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Author: Ustaz_SUFI


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Post time 4-12-2009 02:36 PM | Show all posts
1683# amka

aku donlod je link yg pav kasi tu
tataulah aku kiss tu cukp lama ke tak?
ada lg lama ke??

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Post time 4-12-2009 02:41 PM | Show all posts
1683# amka  

aku donlod je link yg pav kasi tu
tataulah aku kiss tu cukp lama ke tak?
ada lg lama ke??
cheesepastry Post at 4-12-2009 14:36

yg aku nyer x smpai seminit...
pav punya brapa minit? hheheheh

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Post time 4-12-2009 02:47 PM | Show all posts
1685# amka

bila aku tgk scene tu ... bnda lain smua jd blind spot
tak sedar msa belalu
tak smpai seminit jgak
nak tggu versi asal kna tggu dvdlah orilah

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Post time 4-12-2009 02:51 PM | Show all posts
1686# cheesepastry

aku pon sama..smpai da apal part tuh kt minit ke brapa

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Post time 4-12-2009 02:56 PM | Show all posts
eclipse nnt tolonglaaaa david slaid wat lg romantik
kalo tak saga tu ilang jiwa nnt...
tak kesampaian lg emosi aku
tp org laki slalu fail sket bab2 tu

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Post time 4-12-2009 02:57 PM | Show all posts
1687# amka

boleh menang lagi la best kiss tahun depan...

huhuhu aku tak tgk lagi part tu...

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Post time 4-12-2009 02:58 PM | Show all posts
1688# cheesepastry

dah announce la david slaid akan buat more to action... and darker

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Post time 4-12-2009 03:02 PM | Show all posts
eclipse nnt tolonglaaaa david slaid wat lg romantik
kalo tak saga tu ilang jiwa nnt...
tak kesampaian lg emosi aku
tp org laki slalu fail sket bab2 tu
cheesepastry Post at 4-12-2009 14:56

twilight pompuan yg buat mmg jd lomantik kn?..spe nama director dia..aku daa lupa chris weitz nih lbh fokus kt part ala2 action gitu..x kira la part wolf @ vampire...byk fokus tang action

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Post time 4-12-2009 03:03 PM | Show all posts
1689# eyka

eh?...x donlot agik ke?...

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Post time 4-12-2009 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Taylor Lautner Says 'New Moon' Shirtless Scenes Can Be 'Embarrassing'
But he understands there's a reason Jacob is 'not wearing clothes all the time.'

Sure, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart get a lot of press these days. But when it comes to "New Moon," to quote Jacob Black: "It's a wolf thing."

While the second installment of the "Twilight Saga" continues toride high at the box office, we'd be remiss if we didn't check in with Taylor Lautnerto see what's on his mind these days. With help from our friends at MTVRadio, read on for an interview with the breakout star that's nearly asrevealing as all those shirtless-wolf-pack scenes.

MTV: What did you see as your biggest challenge heading into the "New Moon" shoot?
Taylor Lautner: Basically, my job was to continue what Istarted in "Twilight," which was [depicting] this extremely happy,friendly, outgoing guy who is best friends with Bella. I had tocontinue that for the first half of the film, but as soon as Itransform, I snap and become a completely different person. I'm dealingwith my issues, and it's really hard for me.

: So it wasn't just the physical requirements, in your mind.
Lautner: Jacob transforms a lot in "New Moon," not onlyphysically but mentally and emotionally as well. So it was a matter ofgetting to the gym and eating the right foods and a lot of it, but alsoreading and studying the book and my character over and over and overagain so I could have this character down — because he changes in many,many different ways.

: When you were working out and bulking up, how did you block out all the pressure?
Lautner: I knew where my character went in "New Moon,"and that's all I tried to stay focused on. I couldn't control thingsoutside, I couldn't control the media, but I could control what I wasdoing to portray Jacob Black correctly. So that's what I stayed focusedon the whole entire time.

: There are a lot of shirtless moments in "New Moon,"and some critics have called them gratuitous. As an actor, do you findit hard to not also laugh at some of those scenes?
Lautner: [When Jacob] wipes her blood? Seriously, Istart laughing so hard every time I see [that scene]. "Oh, you'rebleeding? Let me fix it." It's so embarrassing. Here's the thing:There's a reason he's not wearing clothes all the time. When hetransforms, all his clothes get shredded; he can't help it. And when hegoes into the woods to get something to put on, so he's not naked, it'sjust a ripped pair of jean shorts. And he's also hot — [his temperatureis] 108 degrees, so that's another reason.

: Now that you've got all these muscles, will you only accept those kinds of roles from here on out?
Lautner: Look, I love this character, I love this story.Putting on the weight and not wearing much clothing was required by therole. A year from now, if I love a character that requires me to lose40 pounds, I'm ready to do it.

: What do you see as the key difference between fans who call themselves Team Edward and those who are Team Jacob?
Lautner: Well, Edward and Jacob are complete opposite guys. They are hot and cold. [He laughs.]Literally. I personally love Jacob and Bella's relationship, how theybegan as best friends and it starts to grow into something more andmore. Both guys are in love with Bella. Both guys are always going tobe there for Bella, and they're protective. Ultimately, I think it'sabout what kind of guy you like.

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Post time 4-12-2009 03:07 PM | Show all posts
1688# cheesepastry

dah announce la david slaid akan buat more to action... and darker
eyka Post at 4-12-2009 14:58

action tu aku leh timerlaaaa...
werewolf fight ngan vampires
edward fight ngan victoria
tp part yg bella n edward tu...tolongggggglaaaaa kristen
mcm xde nafsu je tgk rob
nak kna aku jd pengarah ke apa
part romantik byk situ...propose...seduce...msa nak tido katil baru
aku rsa yg teror kissing sbenarnya rob
kalo tak mgkin diorg xdpt award tu....(statement bias ke apa ni)

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Post time 4-12-2009 03:09 PM | Show all posts
Robert Pattinson On Fame: 'I'm Pretty Much Exactly The Same''New Moon' star also contemplates a fight with Taylor Lautner and separating on- and offscreen romance.

As we enter December, "New Moon" is still riding high at the box office. And although it's a few weeks until Christmas, that doesn't mean "Twilight" fans aren't already dreaming of finding RPattz under their tree.
Well, we're always willing to start the party a bit early.Today, we present the final installment of an MTV Radio interview with Robert Pattinson, following up on his thoughts about romance and Taylor Lautner's transformation. Read on for candy-cane-flavored as Spunk Ransom talks fame, fighting Lautner and the danger of romancing a leading lady.

MTV: How are you dealing with the franchise's explosion into a full-blown phenomenon?
Robert Pattinson: I guess it's inevitable that you become more comfortable. You still fight against some things, but there's nothing really scary about it. I like all the people I work with. I generally have very few disagreements about the script or anything when we're doing it, especially on "New Moon." It just seemed so relaxed and easy. I mean, I've been on three different sets since January 14th.I've had, like, three days off. [So when people ask me,] "Has your life changed?" I don't know. I'm still on set. I'm going to be on set all next year as well. As for [running] errands and things, I don't know what that really is like, because I haven't had a sustained period of time where I've been off. ... I still feel like I'm pretty much exactlythe same, which is maybe not a good thing.

: Tell us about what was going through your mind during the pivotal scene where you break up with Bella.
Pattinson: It's strange, but something weird about it [isthat I was helped by] people's anticipation of the movie and fans' idea of what Bella and Edward's relationship is, what it represents to them.Playing a scene where you're breaking up the ideal relationship, I felt a lot of the weight behind that, and also it took away your fear of melodrama as well. It felt seismic, if that's the right word, even when we were doing it. It was very much like [shooting the Italy] scene at the end [of the movie]. You can really feel the audience watching as you're doing it.

: What personality traits do you share with Edward?
Pattinson: I guess stubbornness, in some ways about somethings. He's pretty self-righteous too. And I guess I get quite obsessive about things — possessive as well, I think.

: What are you obsessive about?
Pattinson: Well, I do have very, very specific ideas about how I want to do my work and how I want to be perceived — to the point of ridiculousness, sometimes. I don't listen to anyone else.That's why I don't have a publicist or anything. I can't stand it if someone is trying to tell me to do something, which is maybe a mistake sometimes. But I like being meticulous, and it's quite difficult as an actor to have that much control.

: And how does the "Twilight" saga fit into that meticulousness?
Pattinson: Well, that's a good thing about the "Twilight"series. It does give you a lot more control over tiddly little things,which I want to have. I'm a control freak about it.

: In a no-holds-barred fight between yourself and Taylor Lautner, who wins?
Pattinson: I don't know. I did hear the other day that Taylor had agreed to an interview where the interviewer was going to fight him. I don't think I'd ever agree to that. Also, looking at Taylor's martial-arts videos from when he was, like, 9, I wouldn't really want to do anything [to make him angry]. Maybe if I had some kind of weapon. But if Edward and Jacob [fought], I think it's actually a fact that Edward would win — I think, if I read the books correctly.So I guess I could hold onto that for my ego.

: Love plays such a major role in these films, and so many fans want what happens onscreen to happen in real life. How do youseparate what happens in movies from real life with women you're casted opposite?
Pattinson: You've always got to remember that you're being paid and that there's a lot of connotations that come with that.I think that's one of the major separations. Yeah, I think so.

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Post time 4-12-2009 03:10 PM | Show all posts
twilight pompuan yg buat mmg jd lomantik kn?..spe nama director dia..aku daa lupa chris weitz nih lbh fokus kt part ala2 action gitu..x kira la part wolf @ vampire...byk fokus tang act ...
amka Post at 4-12-2009 15:02

catherine hardwicke
part romance dia aku leh timerlah
aku nmpak betapa bella terpesona melihat edward
aku suka soundtrack twilight
tua2 dia pn...taste mcm org muda

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Post time 4-12-2009 03:13 PM | Show all posts
1695# eyka

oh...such a lovely boy

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Post time 4-12-2009 03:13 PM | Show all posts
action tu aku leh timerlaaaa...
werewolf fight ngan vampires
edward fight ngan victoria
tp part yg bella n edward tu...tolongggggglaaaaa kristen
mcm xde nafsu je tgk rob
nak kna aku jd pengar ...
cheesepastry Post at 4-12-2009 15:07

eiii...aku igt aku aje rs gitu...
rs cam edward jek ghairah ngan bella...bella plak muka x der perasaan :kant:

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Post time 4-12-2009 03:44 PM | Show all posts
sape yg bgtau aritu yg buku Twilight translate melayu jd "Senjakala"..?
td ternampak plak buku New Moon jd " Cinta Baru"...

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Post time 4-12-2009 03:55 PM | Show all posts
sape yg bgtau aritu yg buku Twilight translate melayu jd "Senjakala"..?
td ternampak plak buku New Moon jd " Cinta Baru"...
forselab Post at 4-12-2009 15:44

maknanya eclipse = gerhana
breaking dawn = menjelang subuh?

cinta baru? mcm tak mysterious langsung compare ngan new moon

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Post time 4-12-2009 03:57 PM | Show all posts
Sorry to Twi-fans ya..
Mintak maaf awal2 ni coz sure kena bambu dek satu dunia lepas bagi komen ni..
But one just can help how one feels, rite??
I just find this muvi to be sooooo overated..
Not to say it's bad, but given the extravagant promo, it was seriously that - overated..

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Post time 4-12-2009 03:58 PM | Show all posts
tuh translate ikut bahasa indon ke?

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Post time 4-12-2009 04:01 PM | Show all posts

maknanya eclipse = gerhana
breaking dawn = menjelang subuh?

cinta baru? mcm tak mysterious langsung compare ngan new moon
cheesepastry Post at 4-12-2009 15:55

breaking dawn --> fajar berlabuh.... wakakaka.... tak tau la aku..

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