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Author: daitechgroup

[Dunia] V26 MH370 Usaha Mencari Kotak Hitam Diteruskan

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Post time 7-4-2014 03:11 PM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 7-4-2014 02:58 PM
apa khabar lah KD lekiu, hercules, komando, ..ermmm

kapal tanah air just cikcur2 jah kot sbb tiada peranti cnaggih untuk buat kesanan dasar laut?

yg aussie dok berbuih molot sebut ocean shield pun segala mak nenek peranti guna US navy punya sis. kapal jah aussie punya.

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Post time 7-4-2014 03:11 PM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 7-4-2014 03:08 PM

Yg ni aku terpaksa sokong... hatta us, cina , jepun etc yg ala perang dingin pun boleh buat buat jd sahabat dlm kes ni, takkan lah pembangkang dan pemerintah nak bergaduh pulak...nuart mmg silap nak menangguk air yg keruh pada waktu ni...

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Post time 7-4-2014 03:12 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 7-4-2014 03:14 PM | Show all posts
Changa posted on 7-4-2014 03:11 PM
kapal tanah air just cikcur2 jah kot sbb tiada peranti cnaggih untuk buat kesanan dasar laut?

y ...

semua dapat nama walaupun hanya guna kapal, tenaga manusia, camera, video dan macam2 lagi peralatan..

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Post time 7-4-2014 03:15 PM | Show all posts
Changa posted on 7-4-2014 03:11 PM
kapal tanah air just cikcur2 jah kot sbb tiada peranti cnaggih untuk buat kesanan dasar laut?

y ...

kapal kita ikut pegi ronda2 je... kot-kot nampak debris yg jenis boleh pancing / jala..

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Post time 7-4-2014 03:15 PM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 7-4-2014 03:11 PM
maksud aku, teori tu boleh wujud ke, melainkan pihak boeing/rr memang menyembunyikan sesuatu. pasa ...

mungkin ujud , filem non stop , negro n omputeh yang hack hp liam nelson , tak mustahil  jugak kan ...
ni link yang aku baca ... ties-found-inflight


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Post time 7-4-2014 03:16 PM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 7-4-2014 03:11 PM
Yg ni aku terpaksa sokong... hatta us, cina , jepun etc yg ala perang dingin pun boleh buat buat j ...

dlm hal ni banyak nau menangguk di air keruh...nak kata banjir, tengah kemarau..

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Post time 7-4-2014 03:16 PM | Show all posts
last last yang jumpa KD KD malaysia yang tak canggih

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Post time 7-4-2014 03:17 PM | Show all posts
Nape?Tak caye? posted on 7-4-2014 02:47 PM
ada aku baca satu artikel yang mengaitkan "rampasan cyber " MH370 mengunakan HP atau pen drive

nak rampas guna ponsel nokia 3310 punboleh sis.
antara nak ke tak nak jah.

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Post time 7-4-2014 03:18 PM | Show all posts
Nape?Tak caye? posted on 7-4-2014 03:12 PM ... ... ties-found-inflight

“They said you'd have to go through big checklists, you'd have to possibly pull circuit breakers if you wanted to deactivate [all the communications equipment],” NPR’s Geoff Brumfiel told “All Things Considered” host Robert Siegel. “So, to do this, you'd have to have some degree of premeditation and a lot of knowledge of the aircraft.”

@lorelai @tapibukanaku

Ini jugaklah yg I dah mentioned dlm thread yg awal awal dulu... I dimaklumkan oleh eng MAS yg ni pilot susah nak buat sbb ianya di dlm system... engineer avionic tau nak godek dia tp pilot mmg jarang tahu atau tak tahu langsung... bukan main guna switch on off saja

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Post time 7-4-2014 03:19 PM | Show all posts
Nape?Tak caye? posted on 7-4-2014 03:15 PM
mungkin ujud , filem non stop , negro n omputeh yang hack hp liam nelson , tak mustahil  jugak kan ...

ok. nanti baca. tq.


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Post time 7-4-2014 03:19 PM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 7-4-2014 03:14 PM
semua dapat nama walaupun hanya guna kapal, tenaga manusia, camera, video dan macam2 lagi peralata ...

janji dapat badge pelekat SAR MH370 kat baju itu sis.
kau ado??


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Post time 7-4-2014 03:21 PM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 7-4-2014 03:18 PM ...

owh ok. tq uols. iols tak dapat bukak blog ni

lets say teori ni betul, engineer yg tau benda ni eng mas atau boeing itu sendiri or rr?

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Post time 7-4-2014 03:22 PM | Show all posts
Changa posted on 7-4-2014 03:19 PM
janji dapat badge pelekat SAR MH370 kat baju itu sis.
kau ado??

New Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 ‘Cyber Hijack’ Theory Emerges After ‘Vulnerabilities’ Found In Inflight System
By Philip Ross
on March 16 2014 8:14 PM

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A passenger takes pictures of a Malaysia Airlines plane at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport on March 16, 2014. Reuters

As the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 continues, investigators have come across some startling evidence that the plane could have been hijacked using a mobile phone or even a USB stick. The theory comes from a British anti-terrorism expert who says cyber terrorists could have used a series of “codes” to hack the plane’s in-flight entertainment system and infiltrate the security software.

According to Sally Leivesley, a former scientific adviser to the UK’s Home Office, the Boeing 777’s speed, direction and altitude could have been changed using radio signals sent from a small device. The theory comes after investigators determined that someone with knowledge of the plane’s system intentionally flew the jet off course.

“It might well be the world’s first cyber hijack,” Leivesley told the U.K.’s Sunday Express. “This is a very early version of what I would call a smart plane, a fly-by-wire aircraft controlled by electronic signals.”

Leivesley said that the evidence increasingly indicates that someone took over the plane’s controls “in a deceptive manner” and overwhelmed the plane’s system either remotely or from a seat on the plane.



[size=0.8em]11 More Countries Join Search...


“There appears to be an element of planning from someone with a very sophisticated systems engineering understanding,” she said. “When the plane is air-side, you can insert a set of commands and codes that may initiate, on signal, a set of processes.”

Investigators have also proposed that the pilots themselves could have switched the plane’s communication equipment off and redirected the plane west, but officials say it would have been very difficult for them to make the plane disappear from radar. Commercial aviation pilots who spoke with NPR said shutting down the system, which is designed to automatically communicate with ground control stations, is far more complicated than throwing a single switch.

“They said you'd have to go through big checklists, you'd have to possibly pull circuit breakers if you wanted to deactivate [all the communications equipment],” NPR’s Geoff Brumfiel told “All Things Considered” host Robert Siegel. “So, to do this, you'd have to have some degree of premeditation and a lot of knowledge of the aircraft.”

Further evidence supporting the cyber hijack theory comes from the fact that Boeing had previously expressed concern over the security of the plane’s systems, and had even contacted the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration for permission to change some of the onboard equipment. In August 2012, Boeing applied to have additional security installed aboard several of its 777 series aircraft.

Boeing was concerned that the aircrafts’ inflight entertainment system, which includes USB connections, could allow hackers to access a plane’s computer. The Federal Aviation Administration granted Boeing permission to change its inflight systems five months ago.

"The integrated network configurations in the Boeing Model 777-200, -300, and -300ER series airplanes may enable increased connectivity with external network sources and will have more interconnected networks and systems, such as passenger entertainment and information services than previous airplane models,” the U.S. Federal Register stated in a Nov. 2013 report. “This may enable the exploitation of network security vulnerabilities and increased risks potentially resulting in unsafe conditions for the airplanes and occupants."

Last year, a Spanish researcher showed it was possible to hack a plane using a mobile phone. According to WTOP, during a presentation in April 2013 at the Hack-In-The-Box security summit in Amsterdam, Hugo Teso allegedly proved that with an Android smartphone, a specific “attack code” and an Android app called PlaneSploit, he could hijack both a plane’s system as well as the pilot’s display.

The FAA quickly denied Teso’s assertion that he could remotely commandeer a plane.

"The described technique cannot engage or control the aircraft's autopilot system using the FMS or prevent a pilot from overriding the autopilot," the FAA said in a statement following Teso’s demonstration. "Therefore, a hacker cannot obtain 'full control of an aircraft' as the technology consultant has claimed."

Sis, kalau ada masa boleh komen


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Post time 7-4-2014 03:23 PM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 7-4-2014 03:14 PM
semua dapat nama walaupun hanya guna kapal, tenaga manusia, camera, video dan macam2 lagi peralata ...

3 stooges on the flying carpet pun tumpang bermelodi/bergalaksi.  Jaga2, ada yg memerhati.  Satu dunia sudah pun bersaksi.

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Post time 7-4-2014 03:23 PM | Show all posts
Changa posted on 7-4-2014 03:19 PM
janji dapat badge pelekat SAR MH370 kat baju itu sis.
kau ado??

boleh masuk dlm cv..


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Post time 7-4-2014 03:24 PM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 7-4-2014 02:19 PM
utusang dan govt berpisah teda..

siapa cakap...hehehehe...

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Post time 7-4-2014 03:25 PM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 7-4-2014 07:18 AM ...

jadi mari lupakan teori pilot yang bersalah ke??


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Post time 7-4-2014 03:25 PM | Show all posts
nolya posted on 7-4-2014 03:23 PM
3 stooges on the flying carpet pun tumpang bermelodi/bergalaksi.  Jaga2, ada yg memerhati.  Satu d ...

3 stooges? cam comel je.. tapi sape uols? depa yg kuar tiap2 hari jam 530 tu ke?

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Post time 7-4-2014 03:25 PM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 7-4-2014 03:21 PM
owh ok. tq uols. iols tak dapat bukak blog ni

lets say teori ni betul, engineer yg tau benda ni ...

Semua Licensed Aircraft Engineer Avionic ( lesen berbeza untuk airframe, avionics etc) yg boleh work on B777. Engineer B747 hanya boleh work on B747 unless dia ada lesen B777. Begitulah sebaliknya... kena ikut type rating. Boeing punya engineer entahlah... yg tu I tak tau sbb yg bagitau I ni engineer MAS

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