Post time 28-11-2017 09:30 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Ai watch 2x
First time tengok, cam something yg ai tak puas hati. Probably pasal screentime yg agak pendek. Storyline seems kind of rush but straightfoward.
Basically to show fans & audience, how JL superhereos is ensemble.
And they knew who is the enemy that is coming. So that is why Mr Batsy knew he need all the strong heroes esp Mr S.
Ignoring all bad reviews, wateva bad CGI, ai rewatch 2nd time. Im ok, enjoy it esp suka tengok humour sih Aquaman & the Flash. Wonderwoman memang power.
But ai wish for more, cant wait for Warner Bros to released the extended blu-ray.
There is alot of issues going on abt DC, Synder, WarnerBros. & worse tak paham orang yg suka compare dgn Marvel.
Just enjoy the movie, most crita superheroes nowadays is family oriented, young or old will enjoy.
My final rating 6.8/10.
'Bring the big guns'
Post time 29-11-2017 07:04 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
baru ja habis menonton di viva mall cheras
haa... mcm nila kalau nak buat film superhero.... jalan cerita mudah... mudah paham
pertama kali superman nampak mcm superman...
batman dan aquaman lawak.. the flash paling lawak sekali... main dlm batmobile... jalan jalan terokai batcave...
bukan overcomplicated dan boring mcm man of steel dan bvs...
cuma kelemahan film ni... dia punya villain lah... tak rasa real... tak rasa ancaman pun... mcm tak wujud... mungkin sebab dia cgi tp ultron pun cgi tetapi ada personaliti
Post time 2-12-2017 03:40 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Tengok 2x JL. Jalan cerita dia straight forward but it was a bit boring during the early 30-40 mins cuz they r telling story bout cyborg n aquaman...these 2 characters are kinda estranged from the audience I guess rather than Batman, WW and The Flash (these 3 are already established characters, yg x hardcore fans DC pn kenal dan ada basic knowledge dkt diorg).
Awuaman and cyborg x ramai yahu so JL need more screen time to relate yhe characters
Movie ni jd fun to watch when they fought the parademons and steppenwolf (masa nk selamatkan ayah cyborg dan motherbox tu)
I personally believe byk scene yg Synder direct dipotong..cthnya msa pembikinan JL ni, ada teaser Superman pakai suit hitam. Fans believe that suit hitam tu simbol Superman jd Villain dlm JL ni, but dalam final cut in which we all see in theatres was different. Mmg ada scene superman with black suit tu sbb Henry Cavill pnh upload dlm ig dia black suit tu, I believe scene yg kite tgk kt wyg where superman jd villain kejap tu dan lawan JL members bkn Synder yg direct tapi reshoots oleh Wheddon.
Byk scenes yg reshoots utk JL ni oleh Wheddon cuz rumors yg bertebaran kata WB x approve Synder's versions. Apart from tone yg dark n serious, it was too long. They wanted to change the tone, be more light and fun, thus the cringe jokes from Batman like, "something definetly bleed," and if u guys notice Batman's face changed from serious to macam 5 year old girl when Superman came to fight Steppenwolf... (Avengers' vibe). I honestly want to see Synder's 3 hours version. Its long but idc, lots of scenes in the trailer werent made it to the final cut.
Contoh, scene The Flash selamatkan Iris West dlm trailer (scene Flash runs thru broken glass).
Also JL didnt achieve the expectation, poor opening I guess? However ramai viewers still enjoy the movie. Regardless what n which version. Hope WB blh release Synder's full director's cut. Mcm BvS dulu, org kecam jg bila tgk di wayang tapi bila release director's cut terus critics puji and siap komen, kalau director's cut ni tayang kt wayang memang dpt sambutan hrbat.
Apapun, kerana BvS pye sambutan dlu dikecam, filem2 DC lps tu terus di who r yuss kan saje oleh viewers...cth terdekat Suicide Squad n JL ni. (except WW standalone movie, that one sgt superb)
Lps ni byk lg filem DC akn kluar. Terdekat Aquaman. Batman standalone pn ada tp Affleck dh ditendang sbb faktor umur dn sbgnya. Top contender utk pegang watak Batman is Jake Gyllenhal tp only time will tells..
The Flash standalone movie pn sama berkrisis, sbb skrip dah lama siap tapi direktornya xda. Dulu dah ada direktor tp tarik diri orang tu, maybe dia x diberi kebebasan utk berkarya sgt oleh WB. Kesian Flash tgh tgu pengarah, dah lah heronya Ezra Miller. Syg btul, hero dah berbakat, good looking and funny (minus the fact that he is queer. Kinda surprise ye Malaysia x ban JL sbb Flash ni in real life golongan lgbtq tau...hehehehe).
Hopefully next year DCEU blh repair mana2 part yg kritik x suka..WB please leave the directors to do their job. Tgk taun depan sambutan Aquaman pula, directed by James Wan okay...hehe
Post time 7-12-2017 01:34 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
SY_Mumi replied at 7-12-2017 01:05 AM
Tak paham betul fans marvel yg mengutuk gutuk DC...
Dorang nih just born yesterday ker...
Dont the ...
sebenarnya.... fans dc yg start semua ni sebab derang jeles marvel dah ada xinematic universe yg mantap... di mana mana media sosial aku lama dah perati fans dc ni... so... bila fan marvel hentam diorang balik lebih kepada troll sebenarnya... sebab pure fan dc pu hentam dc jugak
Post time 7-12-2017 08:12 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
SY_Mumi replied at 7-12-2017 01:08 AM
actually Flash dah ada versi drama under CW.
so might not be so soon the movie version...
Yeah..and fans for CW Flash and fans of Ezra's Flash pn selalu bergaduh sapa Flash yg bagus. Ada jg yg argue kenapa tak ambil Grant Gustin je jd Flash utk versi movie. I think Ezra has done a good job portraying The Flash. Some people would say the way he carries The Flash mcm Wally West iaitu lebih kelakar dan sengal2 ubi sikit, I think for those who followed the comics, mcm tu juga la karakter Barry Alleb sebenarnya. Ada je bnda yg diorg x puas hati psl JL. Even the smallest details.
Henry Cavill digitally removed moustache pun kne kecam teruk. But masa first time tgk, I barely notice that. Second time tgk then I noticed lol he does look weird but I dont think it ruined the movie. Tp ada yg x fhm knp Henry Cavill xnk shave misai dia bla.bla.bla... Sebenarnya Henry dh shoot scenes Superman byk masa dia x tumbuh misai tu lg, and lps tu dia kne msuk set MI pulaaa...watak dia kne grow moustache, at the same time Wheddon stepped in and some scenes of him required reshoots. Tp sign kontrak dgn MI kata x boleh shave lg. Terpaksa la WB merelakan saja...and asked to remove the moustache by cgi thing...(however gambar teaser superman pakai suit hitam tu, dia berjanggut dn ada misai. I seriously think they have filmed the part where he became villain with the black suit...)
As for Affleck's Batman...some part nampak mcm dia kaku, tp seriously ada dialog2 yg I dont will say tthat. Cthnya mse Batman naik Knightcrawler dia, he said, sorry guys..I didnt bring a sword...I rse dis one Wheddon rewrite balik dialog. Klu tgk balik teaser trailer JL, Batman originally just said, My turn! Hahahh
Anyway, I dont mind with Affleck's Batman. Hes done a pretty good job, but I also believe WB didnt want him to play as Batman anymore.
Post time 7-12-2017 08:16 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Also we have rumours now yg scene Darkseid patut ada dlm JL. He would make appearance mcm Thanos la maybe...muncul sekejap2 dlm post credit scenes. And he supposed to kill Steppenwolf yg gagal in his mission. We just waiting for Darkseid coming but I guess not so soon..
I guess now they all nk buat movie solo dlu, gather as many villain to create League of doom, sbb nanti ada Black Adam, Deathstroke, Joker, Lex Luthor bla bla bla
tengok je la apa nasib dceu lepas ni.....yg rosakkan dceu ni bukannya synder atau wheldon tapi wb execs sendiri film aquaman (2018), shazam (2019) & wonder woman 2 (2019).....itu yg dah confirm......yg lain2 belum dapat released date lagi...kalau filem2 yg ni berjaya then dceu ada masa depan cerah la...
First time ai pon tak notice CGI pat muka Henry Cavill. Bila lepas movie, baca review baru tahu.2nd time nonton baru try to pay attention on other flaws.
But as most know the reason for that CGI, then nak buat macam mana.
Batman memang supposed to be sad dark persona, less humour tapi ntah lah versi movie they want to maybe let audience get connected to his character.
Flash versi CW, best tuh memang best, esp for non comics reader, leh tahu bnyk pasal villians. altho might not be that accurate.
But seeing Ezra potraying Flash, ai kind of like his version.
Hopefully movie, takyah bnyk sangat mix emotions of Flash esp if pasal relations dia dgn Iris West tuh.
Post time 8-12-2017 02:50 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
skystrike replied at 7-12-2017 04:31 PM
tengok je la apa nasib dceu lepas ni.....yg rosakkan dceu ni bukannya synder atau wheldon tapi wb ex ...
Excited dgn Shazam. Nk tgk The Rock jd Black Adam n zachary levi jd capt Marvel and to watch also asher angel to play Billy batson. Hope 2018 is the year for WB and DCEU
Hah DC fans bashing each other, nih belom termasuk fandom Nolanites...
Ai pon suka baca je, malas nak memgomen. cause ada sesetengah nih bila kasi kritik dah macam movie god / godness
film critics pon kalah
Sih Matt Reeves dgn Warner Bros cam betul ada problem with Ben Affleck.
Ada rumor ckap Ben nih punya perangai ada cam Christian Bale. Suka gave his own input when come to acting. Not all actor & directors can work in tat way.
Cause Ben punya level pon director type kan.
Kasi jelah Ben berlakon last, punya susah fans nak digest Ben as new Batman.
Ai love Jake Gyllenhaal, but dont want him to be labelise as Batman trus. Still want to see him in more versatile acting.
Jon Hamm pon dah masuk late 40s, cam tak sesuai rasanya.
Pada pandangan aku WB scrap je la DC shared universe diorang... Watak2 DC ni memang tak boleh kongsi spotlight.. Peminat tegar Batman tak puas hati kalau Batman tak jadi hero, feminists marah bila Wonder Woman kena nerfed, peminat Flash marah dia jadi comic relief dan Superman lagi laju drp dia.. Belum lagi pasal peminat Snyder menyalahkan Joss Whedon... marah dengan peminat Marvel...... macam2 peel peminat DC ni, memang pelik... Teruskan solo movies je under pretense semua masih terjadi dalam universe yg sama.. atau pun fokus kepada mini universe setiap watak sendiri.
Batman kembali semula kepada street level fokus kt Gotham , dia paling awesome bila villains dia semua dari gangter paradise tuh.. kembangkan semua Batfamily , Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne , Jason Todd. Bila Batman lawan gods and aliens secara live action mmg nampak awkward dowh...
Superman perkenalkan Supergirl, Superboy tapi masih grounded and rooted to his mythology (Smallville , Daily Planet etc..) dalam masa yg sama menentang penjahat bumi berskala besar atau alien invasion.
Wonder Woman pulak pasal magic, perang dewa dewi.....
Problem solved.... Stupid idea gila kut kalau guna Flashpoint untuk reboot... Orang bukan boleh paham.
PS: aku paham pasal peminat2 ramai tak puas hati.. aku peminat setia komik Superman/AC (see my av) rasa annoyed gila bila kena baca crossover ataupun tetiba Batman atau Wonder Woman menyibuk masuk buku Superman.. haha.....
masalah dengan warner bros ni diorang rushing sangat nak create DCEU....nak kejar sangat MCU....patut slowly build universe..baru la proper....padahal banyak casting yg dah ok..