eyka, aku ada gak nmpk buku senjakala n cinta br tu tp cam xleh masuk sgt la... aku sanggup bukak kamus lg dr bc buku bm nama omputeh... hahaha
kt mph aku cr kt jj bukit raja, xde plak ... nnt kene g mid ataupun the gardens la cam ni.... aku nk kalender die... buku die byk kt mana2 pon..... |
1733# cheesepastry
kensel beli buku twilight saga {:2_66:}
better baca novel RAM ajer la
fly_in_d_sky Post at 6-12-2009 18:42 
tu lah...aku ingtkan ko awal2
psl genre twilight bukan mcm typical vampiric genre mcm true blood tau
dia genre cinta...yg ada unsur myth and mistique
fly...ko laki ke pompan
kalo ko laki, ko kna jd peminat judith mcnaught or julie garwood dulu
baru leh timer twilight  |
tu lah...aku ingtkan ko awal2
psl genre twilight bukan mcm typical vampiric genre mcm true blood tau
dia genre cinta...yg ada unsur myth and mistique
fly...ko laki ke pompan
kalo ko laki, ko ...
cheesepastry Post at 6-12-2009 08:30 PM 
twilight berunsur pride and prejudice
new moon berunsur romeo and juliet
eclipse berunsur wuthering's heights
breaking dawn berunsur a midsummer nights dream
takat de muscle sket ngam ler sket
nie ... lembek ajer
plus edward nie cam x de usaha ... xde nak check kesahihan bella da mati
tau2 bunuh diri
da agak da masa tgk new moon nie
bile ada satu part diorg tgk movie romeo and juliet
x brani nak cite pjg
byk fans twilight n fan edward include my friend nie
better tgk bapak edward lg handsome .. ekekeke
1749# fly_in_d_sky
w/pun dia vampire tapi dia manusia biasa wakkakkaka..
kalau ikut dari buku dia percayakan ahli keluarga dia tanpa berbelah bahagi... dia mmg percaya ramalan Alice sbb Alice boleh tgk apa yg akan berlaku pada keadaan semasa.. tapi org yg bagitau Edward adalah Rosalie...Rosalie tepon Edward bgtau Alice ke Forks utk tgk Bella sbb dia nampak Bella terjun tebing. Alice beranggapan Bella bunuh diri sebab Alice tak nampak Bella selamat .. begitu juga Rosalie sbb tu dgn tak sabarnya Rosalie bagitau Edward... jadi utk pastikan betul atau tak Edward tepon rumah Bella dan kata dia adalah Dr. Carlise dan tanya di mana Charlie, Jacob pulak sebenarnya jawab dgn lurus yg Charlie di majlis pengkebumian tanpa sempat bgtau lebih lanjut... Edward dah letak tepon....
part ni la sebenarnya yg kurang dicapture dalam movie yg menyebabkan penonton rasa Edward terburu2 & Jacob sengaja jawab macam tu.... |
twilight berunsur pride and prejudice
new moon berunsur romeo and juliet
eclipse berunsur wuthering's heights
breaking dawn berunsur a midsummer nights dream
takat de muscle sket ngam ler ...
fly_in_d_sky Post at 6-12-2009 21:45 
aku rsa kan fly...yg tak siasat tu psl stephanie meyer nak cari jalan
camana nak bawak bella gi volturri
Meyer pn ada ckp...if only dia twist sket jln citer ni
edward tak jd suicide
bella akan end up dgn jacob
:geram: tidakkkk...aku takleh timer tu
nasib baik meyer cari jugak jln taqdir bella jmpa edward
sbenarnya kan...jacob dlm buku lg tinggi dr edward tau
tp taylor ni pendek...tu yg kurang perfect tu |
1753# hantu_poyos
hehhe....mesti ko dah bc abis sampai breaking dawn
aku x khatam2 lagi....huhuuh |
harini gak aku berdesusss g TGV tgk new moon
sibaik dah booked ticket pukul 1.45 |
bergenang airmata biler dgr lagu "flightless bird,american mouth"..owhh,i'm still stuck wit twilight..helep me  |
Post Last Edit by eyka at 7-12-2009 15:12
“New Moon” tops Korean box office

Hollywood film “The Twilight Saga: New Moon,” starring actors Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, became the most-watched movie on the Korean box office upon its opening last week, according to estimates released by Korea Box Office Information System (KOBIS) on Monday.
KOBIS data revealed that the movie attracted 636,319 viewers over the weekend of December 4 to 6 to gross a total 899,327 viewers after its release on December 2.
Next on the chart was Korean film “Saving My Wife,” starring actors Song Yoon-ah and Cha Seung-won, with 308,962 viewers. Other Korean films “The Descendants of Hong Gil-dong,” “White Night,” “Cheongdam Bosal” and “Wish” also made the top 10.
Hollywood pics “2012” and “Ninja Assassin” placed second and third place amongst non-Korean films and “Evangelion 2.0: You Can (Not) Advance,” a Japanese animation also took a spot on the chart for the first time. |
Post Last Edit by eyka at 7-12-2009 15:17
Japan Magazine
Ashley Greene: ‘My New Moon Stunt Double is a Man’

ASHLEY Greene has revealed that her stunt double in Twilight Saga: New Moon is a man in a wig!
The actress, 22, says producers were forced to hire a male stunt double for the scene where Green’s character Alice Cullen races around Italy in a Porsche because they were unable to find a female daredevil to take her place.
“It was a man!” Greene said. “I’m not kidding! I guess there’s not really stuntwomen in this part of Italy.
“They taught me how to drive the Porsche… but they would not tell me if they were gonna let me drive the car right until the last minute.
“I don’t even know if they used my stunt double, but and they actually told me I drove faster than a stuntman. And I didn’t break anything!” |
Post Last Edit by eyka at 7-12-2009 15:31
New Moon's Taylor Lautner cast as teen superhero Max Steel

New Moon star Taylor Lautner will play teen superhero Max Steel in an upcoming Paramount Pictures film.
Lautner, 17, became an international sex symbol after flaunting his rippling 8-pack abs in New Moon, the sequel to the 2008 blockbuster Twilight.
In Max Steel, Lautner will play a 19-year-old extreme sports junkie who gets recruited by a secret agency after he gains superhuman powers following a bizarre accident.
The film will produced by Joe Roth (Hellboy, Tears of the Sun), reports Deadline Hollywood, and is based on the hugely successful Mattel action figure.
Taylor famously gained 30 pounds of muscle to play the part of the hulking werewolf Jacob Black. Lautner credits working out and eating around the clock for the ripped 8-pack abs he sports in New Moon.
Gaining weight was "a lot of hard work," Taylor recalls. "I was in the gym five days a week, two hours a day. At one point, I was going seven days straight."
The hard work has clearly paid off: Lautner has graced the cover of countless fitness and entertainment magazines recently, showing off his ripped physique and teenage good looks. His gorgeous co-star Kristen Stewart, 19, has gushed about the young star's dedication. "Taylor's an entirely different person physically," she said. "It took him so much time."

Lautner recently revealed his desire to become a cinematic action hero like fictional superspy Jason Bourne (played by Matt Damon).
"I love action films," he said. "I’d love to do an action drama. I’m always looking to give my character something action-oriented to do."
Taylor, who is a martial-arts expert, has been athletic all his life. At age 12, he was a junior world karate champion. And in 2005, he co-starred in the hit family film, The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Meanwhile, New Moon has been tearing up the box office. So far, the vampire romance has grossed almost $500 million worldwide since its Nov. 20 release.
New Moon, which co-stars Robert Pattinson, Kellan Lutz, Ashley Greene, Nikki Reed and Kristen Stewart, is in theaters now. |
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