki kyoudai, cantik & moden.. umah oki kyoudai pun cantik gaks, mmg umah tradisional jepunlah, tp besar + aku suka blk si yasuko 2!! yg jadik yasuko time kecik 2, aahh cho kawai!!! yg kwn erika 2 plaks, kaori, baru perasan dia yg berlakon dlm Chekereccho! @ Check It Out, Yo! ghupa2 nyer, yg jadik kakak mao-chan, pun brutal gaks dlm peggy2 2..

aahh.. x sabau naks tgk Epi.02 & dgr full song Amagasa nie nanti! :re: (*bleh terhingus aku nengoks citer nie!* )



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 Author| Post time 28-7-2008 01:46 AM | Show all posts
Yasuko to Kenji theme song
(credit to: to_ki_o LJ)

:pompom: :victory:  

TOKIO - Amagasa (radio rip)

P/S: so sounds like shiina ringo!

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Post time 28-7-2008 02:11 AM | Show all posts

Reply #146 Yuni's post

yup.. drama nih mmg best..

nengok rumah adik bradik Oki mg nampak gaya cam yakuza yg penih adat!! sunguh tradusional rumah mereka...

matsuoka mmg x tahanlah... gaya abg yg ganas tapi tetier jadik pelukis manga romantik.. cam lawok la plak!!!

minoru dala gokusen plak tuh jadik modelnyer.. ngan rambut palsu dia.. kelakar kan?

rindu drama2 camni... kembalikan aku zaman MBMH... (sama ahli kumpulan TOKIO.. terima jerk.. Tacchon sungguh lembut!!)

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Post time 28-7-2008 08:39 AM | Show all posts
wah... sonok ramai dh msk umah nih... :pompom:

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2008 09:41 AM | Show all posts

Reply #149 Kittie's post

dah tgk, so blehlah join the korum and spoilt lelebey!

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2008 09:54 AM | Show all posts
masih terngiang2 lagu Amagasa di telinga & kepalaku ini! :re:

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Post time 28-7-2008 12:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #151 Yuni's post

aku x dengar bebetul lagik lagu tuh!!!

tapi yg pasti aku x sabar tungu hardsub ep02...
nak tau sgt aper ceritanya lepas ryoko ngan matsuoka dah jumper..
ada x flashback2 masa dorg bercinta dlu!!!

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2008 01:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #152 JUSTcircle's post

x dgr, dgrlah cepat2.. d/load lerr.. best!!! aku dah tepek link kat previous pg. .. ooppss!! link MU lah plaks, terlufe aku..

x sabau naks tgk PV diorg laks camana nanti.. mcm aku mentioned & informed be4 tis lerr.. dah lama x dgr lagu best from TOKIO nih.. dulu lagu TOKIO yg jadik theme tuk MBMH 2 ramai yg kata best, tp aku x suka langsung!

aahh.. aku pun x sabau naks d/load & tgk Epi.02! naks link MU!!!

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Post time 28-7-2008 01:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #153 Yuni's post

haha... siap kasi hint lg... ye, ye... akn ade... tp dorang lum release lg HS, still ade problem rasenye... kitepun dh boring skrg nih... hehe... slalu ade jer file yg perlu diupload... hari2 asik ngadap fated to love you jer smpai dh leh hafal dialog citer tuh...

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2008 01:21 PM | Show all posts

Reply #154 Kittie's post

kita ngah lunch nie.. cik kittie x lunch ke? @ should I say dinner @ supper?

aahh baguslah kalu dah paham.. kita mmg jenis straight fwd person, senang & dah biasa mcm 2..

best sgt ke citer 2? tau ramai yg kata best, tp kita x sukalah heroin dia 2, x tau naper.. kita nie jenih mcm 2.. kalu x suka hero @ heroin 1-1 citer 2, sorry aahh naks tgk, eventhough citer 2 best tahap dewa @ tahap gaban @ whatever tahap laiks naks dilabelkan! tp kalu hero @ heroin yg kita x familiar, tp citer best, InsyaAllah bleh layan!

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Post time 28-7-2008 02:52 PM | Show all posts

Reply #155 Yuni's post

kite actually senang annoy ngan citer taiwan nih... setakat nih yg btul2 kite leh timer citer 100% senorita jer, tu pun gara2 penny n wallace, kite pun xbaper ske qiao en dlm 100% senorita nih, tp sbb penny n wallace, kite btul2 layan citer tuh... tp kite mmg rase annoy ngan qiao en (sbb tuh kite xske citer putera katak tuh) sebyk kite rase annoy ariel dlm ISWAK...

tp xsangke la plak kite leh layan FTLY nih even qiao en yg lead... hehe... kitepun heran... kire nih la citer ke-2 dr taiwan yg kite btul xrase annoying slps 100% senorita tuh... dorang pkai jampi agknye... citer nih siap pecah rekod lg rating kt taiwan...

tp kite kasi kredit kt scriptwriter citer nih la... kite hook sbb skrip die lawak giler n sgt kiut...

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2008 03:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #156 Kittie's post


kalu citer tw kita mmg plg suka MG lerr, suka ya amat sgt2!! the 1 n only citer yg mmg kita leh tgk berkali2, x jemu2, siap dah leh hafal scenes & dialogues lagi! citer2 tw lain yg kita suka & rasa best besides MG r Romantic Princess & Corner with Love.. lagi?

kalu tw hero & heroin @ couple plaks kita mmg plg suka jerry & barbie lerr.. :kiss: :victory: pas2 barulah wu chun & angela zhang, sam wang & QQ..

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Post time 28-7-2008 05:16 PM | Show all posts

Reply #148 JUSTcircle's post

wahaha Ohkura mmg ada ala2 feminin sikit...pasal tu bila aku bgtau yg non-JE fans tak caya yg budak ni main dram

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2008 10:23 PM | Show all posts
Epi.03 rating --> 11.2%

P/S: huhu.. turun lerr plaks rating tis week.. turun 1.9% from last week's epi.!

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 Author| Post time 29-7-2008 12:15 AM | Show all posts
Ringo + Tokio = l♥ve!
(credit to: to_ki_o, sakuraminamoto & shiinaringo LJ)

aku saja quote nie sumer coz naks menunjuk & membuktikan betapa best jadiknyer lagu Amagasa (Umbrella) nie bila TOKIO collaborated ngan Shiina Ringo! :victory:

TOKIO's new song is written by Sheena Ringo!!!

And TOKIO's moving from Universal Music Japan to Arashi's label J-Storm (nothing's up on J-Storm or Johnny's net yet, as of 10pm US East Coast time). The song is of course, for Matsuoka's new drama [Yasuko to Kenji] starting this Saturday. The other details are not up yet, but it looks like it will be on sale sometime in September.

The song's title is 「雨傘」[Amagasa] "Umbrella". Sheena's lyrics are about "a life used to its fullest" and "not to misjudge where you stand". The song as a bit of a jazz taste to it, new to TOKIO.

Matsuoka says he's happy that a new genre for TOKIO has been born and that he can't wait to play the song for the fans on TOKIO's tour. Nagase says that the song is filled with Sheena Ringo's world and that he's learned a lot and that he thinks it's turned out to be a great song.

TOKIO's been wanting to work with Sheena Ringo for a while and they've played with her band Tokyo Jihen before on music shows. Members of Tokyo Jihen were involved in the song's arrangement. Sheena Ringo said that when she got the request to write the song for TOKIO, she was really happy and that it was a lot of fun and she would love to do it again.

Leader says that TOKIO's movement to J-Storm is a new start for TOKIO.
Sources: Daily Sports, Chunichi Sports, Sports Hochi, Sponichi Annex, Sanspo

Form the little bit I can hear on TV, it's sounds fantastically Sheena Ringo. SQUEE! I love Sheena Ringo. She's so damn cool (granted she was more cool when right when she debuted, but she's remained pretty damn cool over the years). Nothing has been mentioned yet, but I'm still assuming the coupling or double A is the new Mentore G ending theme.

I'm a bit curious about the move to J-Storm. I think TOKIO's the only Johnny's group that has moved around THIS much. They were originally under Sony and then moved to Universal and now they're under a Johnny's label. Strange.

Have not heard yet if Matsuoka is doing the PV or not. And he still won't admit that the onnagata (NOTE: not 'geisha') in [Honjitsu Mijukumono] is himself. It's cute how he avoided the question though.

But no matters. New song! Going to be a while before it's in stores, but they're going to play it at the concert, so, um, SQUEE!

[Amagasa] Comments from TOKIO and Shiina Ringo

(Rough translation. You can get the general idea.)


Joshima: This collaboration originated from the members. Moving on from Sony Music, Universal Music, aiming for a new evolution, we walk onto the new stage of J-Storm. Please look forward to TOKIO's new start and new origins.!

Yamaguchi: We were able to realize this collaboration with the unique Shiina Ringo. I believe a new TOKIO sound has been born. Look forward to it!

Kokubun: We've made a song in a style we've never had before. I hope we're able to express Ringo-san's message and world-view.

Matsuoka: I fel that a new genre for TOKIO has been born from this collaboration with Shiina-san. I want the fans to hear this live as soon as possible.      

Nagase: Shiina Ringo-san has given us a song and we're able to have a new collaboration. Ringo-san's unique world-view is new to TOKIO and the song feels great. We were able to record with her and learned a lot and I think we've created a great piece. I hope as many people will listen to it as possible.

【Shiina Ringo】 I was really happy to get the request from TOKIO. I'm the same age as Nagase-san and our bands are made up the same way. It seems like it's not that important, but when writing and arranging the song, these similarities made way for inspiration and I had a lot of fun. I hope to have the opportunity to do this again. Thank you very much.

Source: Dogcatch

Shiina Ringo + Tokio collaboration

I just found out watching Zoomin (a Japanese news morning tv show) that the new single by Tokio, "Amagasa", has been written and composed by Shiina Ringo! I heard a bit of it during the news clip and it's very Ringo-style, so much that it sounds strange to hear it sung by their vocalist Nagase Tomoya XD

The single will be released in September, but as it is the theme song of the drama "Yasuko to Kenji" starring Tokio's drummer Matsuoka "Mabo" Masahiko, we can hear it since the first ep tomorrow.

Yahoo entertainment quotes that Nagase said "The particular vision of the world of Ringo-san is very new to Tokio, and it's a very pleasant song", while Ringo herself said "It was a particularly enjoyable work and a satisfying collaboration".

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Post time 29-7-2008 02:09 PM | Show all posts
Sarikata boleh ubah, Siri 3

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