{ALL ABOUT ZUL ARIFFIN} : ZA's current project - Misteri Dilaila, Sangkar &
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cheesepastry replied at 23-4-2018 12:33 PM
cannot imagine kalau arwah aunty ruby tgk cabaran career anak dia skrg. mesti sedih dia. ZA skrg x ...
Dah la mak dia sakit jantung kan sian mak dia. |
harumanis replied at 23-4-2018 04:56 PM
itu je laa sekali........gambar raya ke; gambar gather2 ke; even depa pi hols pun Pak Ipin tak ik ...
Tak ikut ke xmo begamba. Segala event x nmpak muka dia tp sesekali terselit kt pic yg diupload non-siblings |
Nana_Man replied at 23-4-2018 04:01 PM
Kak G memang street smart. I tak pernah nmpk dia pakai revealing clothes kat ig. Even nk gi tgk tmpt ...
Yes...i pn kesian dgn ayah dia...dahlah low-profile. Mcm inferior je xmo msuk dlm family pics yg berleluasa tu. Org x tau apa yg pakcik ripin hadapi bila anak buat controversy |
Nana_Man replied at 23-4-2018 05:07 PM
Kaka @harumanis
Tu pakcik ripin duduk kat blakang..
Napa pakcik sempoi sgt...x pkai baju melayu pn hantar tanda majlis tunang anak. Duduk jauh je dr camera. I believe dia ikut je family ke mna2 tp mmg xmo join bergamba. |
I baru perasan dlm TC, umayr harris pakai dua jenis kereta.. |
brums08 replied at 23-4-2018 06:05 PM
Suka tenguk cara jalan stylo je.Other than his butt hahahahah
Lol.. anything abt ZA is gd.. we are very biased abt this.  |
cheesepastry replied at 23-4-2018 07:05 PM
Napa pakcik sempoi sgt...x pkai baju melayu pn hantar tanda majlis tunang anak. Duduk jauh je dr c ...
Maybe ader pic bersama but dorang tak letak kat ig. |
cheesepastry replied at 23-4-2018 07:02 PM
Yes...i pn kesian dgn ayah dia...dahlah low-profile. Mcm inferior je xmo msuk dlm family pics yg b ...
True.. mesti kene pekakkn telinga biler org sindir, kutuk anak dia. Kene tebalkn muka biler anak buat hal. Even yg recent thing pasal bird tu pun mesti jd bahan gosip org kampung. |
brums08 replied at 23-4-2018 06:17 PM
Dah la mak dia sakit jantung kan sian mak dia.
Kalau tgk kat ig, mak dia memang ada sakit jantung. Tapi tetap kuatkn badan tgk anak shooting, ikut anak gi promosi filem. Kadang i tgk arwah ni kuat gitu. |
brums08 replied at 23-4-2018 06:15 PM
For me his personal up to him what i want to see is his work.Yg tak urban duk kg pun lebih teruk cum ...
ya... his personal kene tolak tepi, asalkn tak lah notti sgt. Watever past events, we shuld just forget it. Diri sendiri pun bkn baik sgt kn.. |
Edited by Nana_Man at 23-4-2018 09:53 PM
Bts Misteri Dilaila
The 2nd pic reminds me of MR BEAN. LOL! |
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Post time 23-4-2018 10:33 PM
From the mobile phone
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Nak kena buat revision with ZA in my mind......
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harumanis replied at 23-4-2018 10:33 PM
Nak kena buat revision with ZA in my mind......
Mcm cnfirm ZA jd syed haydar. Kat zafc, chiefs dorang kasi teka teki pun mcm syed haydar nyer lines. I nak jd Hana Sofea k.. |
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Zul in Debunga Lalang. asal lah muke hensem mcm ni i leh tak pandang dia dulu. I ingat maser citer ni kat tv i tukar channel lain tau.. haha.. |
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Arwah Aunty Ruby nyer birthday hari ni.  |
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Nana_Man replied at 23-4-2018 07:12 PM
I baru perasan dlm TC, umayr harris pakai dua jenis kereta..
Both black kan..merc n hummer? Haters ckp seme keta mewah zul kakG yg belikan.I rasa zul mampu je beli sendiri n ada ckp zul pakai pun brand cikai even briefs.I dont believe it man like zul inside n out for sure branded things.Adake pakai taraf cikai2. |
Nana_Man replied at 23-4-2018 09:00 PM
True.. mesti kene pekakkn telinga biler org sindir, kutuk anak dia. Kene tebalkn muka biler anak b ...
I rasa mula2 je after a while pekakkan telinga je.Ada kwn baru berlakon drama just that 1 drama jadi sipi2 pula tu.Then terus ada chinese bela n terus mewah then parents marah pukul halau bagai.Lama2 parents dah lali n biarkan je sampai skrg tak kawin2 still mewah dgn rumah2 dan duit tak putus2. |
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