Balas #119 MeeSai\ catat
sy dah PM my no..nanti PM bg add ek and no tel kalau boleh..kang sy free sy gi amik..tq |
Reply #120 nuha_nuha's post
aku tak dpt pm dr ko..
aku dah pm no .. |
nak tampal gambar hamster..
robos jantan...dibeli 3 minggu lepas...
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sorry sebab gambar terlalu besar. |
Balas #124 har123\ catat
adoiii..comel2nye..rindu lak kat kimi,gelasio,jelita,snow and roby kat umah tuh |
Balas #124 har123\ catat
alahai tiutnyer
lama tak pegang hamster dwarf neh. |
winter sy baru lahirkn 7eko ank smlm, 2mati.tingal 5 je.
malangny mak ny pun mati
ade sape2 ade idea x mcm mne nk jaga??
ade x hamster sape2 yg bru deliver baby jgk..?
tlg jga kn, sy provide cage, mknan, etc
after few weeks sy ambik balik, just untuk menyusu je..tlg.. |
Reply #127 ladybearpink's post
goreng pun sodap.. |
Balas #128 MeeSai\ catat
ade idea x mcm mne nk jga baby hamster?
[ Last edited by ladybearpink at 16-4-2009 17:37 ] |
Balas #129 ladybearpink\ catat
nuha pun baru kematian 6ekor baby robos tp mls nak pikir dah sbb dah ajal dorang
tp ada tip dr kwn2 yg jga hammy nih jugak,,jgn pegang langsung baby hammy ni..kalau tau jek dah peknen awl2 asingkan,,and siapkan makan minum secukupnye and biorkan jer,,siapkan sekali tisu,,tinggalkan jek..nanti pandaila mamanye nak carik2 wat tutup anak2nye tuh...tuh tips dr kwn yg dah berjaya menternak lebih dr 20ekor
cam nuha aritu silap jangka,,nuha tgk2 anak sekor dah kuar..berebut2 mak bapak amik anak die..last2 mati..then masa tuh baru asingkan maknye kat cage lain..tp kejadian nih hopefully tak berulang lagi..sedih woooo...huhuhu
tp pblm lady skrg,maknye pun mati gak ek???ermm..payah gak tuh..nak letak mama lain kang takut dimkannye lak.. hopefully ada org yg lebih pakar tolong lady
honey and hairy makin comel |
Reply #127 ladybearpink's post
Q : The mother hamster just died and she left two 6 day old hamsters leftwith me ... i dont kno what to feed them or ect.... can u plz help me idont want them to die
A1 : To keep them warm you can put a heating pad under the cage set on thelowest heat setting, as for other food when they are ready you can feedthem stage 1 baby food (bananas, applesauce, peas, carrots, sodium freechicken broth, scrambled eggs, yogurt. You can also try to feed themthe stage 2 diced veggies) just make sure that you stay away fromkidney beans, any meat that comes from a pig, large amounts of citrus,raw potato, and almonds.
Give it some time, a week or so and if they make it then you can begin to make the gradual change to pellet or mixed seed diet.
A2 : The best thing to feed the pups is luke warn kitten milk. put it in asyringe and make sure you place it at the back of the mouth. do thisseveral times a day and night for the next couple of days. the pupsWILL be ok!
make sure they have regular food in the cage too as they are just starting to eat it!
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semalam beli hamster syrian sepasang dekat carrefour alamanda... taktau la ape diorang tengah buat ni.. |
Reply #123 har123's post
suke tengok kepala dia terjenguk camtu.. cumey |
hurM akuh daH rimas dah Hammy bYk sGt2..der saper2 nk x..???
jeNis syriaN or britiSh..aKUh pun xpasti.. |
Reply #136 ezreefa's post
gamba??? |
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