joey_mcintrye posted on 3-3-2014 01:02 PM 
The Help kalah ditangan The Artist
the artist lagi kuat.aku mmg sokong je citer tu menang aritu
Leaping to victory
“Everyone deserves not just to survive but to live,” director Steve McQueen tells the world. “This is the legacy of Solomon Northup.” He thanks his mother, who is sitting far away, at the back of the hall. She gets to her feet and waves at him wildly; a tiny figure in the distance, utterly heartbreaking and beautiful even at 500 paces.
McQueen grabs the Oscar and then jumps up and down. He’s jumping like a jackrabbit. He has just taken flight. |
joey_mcintrye posted on 3-3-2014 01:02 PM 
The Help kalah ditangan The Artist
ooo artist..
foreign film dr france sane......
weird khenn
rupanya filem tak de suara + berkonsep neor hitam putih gtuh
3 award kiranya 12 years the slave dapat kan?
best adapted screenplay, b. s. actress & best picture
mcm filem django unchained, tp just tak menang best picture jek... |
dauswq posted on 3-3-2014 01:12 PM 
leo ni kena amik role yg best & bervariasi sket..
jgn yg comfortable ngan diri dia jek
apa nak heran..org mcm al pacino pun baru dapat satu oscar.itupun masa dah kertu..scent of a women
dauswq posted on 3-3-2014 01:12 PM 
leo ni kena amik role yg best & bervariasi sket..
jgn yg comfortable ngan diri dia jek
nk wat camne, dh thn yg ade die t'calon ada yg lbh bagus
infact keputusan yg mudah bg aku (refer utk oscar thn ni)
xpe baru nk msk 40
longgggg wayyyyyyy to go
br 5 kali calon (acting)
kate pun kali 6 baru menang
maybe kali 6 baru leo menang kot
itu pun tah bile
Leo kena try berlakon filem horror pulak, dia tak mencuba watak hantu2 lagi  |
benci giler gravity tak menang best film. 
so happy lupita menang. sheols sangat layak lah. first film, first time nomination terus menang kan. ada tak rekod mcm ni? takde kan. yg ada pun first film, first time nomination tapi x menang.
joey_mcintrye posted on 3-3-2014 08:46 AM 
Sejak tahun2 kebelakangan ni, Ton Hanks bukan lg favourite utk Oscar nomination apatah lagi utk me ...
betul ler org ckp, oscars ni pun lebih kepada politik, bukan yg benar2 berbakat menang pun ekceli, ye lah pasti ada campur tgn di mana2, yg paling ketara masa tahun avatar tu, boleh x dipandang lgsung movie tu, dr situ iols rasa oscars ni mmg ada politiknya gak
tom hanks sama cam leo, lgsung x dipandang dek oscars committee diorg ni, x tau nape
perasan tak american hustle tak menang satu pun padahal tercalon 10 kategori sama dgn gravity   |
lupita sangat lawa lah... tengok since golden globe, sag, bafta dressing dia lawa2. jenis orang kulit hitam yang lawa.. |
dauswq posted on 3-3-2014 01:12 PM 
leo ni kena amik role yg best & bervariasi sket..
jgn yg comfortable ngan diri dia jek
hari tu baca leo tengah nak buat filem pasal former us president lupa nama president tu. entah2 menang kot jadi president mcm si daniel day lewis 
dauswq posted on 3-3-2014 11:36 PM 
adelah...matthew tu first time tercalon, dan terus menang best actor
klu barka adi menang, d ...
bukan. maksud aku frst film berlakon terus tercalon terus menang. lupita ni 12 years a slave first film.
hanakikan posted on 3-3-2014 11:40 PM 
bukan. maksud aku frst film berlakon terus tercalon terus menang. lupita ni 12 years a slave first ...
aku rase ade kot...
kena check di bhgn sejarah academy award...
hanakikan posted on 3-3-2014 11:03 PM
benci giler gravity tak menang best film.
so happy lupita menang. sheols sangat layak lah ...
Rasenyer jennifer hudson pon gitew kan.... |
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