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Author: buiscasey

"CLOVERFIELD" - unknown movie from J.J. Abrams

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Post time 20-1-2008 02:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #153 Rhyno's post

memang cam kenit sikit kepala si statue tu kan? sebab aku ingat dalam X-men 1, ada scene yg the X-Men kena ikat dalam kepala statue tuh, pastu si Wolverine lawan2 atas kepala statue tu cam besar jer aku tengok.

kanak2 bawah umur, so tak bleh masuk dalam filem nih.

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Post time 20-1-2008 02:52 PM | Show all posts
Eh cock...ko nyer Chocobo dah semakin comel lah...versi 2008 ek ?

Aku tgk citer ni kat TGV capsquare ngan blogger M ari Jemaat ari tu...nak lari dari kesesakan ramai di KLCC lah katakan..tapi memang berbaloi sikit je kat situ...dapat jugakla seat yg bagus n tak pening kepala...oleh krana tak ramai orang n seat kitorang pun jauh dari org, so kitorang skali skala buat bising mengomen kat part2 yg tak make sense tu...

Tapi memanglah kan..kalo nak mengarahkan situasi besar mcm ni dengan gaya ala-ala Blair Witch Project memang banyak benda kena tak mustahil kalo terlepas goof kat mana-mana...

Apa2 pun aku berpuas hati jugak la...even part prempuan kena cucuk tu tetiba boleh cergas sihat walafiat tu pelik sangat....malah kalo kita ingat Rob pun mcm dah parah masa helikopter tu jatuh...siap kena angkut lagi tapi dia pun boleh berlari dengan cergasnya.....

Expressi pelakon aku rasa just sesuai la...takut dan konfius diorang tu nampak....memang tak perlukan expressi gile2 pun...

selepas tamat, kitorang pun ada tanya soalan cam Rhyno...apa itu Cloverfield ?

Originally posted by MulutBecok at 20-1-2008 12:25 AM
excited sebab creator dia dari siri Lost & Alias

Eh awak...utk produksi filem diorang panggil Producer/Penerbit lah...

[ Last edited by  GAIA at 20-1-2008 02:59 PM ]

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Post time 20-1-2008 06:35 PM | Show all posts
Dah tengok muvi ni semalam. Very nice. rs cam tak puas and nak tengok skali lagi. Monster die for me agak scary la pastu ade anak2 dia pulak tu. i was ike imagining myself kalau i yd alami mende tu..i konpem trus pengsan. muahahahaha.

i like it tho. two thumbs up.

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Post time 20-1-2008 08:01 PM | Show all posts
woh ada gambar baru kuar kat website cloverfield
gambar bawah nih aku cilok dari mana ntah
tapi asalnya dari website
this will explain dari mana makhluk tuh datang

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Post time 20-1-2008 08:14 PM | Show all posts
oh rasanya ada sequel for cloverfield
tapi sequel tuh more like the same thing, on the same daytapi guna video orang lain

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Post time 20-1-2008 08:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #162 GAIA's post

cloverfield tuh sebenarnya codename untuk filem nih
sempena nama tpt mamat abram nih keja
tapi sbb dah terglemer, so diorang kekalkan nama cloverfield nih

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 Author| Post time 20-1-2008 08:42 PM | Show all posts

Reply #166 lady_nF's post

betul tu... mmg mulanya nama cloverfield tu mmg dah digunakan. tp just codename jer.. cloverfield tu sebenarnya nama street tempat abrams kerja.diorg siap plan nak tukar nanti....
actually mcm2 nama diorg proposed utk movie ni spt slusho or cheese... tp semua asyik org found out jer...

last2 nak letak nama greyshot. tp disebabkan nama cloverfield dah widely use, so diorg pun letaklah cloverfield.

ni aku amik kat wiki:
The director said that "Cloverfield" was the government's case designate for the monster, comparing the titling to that of the Manhattan Project.

ok, ni interesting fact pasal cloverfield... kalau nak interesting fact lain, selak page depan2.. aku ada paste dedulu....

FACT ONE: It Came From Japan
Producer J.J. Abrams took his son to a toy store in Japan and saw rows and rows of Godzilla toys. Feeling that the U.S. lacked a giant monster of its own, he decided to a make his own creature feature that would be filmed entirely through the point-of-view of the people on the ground, running for their lives.

FACT TWO: "Felicity" Fans Are in for a Shock
Abrams picked his childhood friend Matt Reeves to direct the film. Together, they created Felicity, a show about young New Yorkers looking for love. But while the most exciting moment on that show was the time Keri Russell cut her hair, in this movie the entire city gets hacked to pieces.

FACT THREE: This Poster Doesn't Lie
As a kid, Abrams loved Escape From New York. But he felt cheated that the image of the Statue of Liberty's head lying in the street on the movie's poster wasn't actually in the film. Abrams finally got to see it on the big screen in the teaser trailer that appeared before Transformers last summer.

FACT FOUR: They Never Meant to Call It That
To keep the movie a secret, the project was given the codename "Cloverfield," after a street near Abrams' office. The filmmakers had planned to release the movie as Greyshot, the name of a key Central Park location. But the temporary title spread through the internet so quickly that crew decided to keep it.

FACT FIVE: Will There Be Anyone Left for a Sequel?
In the exclusive clip below, Rob (Michael Stahl-David) and Beth (Odette Yustman) run to catch the last helicopter out of Manhattan. Do they make it? We're not telling. But Director Matt Reeves has stated that if they do a sequel, it might take place during the same monster attack, but seen from another camera.

[ Last edited by  buiscasey at 20-1-2008 08:46 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 20-1-2008 08:55 PM | Show all posts
elo kengkawan.... aku sj jer try review film ni.. ni aku try paste kat sini.. hehhehe

sorilah, english aku english-pasar and aku tak pandai sgt film. so, aku review dr perspektif aku jer ok...


Cloverfield : Back row seat to the maybe-this-year best movie!!!
It抯 either you love it, or you hate it. No in between. Either you give it A/A+ or D/E/F. No B or C (rarely found). That抯 one thing I found out from reading others review. And after finally had the chance to watch the movie, I think I have to agree with the statement. And lucky for me, I LOVEEEEEEEE IT!!!!! This is THE best monster movie of all time. In fact, I think it抯 a superb superb superb action movie that I watched for a while (Yes, thats include mega blockbuster Transformers which is totally overrated). It抯 THE movie to watch. I don抰 want to sound bias, over the top or over react, but really

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Post time 20-1-2008 10:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by buiscasey at 19-1-2008 07:27 PM
exceed my expectation.. best, best, best...

pegi tak ajak...tgk sorang2 la nampaknya ..

cuti malam thaipusam tu nak layan citer ni

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 Author| Post time 21-1-2008 12:06 AM | Show all posts

Reply #169 narcolepsy's post

sorilah.. hmmm
dah tak tahan nak tgk.. hehhehe
aku pon blasah tgk sengsorang, sbb member semua bz..

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Post time 21-1-2008 01:15 AM | Show all posts
yes! it is the bast monster film ever.....

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Post time 21-1-2008 07:13 AM | Show all posts

Reply #168 buiscasey's post

thanks dear

kita tengok lagi sekali nak??

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Post time 21-1-2008 10:12 AM | Show all posts
aku nengok sabtu lepas..

tak lepas aku nyer high expectation pong... ( high ecpextation lepas bace all the hype all over the net )

lili and beth very pretty.. jason and rob very handsome.. hud... pal lawak yg give some break to the whole tension dlm criter

special effect impressive... esp kota new york yg nak hancur tuh... perghhh.... better dari The Day After tomorrow dan War Of the World


tp scene yg wat aku trigger tak banyak.. aku rase ader 2 scene jer..
1. scene time diorg kat subway
2. scene helicokter yg rob+beth+hud naik tuh kene grab ngan monster tuh..

bab2 tension-trigger-hold my breath to death- scene rasenyer War of the World   much more better.. Jurassic park...Sign(M.N syamalan) pon lagi better.. leh wat aku nyorok kat seat panggung heheheheh.( Godzilla is the worst of all )

aku rase lagi  best kl ader bab slow scene monster tuh slow2 nak makan hud.. then hud try to hide kat small place try to squeeze his body.. then moanster tuh try nak grab hud...they play hide and seek - obviously tak banyak lagi mangsa monster tuh.. soo mesti moster tuh lapar kan....

one more thing.. video rekording style amatur tuh btul2 spoil the whole movie.... aku btol2 arap cumer half of the movie jer style camtuh.. the rest biarlah style action adevnyure...

aku muntah lepas nengok movie nie sbb penin.... dan terlepas some scene sbb aku rutup mate sbb penin.... aku tak leh concentrate sbb penin

sooo nasihat aku sesaper yg senang mabuk laut tuh... bawak lah minyak angin ker.. minyak cap kapak ker biler nengok movie nieh

pssstttt - kuat bateri videocam diorg ek... tak yah cas lansung...

[ Last edited by  True-X at 22-1-2008 11:59 AM ]

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Post time 21-1-2008 10:19 AM | Show all posts
"Cloverfield" a monster at box office

Sunday January 20 3:06 PM ET

Cloverfield," a low-budget Godzilla-style horror movie, scared up a monstrous $41 million opening at the weekend box office in North America, almost twice the tally of the new romance "27 Dresses." According to studio estimates issued on Sunday, "27 Dresses" opened at No. 2 with $22.4 million, while last weekend's champ "The Bucket List" fell to No. 3 with almost $15.2 million. The top-10 contained one other new release, "Mad Money," which opened at No. 7 with just $7.7 million. "Cloverfield," a $25 million movie with a no-name cast from Paramount Pictures, set a record for a January release, surpassing the $35.9 million reissue of "Star Wars" in 1997.

It will also set a record for the Martin Luther King holiday weekend. "Black Hawk Down" earned $33.6 million during the four-day period in 2002. Paramount said its movie will earn more than $47 million after the Monday holiday is included. Box office observers had expected "Cloverfield" to open in the $20 million range for the three-day period, a little ahead of "27 Dresses." They largely discounted Paramount's unusual forecast last week that the order would be reversed. While the two movies appeared to target completely different audiences delineated by gender, the positively-reviewed "Cloverfield" played more broadly than expected. Paramount said men comprised 60 percent of the audience, and 55 percent of moviegoers were aged under 25. The audience for "27 Dresses" was three-quarters female, Fox said.  RAMPAGE ACROSS NEW YORK  "Cloverfield" marks a reunion between director Matt Reeves and producer J.J. Abrams, the creators of the cult TV show "Felicity." Seen exclusively through the lens of a camcorder, it follows a group of youngsters on the run from a monster rampaging across New York. Paramount, a unit of Viacom Inc, employed a word-of-mouth marketing campaign for the film, highlighting the image of a beheaded Statue of Liberty. Fox spent the previous two weekends holding sneak previews of "27 Dresses," which stars "Grey's Anatomy" actress Katherine Heigl as a perennial bridesmaid. The News Corp-owned studio said the opening was "fantastic." The film held at No. 1 in Australia for a second week, it added. Critics ripped both "27 Dresses" and "Mad Money," which also targets female moviegoers. "Mad Money" stars Diane Keaton, Queen Latifah and Katie Holmes as masterminds of an unlikely bank heist. It marks the debut release of Overture Films, a unit of Liberty Media Corp.'s cable TV operator Starz LLC. Overture said the movie would be profitable, especially after DVD sales are factored in.

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 Author| Post time 21-1-2008 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by True-X at 21-1-2008 10:12 AM
aku rase lagi  best kl ader bab slow scene monster tuh slow2 nak makan hud.. then hud try to hide kat small place try to squeeze his body.. then moanster tuh try nak grab hud...they play hide and seek - obviously tak banyak lagi mangsa monster tuh.. soo mesti moster tuh lapar kan....

  lawak gila.. main hide and seek dgn monster tuh.. hehhe

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 Author| Post time 21-1-2008 10:35 AM | Show all posts

Reply #172 MulutBecok's post

aku mmg mcm plan nak tgk lg weekend ni...

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Post time 21-1-2008 11:02 AM | Show all posts

Reply #164 lady_nF's post

actually aku tak paham sangat gambar ni

and then dekat forum sebelah

dia ada tunjuk scene yg last tuh

masa rob and beth naik merry go round tu kan

belakang dia ada laut..then sebelah kanan laut tu ada splash besar

ada kaitan kot asal-usul monster tuh

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Post time 21-1-2008 11:16 AM | Show all posts
nampak kan splash sebelah kanan tu??
credit to forumer : mosai (

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Post time 21-1-2008 11:22 AM | Show all posts
i feel like watching this movie again. macam tak puas. tapi mcm nak beli dvd jer nanti. leh tgk 10 klai. muhahahahahahaha

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Post time 21-1-2008 11:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by True-X at 21-1-2008 10:12 AM
aku rase lagi  best kl ader bab slow scene monster tuh slow2 nak makan hud.. then hud try to hide kat small place try to squeeze his body.. then moanster tuh try nak grab hud...they play hide and seek - obviously tak banyak lagi mangsa monster tuh.. soo mesti moster tuh lapar kan....

one more thing.. video rekording style amatur tuh btul2 spoil the whole movie.... aku btol2 arap cumer half of the movie jer style camtuh.. the rest biarlah style action adevnyure...

takleh la nak buat camtu sebab niat sedari awal lagi dah nak buat filem gaya mesti consistent sampai akhir...memendangkan naratif adalah dari rakaman handycam, maka kalo ada slow mo, tak menjadi lah pulak "kononnya handycam" sampai ke akhir tu....tapi memanglah apa2 jenis gaya pun memang tak akan jadi favourite semua orang....

Tapi kalo ko suka boleh try The Host, monster movie buatan Korea tu....khabarnya filem monster terbaik tahun tu...

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