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Author: jpl_fan

!real madrid !what?! manyooo?!

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Post time 4-5-2011 12:27 PM | Show all posts
i'm back!!!!aku..aku sngt Suker dengan semua player RMA N SNGT KIPAS MOURINHO...arini aku dngn bangganya..walaupun kalah aku sngt bangga ngan RMA kalo d ikutkan bola higuaine tu dah goal dah tp takpela..aku redho je..YANG PENTING..RMA DAH MEMPAMERKAN 1 GAME YG BEST..DUN FORGET BEFORE THAT YG, FAN2 BARCA SNGT BANGGA D NOU CAMP,RMA PENAH KALAH 5-0..TP DIS TIME DRAW JE. ..ape2 pun GUd job RMA..I'M ALWAYS BHIND BOTH OF YOUHALA MADRAS BEBEH!!

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Post time 4-5-2011 12:32 PM | Show all posts
xde luck RM dis season...
tp kire ok ar..msk semi...
dah lama x msk semi champs league

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Post time 4-5-2011 01:04 PM | Show all posts
apa konklusin game malam tadi macam mana? ok tak?

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Post time 4-5-2011 01:07 PM | Show all posts
pagi ni cari2 dlm website x nmpk la pulak morinho membebel...dah insaf dah kut
bbkss Post at 4-5-2011 10:33

bukan pepe ngan ramos d gantung permainan n jose mourinho tidak d benarkan berada d tepi padang ke..aku bace katne ntah luper la pulak..

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Post time 4-5-2011 08:36 PM | Show all posts
ronaldo ni posisi asal dia memang forward ke? masa dekat Man Utd, dia main wing kan..? lepas tu, kenapa korang panggil dia MKK?

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Post time 4-5-2011 09:18 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1705# joeyss

Ronaldo posisi dier tak kisah la nk tarok dier kt maner pun...janji bleh strike...

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 Author| Post time 4-5-2011 09:18 PM | Show all posts
tuu laa ramai ckp patut goal higuain tuu dikire...aper nak wat..pengadil tetap pengadil...aku dah malas nak argue pasal referee....

aper2 pun aku bangga ngan real sebab dpt masuk semi UCL and barca perlukan bakat lakonan mereka utk mng 2-0 kat bernabeu!...

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Post time 4-5-2011 09:22 PM | Show all posts

pagi tadi game seri...

main kt tmpt Barcelona lak tu...

ari tu kalah pun sebab player tinggal 10 orang jer...

btul2 berkualiti la diorang main...

anjing2 yg dok menyalak ngutuk RM nie semua nya tak tau kualiti bola sepak....

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Post time 4-5-2011 09:25 PM | Show all posts
"Big clubs should not blame the referee for their mistakes or their defeats"
"We invested £400m in the last two years to be a very important and strong team so if you lose you cannot blame injuries, bad luck, referees or nothing. If you lose you have to congratulate the rival and that is all.
"What he [Mourinho] did in terms of talking about Uefa and referees is not acceptable at all."

Ramon Calderon, Former Madrid president

geng madras terpinggir pon buat konspirasi menyokong barca....prfthhh....

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Post time 4-5-2011 09:35 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kazuaki_01 at 4-5-2011 21:38


bukan Mourinho jer yg marah referee...

ramai lagi org kt luar tu marah ngan referee...

dah namer pun tugas pengadil...

tapi tak jalan kan tugas dengan elok...maner org tak marah

nampak sgt tak tau bola....muahaha

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Post time 4-5-2011 09:36 PM | Show all posts
"Big clubs should not blame the referee for their mistakes or their defeats"
"We invested £40 ...
cmf_toaster Post at 4/5/2011 09:25 PM

politik tu.. kot-kot bleh jadi president RM semula .. lawan barca ni, kalau nak tibai, tibai je betul2.. kalau kena kad merah pun puas hati.. ni cuit sket je berguling tutup muka.. agaknya, setiap kali training, memang diajar sejam kelas lakonan kot

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Post time 4-5-2011 09:40 PM | Show all posts
Real Madrid
Goals scored 1
Attempts on target 1
Attempts off target 1
Corners 2
Possession (time) 20' 7''
Possession (%) 36
Fouls committed 31
Yellow cards 5
Red cards 0

Yeah totally robbed!! stupid ref..stupid uefa...stupid football world...prfthhh...!

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Post time 4-5-2011 09:46 PM | Show all posts
janji dier masok gol...

daripada kosong tak jadi aper...


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 Author| Post time 4-5-2011 11:05 PM | Show all posts
hahahaa...siap bg statistic tuu..yg duk bising tuu ramon...bekas yg kena sack! tak der org undi...skrg dia balas siap ader statistic tuu..statistic diving ader tak?wakakakaka....iyer btl real ader tak der posession itu tidak menghalang dr score..shot on goal ciput pun still goal..barca shot on goal berlambak pun baper bnyk dorang goal?muahahaha....kesian mascherano, dah tau dia terlupa nak mark higuain leh plak nak jatuh pastu wat muka blur..cet podaaaa....

naib presiden uefa org kuat barca kan? maner ban utk player barca yg racist? cuber player lain yg racist...konpom kena ban 2-3 player barca? real siap hantar video kat uefa menunjukkan bukti tp per uefa wat? real deliberately amik yellow card kena iniesta dpt per? terus cancel ban tuu pas dorang appeal...aper kejadahnyer nie..tak nampak ker...

ader peminat real bising biler kalah 5-0 ngan barca..siap kutuk player real madrid and coach...even player sendiri pun blame diri sendiri...ader org kecoh player barca dive...itu lg memalukan dr kalah 2-0 or seri kenapa skrg pikir sendiri laa..

mesej kat atas nie aku tak tujukan utk toaster yg fan atleast be fair laa...aku pun kutuk gak referee sebab tak kasi carvalho red card....

aku respect lg player2 manyoo mcm ferdinand ngan owen yg terang2 kutuk barca dlm twitter....ok laa owen korang leh ckp ex ferdinand? siap terang2 kutuk alves...

owh yer..FYI...ader sorang peminat yg hantar email kat suh investigate pasal kes racist tuu...dorang siap hantar kat barcelona mendiamkan diri? naper? sebab terang2 ader video...

udah laa...aku tak nak haaktuihh saper2...or any player...i used to respect player barca...aku tak pernah tgk dorang main mcm nie...seriously xavi...iniesta..and messi mmg superb...and also yg lain2....mmg ..korang paham2 sendirilaaa....sampai alonso pun mentioned yg relationship player real ngan barca dah broken..konpom susah del bosque nak pujuk dorang...wakakaka...

aper2 pun gudluck manchester aware! God of football will playing yg sgt sempurna okay!....muahahaha...

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 Author| Post time 4-5-2011 11:06 PM | Show all posts
owh yer..kalo tak tgk game real barca tuu tak yah laa nak copy paste dr maner2...sebab ader jer org yg bias bg comment...sekian...

and konpom ader org akan ckp aku emo sebab type panjang2..ader aku peduli...tgn aku..otak aku yg berjalan...hahahhaa...

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Post time 5-5-2011 01:47 AM | Show all posts
Real Madrid
Goals scored 1
Attempts on target 1
Attempts off target 1
Corners 2
Possession ...
cmf_toaster Post at 4-5-2011 21:40

ko nih... tak paham2 lagi ke... sila refer ke posting 1708

yg ngutuk RM nie semua nya tak tau kualiti bola sepak

(err... aku omit perkataan kurang cerdik sebelum tu... sebab aku paham.. dia fan Madrass)

ppppppppprrrrrrrrrrffftthhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... big L

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Post time 5-5-2011 01:57 AM | Show all posts
Uefa vice-president Sener Erzik has hit back at Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho in the wake of the Portuguese tactician's criticism of European football's governing body last week.

Mourinho stated after his side's 2-0 loss against Barcelona that the Catalans have the support of Uefa because of their links to Unicef, Barcelona's shirt sponsor, and Erzik.

"Mourinho finally found the guilty one for Madrid's loss. I didn't even know that I was such a great player that I could beat his team," Erzik was quoted as saying by NTV Spor.

"I had links with Unicef long before Mourinho even knew what football is. I don't have any relation with Unicef at the moment, but it wouldn't be a problem even if I did.

"Mourinho is clearly off the pace here. I remember the famous film 'The Good, The Bad and the Ugly'. Perhaps it's time for Mourinho to play the good guy for a while. He's already played the other two roles."

* * * * * * * * *

Mr Erzik.. u r genius....

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Post time 5-5-2011 07:45 AM | Show all posts
wah...org2  besor uefa dh bsuara...d truth hurts...b it on mr mourinho or mr uefa side...
we'll c what next...tungguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

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Post time 5-5-2011 08:09 AM | Show all posts
sapa sapa yg ambik tindakan terhadap pakcik morinho, mereka itu tidak tahu kualiti bolasepak...sekian

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Post time 5-5-2011 08:11 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1714# jpl_fan

    tak pernah aku nampak ko begini tegang cik esah...
aku pun frust jugak dan aku memahami seadanya...

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