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Author: niceghost2005

RAMD jadi guard kat Buckingham Palace

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Post time 20-4-2008 08:19 PM | Show all posts

Balas #160 alphawolf\ catat

their officers too are most of the times.....hmmmmm
well.....they are already there to start their duties anyway.

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Post time 20-4-2008 08:43 PM | Show all posts
Language serves the purpose of communications. Communications can be segmented to sending and receiving. In this case, even if they speak broken English, and if the correct message is passed and understood, the purpose of language has been served. Only if the message is very complex and refined would you need a more skillful communicator.

We applaud an Englishman who tries to cakap Bahasa Malaysia yg salah...

[ Last edited by  RainbowSix at 30-4-2008 07:08 PM ]

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Post time 29-4-2008 10:21 AM | Show all posts
Windsor Castle stint starts today
By : Zaharah Othman in London

TWENTY soldiers and an officer of the First Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (RMR) will begin their two-month public ceremonial duties at Windsor Castle today.
The ceremony of the changing of the guards will take place at the parade grounds of Windsor Castle at 11am local time (6pm Malaysian time) with the soldiers taking over the post from the British Regiment.

They will hand the post back to the British Regiment on May 1.

Major Mohd Fuad Mohd Ghazali is leading the 130 members of the RMR, which will, for the duration of its stint, be known as the London District Public Duties Company.

The soldiers will be wearing their number one ceremonial costume with songkok and sampin made of songket.
The members of the RMR arrived on April 17 and are now based at the Uxbridge Royal Air Force Base.

They have been training and adapting to the cold weather as well as visiting places such as Buckingham Palace, St James' Palace and the Tower of London where they will take up their duties soon.

They will assume duties as the Queen's Guards when they take over from the First Battalion Welsh Guards on May 2.

They will end their ceremonial duties on June 13.

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Post time 29-4-2008 12:42 PM | Show all posts
agaknya standupper ada gi london tak tangkap gambar diorg

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Post time 29-4-2008 01:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #164 kapakterbang's post

Woit patut tersedak aku...   london tadak kot.. banyak sangat outstation ler bro.. next month pi China plak.. tapi kemungkinan besar ada bahan dari london nanti, ada masa wa check ngan gang kat sana.

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Post time 29-4-2008 02:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #165 standupper's post

Yeayyyyyyyyyy, u a lifesaver bro... arigato gozaimasu.,.

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Post time 30-4-2008 02:28 PM | Show all posts
caya la abg stan!!!!

ni la contoh pemuda harapan bangsa ni..heheheh

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Post time 30-4-2008 02:30 PM | Show all posts
Semuanya dah terjawab..pakai baju melayu bersongket jugak akhirnya...bangga teman tengok

Wednesday April 30, 2008Proud day for Malay regiment
WINDSOR (England): In a rare brush with British royalty, the Royal Malay Regiment had the honour of performing ceremonial duties at Windsor Castle, one of Queen Elizabeth II抯 official residences, yesterday.
Looking smart in their white and gold songket samping ceremonial dress, the 21-member contingent was in stark contrast to the 170 Pioneer Regiment foot guards whom they replaced during the traditional 揷hanging-of-the-guards

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Post time 30-4-2008 04:57 PM | Show all posts
more pic pls!

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Post time 30-4-2008 06:17 PM | Show all posts
salute la.......respek askar melayu...

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Post time 1-5-2008 12:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #166 yipun78's post

Pix tak done.. tapi check news tv3 kul 1.30 esok... err.. hari nie (1 mei ). member aku email.. ada coverage tentang 1 melayu kat London.

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Post time 2-5-2008 09:56 AM | Show all posts

Reply #171 standupper's post

wei bro..berita harian ada keluar satu gambar lawa hari rabu tu tapi kat web tak ada..boleh tampal sini tak...nak scan nanti jadi tak lawa la..tks

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Post time 2-5-2008 03:56 PM | Show all posts

Reply #172 mmc's post

belay that...dah dapat dah pun bro!

ANGGOTA Batalion Pertama Askar Melayu Diraja (1 RAMD) berpakaian kebangsaan, berkawad megah melalui jalan di pekan Windsor, didahului oleh pancaragam pusat ke arah Istana Windsor, untuk mengambil alih tugasan mengawal istana itu, semalam. Upacara selama 45 minit itu bermula dengan pertukaran pengawal membabitkan 1 RAMD dipimpin Mejar Qadri Abu Bakar dengan pengawal British Rejimen. Majlis itu yang disaksikan pegawai tentera kedua-dua negara dan pelancong, turut disertai Penasihat Pertahanan di Pejabat Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia di United Kingdom (UK) Kolonel Tajri Alwi, dan Mejar Mohd Fuad Mohd Ghazali, yang mengetuai pasukan itu selama berada di UK. Pasukan Malaysia seramai 130 pegawai dan anggota tiba di London pada 17 April lalu untuk mengawal Istana Windsor, selain Istana Buckingham, Istana St James dan Menara London. Malaysia adalah negara Komanwel keempat selepas Kanada, Australia dan Jamaica, diberi penghormatan melaksanakan tugasan tradisional itu.




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Post time 2-5-2008 04:43 PM | Show all posts
Ini dah keluar kat paper Times UK

From Times Online

May 1, 2008

Royal Malay Regiment on guard at Buckingham Palace
A Malayan soldier on guard outside Windsor Castle

The Royal Malay Regiment will be Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace for the first time today. They will be accompanied by their own band.
This colourful regiment was founded in 1938 and has a distinguished record in the Second World War, The Malaysian Emergency in the fifties, and the Indonesian Confrontation in the sixties.
A 130-man strong company and band are commanded by Major Mohd Fuad Ghazali. It began public duties providing the Windsor Castle Guard on April 29, 2008. Their duties in London are expected to conclude on June 13, 2008.
Major Fuad said: 揑t is a great honour to be here guarding the Royal Palaces and it is an expression of the close ties between our two countries

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Post time 2-5-2008 04:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #173 mmc's post

A question, no 1 kain songket ni special untuk RAMD or for whole ATM? 2nd, RAMD officers nye no 1 not kain songket? atau officer ni bukan dari RAMD?

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Post time 2-5-2008 04:49 PM | Show all posts
Taken from blog of A Malaysian In UK...tak leh link saja fasal property dia no DNS
Thursday, 1 May 2008
Our Boys are in Town....

Yes, the members of the 1st Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment are here - 130 of them. And on 29th April 2008, they started their ceremonial duties at Windsor Castle, in the ceremony of the Changing of the Guards. It was so very grand. And it really warmed my heart on that cold spring morning to see our boys in their Baju Kebangsaan, sampin songket and songkok, marching through the streets of Windsor. The quiet royal town echoed with traditional Malay songs played by the Brass Band. During the ceremony, as our boys led out the members of the British Regiment, the band played Bahtera Merdeka....Bonda senyum riang, menerima bahtera merdeka....
And right there in the parade grounds of Windsor Castle, I cried.

Major Qadri became the first Malay officer in the ceremony of the changing of the guards at Windsor Castle. In this picture, he takes over the duties from Capt.Stuart Vernon of the British Regiment.

What a beautiful sight!

Pvt. Suhaimi Yahya takes over the post from the British soldier.

Tomorrow - 2nd May - anyone in London, do go to Buckingham Palace for the ceremony of the Changing of the Guards. It starts around 10.30 am, but you want to be there early to get close to the gates. They start marching from Wellington Barracks nearby.

Pictures courtesy of the RMR as my camera failed me.

This is my poor attempt to capture the story from RTM1 online

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Post time 2-5-2008 05:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #175 DarkBaron's post

sorry..not my area of expertise tapi mesti ada yang jawab karang...btw to see a video of the ceremony itself, visit kak teh's blog site and there is one posted there..

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Post time 2-5-2008 05:07 PM | Show all posts
Comment sikit..pasal ternotice yang Major Qadri ni posture nye a bit wierd. Wasnt it suppose to be chest out stomach in?


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Post time 2-5-2008 05:09 PM | Show all posts
Yang 4th pic are those brit soldiers carrying covered tactical comm sets?

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Post time 2-5-2008 11:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DarkBaron at 2-5-2008 04:45 PM
A question, no 1 kain songket ni special untuk RAMD or for whole ATM? 2nd, RAMD officers nye no 1 not kain songket? atau officer ni bukan dari RAMD?

yg bersampin tu pakaian no1 istiadat semua anggota LLP darat, utk pegawai mane2 kor pun tulah pakaian istiadat die, officer tak pakai sampin, termasuk RSM pun tak pakai sampin.....

nilah keistimewannye jadi tentera, boleh buat benda2 unik yg orang awam takleh buat, mmg bersejarah gilelah utk depa bebudak mat sabun satu melayu tu.... puas minum le depa kat sane panaskan badan....

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