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Author: Ustaz_SUFI


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Post time 3-12-2009 11:18 AM | Show all posts
hi korang...smlm akhirnyer aku berjumpa ngan eyka & pav ...derang mmg peramah..aku jek x reti nk menyembang..sowi la korang..aku kalu 1st time mmg gitu...
amka Post at 3-12-2009 11:16

ko neves ke pemalu amka?
aku pemalu

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Post time 3-12-2009 11:30 AM | Show all posts
1643# amka

hehehhe... 1st time jumpe kite pon malu2 gak

sonok jumpe geng yg sama-sbb tau ape yg kite rase!

nanti bole la gather2 lg.. mkn2 pulak

Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight


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Post time 3-12-2009 11:38 AM | Show all posts
bestnya kalo dpt join

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Post time 3-12-2009 11:54 AM | Show all posts
ko neves ke pemalu amka?
aku pemalu
cheesepastry Post at 3-12-2009 11:18

nebes kot

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Post time 3-12-2009 11:54 AM | Show all posts
bestnya kalo dpt join
cheesepastry Post at 3-12-2009 11:38

jom arr...:pompom:

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Post time 3-12-2009 11:56 AM | Show all posts
1643# amka

hehehhe... 1st time jumpe kite pon malu2 gak

sonok jumpe geng yg sama-sbb tau ape yg kite rase!

nanti bole la gather2 lg.. mkn2 pulak

-------------------------------------- ...
pavlova Post at 3-12-2009 11:30

ko kira peramah la gak ..aku mmg x reti sgt menyembang kalu 1st time jumpa...segan eyka mmg btol2 peramah...x renti2 dia ckp heheheh

sowi yek smlm balik awal..aku takot nk nek train nuu..smlm kn...masa aku naik train daa kul 10...daa xder org..aku daa cuak hehhehe

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Post time 3-12-2009 11:59 AM | Show all posts
jom arr...:pompom:
amka Post at 3-12-2009 11:54

apakan daya...tugas dan masa
join forum pn dah ganggu byk hal sbenarnya
tp aku takmo idup dlm tekanan dan kerisauan:kant:

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Post time 3-12-2009 12:00 PM | Show all posts
ko kira peramah la gak ..aku mmg x reti sgt menyembang kalu 1st time jumpa...segan eyka mmg btol2 peramah...x renti2 dia ckp heheheh

sowi yek smlm balik awal..aku takot nk nek tra ...
amka Post at 3-12-2009 11:56

eyka mcm jessica kawan si bella tu ye?
tak renti2 berckp

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Post time 3-12-2009 12:03 PM | Show all posts
eyka mcm jessica kawan si bella tu ye?
tak renti2 berckp
cheesepastry Post at 3-12-2009 12:00

jessica tuh busuk ati...eyka x la..dia x renti2 ckp psl edward aje.....klu jessica tuh berpura2..nyampah aku...lg satu eyka slim + tinggi tau...jesicca kebantut

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Post time 3-12-2009 12:28 PM | Show all posts
gle hensem edward tp watak dia sket je fokus pd jacob je skali sekala edward kua pehhhh mmg xbleh tahan lahhhh.....
dewberry Post at 2-12-2009 11:20

dalam buku, memang watak edward lenyap kejap
more concetrate kat watak jacob sebab dalam buku 3 - eclipse dia ada ceritakan pasal jacob ni
so dorang lahirkan or perkenalkan watak jacob awal2 ler supaya kita faham

but dont worry end-up both edward & Bella akan kawin & akan ada baby

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Post time 3-12-2009 12:35 PM | Show all posts
1459# alyana

hahaha..... pengarah mesti wujudkan tension antara jacob bella edward utk kesinambungan part 3.. ECLIPSE.. masa tu baru la jacob & edward akan berlumba2 utk best man win... perasaan  ...
eyka Post at 29-11-2009 22:03

buku yg terakhir - mmg bella akan jadi vampire
so bella terpakse sesuaikan diri dia mase jadi vampire tu

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Post time 3-12-2009 12:48 PM | Show all posts
ko neves ke pemalu amka?
aku pemalu
cheesepastry Post at 3-12-2009 11:18

aku pun sama...

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Post time 3-12-2009 01:16 PM | Show all posts
aku pun sama...
mimiekiut Post at 3-12-2009 12:48

ohh sama-sama pemalu

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Post time 3-12-2009 01:56 PM | Show all posts
patut la aku tersedak2 hari ni.....

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Post time 3-12-2009 02:20 PM | Show all posts
patut la aku tersedak2 hari ni.....
eyka Post at 3-12-2009 13:56

compliment tuh eyka...1st time jumpa korang daa buleh get along...
eyka marah ke?...sowi le......aku jeles benonyer korang leh sembang..aku boleh dengo jek le x reti nk nyelit

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Post time 3-12-2009 02:27 PM | Show all posts
baca review dari media kat malaysia....

NST Online ... /Article/index_html

ENTERTAINMENT: Be moonstruck      

   Bibi Nurshuhada Ramli and Tengku Elena Tengku Mahamad


Directed by Chris Weitz

Starring Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner

WHAT’S so special about Twilight? Is it the sweet, romantic yetextraordinary story based on the book by Stephenie Meyer? Or is it thetwo handsome main leads Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner? Twilighttook the audience by storm when it premiered last year. It was such ahuge hit that the book sales rose, creating a phenomenon much likeHarry Potter and Lord of the Rings. This latest sequel, The TwilightSaga: New Moon, hits another jackpot.

New Moon kicks off withBella Swan (Kristen Stewart) turning 18. The Cullens throw a party andshower her with presents. While opening one of the gifts, she gets apaper cut and a drop of blood falls onto the carpet. Not being able tocontain his thirst for blood, Edward’s (Robert Pattinson)brother-in-law Jasper (Jackson Rathbone), who is also at the party,suddenly rushes towards Bella for blood but she is saved by Edward.

Fearingfor his girlfriend’s safety from his kind (i.e. vampires), Edward isdetermined to disappear from Bella’s life, much to her dismay. Bellafinds comfort in the form of her best friend Jacob Black (TaylorLautner), who is caring and protective — and a potential replacementfor Edward.

Twilight fans can take heart that the romancebetween Edward and Bella still flourishes in New Moon despite thehardships they endured in Twilight New Moon.

In this sequel, Jacob provides a refreshing perspective.

In terms of graphics, director Chris Weitz uses more CGI than before.

Oneof the scenes that relies heavily on it is the fight sequence. Toamplify the duel, everything moves in slow motion, which after a while,becomes rather tacky. Even so, it’s still better than Twilight.

Thecamera work and editing, on the other hand, deserve a thumbs-up as theprogression of one scene to another is smooth. For instance, when thecamera revolves around Bella as she mourns in her room for three monthsbecause of Edward’s departure.

The storyline for New Moon israther slow-paced. The director dwells on the more dramatic scenes,with the possibility that non-Twilight fans might be bored.

Andfor those who have yet to watch the first instalment, they will havesome difficulties in understanding the plot, as there is nointroduction of any sort to the characters’ background. For instance,the director does not introduce the villain named Victoria, who isafter Bella’s blood to avenge the death of her boyfriend James, who waskilled by Edward in Twilight.
Dr Carlisle Cullen (Peter Facinelli) attending to Bella’s (Stewart) wound after being pushed by Edward.
Nevertheless, the stars of the movie once again deliver exemplary performances.

Stewartremains moody throughout the movie while Pattinson masters his sad andinjured look perfectly. When you come to think of it, the movie is fullof people who are awfully pale and sickly — except the werewolf clan,and that includes Jacob.

After having so little screen timein the previous movie, Lautner shines in New Moon. Female fans ofLautner will be delighted as he shows off his muscular body more.

And the plot thickens with another young, mysterious man who harbours an affection for Bella.

With Pattinson and Lautner’s charismatic acting, you will be taxed as to who to root for in the end.

It’sdisappointing that Dakota Fanning as Jane of the Volturi vampire clanis given such a short screen time, as she plays her part supremelywell, as expected. Despite the qualities that mar New Moon, fans of theTwilight saga will still be happy with this new sequel even if it doesnot follow the book exactly.

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Post time 3-12-2009 02:30 PM | Show all posts
Movie : New Moon
                                                                                                                              Thu, 2009-12-03

Wolves' Turn to Shine

Wolf-infested New Moon is every girl's guilty pleasure.Imagine Transformers for the ladies and you're not far off.
The first Twilight movie melted girls' hearts all over the globewith the romantic tale between a girl and a vampire. Now, approximatelya year later, fans welcome (and haters dread) the second installment ofStephanie Meyer's phenomenally successful franchise, New Moon.

Themovie picks up where the first chapter left. Bella Swan (KristenStewart) and Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) are all lovey-dovey untila certain incident (a paper cut actually) leads them to believe theirrelationship could never work out. So, Edward leaves Bella, saying it'sfor her sake, and the poor girl is left shattered and staring out herwindow 24/7.
In comes close friend Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) intothe picture. Remember the long-haired good-natured guy in Twilight?Well, this time he's 26-pounds buffer, trades his locks for a neaternew look and has a habit of not wearing a shirt. He also packs a meansix pack torso; giggles and sighs from female cinema viewers tell usthe guy gets their absolute approval. Jacob, who obviously has feelingsfor Bella, provides her comfort at a time where she feels like she losteverything. It turns out Jacob and his clan are werewolves. And whileEdward is icy cold as a vampire, Jacob's 108-degree body is the exactopposite. How's that for a love triangle?

Also making anappearance in New Moon are the Volturi,  elder vampires who enforcetheir laws. Outstanding members include thought-reading Aro (MichaelSheen) and pain-inflicter Jane (Dakota Fanning). The look in their eyescan really give you the chills!

New Moon picks up a different moodunder the directorial touch of Chris Weitz. And while I do miss thedreamy feel of Catherine Hardwicke's first installment, I believe thenew treatment suits the second movie rather well. Special effects haveundergone a major facelift, and you're now treated to delightfullyrealistic werewolf transformations and better-looking vampire powers.Watch out for rather cool (albeit short) vampire versus werewolf sceneswith plenty of fancy acrobatic maneuvers. There is also some humor inbetween all the love and heartbreak; the cinema scene was especiallyhilarious! The characters are also more varied this time around and areall surreally attractive. The vampires still look like they buriedtheir faces in flour though. Nevertheless, I'm very glad they gaveAlice Cullen (Ashley Greene) more screen time this time around (whatcan I say, she's just drop-dead gorgeous!).  

I believe girls willget a real kick out of New Moon. With to-die-for bare-chested guys, anda delicious love triangle, it's the same sort of guilty-pleasure thatguys get from Transformers, and having said that, I'm sure there arestill guys who'd enjoy the movie. After all, I did. Bring on Eclipse!

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Post time 3-12-2009 03:54 PM | Show all posts
aku jumpa wallpaper cun
(credit to label)


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Post time 3-12-2009 05:11 PM | Show all posts
sayangnya takde adengan bella cabut keluar stereo (hadiah dari emmet ) kat trak dia masa depresion tu...

aku nak post apa yg ada apa yg takde antara dlm buku dgn movie... tapi nanti jadi spoiler lak kat org yg belum tgk lagi....

satu lagi adengan antara charlie dgn alice hilang terus dlm movie... macam tak penah jumpa pulak...

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Post time 3-12-2009 05:14 PM | Show all posts
post jelah eyka...aku nak tgk!

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