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Author: matz_rockz

kawin kawin corner : any thing pasal kawin

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guvnor This user has been deleted
Post time 29-12-2005 01:20 AM | Show all posts
wah... ni juju bantai2 org, musti gangsta paradise...

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guvnor This user has been deleted
Post time 29-12-2005 01:24 AM | Show all posts
awat hang dok sana garu2...

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Post time 29-12-2005 01:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by guvnor at 29-12-2005 01:20 AM
wah... ni juju bantai2 org, musti gangsta paradise...

Samseng kampung Dusun~

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guvnor This user has been deleted
Post time 29-12-2005 01:39 AM | Show all posts
main pakow ke chap jikee??? ada hati nak kawen ngan cik salmah...

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Post time 29-12-2005 02:44 AM | Show all posts
Adat perkahwinan orang Jawa, very interesting

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guvnor This user has been deleted
Post time 29-12-2005 03:06 AM | Show all posts
peranten pompan mekapz punya lah tebalz... dah mcm wayang pekji... perkawenan org indon masih penuh dgn adat istiadat... tu pasal majlis kawen sampe seminggu pon ada... mcm2 upacara...

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 29-12-2005 08:23 AM | Show all posts
no more wedding in sight....

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Post time 29-12-2005 08:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Gadis_Venus at 28-12-2005 11:54 PM
Ni me qoute apa yg my fren told me tru MSN ya..

"makcik dia bilang dia... ok kau jawab tok kadi gini gini,skali tok kadi bilang dia lain on the nikah day..menggelabah la member

makcik d ...

apsal kadi cerewet sangat?.. lafaz pertama sah apa.. menyusahkan orang..

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Post time 29-12-2005 08:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Gadis_Venus at 28-12-2005 11:54 PM
Ni me qoute apa yg my fren told me tru MSN ya..

"makcik dia bilang dia... ok kau jawab tok kadi gini gini,skali tok kadi bilang dia lain on the nikah day..menggelabah la member

makcik d ...

aha.. i tot the first one shld da be ok kan..

koosemangat yang penyanyi one time back eh.. dia org nyer anak da kawin? i tot dey like still quite yng hehe..

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Post time 29-12-2005 10:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dilah21 at 29-12-2005 08:40 AM

aha.. i tot the first one shld da be ok kan..

koosemangat yang penyanyi one time back eh.. dia org nyer anak da kawin? i tot dey like still quite yng hehe..

i oso pikir gitu..kan dorang still young..takkan dah der anak old enuf to be married? :hmm:

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Post time 29-12-2005 10:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by guvnor at 29-12-2005 03:06 AM
peranten pompan mekapz punya lah tebalz... dah mcm wayang pekji... perkawenan org indon masih penuh dgn adat istiadat... tu pasal majlis kawen sampe seminggu pon ada... mcm2 upacara...

tebal gile, banyak benda si mak andam tepekkan kat muka pompan..isk...tapi bila kena lighting sume dgn camera si camreman, dia punye outcome lawah..

aku tak agak boleh last kalo jadi pengantin indon..boleh penat gila, kaki pun boleh tertanggal

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Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Post time 29-12-2005 10:25 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by skgerl at 29-12-2005 10:07 AM

i oso pikir gitu..kan dorang still young..takkan dah der anak old enuf to be married? :hmm:

Ntah..tu my fren nya kwn bola...

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Post time 29-12-2005 06:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by skgerl at 29-12-2005 10:07 AM

i oso pikir gitu..kan dorang still young..takkan dah der anak old enuf to be married? :hmm:

mungkin dia kawin muda.. dapat anak masih muda.. so anak dia dah dewasa bapak tetap muda.. ni lah nikmat nya kawin masih muda..  :ah::ah::ah:

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guvnor This user has been deleted
Post time 29-12-2005 06:40 PM | Show all posts
bob koosmangat dah 40 sen tu mcm... anak dia early twenties kott...

[ Last edited by guvnor at 29-12-2005 06:41 PM ]

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Post time 29-12-2005 06:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by guvnor at 29-12-2005 06:40 PM
bob koosmangat dah 40 sen tu mcm... anak dia ealry twenties kott...

must be lah.. 40 yrs old for man consider masih muda.. pompuan lain sikit lah.. aku yg belum 40 lutut kekadang sakit..:kant:

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Post time 31-12-2005 07:51 AM | Show all posts
Forum : 31 Disember 2005   


PERANGKAAN kadar perceraian pasangan Melayu/Islam yang terbaru menunjukkan penurunan 12 peratus pada tahun lalu berbanding tahun sebelumnya.

Meskipun demikian, kadar jumlah 1,855 pasangan bercerai pada 2004 masih tinggi dan usaha perlu digiatkan untuk menanganinya.

Dalam mencari huraian, ada mengutarakan bahawa kita harus bertanya kepada pasangan lama untuk mengetahui apakah rahsia perkahwinan bahagia mereka.

Malah, media cetak juga telah menemu ramah pasangan veteran seperti ini dan mengetengahkan kisah hidup mereka berdua agar dapat dijadikan iktibar.

Namun, saya mempunyai kesangsian dan ingin mengajukan beberapa persoalan.

Ini termasuk apakah semua atau majoriti rumah tangga yang bertahan melebihi satu atau dua dekad itu layak dilabel 'syurga idaman'?

Atau mungkinkah sebilangan pasangan lama itu masih hidup bersama tetapi sebenarnya tidak me ngecapi nikmat berumah tangga?

Saya tidak menafikan perselisihan pasti berlaku dalam alam rumah tangga dan atas banyak sebab, seperti masalah kewangan, kecurangan, fitnah orang dan pengabaian tanggungjawab.

Namun, bagaimanakah pasangan meleraikan masalah dan sekali gus memelihara usia perkahwinan itu?

Adakah mereka menye lesaikannya dengan cara perbincangan secara rasional sambil tenang mendengar penjelasan pasangan masing-masing dan mencari huraian yang positif?

Saya tidak berapa yakin kaedah ini sering digunakan.

Antaranya, si isteri dipukul bantai suami pemabuk, diugut supaya wang diserahkan untuk menampung tabiat berjudi, ketenteraman keluarga diancam kehadiran tailong dan sebagainya hingga hilang kasih sayang dalam keluarga seperti ini.

Para isteri tidak mempunyai pilihan lain kecuali tunduk kepada kehendak suami autoritarian ini dan menanggung beban hingga akhir hayat.

Apa gunanya sebuah perkahwinan yang bertahan lama tetapi sepi daripada kesejahteraan?

Sering kali, hanya apabila kelanjutan usia mula dirasai, barulah suami mula bertaubat dan menjadi manusia lebih bertanggungjawab.

Pada waktu itulah ke sengsaraan si isteri terhenti.

Namun ada juga suami yang semakin degil dan memboroskan wang simpanan Tabung Simpanan Pekerja (CPF) mereka dengan berjoli di tempat-tempat maksiat di Batam dan Tanjung Pinang.

Bukan niat saya untuk mengeruhkan keadaan atau membebankan para pemimpin kita dengan masalah baru.

Cuma pada hemat saya, masalah kekeluargaan telah nampak kesannya sejak dulu lagi apabila kebanyakan pasangan Melayu/Islam mempunyai ramai anak tetapi, malangnya, anak-anak mereka sering terbiar.

Saban hari, anak-anak itu menyaksikan perkelahian yang berlaku di rumah dan sebilangan mereka kemudian menjadi remaja nakal, agresif dan suka memberontak.

Dari segi profil, sebilangan pasangan veteran, khususnya si isteri, berpendidikan rendah.

Lantaran, mereka tidak begitu tahu tentang hal seperti khidmat kaunseling.

Jika mereka tahu sekalipun, mereka mungkin tidak berani mendedahkan masalah mereka, lantas hanya dapat memendam perasaan.

Sedang pemimpin kita sibuk mencari penawar kepada kadar perceraian tinggi ini, kita hanya mengharapkan agar dapat membina sebanyak mungkin keluarga Melayu/Islam yang sejahtera demi keharmonian masyarakat dan negara.

Sheikh Anwarul Mohamad Sharif,

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guvnor This user has been deleted
Post time 1-1-2006 07:43 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Browneyes at 31-12-2005 07:51 AM
Forum : 31 Disember 2005   


PERANGKAAN kadar perceraian pasangan Melayu/Islam yang terb ...

ya sheikh... anta banyak bobal lah... ana takda suka lah anta sibok2 tulis surat seperti pemimpin... pegi uruskan anta punya kedai 'el-sheikh' kat arab st sana lah... anta punya rumahtangga pon ana pikir tak sejahtera lah~~~

[ Last edited by guvnor at 1-1-2006 07:44 AM ]

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Post time 2-1-2006 04:10 PM | Show all posts
Weekend New Paper, ada citer pasal this 25 year old guy, gi Vietnam Muslim village to look for a bride. Package $12,888, termasuk nikah dan upacara perkahwinan pat sana.....:hmm:

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Post time 2-1-2006 06:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chicsee at 2-1-2006 04:10 PM
Weekend New Paper, ada citer pasal this 25 year old guy, gi Vietnam Muslim village to look for a bride. Package $12,888, termasuk nikah dan upacara perkahwinan pat sana.....:hmm:

aku takde la, nengok online version ada tak

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Post time 2-1-2006 06:44 PM | Show all posts
k dah jumpe...

Some S'pore Muslim men prefer Vietnam Muslim brides to local women
By Dawn Chia

January 02, 2006      

WHAT'S a man to do if marriage is on his mind but the dowry is too high?

Why, look for cheaper alternatives. So that's what Mr Ahmad did.

The 25-year-old Singaporean wanted a wife without being overly weighed down by dowry obligations, so he approached matchmaking outfit Mr Cupid International Matchmakers.

The agency is offering Vietnamese Muslim brides as part of its new initiative to cater to the needs and demands of the Muslim community.

Mr Martin Wong, managing director of Mr Cupid, said his agency ventured into this market after receiving feedback from some Singapore Muslims that local Muslim women were asking for high dowries.

He added: 'Typically, the dowry can range between $8,000 and $10,000. But this amount does not include other wedding expenses like the wedding dinner and costumes, which can add up to as much as $15,000 to $20,000.

'We understand this difficulty, which many grooms-to-be might face, so we hope to alleviate their concerns by offering them a cheaper alternative.'

Wedding planner Danny Hanafi of Sace Wedding Planner also said that some dowries were skyrocketing here.

He said that the dowry these days can range between $5,000 and $30,000, compared to the $1,000 to $2,000 about 20 years ago.

He said: 'The market rate these days is about $10,000. Of course, this is subject to negotiation between the bride and groom's families, but that's the going rate.'

So far, Mr Cupid has helped five couples tie the knot, including Mr Ahmad and his 21-year-old bride.

Mr Ahmad said that his parents requested that he not to be identified for this article.

The technician, who said his monthly income is about $2,000, said he approached Mr Cupid in September to make 'preliminary enquiries'.

After some deliberation, he decided to go ahead with a Vietnam tour organised by the agency to find the girl of his dreams.

The five-day whirlwind trip in early December to a rural village in southern Vietnam cost him $12,000.

This included the dowry, wedding costs and all the expenses he incurred on the trip.

Mr Ahmad said: 'I wanted a simple wedding with a simple girl. I didn't want any fuss when it came to wedding preparations or spend an exorbitant amount of money on the dowry or wedding.

'I also did not want to waste any time dating or dealing with the materialism and other concerns of women today.

'So I went to a matchmaking agency to realise my plans and start on building a family quickly.'


He said his parents gave him their blessings. So did his friends.

He went alone on the tour on 10 Dec, accompanied by just an employee from the matchmaking agency.

After looking at seven or eight women in a village three hours' drive from Ho Chi Minh City, he made up his mind - his wife was to be the one with the sweetest smile.

'I picked her because she smiled at me and I was attracted to her.

'We said 'hi', we asked through a translator about each other's families and backgrounds, and hit it off from there. It was that simple,' said Mr Ahmad.

His wife is petite and slim, with a fair complexion.

She is the fifth in a family of six children, a devout Muslim and filial daughter, well-versed in household chores, according to her mother and the village head.

In accordance with Muslim tradition, Mr Ahmad asked her family for her hand in marriage and got the go-ahead.

On 12 Dec, two days after he arrived in Vietnam, the couple got married in a traditional Muslim wedding ceremony held in a mosque in her village.

The next day, they had a modern-day, Western-style outdoor photo shoot, followed by a Muslim wedding banquet.

Mr Ahmad then flew back to Singapore a few days later.

Until the paperwork to bring her here is completed around February, the couple will have to communicate by phone - using simple English and Vietnamese.

In the meantime, she is taking English and Mandarin lessons at a hostel where she is staying.

They will register their marriage with the Registry of Muslim Marriages here when she arrives.

Mr Ahmad said he will hold a simple ceremony and have a small dinner for close friends and family to introduce his bride to them.

He estimated that the costs of doing so will be no more than a few hundred dollars for the 30 to 40 guests he has on his list.

In all, he would save as much as $6,000, compared to the estimated $20,000 he would have had to spend had he married a Singaporean.

Incidentally, Mr Ahmad, who claimed he had never been in a relationship, is the matchmaking agency's youngest client.

He said: 'Some people might say that it's foolish to rush into a marriage without dating the woman or getting to know her first, but to me, finding a spouse is a matter of fate.

'It's not how long you know her, it's the commitment you have in the marriage.

'I know that it's difficult to live with someone, especially someone from a different country, but we share a very strong faith in our religion and that will bind us together.

'I believe that I made the right choice with this woman and that we'll be able to make this marriage work because we know what we want - a family.'


Mr Wong estimates that there are currently about 120 Vietnamese Muslim women (in the villages he knows of), between the ages of 16 and 30, who are looking for foreign spouses.

Most have six to 12 years of formal education and are deeply religious.

According to Mr Wong, the Vietnamese Muslim matchmaking sessions are different from the usual ones, where the man selects his wife from a big group of eligible women who will give the nod themselves.

Mr Wong said: 'For the Muslim matchmaking sessions, a client is taken from village to village, household to household, until he finds a woman whom he is attracted to.

'He will then formally ask for the woman's hand in marriage and get her parents' go-ahead before we proceed with the marriage ceremony, conducted strictly in accordance with Muslim tradition.'

It costs $12,888 for a Vietnamese Muslim bride package (including the dowry), but Mr Cupid is offering the package at $10,888 for this holiday season.

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