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Post time 23-6-2012 06:30 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by pengecatbintang at 23-6-2012 18:33
Phase pertama iaitu derivative market problem...

phase kedua currency wars

phase ketiga trade wars

phase keempat kenaikan interest rate (dah beberapa tahun interest rate di US 0.25% jer)

paling akhir adalah lingkupnya US Dollar di mana sebelumnya didahului oleh lingkupnya Euro...

pengecatbintang Post at 20-5-2012 20:33
The Coming Derivatives Crisis That Could Destroy The Entire Global Financial System

A while back, the New York Times published an article entitled "A Secretive Banking Elite Rules Trading in Derivatives".  That article exposed the steel-fisted control that the "too big to fail" banks exert over the trading of derivatives.  Just consider the following excerpt from the article....

On the third Wednesday of every month, the nine members of an elite Wall Street society gather in Midtown Manhattan.
The men share a common goal: to protect the interests of big banks in the vast market for derivatives, one of the most profitable — and controversial — fields in finance. They also share a common secret: The details of their meetings, even their identities, have been strictly confidential.

So what institutions are represented at these meetings?
Well, according to the New York Times, the following banks are involved: JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America and Citigroup.

Why do those same five names seem to keep popping up time after time?

Sadly, these five banks keep pouring money into the campaigns of politicians that supported the bailouts in 2008 and that they know will bail them out again when the next financial crisis strikes.

Those that defend the wild derivatives trading that is going on today claim that Wall Street has accounted for all of the risks and they assume that the issuing banks will always be able to cover all of the derivative contracts that they write.

But that is a faulty assumption.  Just look at AIG back in 2008.  When the housing market collapsed AIG was on the wrong end of a massive number of derivative contracts and it would have gone "bust" without gigantic bailouts from the federal government.  If the bailouts of AIG had not happened, Goldman Sachs and a whole lot of other people would have been left standing there with a whole bunch of worthless paper.

It is inevitable that the same thing is going to happen again.  Except next time it may be on a much grander scale.

When "the house" goes "bust", everybody loses.  The governments of the world could step in and try to bail everyone out, but the reality is that when the derivatives market comes totally crashing down there won't be any government on earth with enough money to put it back together again.

A horrible derivatives crisis is coming.

It is only a matter of time.

Stay alert for any mention of the word "derivatives" or the term "derivatives crisis" in the news.  When the derivatives crisis arrives, things will start falling apart very rapidly.



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Post time 25-6-2012 12:03 AM | Show all posts
Means rege gold/silver akan jatuh lagi? Aisey,baru lock ni..

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Post time 6-7-2012 08:21 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by pengecatbintang at 6-7-2012 08:38
terdapat beberapa fasa yg akan bawa kpd global financial collapse... iaitu...

Phase pertama iaitu derivative market problem...

phase kedua currency wars

phase ketiga trade wars

phase keempat kenaikan interest rate (dah beberapa tahun interest rate di US 0.25% jer)

paling akhir adalah lingkupnya US Dollar di mana sebelumnya didahului oleh lingkupnya Euro..

pengecatbintang Post at 20-5-2012 20:33
Obama Discusses Escalation Of Chinese Trade War: Live Webcast

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/05/2012 12:03 -0400

Earlier, we noted that Obama is about to take the trade war with China on car duties to a whole new level, be decrying "unfair" Chinese trade duties (which in turn were implemented only in response to US tire tariffs imposed in 2009 but you won 't hear about that). Now watch the president live from Ohio, telling his unionized voters precisely what they want to hear.

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/05/2012  11:26 -0400

In Ohio today, President Obama will announce the latest World Trade Organization suit against China, this time addressing "unfairly" imposed duties on U.S. auto exports.  The Administration will argue that these duties violate international trade rules. Whether or not China will reply that buying US 10 year paper at 1.6% is also unfair remains to be seen. But at least someone is happy. As reported earlier, ADP reported just 4,000 manufacturing jobs were added in the US in the last month: these are the same people who are supposed to be doubling US exports in Obama's latest 5 year plan. Good luck. Anyway, here is the take of the Alliance for American Manufacturing to this simplistic attempt to trade union for long-term stability with America's largest trading partner.
"American workers and manufacturers strongly support President Obama’s decision to launch a trade enforcement action against China’s unfair auto tariffs. The deck in China is stacked against American automakers and workers, and this case will help to level the playing field.  

"Less than one percent of the estimated 18 million vehicles sold in China last year were made in America, despite the fact that the Detroit Three brands are growing more popular every day.

"This Administration has a stellar record on enforcing America’s trade laws and has not hesitated to take action to defend American workers—today’s announcement is further proof of that. But, there is more work to do.
Uhm, what deck? And the administration has a "stellar record" on somethning? One learns something every day. And considering that more than half of GM's cares are sold in China, once China retaliates to this provocation, it is virtually assured that the bailed out labor union car maker will see its stock price plunge to new post "IPO" lows in the next 2-4 months.

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Post time 6-7-2012 09:03 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by pengecatbintang at 6-7-2012 09:09
pada 10 May 2012... setakat ni JP Morgan Chase umum rugi USD2 Billion... iaitu pelaburan dalam derivative market...

pengecatbintang Post at 20-5-2012 20:33

10 May 2012 - JP Morgan umum 1st Quarter 2012, Rugi USD2 Billion

Akibatnya, indeks pasaran dunia jatuh (Dow Kones turun 1,000 mata)... BSKL pon turun dr 1,600 kpd 1,53X

13 Julai 2012  - JP Morgan akan umum 2nd Quarter Performance...

dijangka JP Morgan akan umum kerugian USD9 billion

aku rasa... pasaran saham akan jatuh

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Post time 6-7-2012 09:14 AM | Show all posts
harga emas n silver dunia banyak dipengaruhi oleh transaksi paper gold n silver....   bukan phys ...

harga emas n silver dunia banyak dipengaruhi oleh transaksi paper gold n silver....   bukan physical...

whistleblower bgtau... NISBAH urusniaga gold & silver - paper : physical     1 : > 100

nak suppress senang jer... lambak paper banyak2 di LBMA (Britain) & COMEX (US)...

pengecatbintang Post at 2-4-2012 01:07

MUST-WATCH VIDEO: CNBC's Admission, Yes: Silver Market Is Manipulated (Skip to 9:30) (4/7/12)


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Post time 6-7-2012 08:38 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1585# pengecatbintang

ayyooo ... byk nya rugi dia ...  {:3_84:}
bukan share market dunia baru nak pick up balik ?  

merudum lah saham2 dunia pas ni ...

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Post time 6-7-2012 11:42 PM | Show all posts
saham felda terjejas x?

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Post time 7-7-2012 09:43 AM | Show all posts
Reply  pengecatbintang

ayyooo ... byk nya rugi dia ...   
bukan share market dunia baru ...
Jesse_Mccartney Post at 6-7-2012 20:38

Pasal 13 Julai tu, stakat ni baru RUMORS.. Tak tau betui ke idak..

Tp rugi USD2 billion n MUNGKIN juga USD9 billion (yg mgkn umum pd 13 Juylai) adalah satu dr produk derivative

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Post time 7-7-2012 11:36 AM | Show all posts
harga emas naik ka?

harini tgk kat website KFH mcm dah naik RM3...
ada chance harga turun lagik tak? haha..

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Post time 10-7-2012 12:16 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by pengecatbintang at 10-7-2012 00:17
derivative market dah start crack.... amacam... dah wat persediaan?!

pengecatbintang Post at 13-5-2012 01:06

terdapat beberapa fasa yg akan bawa kpd global financial collapse... iaitu...

Phase pertama iaitu derivative market problem...

phase kedua currency wars

phase ketiga trade wars

phase keempat kenaikan interest rate (dah beberapa tahun interest rate di US 0.25% jer)

paling akhir adalah lingkupnya US Dollar di mana sebelumnya didahului oleh lingkupnya Euro...

peringatan kpd yg pegang paper assets : terutamanya di US & Eropah... get out from paper assets sebelum phase no. 4 di atas..

pengecatbintang Post at 20-5-2012 20:33
WARNING: The World’s Financial Market is Undergoing Total Collapse

It has begun – the unofficial collapse of the Euro that I have announced back in late June has started to run into the massive canyon like fissures of the financial world. As web site after web site and expert after expert talk endlessly about the failing frame work of the whole western financial system; they over look one main point. That point is this; when a patient is brain dead, you may debate that there is still blood coursing through their veins, that their heart still beats, that there is still a modicum of respiration still occurring. The fact remains though the vestigial systems of the organism works, it’s main source of control that dictates every one of its voluntary mechanical operation IS DEAD. So it is with Western Banking. There are still “signs” of life, the ATMs work (for most anyway) online transactions are for the most part operational (again for most) but the arguments of liquidity and solvency rage because of the simple lack of omission that the very needed rudiments of the financial system, it’s modus operandi, it’s organized brain of safeguards and cognition has ceased functioning.
The Unofficial Euro collapse has hastened the hemorrahging of various sectors around the financial world. Lets start with a few shall we.

Derivatives: I have documented that the real loss of JPM’s previous London trade debacle is not the purported intial $2billion or the now admitted $9 billion but $150 billion total loss. This coming from a Zombie Bank that recieves 77% of its profits from the government trough. The IR Swaps that are played in this field is astronomical and is accounting for more than 85% of all derivative trades. So what does this mean? I stated many times, when people have asked me, “what is THE SIGN of a financial collapse?” I have always said that it will begin in the derivative market first. After all we have an unsustainable world wide derivative debt that is in the Quadrillions. $1.4 Quadrillion by most estimates. What does this mean and how will it play out?

Hacking: The supposed “hacking” that is occurring in over 60 banks at the same time is nothing more than those with the funds moving their assets out. It is a smoke screen, a diversion, a silent stealth bank run by the elites. Why all of a sudden there is total media black out? The funds that have been taken have crossed in to the billions of dollars. The total stealth bank runs are closer to 200 banks.
LIBOR: All over the news you hear the mother of all scandals, the fact that all the major multinational banks have been rigging the interest rate system and keeping it artificially low. Which robs you of your dividends and annihilates your savings but profiteers the banksters in their risky gamble with your money. They profit and you are left holding the bag. The banks involved in this LIBOR mess total 200 about the same that just so happen to be the same banks that are all of a sudden being “hacked” and are having “glitches”. This LIBOR scandal puts into risk an $800 trillion market made up of savings, investments, mortgages, loans and retirement accounts. Taking a sledgehammer to the confidence of the whole entire global market and western backed banking system. I laugh at these pundits who talk about the LIBOR. You see my friends there is no oversight over LIBOR,it’s just a bunch of crooks deciding what they will charge for lending amongst themselves and how they can profit off of you. LIBOR was invented to be MANIPULATED the very design of this screams so. You have to wonder why now all of a sudden LIBOR is an issue? Read on.

So what does it all mean? Simple really my friends. The whole entire western banking system is being flushed out, the whole house is being purposely burned to the ground in order to make way for the new. If you are still in paper you are a madman or woman. Pull your money out now while you still have time. I will make it as clear for you as possible, your wealth, your way of life and your posterity’s future is being PURGED, FLUSHED, BURNED OUT. The order of things are about to change officially. Watch the dollar, get out of paper, get into metals. You have been warned….Again.

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Post time 13-7-2012 11:48 AM | Show all posts
The price of gold has been manipulated. This is more scandalous than Libor

By Thomas Pascoe Economics Last updated: July 11th, 2012

It does, however, reveal things that would otherwise be ignored. The issue of manipulation in the gold market which I wrote about last week is a case in point. The ball of half-truths and downright lies which have surrounded the issue for a long time is beginning to unspool in an issue internet activists kept alive long before it was acknowledged by the mainstream media.

People ask why the issue is important at a time of naked market manipulation of the Libor rate. The answer is simple: the Libor manipulation scandal can be seen as the thin end of the wedge in terms of government market manipulation.

Although Libor manipulation affects the interest rates we pay on all number of credit products, gold market manipulation is more serious still.

The price of gold is traditionally a proxy for the value of money. A soaring bullion price is indicative of a lack of faith in fiat currency.

Our financial system is predicated on the notion that money stands as a proxy for the factors of production – capital, labour, land and enterprise.

In short, the abundance of money in the economy should be related to the abundance of those factors. The harder we work, for instance, the more we create. There is more labour in the economy, therefore a rise in the money supply is legitimate in order to mirror this. There is nothing wrong with printing money per se so long as the printing reflects an expansion in the real economy.
Twentieth and Twenty-First century economics appears to have done away with this. Money is now created ex nihilo to feed both the top and bottom ends of society.

Money printing or Quantitative Easing is mainly of benefit to two parties. Firstly, the Government, which is able to borrow more and borrow cheaper than it otherwise would have done. This is because QE money is used to buy bonds, forcing down yields.
The Government uses this money to finance both existing debt and an expansive welfare state which bribes large portions of the population to accept a life of hellish boredom and dribbling docility in exchange for £70 a week in dole money. Such payments are not a genuine transfer of the fruits of existing production within an economy; they are borrowed. They help governments electorally at the cost of the vigour of society.

At the top end, Quantitative Easing money goes directly to banks, who are able to sell their government bonds at a profit. In theory they may use this to even up their balance sheet. In reality they frequently use it as stake money at riskier tables.

In both cases, paper money has been stripped of meaning. It is no longer a reflection of production nor any of its components. It now simply exists of its own right – but it can survive as a measure only for so long as the government keeps such printing in small enough doses that the de-leveraging does not become apparent to workers.

As with everything in economics, there is a correctional market mechanism for this scenario – the flight to commodities, particularly precious metals like gold. Gold holds its value when paper money loses value, because it is beyond the gift of the government to simply will gold into being and give it to friends in high places or voters in low ones.

If gold has been manipulated downwards and if that process continues, then all recourse to a store of value (other than land and property) has been taken from the individual.

The value of our money is falling thanks to Quantitative Easing. Fixing in the gold market takes away one of the key hedges for those with cash assets but no property.

The true fall in the value of money is probably better seen through the rise in house prices since the 1980s – a much better reflection of the market mechanism thanks to the suppliers being so large and because of the lack of a two-way interplay between house prices on the street and derivative products for traders.

In any case, it would appear that the Libor scandal at Barclays has acted to draw out more market figures willing to claim openly that organised price fixing has occurred in gold.

Ned Naylor-Leyland, investment director at Cheviot, a British investment firm, had the following to say on CNBC the other day (H/Tt Chris Powell):

In the aftermath of the Libor scandal, the Bank of England complained that it had received no forewarning from the marketplace.
Gold price manipulation may well be the next big scandal to break – if it does, this time nobody can say that they were not warned.

Finally, a mea culpa – the tonnage figure quoted in the original article certainly undershot the true extent of the short position held by the US bank in question. It was very difficult to get accurate tonnage figures from anyone I spoke to for the article, and I took a pithy aside relating to a “couple of tonnes” rather too literally in a desire to include some. The true extent would have been far greater as many of you pointed out in the discussion board below the article.

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Post time 13-7-2012 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1592# pengecatbintang

thank you bro... compile kan banyak artikel2 menarik...

tapi skrg dah nak kuar nie...
ptg nanti saya baca....  

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Post time 20-7-2012 01:40 PM | Show all posts
nk mintak pendapat otai2 kat sini.hari rabu haritu ada pegi dk kuwait finance house.dy offer gold saving rm 1675 utk 10g.ok ke tak KFH ni?pucca mmg dh minat tp kakak la plak ckp takot rugi sbb pelaburan tu tak dilindungi oleh PIDM.huhu.hati ni dh tegeidk2 sgt nk simpan emas tp dgr ada org ckp camtu rasa tergugat jgk la skit

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Post time 20-7-2012 08:35 PM | Show all posts
nk mintak pendapat otai2 kat sini.hari rabu haritu ada pegi dk kuwait finance house.dy offer gold sa ...
puccafan Post at 20-7-2012 13:40

beli physical... ambik physical tu n simpan sendiri...

kalo rege gitu purity sama ada 999 or 996... ok ler... rege semasa ler tu...

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Post time 20-7-2012 09:16 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1595# pengecatbintang

   fobia la nk simpan sendiri.umh dh penah kna pecah msk.dyorg ada offer yg bole simpan kat bank.agak2 bole pecaya tak?mana la tau,nanti2 dy tukar plak ke

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Post time 24-7-2012 11:37 AM | Show all posts
puccafan posted on 20-7-2012 09:16 PM
Reply 1595# pengecatbintang

macamana kita boleh percaya simpanan kita dilindungi pidm......begitu juga kita percaya simpanan emas fizikal atau cagaran kita disimpan oleh bank.......samaada bank simpan kertas atau fizikal gold sama sahaja....yg berbeza lebih baik simpan fizikal berbanding fiat.......kalau simpanan nak pakai 1-2 bulan simpan fiat ok la....tapi kalau simpanan makan 5-10 tahun baik simpan gold siver...

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Post time 24-7-2012 08:53 PM | Show all posts
silau posted on 24-7-2012 11:37 AM
macamana kita boleh percaya simpanan kita dilindungi pidm......begitu juga kita percaya simpanan e ...

alhamdulillah.lega rasanya lepas wat keputusan.tadi beli emas 15gram je.dpt harga rm 165.35/g.ok la tu.drpd sblm ni harga melambung2 sampai rm185++. emas tu jenis 995. insyaallah kalo dh keja nanti,nk top up lg sblm harga emas naik mendadak. skrg ni rasa kesian dkt kwn2 yg main rempit arrahnu la. sbb dyorg main time emas harga rm180-190 camtu

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Post time 24-7-2012 10:23 PM | Show all posts
puccafan posted on 24-7-2012 08:53 PM
alhamdulillah.lega rasanya lepas wat keputusan.tadi beli emas 15gram je.dpt harga rm 165.35/g.ok l ...

Bagus2... Langkah yg bijak. 1st step always the hardest step. Pasni boleh istiqamah simpan bulan2, biar sikit tp berterusan. Cukup haul boleh keluarkan zakat emas/perak. Lagi2 bulan Ramadhan ni, bulan penuh keberkatan. Buat amal sunat dpt pahala banyak, buat amal wajib lagi la berganda2 pahala, InsyaAllah dipermudahkanNya. Mmg syok bayar zakat, mmg membersihkan harta dan membawa berkat. Boleh bayar time Ramadhan tiap2 tahun, x der la pening2 kepala pikir timing. Jgn culas/kedekut nak bayar. Selepas bayar zakat emas/perak ni ana rasa rezki makin berkat. Gaji naik x banyak pun, 3-4% jer( x lepas inflasi pun) tapi setiap bulan fiat berlebih2 plak. Alhamdulilah. Boleh tambah stock lagi.

Ana pun baru 1tahun 1/2 menyimpan fizikal. Masa murah beli(lebih), masa mahal pun beli(sikit).  Mmg ada turun naik harga, biasa la adat investment. Stakat ni return baru 50%, kira bagus dari simpan kt tempat2 lain. (A ASS Bee, unit trust, Tabung Haji, etc). Tahun pertama simpan mmg hari2 tgok harga turun naik. Lepas setahun dah x rasa ralat lagi, dh x kisah harga turun or naik sbb kita simpan utk long term. Mmg x usik pun simpanan fizikal ni. Nak rempit2 pun dh malas (sbb x pandai predict harga pasaran). Baik beli dan simpan jer, peace of mind.

Untuk bacaan tambahan tentang zakat emas/perak di bulan Ramadhan ni, boleh click link ni.

Pendapat 2 kupang


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Post time 24-7-2012 10:37 PM | Show all posts
muda_nerq posted on 24-7-2012 10:23 PM
Bagus2... Langkah yg bijak. 1st step always the hardest step. Pasni boleh istiqamah simpan bulan2, ...

pilih nk invest emas sbb senang nk paham+ada bukti dah depan mata.rantai yg mak bg time kecik2 dulu harga rm 90/g skrg dah jadi rm 145++(emas 815)
unit trust tak pandai lg.nk kna study byk2 dulu

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Post time 27-7-2012 04:34 PM | Show all posts
how about platinum? berapa reganya sekarang?

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