Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (July 2009)
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twin rasa cam lama sangat DH ni nak keluar sbb HBP keluar tahun ni...DH lak lagi 2 thn baru keluar. Takkan dia org nak abis kan filming utk Part 1 ngan 2 sekali baru dia org keluarkan kat wayang?  |
Reply #166 hermione_twin's post
aper ni......
kite nk tgk macam mana Tonks merajuk, pastu yg dia punya Patronus animal dia betukar....isk3...diorg ni suke2 hati je tuka.... |
Reply #167 maxxwu's post
tu lah...david yates suka tukar citer. isy mintak2 jk rowling marah dia ngan WB. suka mak pak tok nenek dia jer main tukar2 citer. dah lah dia org tukar byk scene kat OoP :@ |
kenapa masa movie yg mula2 dulu harry lagi besar, sekarang harry lagi kecil dari ron dan longbottom |
Originally posted by Narutah at 10-5-2008 05:19 PM 
kenapa masa movie yg mula2 dulu harry lagi besar, sekarang harry lagi kecil dari ron dan longbottom
kalau ikut buku ron paling tinggi antara dia org bertiga...longbottom paling chubby lah...tapi masa PoA ngan GoF..Dan Radcliffe mmg nampak besar sikit. tak silap start dr 1st movie dia dah gi gym sbb nak kuatkan tangan sbb time tu dia byk kena pegang own kat tangan. |
Reply #173 Narutah's post
ntah...maybe Dan Radcliffe dh berenti membesar kut.... |
ni new info dr Mugglenet
Harry-Cho kiss nominated at MTV Movie Awards
The kiss in Order of the Phoenix between Daniel Radcliffe and Katie Leung (Cho) has been nominated for this year's MTV Awards in the best kiss category.
You can vote at this link, until May 23rd. The site says "Juno may be super hip, but the hipster movie moment of the year was undoubtedly the kiss between nerdy Daniel 'Harry Potter' Radcliffe and foxy Katie 'Cho' Leung.
The Awards will air on June 1st
Lavender Brown says kiss was 'embarrassing'
A brief new interview with Jessie Cave, Lavendar Brown in the sixth Potter film, has surfaced where she comments on the kiss between her and Rupert Grint for the film.
"It was a bit embarrassing. Our first screen kiss was on my third day of shooting. It's been an amazing experience though. I've been completely immersed in the Harry Potter world since filming started last year."
Source from SnitchSeeker
Exclusive: Moaning Myrtle not in Half-Blood Prince
A few days ago we got in touch with Hamilton Hodell, the agency that represents Shirley Henderson, who plays Moaning Myrtle in the Harry Potter films. It has been confirmed to us that the character hasn't made it into Half-Blood Prince.
[ Last edited by hermione_twin at 13-5-2008 01:21 PM ] |
New HBP Promotional Photos

[ Last edited by hermione_twin at 13-5-2008 01:27 PM ] |
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