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Reply #1565 pink_lavender's post
shadow kata jgn oberkonpiden  |
Reply #1566 naj13's post
tu la.. TURKI pun tak bole di underestimed gak kan.. lepas 2,3 games yg lepas jdkan i admired gak kat team nie..tp harap sgt GERMAN menang...  |
Reply #1568 naj13's post
yeay.. i predict germany will meet spain at the final... gosh .. spain tak pnh kalah lagi thru the whole games.. |
Reply #1569 pink_lavender's post
i pulak predict Germany vs. Russia
x kisah la, yg pntg Jerman dpt masuk final & menang  |
Reply #1570 naj13's post
yup, hopefully... pas abis EURO, i tak jenguk la benang nie...
tunggu WC 2010 nanti...
[ Last edited by pink_lavender at 24-6-2008 10:12 PM ] |
Ballack: "Den letzten Schritt machen"
 | Michael Ballack stand Rede und Antwort
Auchzwei Jahre sp鋞er sorgt die 119. Minute von Dortmund bei Michael Ballack und seinen Teamkollegen noch f黵 zus鋞zliche Motivation.Damals, am 4. Juli 2006, als Pirlo den Ball auf Grosso durchsteckte, der dann per Schlenzer ins lange Eck zum 1:0 f黵 Italien verwertete, endete auf einen Schlag das Sommerm鋜chen. Der Traum vom Titel wurdevorzeitig beendet, im Halbfinale. Das soll diesmal nicht passieren.
"Die Erinnerung an Dortmund zeigt uns, dass wir bis zum Schluss alles geben m黶sen. Gerade gegen die T黵ken wird voller Einsatz bis zum Schlusspfiff n鰐ig sein", sagt Michael Ballack, der Kapit鋘 der deutschen Nationalmannschaft einen Tag vor dem Halbfinale gegen dieT黵kei. "Nat黵lich motiviert uns die Erinnerung an das damalige Ausscheiden gegen Italien. Jetzt wollen wir auch den letzten Schritt machen. Wir brauchen noch zwei sehr gute Leistungen, um den Pott zuholen." Im Baseler St. Jakob Park trifft die Auswahl des Deutschen Fu遙all-Bundes (DFB) am Mittwoch (ab 20.45 Uhr, live im ZDF) auf dieT黵kei.
p/s: abg Ballack kata, tim Deutschland dh bljr drp apa yg berlaku ms WC2006 bila Grosso sumbat gol pd minit ke 119, sekaligus menghancurkan hrpn tim Jerman nk pi ke final & jd jore dunia.. semifinal kali ni tim Jerman akan lbh berhati2 & berjuang hingga wisel penamat dibunyikan, meka takkan benarkan pisang berbuah dua kali      
[ Last edited by naj13 at 24-6-2008 03:30 PM ] |
salam kenal2..
ich stuetze mich deutsche Manschaft auf!  |
Reply #1572 naj13's post
italy deserved the win, tu aku takleh ckp apa la, diorang memang main besh, aku anti-italy pun kena admit that fact
turki walaupun cuma tinggal 13 orang players saja, tapi jerman punya defence bukan kebal pun |
Reply #1575 Amiin_al_Kalam's post
geng kau rupanya  |
Reply #1576 Amiin_al_Kalam's post
aku anti-itali bukan sejak wc06 leh dolah, aku anti dah lama lagi sejak euro04 ke ke euro00 kot, lupa dah, anyway del piero tetap fevret aku  |
Rummenigge Opposes "6+5" plan
German legend Karl-Heinz Rummenigge has spoken out against Fifa president Sepp Blatter抯 controversiol "6+5" quota plan.
Blatter抯 idea, which would to limit the amount of foreign players to five per side in domestic leagues, is not something that is needed according to Rummenigge.
Blatter made the proposal amid concerns that some leagues - such as the English Premier League - have become too reliant on foreign talent, which Blatter feels is also damaging international football.
But Rummenigge, who is chairman of the European Club Association, believes that the high standards which have been on display at Euro 2008 prove that a rule overhaul is certainly not required.
"I have the personal impression that the Euros is at a very, very high level. The quality is fantastic, |
defence german mmg kureng skit tambah2 keeper dier tu... turki defence giler2 .. sekali turun.. semua turun... cuma turki kurang bila time menyerang je which german is better...dgn mamat susah nak sebut apa tu dll...
[ Last edited by pink_lavender at 25-6-2008 12:33 PM ] |
Reply #1575 Amiin_al_Kalam's post
layan masa EURO Je....  |
Wenger tips Germany for top honours at Euro 2008
Arsenal抯 manager Arsene Wenger has tipped Germany to beat Spain in Sunday抯 Euro 2008 final in Vienna.
In an interview with reporters on Tuesday he said that Germany had the mental toughness that no other team at Euro 2008 had.
He added that Germany also had the most consistent player in the tournament, Chelsea抯 midfielder Michael Ballack of Chelsea.
He went on to say that Ballack was the main source of inspiration to the team and along with Lukas Podolski who was having an unbelievable tournament, these two formed a formidable partnership and difficult for other teams to overcome.
Wenger also rated Russia抯 twenty seven year old Andrei Arshavin a great prospect after having lifted the Russian side after his suspension.
He could not see Germany抯 main rival for top honours Spain winning as they had forgotten how to win anything big and it was thirty years since the Spanish won something significant. |
Originally posted by pYrana13 at 24-6-2008 08:31 PM 
salam kenal2..
ich stuetze mich deutsche Manschaft auf! Sie sind das meiste wellkomme hier und haben Spass mit uns. alle wir stutzen Deutschland ausserdem
way to go germany... :pompom: :pompom: :pompom: |
Reply #1583 katana83's post
wenger nye statement tak leh pakai la gi blk jaga player sdirik dulu nu, semua nak bla dah  |
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