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Author: eddlisa_uyuk

[SBS] RUNNING MAN [HOUSE 2] -Every Sunday 5.20pm [KOREAN TIME]

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 Author| Post time 10-8-2012 07:15 PM | Show all posts
pinkpunk posted on 10-8-2012 04:30 PM
ji hyo memang ngam jongkook.. klu adiah emas je bg ji hyo... selalu share ngn ji hyo klu menang..  ...

jae suk ramai guest suka pilih dia cos dia ada nama & wel known gan korea gak kan
gary lak dipilih sebab kebluran dia je yg best

gwang soo pun ramai gak suka pilih dia sebab lawak dia kot & identiti 'giraffe' dia tuh


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Post time 11-8-2012 03:27 PM | Show all posts
1 thing sy perasan ji min lain dr guest yg lain ialah dia tak suka buang masa & tak ngikut sgt rentak RM.
kan RM tu suka borak2, gaduh2. yg dia ni terus je cepat2 nak buat misi. time depa masih gaduh2 dia dah masuk kete, reset gps. kekeke...

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Post time 12-8-2012 01:31 AM | Show all posts
kelakar laaa part gwang soo tgh plan gan sukjin hyung tetiba jong kook mai terus buat2 ckp pasal team terus. HAHAHA muka gwang soo mmg sungguh2 nak keluarkan jong kook hyung dia tu . btw comeygf baru gwang soo !! HAHAH

ehh korang perasan ta ep beauty and the beast tu , mission makan2 tu . dekat R5 tu restoran HaHa kan??

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Post time 12-8-2012 05:16 PM | Show all posts
#reply buahcinta

Klau perasan, kebanyakan guest perempuan terutamanya actress mmg nmpk sgt determined nak menang sampai jae suk merungut. Contoh dlm episod son ye jin.

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Post time 13-8-2012 04:52 PM | Show all posts
stroberi posted on 12-8-2012 01:31 AM
kelakar laaa part gwang soo tgh plan gan sukjin hyung tetiba jong kook mai terus buat2 ckp pasal tea ...

Ye ke restoran Haha. Nak kena tgk balik R5 tu.


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Post time 14-8-2012 12:46 AM | Show all posts
wanzulina posted on 13-8-2012 04:52 PM
Ye ke restoran Haha. Nak kena tgk balik R5 tu.

ha ah klo ta silap tu restoran dia.

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2012 12:54 AM | Show all posts
upcoming epi. 107

Gaeko replaced Gary because he is sick and cant attend the filming.

ohhh gaaeelyy gaeelyy......get well soon

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Post time 14-8-2012 03:48 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 14-8-2012 09:28 PM | Show all posts
Happy birthday to Jae Suk oppa 14 Ogos 2012. Semoga Jae Suk oppa akan terus maju bersama-sama dengan Running Man.

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Post time 14-8-2012 10:39 PM | Show all posts
tadi ada terbace yang haha dah nak kawen bulan november ni..congrats!

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Post time 14-8-2012 11:14 PM | Show all posts
Ep 106 ni memang best. Mmg nampak ada similarity dgn ep han ga in tapi yg beza dlm ep ni that person yg jadi real love tu tahu yg dia real love.
First mission find guest tu cam biasa, cuma tak sangka ji min dapat cari jae dong and ambush dari blakang. Mmg terer dia ni. So dia dapat hint dlm usb tu.
2nd mission nampak mcm irrelevant, coz whoever complete mission tu x dapat apa2 advantage pun utk final mission. Mission tu depa create untuk bagi ample time pada real love/kjk buat confession kat ji min. Obvious sgt benda tu dirancang coz kalo tgk map, location kjk yg paling dekat dgn ji min. Motif gary kena pergi kat lokasi gwang soo lepad abis sesi autograf tu?? Mission ni nampak loose sgt.

Utk final mission, kalau la diorg share information confirm kjk dah out awal. Coz hint player baseball yg nama sama dgn kjk tu mmg dah boleh confirmkan real love tu kjk. Syg jae dong cuma ckp kat jae suk je. Ji hyo pulak ada secret mission dan dia mmg betul2 distract depa semua ni sampai gary leh jadi final 2. Padahal hint2 tu langsung takde kaitan dgn gary. Yg best scene monday couple muncul balik. Cute sgt gary ni. Huhu.. Nampak sgt takleh let go lagi feeling dia kat ji hyo. Cian... Part gwang soo create fake hint tu pun lwk. Desperate tul, tapi dia ni mmg kreatif n licik. Part kjk tangkap dia dln stor tu pun lawak, siap actibg lagi.

Yg ralat sampai ke sudah jimin assume jae dong true love. Cian jong kook. Sib baik final tu bkn kjk n jae dong. Kalo tak sah2 jimin pilih jae dong, tak sgka jae dong lagi muda dari jaesuk bila dia duk panggil jaesuk hyung, coz dia nampak lg tua. Hehe..

Papepun, ep ni mmg enjoyable, lawak, notperfect but fun as usual.



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Post time 15-8-2012 09:15 AM | Show all posts
Happy birthday to Mong Ji Hyo 15 August 2012. We love you Mong Ji.

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Post time 15-8-2012 09:16 AM | Show all posts
thafly posted on 14-8-2012 10:39 PM
tadi ada terbace yang haha dah nak kawen bulan november ni..congrats!

Betul. Ada gak baca tadi. Dia kan berkahwn dgn penyanyi nama dia Byul. Wah dah sampai jodoh Haha. Kookie dan gary bile lagi?


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Post time 15-8-2012 09:20 AM | Show all posts
Ep 106 ni biasa2 jer. Tak menarik sgt but ok lah. RM akan menarik kalau ada episod hide and seek plus mission yg mengarut2.

Dulu iouls cukup rasa annoying dgn Kwang soo. Tp skrg ni RM tak lengkap kalau xde lawak dr KS. At least dia hidupkan kelucuan RM ni. Iouls suke kat Gary. Nampak sgt yg Gary masih ada feeling kat Ji Hyo. Rasanya lah Gary ni mmg betul2 sukekan Ji Hyo tp apakan daya Ji hyo dah ada boy friend. Thats why Gary cam senyap sikit. Ep minggu lepas baru je kata yg Ji Hyo ni ex GF Gary. Tp dia masih kata still ada feeling. SO ahli Rm yg lain bising kat Gary mcm mana masih ada feeling lagi leaps clash. So ep 106 ni bila Ji Hyo tanya sia true love Gary dgn confident nyer dia jwb You maksudnya Ji Hyo lah. Lawak tul Gary ni.

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Post time 15-8-2012 09:22 AM | Show all posts
eddlisa_uyuk posted on 14-8-2012 12:54 AM
upcoming epi. 107

Gaeko replaced Gary because he is sick and cant attend the filming.

Kesian Gary... Wah tak bestnyer takde Gary. Gelly..Gelly.... Harap gary cepat sembuh untk teruskan perjuangan bersama-sama Running Man.


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 Author| Post time 15-8-2012 08:19 PM | Show all posts
Haha and Byul to Get Married This November

Haha threw a shocker and revealed his plans to get married to singer Byul this November. On August 14, Haha’s representatives told local media, “Haha and Byul will get married on November 30. The two have started dating since last March.”

“We’re sure our fans will be shocked to learn about their marriage, but Byul is not pregnant and that’s not the reason for their marriage. They dated for a short time but the two confirmed their love for each other,” the source added.

Haha and Byul have known each other for over 8 years but they only started dating seriously for six months now. It has been reported that the two share a lot of common interests, such as religion and music, and their relationship got stronger since March.

To officially announce the their wedding, Haha will hold a special press conference on August 15 at 2PM. MBC officials told the “Infinite Challenge” cast members will not be present at the press conference.

Since his debut in 2001 as part of Ji Ki Ri, Haha turned his career into a multi-entertainer, appearing in MBC “Infinite Challenge” and SBS “Running Man.” Byul debuted under JYP Entertainment in 2002 with her debut album, “December 32nd,” and has released many hit tracks including “Regards,” “Tears,” and “Watching a Drama.”

Congratulations Haha and Byul!

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 Author| Post time 15-8-2012 08:28 PM | Show all posts

Running Man: Haha will be getting married soon!

Haha [Haroro] recently revealed his plan to get married to singer Byul this November.

Well, I love one of the Byul song's titled "I think I Love You" which used as the theme song for the Korean drama Full House [This was the 1st drama that made me fall deeply in love with the Korean thingy: terus-terusan jatuh hati sampailah sekarang walaupon umor dah tue-tak-sesuai-lagi-nak-fanatik-bagai]

There are a lots of evidences spotted by the netizens regarding the marriages.  

In April, Haha appeared in the celebrity documentary series KBS’ Star Life Theater. During the episode, Haha went to the home of his close childhood friend, Park Geun Sik who had recently gotten married. While eating dinner together, Haha then blurted out, “I want to get married”, then proceeded to reveal the two childhood friends had made a promise that if one of the two would get married, the other would have to marry within six months. Source from here

On August 14, Haha’s representatives told local media, “Haha and Byul will get married on November 30. The two have started dating since last March.” “We’re sure our fans will be shocked to learn about their marriage, but Byul is not pregnant and that’s not the reason for their marriage. They dated for a short time but the two confirmed their love for each other,” the source added. Source from here

Finally, he found his last love. By the way, is that means his character as playboy in RM will be change..? I guess he can't say "to be my last love" anymore [everytime a female guest comes on running man]. Will miss it

Congratulation to Haha and Byul!

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Post time 15-8-2012 08:32 PM | Show all posts
wanzulina posted on 15-8-2012 09:20 AM
Ep 106 ni biasa2 jer. Tak menarik sgt but ok lah. RM akan menarik kalau ada episod hide and seek plu ...

iolsss pun paling suka gary

setuju sgt kalau ji hyo dgn gary..sbb nampk sgt gary suka kat ji hyo.
tapi apakan daya ji hyo pun dah ada bf.

gary walaupun  nampak mcm ganas tpi ada romantik juga lagi2 dgn ji hyo..
iolsssss rindu kat monday couple

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Post time 17-8-2012 12:45 AM | Show all posts
kwang soo klakar betul la . siap blakon agy gan sparta.

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Post time 17-8-2012 06:10 AM | Show all posts
Mesti 'meriah' dgn Lee Joon, kan dia ni jenis gelabah. tak leh lupa dia menjerit masa kena tangkap, episod sebelum Park Ji Sung aritu. Kekeke..

MBLAQ’s Lee Joon and actress Gong Hyo Jin spotted filming for ‘Running Man’

MBLAQ‘s Lee Joon and actress Gong Hyo Jin are up next to guest-feature on popular SBS variety program, ‘Running Man‘!

On August 16th, witnesses have spotted actress Gong Hyo Jin interacting with the ‘Running Man’ cast members on set, and photos quickly spread on various SNS (Social Networking Sites).

One netizen uploaded the photos onto an online community forum with the title, ‘It’s a relief to see Gong Hyo Jin looking very bright‘. The user was expressing concern over Gong Hyo Jin’s recently announced breakup with actor Ryu Seung Bum, who she was in a relationship with for over 10 years.

In addition to Gong Hyo Jin, MBLAQ’s Lee Joon participated in the shoot to fill in for fixed cast member Gary.

Netizens who heard the news commented, “Highly anticipating this episode!“, “Gong Hyo in is so lovable“, “I can’t wait!“, and more.

The episode featuring Gong Hyo Jin and Lee Joon is scheduled to air on August 26th.

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