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Author: aYuGiLeR

Batman - The Dark Knight (2008)

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Post time 16-7-2008 08:07 PM | Show all posts
aku dh booking dr last week lg..tgk this sunday @ 2.30am..
nk tgk siang2 semua dh penuh...

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Post time 16-7-2008 09:26 PM | Show all posts

Reply #159 HangPC2's post


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Post time 16-7-2008 11:18 PM | Show all posts
yeyyy yeyyy dah beli tiket Dark Knight utk esok

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Post time 16-7-2008 11:22 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-7-2008 01:10 AM | Show all posts
cepat la update/review sape2 yg dah tgk..

cepat review..

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Post time 17-7-2008 01:44 AM | Show all posts
baru jer balik dr tgk citer ni....sebnarnya takder plan pun nak tgk...ingatkan tadi nak tgk Journey but penuh la pulak..... so we end up watching the first ever show kat tempat aku ni pukul 10 mlm...

overall review, : mmg best.... Heath Ledger stole the movie..... his Joker was so perfectly insane that he becomes lovable! hahahaha.... cara dier jalan, his gestures, cara dier cakap, expresi muka semua superb...... Christian Bale as the hero pun kalah...overshadowed by him.... ntah kenaper aku rasa Batman kali ni tak nampak hebat sgt walaupun dier ader gadgets baru..... maybe its just me ke... ntah la kan..mungkin kerana Heath was too good that all the attention is pointed at him...... but love the cool mobile n bike though...

Maggie Gyllenhall is of coz a better actress than Katie Holmes..can't help but compare them.....but i wish that the role of Rachel Dawes would be more in the hands of Maggie......

Aaron Eckhart pun deserve a mention....when he was Harvey Dent the good DA, u can feel that u root for him.... then bila dier dah tukar perwatakan pun kesian gak kat dier.... make up mmg best la..

the other actors all did a good job...

i give 4.5 out of 5 stars.......Heath alone got my perfect 10!



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Post time 17-7-2008 01:56 AM | Show all posts

awesome movie!!!!!

baru aje balik....
rasanya movie ni  almost 2 and a half hours -

memang best heath the joker
and saya bet my last penny dia dapat nomination
and will be best supporting actor
kat academy award next march

what a TREMENDOUS and awesome performance -

boleh dikatakan film batman kali ni about JOKER mostly
very mysterious character

- suka dengar semua cerita pak pandir dia camana
dia jadi 'tersenyum' tu.... ---

script film ni memang hebat
yang paling best script masa joker dalam lock up -
dan batman confronted him etc etc...

lagi satu - masa joker jadi nurse tu -- memang ramai yang
gelak pun.. cute lak tengok dia pakai baju nurse -

heath ledger was something really!! -
bila kita ingat --- joker nak buat something
dia buat something else -

what a great actor -
rasanya lakonan dia yang ni memang lebih berkesan
dari brokeback mountain tu - although obviously
different characters --

gary oldman - always my favourite
still hensem..
aaron eckhart pun great as harvey (two faces) -
good turned evil -

teringat harvey two faces - yang dilakonkan oleh tommy lee jones dulu -
so - bet nanti adalah lagi kot --

dr crane turned scarecrow pun ada -- cillian murphy (yang sokmo jadi jahat -
i.e movie : red eye ) -

scene yang memang debar2 masa harvey kat dalam truck tu -
joker main tibai shooting dengan guns - dari kecik2 sampai big gun

scene yang PALING mendebarkan
yang scene ferries tu ---  memang berdebar debar betul
a good acting involve there -
so kira great cast this time -

christian bale aka batman - okay - acting okay
suara garau macam macho kinda sorta -

banyak moral of the story re: good vs evil..
how good turns evil...
how evil sometimes can't influence the good -

choices people made  ...

*love the gadgets....
and the best quote from the joker: Why so serious??!!
(with a great 'joker' expression' - and left you cringe -
what he gonna do next ..)

and no doubt - it is better - much better than batman begins


rating 4.5/5



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Post time 17-7-2008 07:54 AM | Show all posts
tak sabar aku nak tgk sabtu nie..dah booking online td..

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Post time 17-7-2008 08:42 AM | Show all posts
nak tengok arrrr

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Post time 17-7-2008 08:52 AM | Show all posts
rasa nak tgk lagi just bcuz of Heath Ledger...

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Post time 17-7-2008 12:19 PM | Show all posts
siot je..
sume bg feedback baik..

colleagues aku pun bg 4.5..
takleh jadik ni

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Post time 17-7-2008 12:26 PM | Show all posts
aku sangatlaa hyperventilanting lepas tgk cita nih

heath ledger is da bomb!!!
memang sangat terer...
mmg ppl akan remember this as the height of his performance

cita nih agak berat skit..
memang dark skit berbanding cita superhero lain
kalau cam tak tgk batman begin, mesti ala2 clueless skit
sbb banyak gak kaitan dia ngan cita lama

maggie punya lakonan memang lari dari katie holmes as rachel
tapi cam agak menggeletis dari katie dulu
tetiba aku cam prefer katie plak
walaupon aku rasa dulu katie cam lembik sangat

aku bagi 9/10

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Post time 17-7-2008 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ladydolph at 17-7-2008 08:52 AM
rasa nak tgk lagi just bcuz of Heath Ledger...


aku pon rasa nak pergi tengok sekali lagik
cam tak puas plak....
too much to absorb

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Post time 17-7-2008 12:42 PM | Show all posts
korang perasan tak lam filem ni ada Edison Chen menyelit in a "u blink u'll miss it" role? hahaha...aku ngan kawan aku serentak cakap muka org tu mcm Edison Chen sbb sekelip mata jer dier nampak... so bila difikir2 takkan la Edison Chen ada lam filem ni...mungkin pelanduk 2 serupa kot? hehehe......

but then this morning i browsed thru IMDB, it was indeed Edison Chen... and some other notable actors also appeared selain dari all the leads yg mmg pun star-studded, like Anthony Michael Hall (suker mamat ni lam siri Dead Zone), Keith Szarabajka (my favret mamat lam siri Equalizer n Angel), Melinda McGraw (who played Dana Scully's sister, Melissa on the X-Files), Michael Jai White (Spawn), William Ficthner (Mahone of Prison Break), n Cillian Murphy pun ader walaupun sekejap jer Scarecrow muncul di awal cerita.....

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Post time 17-7-2008 01:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #174 ladydolph's post

ingatkan dia kena dropped terus pasal kes dia arituh..
kalau tak mesti dia jadi encik lau kan...
rerupanya dapat jugak menyelit ek
kena tengok lagi sekali nih

part fox pergi hongkong ke???

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Post time 17-7-2008 01:36 PM | Show all posts

Reply #175 lady_nF's post

yup..masa tu la dier mmg sekejap sesangat pun.....hehehe....kena tajamkan mata tu....

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Post time 17-7-2008 03:57 PM | Show all posts
besttt gakkkk suka joker cute jerrrrr

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Post time 17-7-2008 04:41 PM | Show all posts
Def THE BEST MOVIE OF THIS SUMMER....IronMan ,u go 2nd now!

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Post time 17-7-2008 05:03 PM | Show all posts
Oscar watchers dampen award hype for Ledger's Joker

When the new Batman movie "The Dark Night" began screenings last month before its U.S. debut on Friday, some moviegoers saw Heath Ledger as an instant Oscar candidate as the deranged villain, The Joker.

But Oscar watchers and veteran critics say the joke may be on fans creating mostly Internet-based buzz because an Academy Award for the Australian actor, who died of an accidental drug overdose in January, would be a rare event.

Only one actor has won an Oscar after death, Peter Finch for 1976's "Network."
"Dark Knight" is the type of comic book, action adventure that Oscar voters generally do not favor and there are many movies to see later this year, the experts said.

Still, Ledger's critically hailed performance may bring a nomination for the U.S. film industry's top award, to be presented next on February 22, 2009.

"All this Oscar talk is a phenomenon of the Internet age that I like to call 'a wish-fulfillment rumor.' If people say it often enough, they think it will happen," said Leonard Maltin, film critic for TV program "Entertainment Tonight."

"That's not to say it might not happen," he said, citing a "great performance" by Ledger. "But I assure you that the people who are spreading all this are neither Oscar voters nor (Hollywood) movers and shakers."

Tom O'Neil, a columnist for award-watching Web site The, said "it really looks good" for a nomination but was "a long shot" to win.

Hollywood has a long history of seeing big stars -- James Dean, Marilyn Monroe and Bruce Lee among them -- appearing in high-profile films released after their untimely deaths.

O'Neil said that when Finch died, Hollywood was in the middle of Oscar season and also in shock. Prior to that, Robert De Niro was sweeping the critics' awards for "Taxi Driver."

Veteran Oscar watcher O'Neil also sees parallels between the truncated careers of Ledger and James Dean.

"Like Heath, James Dean was a heartthrob star who was considered a serious actor, who died tragically young," O'Neil said. "He was nominated twice posthumously, for "East of Eden" and "Giant," and he lost both times."

Even the legendary Spencer Tracy was ignored by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which gives out the Oscars, after he died in 1967 just as "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?" was coming. And he was the front-runner, O'Neil said.

Tracy's co-star Katharine Hepburn did win best actress for "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?"

"That's how reluctant Oscar voters are to hug the dead," O'Neil said. "These awards are all about hugs and there's something creepy about embracing the dead."

(Editing by Bob Tourtellotte and John O'Callaghan)


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 Author| Post time 17-7-2008 05:27 PM | Show all posts

Balas #179 toaster\ catat

well..  hmmm...

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