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Author: ibuKA

Bishounen/bishies! Yaoi pon ok!!

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Post time 10-8-2010 09:43 AM | Show all posts
Fire & Water Chapter 12 : the Epilogue

Jaejoong was feeling the softness of the cushions and the lavender smell. He smiled happily and then he yawned. He snuggled between his silk sheets and then suddenly his eyes opened wide.

“Yunho!” he shouted and jumped out of his bed but he didn’t go far because he was still feeling dizzy so he found himself between the arms of his best friend, Junsu.

“Calm down my prince, Prince Yunho is now with the King,” Junsu said with a big smile on his face.

Jaejoong just looked at his friend with wide eyes and then he sat on his bed with his help. Now he could see that he was in Yunho and his room.  It was sunny and he could hear the birds were singing. He could smell the honeysuckles from the garden. He could also feel the warm breeze that was coming from the open windows. His best friend was smiling happily at him.

“Junsu….am I dreaming?” asked Jaejoong too afraid to hear the answer.

Junsu smiled wider, “You are not dreaming my prince! War is finally over! We are back at home!” he shouted happily and jumped to his feet. Jaejoong jumped to his feet as well and they hugged each other jumping together with happiness.

Suddenly Junsu cut the jumping and made Jaejoong to sit again, “You shouldn’t jump my prince, how stupid I am…you are pregnant.”

After Jaejoong calmed down a little, he jumped to his feet again. “I want to see Yunho!” he shouted and when he turned to the door, he felt his husband even before he saw him.

Yunho felt his Jaejoong’s happiness immediately and almost run to their bedroom. When he opened the door, Jaejoong’s smiling face welcomed him.

Yunho felt like his heart broke into pieces when he saw dark circles under Jaejoong’s eyes. Even if he was sleeping for a day he still felt tired. All of them were really tired but seeing his beloved one like this was making Yunho very sad. He tried not to make Jaejoong felt his sadness so he immediately took him into his arms.

He buried his head to his wife’s neck and took his scent into his lungs. While he was hugging him tightly, one of his hands went to his head and stroked his silky hair.

He heard Jaejoong murmured.

“Is it over now?” asked Jaejoong almost afraid to hear the answer.

Yunho hugged him tightly and whispered into his ear, “Yes it is over now…We are safe my beautiful.”

Jaejoong couldn’t hold himself anymore and started to cry. His body was shaking with his sobs and Yunho just whispered comforting words into his ear and stroked his back. They didn’t even notice that Junsu had already left them alone.

Yunho carefully lifted Jaejoong and carried him to their bed where he gently laid his wife. He sat down next to him and tried to dry his tears.

“Everything is alright my beautiful, there is nothing to be afraid…We are safe, all of our people are safe…..finally we have peace again.”

Jaejoong took Yunho’s hand and kissed it tenderly before smiling to his husband.

“I am so happy Yunho…I am so happy that…ahh…I am sorry I just can’t hold myself. My feelings are so complicated…”

“I know my beautiful…It was also hard for all of us…”

“What happened, Yunho? I couldn’t remember…the last thing I remembered was seeing the dragons flying to help us and then it was all gone black…”

Yunho helped Jaejoong to sit up properly on the bed while he sat near him.

“Dragons helped us to bring the Wind Princes down. After they fell, the remaining  Wind wizards surrendered to us.”

“When I fell, what happened to the spell?”

“Spell was broken but it was unnecessary because the dragons helped us. There is nothing to worry, beautiful,” said Yunho smiling to his wife.

“I am so relieved,” said Jaejoong with a big sigh. Then he turned to his husband again, “My sister…is she alright?” asked Jaejoong and wanted to stand up to see her but Yunho made him to sit down again.

“She is alright Jaejoong, don’t worry. She was sleeping earlier on, just like you did but now she is awake. She also asked for you as well. After you have eaten something, we will all go and see her, okay?”

Jaejoong put his head on Yunho’s chest and hugged him.


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Post time 10-8-2010 09:43 AM | Show all posts
Jaejoong put his hand on his 7 months pregnant belly when he felt the movement of his son and smiled to himself. Sometimes he could feel his emotions like he felt Yunho. He could feel his son was happy too. He was also constantly moving these past days and was giving Jaejoong sleepless nights but his mother never complained. He really liked to feel his son’s movements, his little kicks, his emotions. He knew that his son could feel his own emotions too, so he tried to relax and be happy for his baby.

Yunho was really jealous because he couldn’t feel his son’s emotions. He was talking to him while caressing Jaejoong’s belly everyday but the only thing he could feel was his little kicks if he was even lucky. Jaejoong knew that Yunho had the same bond. Three of them were bonded but for now only Jaejoong could feel him. Once he came to the world, they would be whole.

When Jaejoong felt Yunho’s hand on his own he turned and smiled to his husband.

“He is awake I think?” said Yunho caressing Jaejoong’s belly.

“Yes, he is and he is so happy. I guess he can feel that we are celebrating his uncle’s wedding,” said Jaejoong looking at the happy couples who was dancing in front of them.

Jaejoong looked at Changmin and smiled to himself. He was really handsome. He was dancing perfectly with his beautiful bride, So-Eun. They couldn’t wait any longer after experiencing the hardship of the war that they decided to marry early. Jaejoong was so happy for them.

His best friend Junsu really looked happy between Yoochun arms. His head was on Yoochun’s shoulder while Yoochun’s arms were around his waist. He was so happy that Junsu and Yoochun had also announced their engagement. They couldn’t decide the wedding day but Jaejoong hoped that it would happen soon so they could give his son a friend.

His sister was also dancing with his fiancé, the Wind King, Lee Junki. They had planned their wedding in June. Jaejoong was really happy about that because he could have his sister near him when it was due for him to give birth to his son.

They would all become one extended happy family soon watching their children grew up in a peaceful world. The only matter for both Jaejoong and Yunho was that they had to be careful from now on because they would be having a very special son. He was still worried about this. He knew there were a lot of people who could protect him. He also felt that his son would be really strong to protect himself but he was a mother after all and he couldn’t help himself but worry.

He sighed heavy without even noticing it but Yunho heard him. He reached for Jaejoong’s hand and kissed.

“I promise we will dance till the end of the night at the next wedding,” whispered Yunho into Jaejoong’s ear.

Jaejoong didn’t want to bore Yunho down with his worries so he let him think that he was bored because he couldn’t dance in his present condition. He just smiled at him.

“I won’t forget your promise my prince.”

Jaejoong had never complained but Yunho knew sometimes he was having hard times. It was not easy for a man to carry a baby to full term. Yunho took Jaejoong’s face between his hands and pecked his lips lightly.

“I would do anything for you, little mummy,” whispered Yunho.

“Okay then, daddy…Now I want you to take this very pregnant man to his chambers,” said Jaejoong smiling at his husband.

They slowly walked to their chambers hand in hand. Jaejoong’s other hand was on his belly feeling his son’s little feet moving against it. He put their joined hands on his bell so that Yunho would feel it too. They just stand there and felt their baby for a while. Then Yunho turned Jaejoong to face him and looked into his eyes.

“No more worries my beautiful…”

Jaejoong closed his eyes and just nodded. He thought that he could hide his worries from Yunho but his husband could always read him like an open book.

“I can’t help it…Sometimes I just…only think that.” said Jaejoong as he threw himself into Yunho’s arms.

Yunho hugged him.

“We restored the peace and nobody will be able to destroy it…We value peace and love. All of us will raise our children with love. We will also teach them to live in peace. We will teach them friendship, respect, trust…Even after we had gone, they will continue protecting each other and maintaining the peace. Don’t you have faith in that?” asked Yunho while drying his wife’s tears.

Jaejoong just nodded and then buried his head onto Yunho’s chest again. His husband was right. They had already proved that love always won. They had gone through a lot. They trusted each other. They protected each other. They believed in each other. They love each other.

Jaejoong raised his head and looked into Yunho’s eyes.

“I promise…I won’t lose my faith…”

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Post time 10-8-2010 09:44 AM | Show all posts

p/s: actually ayat last tu macam dao dan harapan peminat DBSK utk tak putus harapan dgn berita breakup diorg nih..

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 Author| Post time 10-8-2010 11:10 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1595# Kia_picanto

    uuuuuu...syoknye kene kiss...
sgt romantik kannnn...

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 Author| Post time 10-8-2010 01:27 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1602# Kia_picanto

    aduuuuu...nasib baik aku baca hari ni...kalo besok...mau tinggal separuh pahala poser aku...

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 Author| Post time 10-8-2010 04:10 PM | Show all posts
laa.. aku lagi laa.. tak ade kapel pon nak bermesra cam yunjae tuh

ayat aku yaoi ker?? ahahah...

tak silap ade satu gambar jaejoong kat bilik air peminat dapat cilok then post.. gambar tu self capture.. ke ko dah tepek sebelum nih.. rasanye itu la.. tapi itu gara2 stalker yg teror IT tuh.. bahaya giler

oh.. filem jepun tu tak kuar lagi.. pasal surfer.. baru promo...
hem.. tapi yunho tak komen pon pape aku plak yg sedih

ahaha.. aku nak peluk sebab nak jadi stalker sekejap.. nak rasa kulit halus mulus dia tuhKia_picanto Post at 10-8-2010 09:04

kann?...betul tu...takde sapa branik nk tiru yunjae...dorang punya pure yaoi action...

ehhh??...ada jugak yg dpt amek gambo kat bilik air??...mmg stalker terhebat budak tu...  aku rasa tak penah lak aku tepek gambo derang kat bilik air...takde rasanyaa...

ooo...tak kuar lagi...kiranya aku lom terlambat lagila...ehehee...

yunho tak komen apa2 ker?... ha ahh la...aku pun sedehh...dia x sayang jaejoong lagik ker?...

wahwahwahhh...ko nak jadik pervert ye?...usap2 kulit dia halus mulus tu yer?...jgn lupa ajak aku skalikk....

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 Author| Post time 10-8-2010 04:12 PM | Show all posts
ahaha.. sebab laju sgt ko baca.. ade lagi 5 chapter jer..
Kia_picanto Post at 10-8-2010 09:05

    laju ke?...gomenneee...aku tak sabar nak tau next cerita...sgt besttt...
chap.8 keatas aku tak baca lagik...eheheee

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 Author| Post time 10-8-2010 04:20 PM | Show all posts
waaaa.. speechless aku kejap..
yg first tuh saje je jaejoong dok ramas peha

lepas tu sindrom yunho lagik

ahaha.. aku suka gambar diorg nih... tak terkata.. seksiiiiiiii
kulit jaejoong nampak putih melepak sehhhh.. geram patut la yunho possessive orgnye
mmg jaejoong nampak cam pompuan.. bila pakai beanie tu lagik la nampak comel jer..

aku pon rasa ye gak.. tapi renyah gile nak potosop gambar dia.. dah lekuk badan satu2 kene crop

mmg sweet jer la diorg nih
tapi gambar last tu tak menahan
gaya cam yunho nak terkam aka ravish si jaejoong jeKia_picanto Post at 10-8-2010 09:10

ahaks2x!... sabooo... biasala jaejoong tu...tgn tuh mesti nak rayap gakkk...tapi yunho suka je...senyummmm jek yunho tuh...

ha ahhhh...sindrom yunho mmg bnyk ngko...part tu je ada 3-4 keping scene yg sama tapi lain angle...gatal tak dia?...

mmg putih melepak kulitnya...ko jgn tatauuuu...aku siap imejin lagik body jaejoong masa part smut dlm fanfic tuh la...beautiful body...iskkk...      mmg harus yunho gila bayang... keje org yg penyabar kut...teliti gitu... ko pandai potosop ker?... ko watla 1... aku lagilahhh...takleh harapppp...

kan??kan??...siba baik jaejoong tersenyum manis...mesti yunho ada tunjuk sumthing ke hapa ke...

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 Author| Post time 10-8-2010 04:40 PM | Show all posts
waaa... sweet nye diorg...
ko tak tau cakap.. aku lagi la..
mmg dok menatap je gambo diorg..

gambar last tuh.. macam potosop gak.. tapi perasan kan.. gaya si jaejoong mmg ayu gemalai
aku pon kalah.. tutup mulut..
dah la tgn tu aku tgk putih melepak... aku geram

kalau tgk hidung jaejoong ni tak la mancung tinggi.. tapi cam pointed button org kata.. agak bulat sket.. tapi nampak comel..
buat org geram nak picit.. dah la pipi dia kuat blushing meh.. gerammm... kalau dalam fanfic tu.. selalu diorg describe his lushes lips.. kira bibir penuh yg sedap nak dicium org kata.. waaaa.. geraammmm...Kia_picanto Post at 10-8-2010 09:15

    tuhlaaa...gambo dorang bersama bnyk yg sweet...rasa nak tepek je semua...
jaejoong yg gamba solo tuhh...aku tataula nak ckp...comel, hensem, kiut, macho...campur aduk aarrr...mmg cam prince...
mula la aku dok bayangkan dia seblah mookyul ewon pung ada...

ahahahaa...gaya jaejoong kan always gemalai... nak2 bila yunho ada kat seblah...
aku tak geram ngn tgn putih dia, tapi aku geram ngn kemontokan tgn dia tu...baru la aku paham naper yunho ske sgt ramas tgn pakcik tu...

ha ah kan?...takla mancung sgt...tapi sedang elok la ngn least dia takdela wat plastik sejeri nak kasi mancung...ramai retis korea dok bedah idung nak kasi mancung kan?... idung original tu... yunho kan suka je cuit idung bulat dia tu...
writer fanfic nak menunjukkan betapa menggiurkan bibir jaejoong ittew... tapi mmg betul pun kan...aku wondering gak...
agak2, yunho penah ke cemolots haaa?...iskkkk

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 Author| Post time 10-8-2010 05:02 PM | Show all posts
peh.. gatal ek yunho.. sempat nak peluk bahu la.. sian kat yoochun

oh.. yg tu betoi la.. kan ade video aku tepek.. pasal jaejoong kene denda ngan yunho.. jaejoong kene amek sudu kat mulut yunho pakai mulut gak.. lepas tu tangan dok genggam sesame dorang aish.. cam main salsa jer..

oh.. ade keje ker.. ok la.. ni ade lagi satu chapter..

Kia_picanto Post at 10-8-2010 09:19

    huishhh ko nii!...dia mmg gatal tak hengatt...

ohhh...yg amek sudu pakai mulut tu ke...oohhh...aku igt gambo lain...aku tak pasan lak...igtkan tgh wat apa masa tu...ehehe

aku stat keje kol 8.45am...kalo aku tgk anime dulu mmg sikit je la yg aku tadi tu je la... sbb tadi aku tgk maid-sama...

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Post time 10-8-2010 05:35 PM | Show all posts
Reply  Kia_picanto

    aduuuuu...nasib baik aku baca hari ni...kalo besok...mau tinggal separu ...
ibuKA Post at 10-8-2010 13:27

    itu sebab aku pos sumer hari nih.. baik ko habiskan sebelum start pose

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 Author| Post time 10-8-2010 05:45 PM | Show all posts
itu sebab aku pos sumer hari nih.. baik ko habiskan sebelum start pose
Kia_picanto Post at 10-8-2010 17:35

    aaaa...jahatttt...sekse aku!...
macik...aku de tepek screen shot kat umah uragiri...nti tgk ek?...aku nak balik dah ni...
tapi kan...aku igt nak moyan yunjae cam biasa...tapi carik gamba yg light2 sikit...

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Post time 10-8-2010 07:28 PM | Show all posts
hahaha.. sabar je la.... gambar yg light2 tu cemane la agaknye tuh

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2010 07:52 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1627# Kia_picanto

    aku baru abis baca chap.8 ... smlm tak sompek nak baca abih...
ahahahaa...tau...memula baca part yg ada philosophers stone tu dah tau mesti cilok harry potter...

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Post time 11-8-2010 08:31 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1654# ibuKA

    aku nak gelak diaorg cilok byk mende2 magic tu dari harry potter kecuali nama naga tu jer aku tak leh detect ikut citer mane

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2010 08:58 AM | Show all posts
hahaha.. sabar je la.... gambar yg light2 tu cemane la agaknye tuh
Kia_picanto Post at 10-8-2010 19:28


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 Author| Post time 11-8-2010 09:00 AM | Show all posts
Reply  ibuKA

    aku nak gelak diaorg cilok byk mende2 magic tu dari harry potter kecuali ...
Kia_picanto Post at 11-8-2010 08:31

    ahahahaa...aku igt nama kuda jaejoong jek...
'snowflake'... cam name produk cornflake...

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Post time 11-8-2010 09:26 AM | Show all posts
ahahahaa...aku igt nama kuda jaejoong jek...
'snowflake'... cam name produk cornflake...
ibuKA Post at 11-8-2010 09:00

    oh.. baru teringat... snowflake nama kuda dalam citer lord of the ring

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2010 09:32 AM | Show all posts
oh.. baru teringat... snowflake nama kuda dalam citer lord of the ring
Kia_picanto Post at 11-8-2010 09:26

    hah! kee?...sungguh aku dah lupa beb!...

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Post time 11-8-2010 10:05 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1659# ibuKA

    aku teringat pon bila ko tulis tadi.. kalau tak mmg lupa la..

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