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Author: tangopapa

MAF Condor will be replace soon

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Post time 5-10-2009 09:31 AM | Show all posts
140# jofizo

betul tu..sekarang suruh beli la sebab nak bodek askor2 mase PR..jangan dah beli kate membazir le..bole pakai lagi le..

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Post time 5-10-2009 09:43 AM | Show all posts
141# guyfawke

ayat paling lumrah - 'kenapa kitanyer lebih mahal dari org lain'

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Post time 5-10-2009 10:07 AM | Show all posts
142# jofizo

itu le yg tak paham..cuba wat macam singapore..bab defence tak pernah pun dengar dorang kacau..galakkan lagi ada le...itu sebab m'sia ni kena sentiasa ada bogeyman...pasal proses tu satu hal la...kena perbaiki lagi yg mana rompong tapi ultimately, for the improvement of our security...

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Post time 5-10-2009 10:12 AM | Show all posts
137# escortburuk
hmmm... my bad...

tapi apa beza diantara yg ori dgn yg berlesen ek?

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Post time 5-10-2009 10:52 AM | Show all posts
pembangkan ni bising ja..apa sal dia org tak pertikai pengantian nuri....tu pun membahayakan nyawa tentera kita....

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Post time 5-10-2009 11:16 AM | Show all posts
SEREMBAN: Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, berkata kerajaan sedang mengkaji pembelian kereta perisai baru untuk menggantikan Condor dan Sibmas yang kini digunakan tentera Malaysia ...
artificialster Post at 5-10-2009 08:11

Sah2 rooikat la ni....dgr cite diaorg dah anta quotation...

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Post time 5-10-2009 11:20 AM | Show all posts
145# alterlation

jangan la marah sangat. depa nama pon pembangkang, kerja pon membangkang jer la kerjanya. betui ker idak ker, belakang citer. janji bangkang dulu. kalo salah,  tara hal. ada jer penyokong kuat.

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Post time 5-10-2009 11:21 AM | Show all posts
146# lkick2113

wa rasa bukan Rooikat. kalo setakat mintak quotation tuh, semua org pon hantar quotation gak.

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Post time 5-10-2009 11:42 AM | Show all posts
135# mfadilaa

itu pasat le aku kate kalau nama dekat2 rosmah sure dpt punye...
guyfawke Post at 5-10-2009 08:47

Itu macam kalu kita mintak supplier tukar nama ala2 Rosmah cam JAS-39 Grosmah, F/A-18F Super Hosmah, M1126Strymah balablabla

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Post time 5-10-2009 11:46 AM | Show all posts
146# lkick2113

Bukan nyer rooikat nei model lama, seusia dgn sibmas kalo xsilap la...

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Post time 5-10-2009 12:16 PM | Show all posts
149# alphawolf

jangan gelak..mana tahu betul2 punye...piranha jadik piranmah..gripen jadik grimah...hornet silap2 jadik homah..

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Post time 5-10-2009 12:21 PM | Show all posts
149# alphawolf

jangan gelak..mana tahu betul2 punye...piranha jadik piranmah..gripen jadik grimah...hornet silap2 jadik homah..
guyfawke Post at 5-10-2009 12:16
hodoh btol bunyinye..tapi kalo wat cmnie bleh dpat barang baru apa salahnya..

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Post time 5-10-2009 12:26 PM | Show all posts
pembangkan ni bising ja..apa sal dia org tak pertikai pengantian nuri....tu pun membahayakan nyawa tentera kita....
alterlation Post at 5-10-2009 10:52

Sebenarnya dlm komponen pembangkang, cuma parti PAS yang lebih concern pasal defence. Masa kes Nuri dulu pun group depa ni je yang bising2. Yang lain senyap je.

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Post time 5-10-2009 12:31 PM | Show all posts
144# cmf_tin

Ntah laa... Mungkin dari segi persenjataan kot.

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Post time 5-10-2009 12:38 PM | Show all posts

Gambar Patria versi South Africa. Versi ni dikenali sebagai Badger dan katanya ada improvement dari segi armour dan mine protection. Mungkin ini yang menteri maksudkan, bukan Rooikat

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Post time 5-10-2009 12:39 PM | Show all posts
153# escortburuk
Banyak jugak bekas prajurit join PAS. DAP tadak kot. Businessman banyak la. Sebab tu mental sekati mau seposen.

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Post time 5-10-2009 12:58 PM | Show all posts
156# pcboss

Ha'ah. Sbb tu rasanya depa lebih concern pasal defence. Depa banyak bising pasal kemungkinan berlaku rasuah masa pembelian senjata je.

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Post time 5-10-2009 01:01 PM | Show all posts
ramai yang bising sebab x masuk poket dorang...

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Post time 5-10-2009 01:18 PM | Show all posts
The Rooikat 76 Armoured Fighting Vehicle, with a 76mm gun, was developed by Reemit for the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) and has been in operational use with the SANDF since 1980. 240 vehicles were built. In 1990 an upgrade and redesign programme was started by Reumech OMC to customise the Rooikat for the international market, and by 1994 the development of the Rooikat 105 variant with a 105mm rifled gun was completed.

Reumech later became Vickers OMC and in September 2002 was renamed Alvis OMC, following the acquisition of Vickers Defence by Alvis plc. Alvis OMC is now part of BAE Systems Land Systems.

The Rooikat 105 is designed for high mobility day and night combat operations. Passive image intensifiers and thermal imaging equipment for night driving, navigation and weapon deployment permit round-the-clock combat operations.

The main role of the Rooikat 105 is combat reconnaissance with seek and destroy missions. The Rooikat has the fire power and survivability to engage in battle against selected targets. The secondary role of the Rooikat 105 is in combat support operations. In anti-armour operations the Rooikat performs a valuable role in protection against enemy armoured threats.

The Rooikat carries a crew of four: commander, gunner, ammunition loader and driver.


The Rooikat 105 is equipped with a GT7 105mm anti-tank gun. The gun fires the full range of NATO full pressure 105mm ammunition including Generation I, II and III rounds. The gun, fitted with a 51 calibre thermal sleeve encased barrel, fires 6 rounds per minute.

There are two 7.62mm machine guns, one co-axial to the main armament and one at the commander's position, for general purpose ground and air defence.


The vehicle is equipped with two banks of 81mm smoke grenade launchers, mounted in a forward firing position on each side of the turret. The system is electrically operated. The smoke grenades form a dense protective smoke screen, which can be sustained using an exhaust smoke generator.

The Rooikat can withstand the blast of a TM46 anti-tank mine and provide full protection to the four-man crew. Ballistic protection against 24mm ammunition is provided over the frontal arc. The Rooikat eight wheel configuration allows the vehicle to maintain mobility even after the loss of any wheel caused for example by a land mine detonation. Also the vehicle is equipped with run-flat inserts which allow mobility after the loss of pressure in all eight wheels. Collective overpressure and air filter systems protect the crew against chemical and biological attack. An automatic fire explosion suppression system is available.


The digital fire control system takes data from a suite of sensors and provides an automatic fire control solution. Automatic data input includes target range from a laser rangefinder, target speed and direction derived from tracking the target, crosswind speed, weapon tilt and the characteristics of the weapon. Manual data input includes ammunition type and environmental data. The fire control system allows the Rooikat to engage enemy targets while on the move across rough terrain. The time between laser ranging the target and firing is approximately two seconds.

Three variations of fire directing systems are offered. The most complex system incorporates a primary stabilised gunner's sight, automatic computation and implementation of ballistic offset of the weapon, electro-mechanical gun control, stabilised main weapon, gunner's sight with day/night channel slaved to the main weapon and an independent panoramic commander's sight.


The Rooikat 105 is designed for high mobility combat operations. It can travel 1,000km under its own power and be battle-ready within 24 hours of departure from the home base. The maximum road speed is 120km/h and the average cross country speed is 50km/h. The Rooikat accelerates from 0 to 30km/h in less than eight seconds.

The suspension system on the Rooikat includes internally driven trailing arms, coil springs and shock absorbers.

Sikit info pasal Rooikat

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Post time 5-10-2009 01:21 PM | Show all posts

Country of origin: South Africa  
Crew 4  
Weight 28 ton  
Traction 8 Xs 8 [105mm turrest can also be mounted on tracked chassis]  
Armament  GT-4 76mm 62-calibre high-pressure Tank Gun, or
GT7 105 mm anti-tank gun

speed 120 km/h on road top speed
50 km/h average cross country speed

range 1,000 Km  
Agility Fording, 1.5 m
Crossing of ditches, 2 m
Vertical obstacle, 1 m

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