tak leh lah Sarah nanti RSPCA mare....nf:nf::agr::agr::agr:
lagi pun i dah mkn ...dinner treat Solvay conference...
boleh la jawbkan soalan i tang pelangi tu...leh la...:bg::bg: |
ler dah sampai kucing discussion nih... mmg betoi tinggi levelnye |
Lone_Ranger This user has been deleted
Nasib baik korang tak cerita pasal buaya kalau idak aku minat gak nak campur.. |
Intellectual diarrhoea
This is supposed to be Science board and look what a mess it is with pictures of kittens...
mbhchsf,if want to have your kitty fun and let loose,please head over to the Misc. or Jokes section where you can clown with your friends all you want.
Over here,try to limit.
It's okay to bring some humour into any discussion to liven things up but
when you over do it,you end up like looking like an...
[ Last edited by vixen on 7-8-2003 at 07:42 PM ] |
Lone_Ranger This user has been deleted
my reply..
Originally posted by vixen at 2003-8-7 18:47:
This is supposed to be Science board and look what a mess it is with pictures of kittens...
mbhchsf,if want to have your kitty fun and let loose,please head over to the Misc. or Jokes secti ...
Dear Vixen,
so why don't you start with anything stimulating...rather than cursing the darkness it is better to light up a candle...right??
bless you gal...i rather like to hear your suggestions instead of all these shall i say impertinent comments..points taken mind you, but it would be nice if you being a bit decorous with your comment. No offence.:bg:
[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 8-8-2003 at 10:53 AM ] |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2003-8-7 03:30 PM:
Dear Vixen,
so why don't you start with anything stimulating...rather than cursing the darkness it is better to light up a candle...right??
bless you gal...i rather like to hear your suggestions ...
Siapa pulak vixen...:stp: |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2003-8-7 09:30 PM:
Dear Vixen,
so why don't you start with anything stimulating...rather than cursing the darkness it is better to light up a candle...right??
bless you gal ...i rather like to hear your suggestions ...
Dear mbhcsf,
Firstly,I think you may been misled into wrongfuly assuming my gender.
Please be known that I am a complete and functional warm-blooded MALE human,biologically and... ..psychologically.
And do accept my due apology for the abrasive comments made earlier to you.The were no real ill-intent on my part,just that I was slightly appalled seeing how you were continously encouraging and leading others into indulging in irrelevant and silly talk.And I felt that your behaviour was a little... misfitting.
However,I do not doubt your proficiency or your intellectual ability and I am certain that you can set an example if you choose to.So once again,do accept my humble apology. |
o okay then Dear Vixen
apology accepted and my apology for assuming that you're a lady. that's fine.:bg:
[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 8-8-2003 at 01:08 AM ] |
Originally posted by Tengku Anis at 7-8-2003 10:30 PM:
Siapa pulak vixen...:stp:
haa..betul lah sapa pulak vixen ni...tapi rasanya macam pernah nampak....memang suka bagi komen je...at least kalau nak komen pun bagi le pendapat yang bernas baru orang respect..ini bagi salam/intro pun tak nak komen orang lebih-lebih...kesian kat mbhcsf...takpe jangan sedih ramai orang yang backing... |
hey Valkries...bless you..
Originally posted by valkries at 2003-8-8 10:35:
haa..betul lah sapa pulak vixen ni...tapi rasanya macam pernah nampak....memang suka bagi komen je...at least kalau nak komen pun bagi le pendapat yang bernas baru orang respect..ini bagi salam/int ...
my stand on this is that, kita boleh jadi skema yer tapi nanti berapa org nak participate ??????( ingat ..ilmu ni hak semua dan pada sapa yg ingin mendalami) :bg::bg::bg:
lepas tu ingat ini public forum yer .. i tak tahu everything pun, so alhamdulillah ade jugak somebody or org yg arif ttg satu bidang or apa yg dia tau..kongsilah..:bg::bg::bg:
i really believe that LEARNING SHOULD be FUN and STIMULATING and dlm pada itu nak bubuh lawak pun tak per ..even my consultants pun buat lawak ..ni semuanya kena exposure even your prof pun kalau serious sangat org takut nak approach.. buat jovial relax but firm boleh...aih....
ini bukan conference about " clinical governance ker aper or ....."
kita nak buat science ini dlm this level jargon free dan ade org boleh terangkan dlm layman's term..ni yg the "catch"...so kekadang nampak jer tak de aper-aper tapi ..well..tak perlah...:bg::bg::bg:
if somebody wanted to constructively critize, then you're welcome, even kawan-kawan ...so tak per tapi jgn guna " bad" " insulting and derogatory words yg tak" soleh"/ sopan lah saya kira ..ingat kita human/ we are human yer..r ..bukan animals and aper -aper... Ini manusia - Makhluk yg cukup ....well .. unik dan special sikit.. ini human yer ..kita respect each other ...:bg::bg::bg:
point yg Mr Vixen beri tu ader , i take it.THanks Vixen. Kalau nampak too far off tegurlah , just say it would be nice and prudent of......dan bagi cadangan / suggestions.
tapi saya lebih sukakan ..cadangan .. kalau tak suka tak pa ..tapi alternatives...kita nak lateral thinking ...kan...so kita tak boleh puaskan semua org , we cannot satisfied everybody but at least we could say we have tried and we gonna try even harder. ( thanks Sdr Rod, bless you)
tapi secara peribadi, lah i would say it does teach me something, not to be emotional and be patient and also you ' ve got to have high level of tolerance. ( THANKS Sdr Camar for your advice). ade yg tergur berlapik ader yg tidak..so terimalah. Tak der aper -aper...I do think we're friends....:bg::bg::bg::bg:
dan pada sesiapa backing me up with nice comments tu bless you in this glorious Friday. . TAk der aper-aper dah.settled..i am happy:bg::bg::bg:
Sapa -sapa pun welcome to my fave playground 'coz i really enjoyed it even . I mean everybody....the Game is Afoot.....the more the merrier..
[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 8-8-2003 at 11:22 AM ] |
terharu dengan penjelasan awak yang panjang lebar...saya tau awak orang baik..saya sentiasa di belakang awak ok...setuju dengan cakap awak sebab kita tak boleh stick sangat dengan apa yang dibincangkan..dont be too serious..boring!..so sesiapa yang masuk forum nak cari ilmu pandai-pandai le tapis bahan yang bermanafaat...yang lain-lain tu(jokes ke ..merapu ke)..pandai-pandai le asingkan..semua tu rencah jer...saya tak kisah nak buat jokes ke nak merapu ke tapi jangan lebih rencah dari mee pulak..hehehe..kena ada orang ingatkan..so vixen dah ingatkan ....tapi boringlah..serius je... |
hahaah mengharukan pulak...comment awak ..
jadi ade ape-apa yg menarik ttg matahari ni...?
okay shall we get back on the track then??????....
kita dah cakap pasal
- what is the sun ( my posting)
- the fuel and how long will it lasts ( refer to posting Kak Anis)
- the importance of the energy ( Kak Anis)
- about other solar systems ( Papa punya post & Valkries punya post jugak dan kalau tak salah Cd-RW oun ader )
kita juga tahu sesekit pasal satellite dish
( thanks Sarah ) and jugak KAk Anis and sarah pasal discussion about EM wave and the likes ( lihat sapa tahu ini akan jadi bende yg menarik sbb tu kalau terkeluaq tajuk sikit tak per ; from one question it will lead to other answers which then generating more and more ???/?? questions!! very exciting!!! science is very exciting!!!!)[/color]and about
anisotrop..( bless you guys)
so ade aper -aper lagi ...????
sudilah ..kongsi....:bg:::bg::bg::bg: |
ok SUFI baca lah Thread ni |
Reply #157 mbhcsf's post
OMG, too much of infos... mls nyew nak bace sume ... |
prkataaan yg keluar dari minda u = MALAS so u know why bother going to school pun? kan |
baca yg relevan dah ler ....jgn develop resistance lagi...u cuba dulu |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi