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Author: marypoppins

Istana Bawang 5 (Kate vs Meghan): The Arrival of Sussex Baby

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Post time 12-5-2019 03:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
minta minta brits buat petition utk tau cert archie

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Post time 12-5-2019 03:51 PM | Show all posts
DD is back on twitter. Waiting for more.

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Post time 12-5-2019 04:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Simpati dgn archie. Harry pun bangang. Dia pernah lalui situasi orang persoal sapa bapak dia yg sebenarnya his whole life. Now he is doing even worse to his son.

Ni yang sugars kata weols jeles? Chuols ambikla, bagi free pun meols xnak ambik. Meols cuit sikit je kasi rasa tasty ke tak harry ni

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Post time 12-5-2019 04:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mcm fishy jah.. tak lama dah tu MM jadi brf.. maybe mcm jadi Princess D..

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Post time 12-5-2019 05:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ikanmasin replied at 12-5-2019 02:41 PM
kan ..dan mm pl byk demand nak sorok2.yg bakal king elok
jer tunjuk semua bagai..tu yg menguatkan ...

Pastu dia acah2 jadi victim kata haters dia racists lah liars la.pening iol nak tengok pe’el dia tau.hahaha

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Post time 12-5-2019 05:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Wakefield replied at 12-5-2019 03:19 PM

Saja mengundang hoih. Kacak betul la tau. iol tengok venom pun, jadi nak marah bila dia tukar hahahahaaa iol nak tgk tom hardy bukan venom alien gigi banyak tu.

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Post time 12-5-2019 05:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 12-5-2019 03:44 PM
yeap umah twitter kata dia nah pass dia punya passwords kat sugars yg dipercayai.. sbb tu kengkada ...

speechless iol. Sanggup ye dia. Sugar2 pun alahaiiiii dapat apa la ntah tu. I doubt duit sebab megnut takda duit dah now kot hehehe

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Post time 12-5-2019 05:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by 234126 at 12-5-2019 05:31 PM
joy_ah replied at 12-5-2019 04:09 PM
Simpati dgn archie. Harry pun bangang. Dia pernah lalui situasi orang persoal sapa bapak dia yg sebe ...

Lady D pernah kata harry memang tak berapa bright. In public pulak tu mak dia ckp mcm tu.

I guess kita terpaksa juga terima hakikat kenyataan ibunya itu betul belaka. Its not even a joke. Mother knows best kan

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Post time 12-5-2019 05:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
See how queen keeping it classy tak join the circus. She’s a very firm and stoic person. Penat je PM canada try nak poke her about dapat cucu baru news

Straight forward je jawapan and 2 patah je

Takda nak react ecstatic overjoyed and  takda nak mengeji. But queen tahu rakyat dia cerdik can read between the lines

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Post time 12-5-2019 05:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
judicata replied at 12-5-2019 02:24 PM
Archie officially in line to throne. Tp if birth cert is not issued within 42 days.. so org boleh  ...

so we shall see after 42days la kan..rakyat british ade hak nk persoalkan since no official birt cert utk public view..makin pelik drama ni..

betul la ni bkn privacy lagi dah..privacy more to taknak org kacau/masok campor/buat hal sendiri..

panaih harini

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Post time 12-5-2019 05:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by 234126 at 12-5-2019 05:46 PM

Nah utk newbie2. Benda ni dah dibincangkan kat thread 2-3. But just so u know, agreement tu penned means bertulis and trevor kena sign.

So what mother would this make megnut markle? U tell me but certainly not a motherly one. I hope harry sayang la kat archie like betul2 nurture him to be good. Poor baby.  Priority megnut is kat bentuk badan dia. Bukan to the well being of baby.

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Post time 12-5-2019 05:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 12-5-2019 02:40 PM
pakai sindiket kan forge birth cert mcm kat msia la forge IC muka bangladesh tapi nama local siap  ...

dear.. Di malaysia ini takdanya m15 n m16 dlm komputer pun boleh jadi palsu sbab mata pd jatuh cinta money2 (opss pls dont sue me ya ini pandangan kasar guwe sndiri)  hehe klu pasal jenglot ini..dia nak minta bantu americanos pun kena berlutut dngn backers or nwo.. Tapi anaknya british haha maybe tak dapatlah.. Dia dalam kekalutan itu sekarang.

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Post time 12-5-2019 05:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Farnor replied at 12-5-2019 05:54 PM
dear.. Di malaysia ini takdanya m15 n m16 dlm komputer pun boleh jadi palsu sbab mata pd  ...

iol pulak yg kalut pikir mcm mana laaaa si megnut ni nak lepas dari shitty situation dia create ni LOL

mcm mana dia tido malam2 knowing satu UK tu dok menunggu dia sahkan yang archie tu keluar from perut dia. Sampai bile nak sorok birth cert tu.

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Post time 12-5-2019 06:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 12-5-2019 02:34 PM
Kesian archie tu nanti memang jadi bahan merching. Now dia blh la kata nak privacy kan.

Dah be ...

nnti sugars pun cakap la dgn baby pun nak dengki nak cerca..pdhal takde sape dok bahan kan baby Archie..

salah 'privacy' yg his parents nak sgt tu sampai ummah british terpinge2 dibuatnye

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Post time 12-5-2019 06:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nak sorok sampai bila the fact yang dia pakai surrogate tu. Dah Kena kecam kiri kanan depan belakang dah sussexroyal tu ha. Elok2 nak win the hearts of people ‘down to earth’ la nak besarkan anak dgn normal ‘taknak pangkat’ bagai la

Hujung2 jadi punca kemarahan taxpayers seluruh england

iol tolong nervouskan megnut on behalf

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Post time 12-5-2019 06:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by 234126 at 12-5-2019 06:11 PM
namieamuro replied at 12-5-2019 06:04 PM
nnti sugars pun cakap la dgn baby pun nak dengki nak cerca..pdhal takde sape dok bahan kan baby Ar ...

Ntahnya. Hati kita2 kat sini bukan hitam sampai baby suci pun nak kena cerca.

Orang marahkan mak bapak baby tu menipu kata bersalin. Padahal bukti byk ke arah surrogate. Dah birth cert pun xnak tunjuk agak2 la.

And dah memang rules royal kalau bersalin kena announce birth cert kat rakyat, kalau xnak ikut rules, yang mengada pi seksa diri kawin royal buat apa kan?

Dah masuk rumah orang kena beradab la ikut rules tuan rumah. Ke sugar2 semua takda adab mcm megnut tu yang bitter masing2 bila attitude megnut kena cerca serata alam.

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Post time 12-5-2019 06:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bila archie dah besar and google stories about him, would he see the cloud of doubts yang parents dia feed rakyat UK tu. And will he tertanya2 is he a surrogate baby? Or megnut will come clean dgn archie before archie sempat google?

Kesian archie kalau he betul surrogate and terheret dlm turmoil chaos circus parents dia create

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Post time 12-5-2019 06:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 12-5-2019 05:29 PM
Lady D pernah kata harry memang tak berapa bright. In public pulak tu mak dia ckp mcm tu.

I  ...

Harry memang diakui lembam dan a bit spoilt berbanding william.

Lepas MM masuk brf, ummah Brits sujud syukur william adalah firstborn

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Post time 12-5-2019 06:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
joy_ah replied at 12-5-2019 06:26 PM
Harry memang diakui lembam dan a bit spoilt berbanding william.

Lepas MM masuk brf, ummah Brit ...

God is the best planner kan? Miracle do happen hahaha.

Now diorang lebih menghargai william. Ha tahu pun kan, dulu kecam BRF too hard on the boys la itu ini. Ada la sebabnya kenapa kan.. ingat senang nak bentukkan orang jadi king yang layak? George tu now pun dah kena prep slow2 agaknya kan

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Post time 12-5-2019 06:54 PM | Show all posts
Masing masing dah start berbunyi kan. Yang selama ni diam pun dah start bising bising pasal bukti baby archie tu. Memang rumours fake pregnancy tu makin mejadi jadi sekarang. Nak nak pula MM tak nak reveal birth cert tu. Nak privacy apa nya. Prince george the future king pun boleh je aman aman di release birth cert dia. Inikan MM&H nak sorok sorok si archie tu.

Meanwhile i nampak di tumblr pula theyolls masih kuat dgn pegangan baby doll.  Macam macam betul MM.

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