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Author: marypoppins

Istana Bawang 5 (Kate vs Meghan): The Arrival of Sussex Baby

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Post time 12-5-2019 01:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by eva at 12-5-2019 01:49 PM
mamaneesa replied at 12-5-2019 10:44 AM
Haha...tak nak tunjuk birth certificate!! Tak dpt sugars nak berlagak masuk cni macam lepas je relea ...

bukan main bangga semcm bb dha lahir
napa Msian sibuk2'.'
nah kaw... x ada bukti budak tu anak Harry.. cert pun kena sorok je..

kalau betul anak dia kuarkan cepat. anak angkat je cert dia kuar after 42 hari

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Post time 12-5-2019 01:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 12-5-2019 12:46 PM
Walaupun pelakon kelas D. mcm mana megnut ni sleep at night ye. Dgn the pressure of diri sendiri t ...

megnot passed password dia kat sugars yg dipercayai utk cover dia.

DD bgtau, dia x ada dah hadap media semua nie. Bukan dia yg tulis mcm mcm tu... tu sugars dia.

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Post time 12-5-2019 01:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by eva at 12-5-2019 01:57 PM
234126 replied at 12-5-2019 12:50 PM
Sebab TP and DD know megnut memang baca kan knowing her as a narcissist, she mana tahan xpt attent ...

hahaha.. betul..

ala semua supporters dia justify apa dia buat. kita jeles dia, dpt laki prince la, kita kepam idung penyek la.. the fact is.. their idola is as ugly as sin.

inside out..  mcm mcm dia buat. now dia  nak merching about aci ke? sian budak tu.. kalau betul ada baby, kalau x, sian doll tu jd mangsa merching

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Post time 12-5-2019 02:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
judicata replied at 12-5-2019 01:16 PM
Kalau surrogate.. nama ibu bukan meggot, tmpt lahir kena declare mana.. hotel ka rumah. Pastu sapa ...

Alkisah .. Hahhahahaha .. Dah memang penipu pun kan? Guanne?

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Post time 12-5-2019 02:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 12-5-2019 01:46 PM
betul ke anak dia? napa boleh ada dlm line brf? x valid kalau cert anak pun x mo tunjuk tp masih n ...

Archie officially in line to throne. Tp if birth cert is not issued within 42 days.. so org boleh question la kedudukan baby archie nih. Tu la kot yg brf dok biar je meggot gantung diri sendiri dengan penipuan dia hohoho

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Post time 12-5-2019 02:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
JRmommy replied at 12-5-2019 02:02 PM
Alkisah .. Hahhahahaha .. Dah memang penipu pun kan? Guanne?

Betul la kot. Brf is giving enough rope for meggot to hang herself bahaha

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Post time 12-5-2019 02:29 PM | Show all posts
kalau takde buat salah buat apalah nak sorok sijil lahir anak tu..
byk sgt alasan

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Post time 12-5-2019 02:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 12-5-2019 01:51 PM
megnot passed password dia kat sugars yg dipercayai utk cover dia.

DD bgtau, dia x ada dah had ...

Really? Wow i cant believe megnut dah tak hadap media.

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Post time 12-5-2019 02:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 12-5-2019 01:53 PM
hahaha.. betul..

ala semua supporters dia justify apa dia buat. kita jeles dia, dpt laki pri ...

Kesian archie tu nanti memang jadi bahan merching. Now dia blh la kata nak privacy kan.

Dah besar sikit nanti she will spin ‘nak transparent dgn public’ pulak kann. Or maybe ‘media keep on insisting’

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Post time 12-5-2019 02:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ikanmasin replied at 12-5-2019 02:29 PM
kalau takde buat salah buat apalah nak sorok sijil lahir anak tu..
byk sgt alasan

Exactly. Benda simple right

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Post time 12-5-2019 02:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
judicata replied at 12-5-2019 02:25 PM
Betul la kot. Brf is giving enough rope for meggot to hang herself bahaha

suka dgn ayat ni. BRF maintain ikut their protocols and procedures. They biar megnut hanging alone so public tak boleh kata its BRF’s fault. Sebab si megnut sendiri yang dah release mcm2 statement utk diri sendiri.

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Post time 12-5-2019 02:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
42 days kena tunggu keluar surat beranak anak si jenglot ini.. Jangan saja dipalsukan surat beranak tu dah la hahaha... Dasar tak malu. Takut pula si jenglot ini.. Siap sudah gali grave utk ko.. Tinggal kenduri kendara lagi nak celebrate

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Post time 12-5-2019 02:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Farnor replied at 12-5-2019 02:37 PM
42 days kena tunggu keluar surat beranak anak si jenglot ini.. Jangan saja dipalsukan sur ...

pakai sindiket kan forge birth cert mcm kat msia la forge IC muka bangladesh tapi nama local siap alamat dgn no IC sah.

Berani ke dia ye tapinye. MI5 & MI6 tu mesti laju je buat verification.  

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Post time 12-5-2019 02:41 PM | Show all posts
234126 replied at 12-5-2019 02:35 PM
Exactly. Benda simple right

kan ..dan mm pl byk demand nak sorok2.yg bakal king elok
jer tunjuk semua bagai..tu yg menguatkan syak kita pd mm ni..

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Post time 12-5-2019 02:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
judicata replied at 12-5-2019 02:25 PM
Betul la kot. Brf is giving enough rope for meggot to hang herself bahaha

Huhuhu..  Sket hari gila meroyan. Elak betul je dia gantung diri sebab takleh terima hakikat kejatuhan dia. Choii. Ngeri i

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Post time 12-5-2019 02:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 12-5-2019 01:44 PM
takmo ngaku kan.. so pushing game starting

Dia mati hidup balik pun takan ngaku punya .. Sebab dia yakin dia hebat dan takan kalah sebab ada backers yg mantap bole jatuhkan brf. Padahaaaaaaalll .. Hahaha je la i mampu

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Post time 12-5-2019 03:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Fazzbulous replied at 12-5-2019 12:59 PM
Yup..i rasa mmg stratgi brf..keep silent...biar sussex yg handle...mmg skang ni reputation harry n ...

Yupp.. as some Brit observers said.. BRF is giving MM enough rope and exposure for her to hang herself

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Post time 12-5-2019 03:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 12-5-2019 12:37 PM
Suke bebenar kat tom hardy ye hehehehe

I think its her. Susah kita nak ‘consistently’ copy  ...


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Post time 12-5-2019 03:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 12-5-2019 02:32 PM
Really? Wow i cant believe megnut dah tak hadap media.

yeap umah twitter kata dia nah pass dia punya passwords kat sugars yg dipercayai.. sbb tu kengkadang bahasa dia lain mcm..

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Post time 12-5-2019 03:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
JRmommy replied at 12-5-2019 02:53 PM
Dia mati hidup balik pun takan ngaku punya .. Sebab dia yakin dia hebat dan takan kalah sebab ada  ...

yg naikkan dan jatuhkan brf adalah brits.. she is still americano

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