Reply #78 komandermaut's post
30 mins tuh takut terinjured balik. every game naik kan game time for totti ler.kalo 1st 15mins 2nd baru leh kasi 30 mins laks. |
my choice...
buffon, zaccardo, nesta, cannavaro, grosso, pirlo, de rossi, perotta, totti, del piero, toni
gilardino n camoranesi bley masuk 2nd half, tu pun kalau ghana leading la. italy leading kalu, masukkn materazzi je, kasi bentes kaki sket. heheh |
Reply #80 komandermaut's post
materazzi tuh and gattuso dua mafia soldier ler.:bgrin:
they'll do the dirty works...tk dpt bola kaki opponent jadi mangse. |
Originally posted by komandermaut at 12-6-2006 01:14 PM
my choice...
buffon, zaccardo, nesta, cannavaro, grosso, pirlo, de rossi, perotta, totti, del piero, toni
gilardino n camoranesi bley masuk 2nd half, tu pun kalau ghana leading la. italy lead ...
aku punyer lebih kurang camtu gak lah.
buffon, canna, nesta, zambrotta, zaccardo, pirlo, perotta, camonerasi, piero, gilardino, toni.
klu itali leading, kuarkan gilardino masukkan gatusso/materazzi. ataupun nak lebih defensive kuarkan gilardino dgn camonerasi masukkan gatusso & materazzi. lebih kurang camni la.
4-3-1-2 ---> 4-1-3-2/4-1-2-1-2 ---> 4-2-2-2/4-2-2-1-1 |
Originally posted by carrim7 at 12-6-2006 01:19 PM
materazzi tuh and gattuso dua mafia soldier ler.:bgrin:
they'll do the dirty works...tk dpt bola kaki opponent jadi mangse.
pastu suke tarik rambut orang and member sendiri :lol |
ni dia aku punya selecao..
---------Toni - Gilagol-----------
-De Rossi--Pirlo--Camoranesi-
posisi LB tu ko ganti laa dgn sapa2 pon lol |
The Kops This user has been deleted
hehe iklan ala ala lagu ruffedge
mari la bergoyang,marilah bergoyang
Anyway, dgr cita totti bukan 100% cergas,maybe si del piero akan ganti dia. |
-----De Rossi-------Pirlo-----Camoranesi------
2nd half:-
Oddo ---> Zaccardo
Totti ---> Del Piero
Pirlo -- > Perrotta
yg kat atas ni kalo ikut aku la..tapi kalo lippi mungkin dia akan gunakan Iaquinta utk guna formation 4-4-2 kalo totti ngan del piero tak menjadi.. |
italy agak beruntung pasal game ni dilangsungkan pd waktu mlm dan bkn tgh panas..kalo lawan tgh panas mungkin advantage utk african team.. |
Lets watch Italy vs Czech Rep. match together... Join us and other Italian fans as we watch the final match in the Group stage for both teams...
Venue: Cafe 1920, Bangsar Village, Jln Telawi, Bangsar
Date: 22 June 2006 (Thursday)
Time: 10 PM |
Originally posted by Luca_Pitok at 12-6-2006 03:30 PM
italy agak beruntung pasal game ni dilangsungkan pd waktu mlm dan bkn tgh panas..kalo lawan tgh panas mungkin advantage utk african team..
yup.. btul tu. nasib baik la lwn ghana mlm. btw pitok, oddo tu mmg ade hrpn main ahead of zaccardo gak tu. oddo pun offensive gak, bley support right wing italy. x yah hrp sgt kt camoranesi tu, asyik x mnjadik je dia tu |
edited.. silap post  |
Lets watch Italy vs Czech Rep. match together... Join us and other Italian fans as we watch the final match in the Group stage for both teams...
Venue: Cafe 1920, Bangsar Village, Jln Telawi, Bangsar
Date: 22 June 2006 (Thursday)
Time: 10 PM |
all out for ITALY yey...!!! |
Lippi dah confirm yg Totti main pagi nih ek? So all the best Azurris :hatdown: |
Reply #90 DanaScully's post
best ler kalo cam tuh but fit btul2 ker mamat nih. |
Reply #91 carrim7's post
70% fit...tapi kira ok la bagi player yg punya kualiti tahap mcm dia... |
hmmm..baik simpan jer for latter stages. |
meh nyanyi ramai2 pagi ni..
Fratelli d'Italia
L'Italia s' |
mintaknya menjadik lah team Italy tahun nie. Asek kecewa jer sejak tahun 1990 lagi :malu: |
| |