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Author: jpl_fan

!real madrid !what?! manyooo?!

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Post time 5-5-2011 08:29 AM | Show all posts
sapa sapa yg ambik tindakan terhadap pakcik morinho, mereka itu tidak tahu kualiti bolasepak...sekia ...
bbkss Post at 5-5-2011 08:09

dan mereka yg tak tahu kualiti bolasepak ialah anjing...

konpom bersepah anjing kat dlm uefa...


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Post time 5-5-2011 11:55 AM | Show all posts
rm kan dah menang cup yg kena lanyak tayar bas tuh.apa yg tak pueh hati lagi neh?ok pe..fair meh..

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Post time 5-5-2011 01:32 PM | Show all posts
kita tengok final CL.. ada tak sesiapa nak berguling-guling lagi. patutnya, player yang dok provoke ref beramai-ramai pun patut kena kad jugak..

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Post time 5-5-2011 02:18 PM | Show all posts
kualiti bola sepak...


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Post time 5-5-2011 03:56 PM | Show all posts
game rm n barca...mengalahkn org g civil war lagaknye...tense sungguhhh...

game manU n shalke...aman damai tengok game bola yg besa2 jer...

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Post time 5-5-2011 04:21 PM | Show all posts
rm kan dah menang cup yg kena lanyak tayar bas tuh.apa yg tak pueh hati lagi neh?ok pe..fair meh..
alesandra Post at 5-5-2011 11:55
fair ke kalo menang sbb main ngan 10 org d atas lakonan yg sngt hebat??or tak fair ke mase real menang aritu tanpa sbarang lakonan pun??

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Post time 5-5-2011 04:32 PM | Show all posts
fair ke kalo menang sbb main ngan 10 org d atas lakonan yg sngt hebat??or tak fair ke mase real mena ...
alyapiz Post at 5-5-2011 16:21

    senduuuuu..dah kalah kalahlah

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Post time 5-5-2011 07:13 PM | Show all posts
fair ke kalo menang sbb main ngan 10 org d atas lakonan yg sngt hebat??or tak fair ke mase real mena ...
alyapiz Post at 5-5-2011 16:21

i dunno tell me.tuh pasal tanya. only results matter

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Post time 5-5-2011 07:15 PM | Show all posts
senduuuuu..dah kalah kalahlah
cak! Post at 5-5-2011 16:32

    adat la kan..dah xdak rezeki yg pnting ade gak piala walaupun dah kena langgor bas ..barca??takdak lg kan..berdoa la kot2 mng uefa bila jumpe man u nnti..ekekeke...

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Post time 5-5-2011 07:22 PM | Show all posts
rumusannye pd aku la marah sbb barca menang dgn cara mcm tu..kate team terhebat dunia memiliki player terbaik main la btoi2 xyah LA nak blakon2..."BARULA FAIR" tau la kat baju barca ada UNICEF..x leh jentik..miahahaha..

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Post time 5-5-2011 08:21 PM | Show all posts
hehehehe sebab baju barca ada UNICEF x berani jentik hehehehe sampai uefa pun kesian kat barca nie nak dibandingkan RM yg pakai bwin tu ala.......duit leh cari uefa x pandang sume tu so apa kata kalau RM pakai UNICEF lak mesti uefa simpati punye la

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 Author| Post time 5-5-2011 08:28 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 5-5-2011 08:41 PM | Show all posts
kita season tahun depan plak..
Mourinho involves Zidane in Real Madrid transfer policy: Kaka can go for right price
Real Madrid are prepared to sell Kaka at the end of the season - for the right price.

AS says Real have been planning for some weeks ahead of the summer market. The strategy sessions have been a closed shop, with only coach Jose Mourinho, president Florentino Perez, adviser Zinedine Zidane and vice-president Jose Angel Sanchez involved.

A deal for Espanyol winger Jose Callejon has been drawn up, while Borussia Dortmund midfielder Nuri Sahin is expected to also arrive.

For departures, it will be a busy summer.

Jerzy Dudek, Pedro Leon, Sergio Canales and Fernando Gago will all be shown the door.

And if Kaka gets an offer that meets expectations, it would be welcome by Real.

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Post time 5-5-2011 11:05 PM | Show all posts
i dunno tell me.tuh pasal tanya. only results matter
alesandra Post at 5-5-2011 19:13 sbenonye x paham what u meaning off but u pun leh pikir sndiri 2nd game d nou camp RMA leh draw ngan barca, kat tmpat barca lg..RAMAI yg  bising2, even yg aku bace kat gak yg RMA fan kena say thank kat reff sbb tak sent off 2 player RMA TP DORG LUPER LAK MASE 1ST GAME DULU CAMNER BARCA NYE ACT SAMPAI LEH SCORE 2 BIJIK KAN..LUPER LAK DORG SBB ACT YG MAHA LA MENIPU TU MNYBBKAN DORG LEH MENANG KAN..SO PD AKU SBB MUSABAB TAK SENT OFF 2 PLAYER PUN PD 2ND GAME PUN SBB NAK BAYO BALIK SALAH SILAP DORG SO TANAK BG NMPAK SNGT BUAT LA CAMTU..BUAT2 TAK NMPAK KAN..KONON2 NYE FAIR LA...CITERNYE DAH BNYK LA BLAKU DLM DRAMA/MOVIE OR REALITY aku ni bpijak d bumi yg nyata..REDHO JE LA.. .

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 Author| Post time 5-5-2011 11:15 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 5-5-2011 11:48 PM | Show all posts
Real Madrid
Goals scored 1
Attempts on target 1
Attempts off target 1
Corners 2
Possession (time) 20' 7''
Possession (%) 36
Fouls committed 31
Yellow cards 5
Red cards 0


lantak la sama dier bola brape kali dier pegang....

janji masok....muahahaha

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Post time 6-5-2011 05:15 AM | Show all posts

The Good, the bad and the ugly in the after match of the clásico series

Eric Abidal:

Is back.

Leo Messi:

Scored one of the greatest goals the Champions League has witnessed. Some argued that with Pepe still on the pitch he would never have scored it and, who knows?, maybe he wouldn't have. After all, Pepe's job was largely to stop Messi. But it's not as if Messi -- who, by the way, suffered more fouls in the second leg, with Pepe gone, than anyone in the entire tournament -- had a clear run on goal. It is not as if he wasnt challenged and it is not as if he had no one to beat. It's not as if he hasn't done it before, either. It was his 52nd goal of the season (in 50 games, at the time). There seems to be an obsession with adding a "yeah, but" to Messi's extraordinary record. Many say: yeah, but would he do it in a league other than the Spanish league? Well, how about the Champions League? That's quite a difficult league, after all. Unless you're Messi. The goal put him on 11, just one off Ruud Van Nistelrooy's single-season record. Messi is the competition's top scorer for the third year in a row. He is also just 23.

Iker Casillas:

After the second leg, a brave soul told Real Madrid's Iker Casillas that for all the whinging about the referee, if it had not been for his saves Barcelona would have been three- or four-nil anyway. To which Casillas replied: "well, yeah, but that's what a goalkeeper is there for."


Yes, diving. Good. Cheating is cultural. One of the most striking things about the reaction to this series of matches -- and in particular, the semifinal first leg -- is the colossal amount of attention trained on the playacting from Barcelona's players. Real Madrid even went so far as to denounce Barcelona's "premeditated anti-sporting behavior" to UEFA. Like no one ever dived before, right?

Er, right.

In some countries there has long been an obsession with diving and exaggerating as the worst thing in soccer. Worse, for some reason, than deliberately kicking someone even though a dive will never end a player's career. But not in Spain. For the English to be so critical of Barça's playacting, especially as many had not seen the context-setting Copa del Rey final, was normal. For Spain to follow suit was entirely new.

In Spain, diving has tended to be tolerated at worse, celebrated at best. Players are commended for "provoking" penalties, free kicks and cards. Soccer, we're constantly told, is a game for the streetwise. Then there is a more "honest" strand to the argument: why should a player stay up if he has been fouled? Why should you aid an aggressive opponent's approach by not denouncing it with a dive? (And that, incidentally, is the conclusion at which Barcelona arrived after the Cup final). Besides, even if a player cheats, he is not blamed: the referee is. The man who falls into the trap is guilty, not the man who lays it.

No one in Spain ever complained about diving, still less launched a crusade against it. Now they have. Madrid's protests about the theatrics of Pedro, Sergio Busquets, Dani Alves, and, later, Javier Mascherano were cynical and one-sided while the pitch, volume and consistency of the complaints was hard on your ears. The huge amount of noise ignored the dives of Real's Ronaldo or Angel Di María, the man who has "provoked" more penalties in the league than anyone else. But at least it has got this particular form of cheating on the Spanish agenda at last.

The fans:

Others might have acted like total idiots, but they didn't. All the aggression, all the stirring, all the whinging and whining and false-sensibility, all the provocation. The hint of violence forever in the air, fermented by a media that then washed its hands and acted all innocent. And then you throw 25,000 Barcelona fans and 25,000 Real Madrid fans into the same city, add a bit of booze and crank up the tension. And what do they do? Have a great time, that's what.

Pedro's goal:

If Messi's first leg strike was a moment of individual genius, Pedro's second leg one was a beautiful team goal. Iniesta's pass was fast, accurate and unstoppable and much the same can be said for Pedro's touch and finish. Blink and you'd miss it. Madrid's defense certainly did. But the best thing was that the whole move started with a gorgeously weighted, first-time curling pass to Dani Alves on the right.

By Víctor Valdés.

Xavi Hernández:

No, possession isn't everything. But, still. According to Opta, Xavi completed 633 passes over the four games. Six hundred and thirty-three, for goodness sake.

Cristiano Ronaldo:

On the morning of the semifinal second leg, the Madrid-based newspaper AS led with "Ronaldo: now or never." Excuse me? Never? It is true that there is a sense that Ronaldo has not really dominated a huge game yet, but now or never? Ronaldo has won a Champions League before, scoring in the final (and missing his penalty). And, at 26, he will get other opportunities. On this occasion, Leo Messi once again performed better than him and there can surely be few now who cling to the argument that Ronaldo is better than Messi. According to Opta stats, over the four clásicos Messi scored three, Ronaldo two; Messi provided seven assists (without goals), Ronaldo none; and Messi completed 305 passes, Ronaldo 120. Messi is the best player in the world; Ronaldo may not even be the second best.

But to suggest this was his last chance is absurd. To dismiss him for what he did, partly a victim of a defensive approach, is equally unfair. He remains brilliant and, although it ended in elimination, what threat Madrid posed in the semifinal second leg largely came from Ronaldo: it was his dashing run that led to Gonzalo Higuaín's "goal." Similarly, while some saw petulance and foolishness in the first leg when he chased Barcelona's players down, screeching after the ball, turning to berate his teammates for not following him, it showed desire and drive. Besides, had they forgotten the Copa del Rey final? Had they forgotten the almost brutal beauty in his goal? The colossal leap, the straight back, the power. A perfect cross and the perfect header.

Gerard Piqué, Xabi Alonso, álvaro Arbeloa:

At the end of the second leg, Dani Alves accused Real Madrid or being bad losers, noting that after the Cup final Barcelona had congratulated Madrid and after the Champions League semifinal Madrid had not congratulated them back. Around about the same time Casillas was busy saying: "when a team beats you well, you shake their hands and say 'well done' but not when it's like this." Not everyone took him on his word, though -- and the Spain coach Vicente del Bosque would have been particularly pleased. All the nastiness, all the bitterness, all the aggression, all the anger, all the disappointment, and as the final whistle at last went on this clásico series, Xabi Alonso and álvaro Arbeloa approached the Barcelona players and shook their hands one by one. Just as Gerard Piqué had done after the Copa del Rey final.

The Cup:

It took Real Madrid 17 years to get its hands on the Copa del Rey. And barely a couple of hours to for it to slip out of them again. Sergio Ramos dropping the cup from the top deck and seeing the bus run over it, dragging it down the road, was priceless. Which, by the way, is more than can be said for the Cup. It costs an estimated


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Post time 6-5-2011 07:36 AM | Show all posts
milan punya lejen da berzaman dgn Unicef...

Madras punya players sendiri pon mcm budak botak jahat zidane, bekem.. semua tu ambassador Unicef....

takde favouritism poonnnnnnn....................

playacting oleh barcelona adalah satu2nya alasan yg difikirkan logik utk menutup kelemahan tim sendiri...

tp pada aku.. yg sebenarnya ialah... semua orang tak tau kualiti bolasepak.. wakakakakakakakaka

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Post time 6-5-2011 10:59 AM | Show all posts
hanya jose morinho yg tahu kualiti bolasepak....anjing2 yg dok ada dalam uefa semuanya x tahu seni kualiti permainan bolasepak ini....

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Post time 6-5-2011 11:03 AM | Show all posts

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