Originally posted by macademia at 2-4-2009 17:50 
Pak Itam....
mac rasa mac ada pengalaman in both perskolahan sbp and mrsm. And apa yg terjadi pada anak PI tu.... its a shame, dan memalukan pelajar2 sbp dan mrsm yg lain.
FYI.... lain boar ...
yang pakcik tahu cuma Arissa sorang student form 1 dari KL... ada sorang dari Putrajaya. |
Originally posted by tripleb at 2-4-2009 18:02 
Ni pun PI blh study coz PI kan duk amik tau jgk pasal ni..
maklumlah, single babah kannn
ya ya pakcik study smer... termasuk pre n post menopause...kikikikikiki |
Balas #138 pak_itam\ catat
Pak cik thats very noble of you. but believe me it will not help anything. it will hurt even more when they find out it was all a lie. When my marriage ended..i wanted to tell my kids only good things. at one time i drove in the middle of the night and stopped under a tree, i crid for i dont know how long. i just cant figure out what to say, what to do...They were really very young at that time. Only God knows what i felt during that time.
somehow, during those time i was trying to get things sattle down, one advice from a very dear old friend keep coming to mind.."never lie, always tell the truth eventhough the truth hurts. Once you start lying you will have to keep on lyiing. When the truth prevail it will hurt even more. you might not be able to heal the hurt."
So there i sat with my very young kids telling them that all that happen was not their fault.....and bla...bla ..bla ...and i told them as a person i can sometimes makes mistakes and i have my fair share of the failing marriage too. but i am here to stay to care for them, to love them what ever comes may |
Originally posted by manakautau at 3-4-2009 10:58 
jika Manak dalam situasi PI....my take would be.....
I can be the best of father to my kids...but one thing for sure...I can never duplicate the role of a mother/woman...her tenderness... ...
memang laaa... tapi bukan senang nak dapat orang yg nak kawin ngan pakcik yg 2nd hand ni... buy 1 free 2 kikikikikii...btw.. thanks atas komen2 smer.. pakcik amat menghargainya.... sorry pakcik bz dari ptg smalam sampai ari ni... kuli camni laa  |
Originally posted by tupaihangus at 3-4-2009 17:42 
Pak cik thats very noble of you. but believe me it will not help anything. it will hurt even more when they find out it was all a lie. When my marriage ended..i wanted to tell my kids only good ...
don't worry tupai, though some people said 'lies meant to be kept' pakcik tetap akan berterus terang, just a matter of time, biar Anissa bijak sket. Tapi nampak macam Anissa tak kisah pasal 'mama' dia... Arissa jer.. mungkin sebab Arissa dah kenal dulu... pakcik tingat lagu letto ni..
there's a truth behind a cry
and there's a cry behind a lie
on every thought that come out wrong
just learn from it and please stay strong |
Originally posted by pak_itam at 3-4-2009 17:52 
don't worry tupai, though some people said 'lies meant to be kept' pakcik tetap akan berterus terang, just a matter of time, biar Anissa bijak sket. Tapi nampak macam Anissa tak kisah pasal ' ...
You know pakcik, people like us are very lucky, Allah has filled our heart with lots of love and passion for life and our children. God the Almighty might take away a little bit of our happiness but He gave us a lot more of the beautful things in life. I will give doa for you and your dauthters as i have for myself and my children.
You have a long way to see your children grow up, enjoy every minute you have with them... as i have with mine... |
Originally posted by tupaihangus at 3-4-2009 17:59 
You know pakcik, people like us are very lucky, Allah has filled our heart with lots of love and passion for life and our children. God the Almighty might take away a little bit of our happines ...
thanks tupai. Appreciate it. bila kenangkan zaman kuno pakcik besarkan Anissa masa usia dia 2-3 bulan... pakcik cepat panic tgk dia tidur tak gerak2 dan selalu pakcik kuis2 pp dia.. biar dia gerak... kikikiki... semalam pakcik masak pasta... Anissa cakap "malam ni kita jadi org putih yaa babah" kikikikikiki ... |
Balas #154 pak_itam\ catat
And the cursing words...tell arissa in a nice way what it means and thell her not to use it ever. Only uncultured pepole use those kind of abusive words, i tell you my experience why i advice you such when i have the time someday. i got to go. Makan malam bersama anak anak hari ini sebab hari ini hari Jumaat, mereka baru ada masa utk bonda mereka dan esok hari sabtu hari mereka tenguk wanyang dan berjongging dgn bonda mereka.
You have a great weekend with your daughters. |
hmmm minggu ni pakcik tak leh p jumpa Arissa. Tapi dia dah tahu. Esok Anissa ada event kat sekolah dia. Pakcik kena pergi. Tadi Arissa call pakcik "i got yr letter, thanks luv u.. bla bla bla bla " kat 5 minit gak cakap ... bunyi macam happy...harap2 begitulah... |
Originally posted by tupaihangus at 3-4-2009 18:14 
And the cursing words...tell arissa in a nice way what it means and thell her not to use it ever. Only uncultured pepole use those kind of abusive words, i tell you my experience why i advice you ...
you too tupai .. btw tupai ni cik ker encik? conpius pakcik... nanti pakcik akan terangkan.. lagi pun cikgu dia bitau .. tadi masa cakap ngan pak cik pun Arissa ada cakap "i just cant believe masih ada uncivilised person nowadays" Insyaallah .. panjang umur, ada rezeki kita.. share laa.. bukan nak kepochi.. tapi sebagai panduan...
[ Last edited by pak_itam at 3-4-2009 18:22 ] |
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