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Author: jarimanis

pengalaman bawa bayi travel naik kapalterbang

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Post time 10-3-2009 10:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #159 manakautau's post

yes this is cyber world, but that doesnt mean u can say what you like as you like.
people have feelings. i wouldnt mind if you talk about "laksa" yang tak sedap etc.
but when you are poking fun, say unwanted things about others that's not quite right.
tak guna if u have 3-4 scrolls pun kalau tak pandai behave. org ckp apa, memalukan mak bapak....

now back to the topics

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Post time 11-3-2009 10:28 AM | Show all posts

Balas #149 laksa\ catat

hiyaa bunyi lagak need to say economy seat make me sick..yelah hang pilot kaya raya tentulah senang dpt seat 1st or business class..yg marhain mcm saya and the rest terpaksalah naik economy seat yg sick ni..tak berbaloi rasanya nak spend at least dlm au9k per seat per adult when  you can get the same amount of money for 5 people or even less..unless ticket tu company sponsor ke lain crita..
alhamdulillah my kids are well behaved bila naik kapal terbang pun dah lama tak naik plane ni..huhu..camnalah agaknya aku ni nak balik malaysia in june dgn 3 budak ni..

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Post time 11-3-2009 11:03 AM | Show all posts

Balas #162 nour2001\ catat

anak2 u dah besar ok kott dlm flight...  anak i baru setahun... adoiii.. nak ckp pun dia tak faham... susuka dia je jerit mcm kat rumah....
dari tempat u ke malaysia brapa jam?

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Post time 11-3-2009 12:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nour2001 at 11-3-2009 10:28
hiyaa bunyi lagak need to say economy seat make me sick..

a'ah kan nour......Manak yang kerek2 camnih pun tak sampai tahap lagak si laksa tuh kan?????

laksa...ko baik defence diri ko....nih kak nour dah kecik hati nih....

tulah laksa, hang asik nak mengata Manak tanpa asas jerk...kan diri sendirik pun dah kena tegur ngan forummer lain.....padan muka hang......


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Post time 11-3-2009 12:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nour2001 at 11-3-2009 10:28
hiyaa bunyi lagak need to say economy seat make me sick..yelah hang pilot kaya raya tentulah senang dpt seat 1st or business class..yg marhain mcm saya and the rest terpaksalah naik eco ...

memang betul cakap hang tuh nour.......kecuali tiket airasia dan all these budget airlines...yang lainnya memang kalau dah termasuk anak beranak...fuyooohhh...boleh gugur jugak rambut kalau tak betul2 buat financial planning........

sebab itulah kekadang tuh ada jugak isteri yang tak bekerja nih...terpaksa tunggu suami yang banyak travelling to accumulate air travelling bonus points to be exchange with free tickets buat anak beranak yang lain ........

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Post time 11-3-2009 01:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by laksa at 10-3-2009 22:36
. FYI, during flight, the cabin is pressurised up to 4psi. do you know what it mean? 4psi tu bukan sikit tau. bayangkan gegendang telinga budak2 tu kena pressure yg mcm tu. and that's y they are crying. they dont know how to clear the blockage like we adults do.

ada usaha yang kita boleh buat sebagai ibu bapa untuk mengelakkan ini tak???????? Maksud Manak do something to cushion off the impact of the internal pressure on the baby's ears?

takkan benda macam ini pun nak suruh Manak cakap dgn hang laksa?????

Manak tak pernah menyalahkan budak2....ada ker? orang yang tak reti baca jerk dan yang suka tuduh menuduh  yang akan berkata demikian........

Baca betul2 post Manak sejauh ini....apa yang cuba Manak sama2 berkongsi disini adalah untuk membudayakan sifat bertimbangrasa kita pada penumpang lain..... itu saja.....tapi biasalah masyarakat kita bila ditegur pada perkara2 yang mendatangkan kebaikan pada semua..dah dikatakan provoke lah...belum ada anak tak akan paham lah...apa punya mentaliti lah cik kak oiiiiiii....

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Post time 11-3-2009 05:29 PM | Show all posts

Balas #163 Prettylady\ catat

pretty..takde lah well behaved sgt..sbb dah biasa kot fly ni..biasanya bawah 1 thn lebih senang bawak pi travel jauh2 ni..nangis je sumbat puting (my experience org lain tak taulah)..thn 2007 balik cairo anak 2 org demam betul2 dlm flight..high temp,susah betul dibuatnya..kesian kat airhostess tu, tiap masa panggil derang mintak itu ini..hihi..dah memang keja derang kan..sib baiklah theyall teramat friendly...what can i say SIA..

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Post time 11-3-2009 05:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nour2001 at 11-3-2009 17:29
pretty..takde lah well behaved sgt..sbb dah biasa kot fly ni..biasanya bawah 1 thn lebih senang bawak pi travel jauh2 ni..nangis je sumbat puting (my experience org lain tak taulah)..thn 2007 bal ...

"S'pore are a great way to fly........."

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Post time 11-3-2009 05:41 PM | Show all posts

Balas #165 manakautau\ catat

manak..kami everytime balik dari cuti je terus menabung tuk next trip balik kampung malayisa in June isaa, kampung Cairo in Sept dah ada dah duit tiket.. ..baru kopak satu tabung besar full of 50 notes.. ..
memang kalau kami laki bini je travel memang naik business class le jawabnya..dah ada anak berderet ni kenalah pikiaq 2 kali nak upgrade dari economy ni..dah cuti2 ni mestilah keluar duit nak soping tu semua..not worth it to spend a lot on airfare lah..

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Post time 11-3-2009 05:48 PM | Show all posts

Balas #164 manakautau\ catat

me kecik hati? takdelah..menyampah sikit adalah. sikit je...biasalah kadang2 over excited sikit bila kasi comment tu.jgn ambik hati sgt..

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Post time 11-3-2009 05:51 PM | Show all posts

Balas #168 manakautau\ catat

they are the best..really helpful..they even help us with our baggage at the airport..
but this time travel with emirates saje..tomorrow booking for sept flight..jauh lagi tu..huhu..

[ Last edited by  nour2001 at 11-3-2009 17:53 ]

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Post time 11-3-2009 06:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nour2001 at 11-3-2009 17:51
they are the best..really helpful..they even help us with our baggage at the airport..
but this time travel with emirates saje..tomorrow booking for sept flight..jauh lagi tu..huhu..

ginilah nour..... bukan Manak nak membodek airlines negara jiran kita itu, tapi seriously...this is my personal view lah...once you have tried their service , no other airlines will even come close........they are definitely on a different league than the rest of the airlines in this globe..........

"Good morning Mr Manak, good to see you again".....begitu lain dari yang lain kan?

any reasons kenapa with emirates and not with SIA this time around nour? cost factor? budgetting or what?

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Post time 11-3-2009 06:09 PM | Show all posts
before kapal terbang start gerak, go to the toilet and take two small paper cups yg ada dlm toilet tu. masa nak take off or landing- tekap kat telinga anak. this works better if u can get 2 wet tea bags or tissue paper and tuck them dlm paper cups tu.

for myself yg mmg selalu sakit telinga ni, everytime nak naik kapal terbang, i makan antihistemine sehari sebelum flight - normally actifed (tp ngantuk la..). mmg mujarab and tak sengsara sakit telinga macam dulu2.

my children masa kecik2 kalau naik flight pegi langkawi/kuching dorang behave aje..alhamdulillah - i gave them baby biscuits

yg pernah travel jejauh masa baby my eldest aje - 12 hour flight masa umur dia exactly setahun - doctor kasik phenergen (gave half dose je) so selain dia tak sakit telinga, dia lena tido gak..kalau bgn pon tersengih2 aje main cak2 dgn stewardess.. mmg risau gilaaaa kot2 dia buat peel and kasik passengers lain bengang

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Post time 11-3-2009 06:14 PM | Show all posts

Balas #172 manakautau\ catat

airfarelah..emirates lebih murah by at least 2500 bucks..duit tu boleh ku enjoy sakan shopping..

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Post time 11-3-2009 06:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Delifrance at 11-3-2009 18:09
before kapal terbang start gerak, go to the toilet and take two small paper cups yg ada dlm toilet tu. masa nak take off or landing- tekap kat telinga anak. this works better if u can get 2 wet t ...

"We hope to see more thoughtful passengers as you are maam...thank you for fying with SIA.....we do hope to see you again"

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Post time 11-3-2009 06:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nour2001 at 11-3-2009 17:51
they are the best..really helpful..they even help us with our baggage at the airport..
but this time travel with emirates saje..tomorrow booking for sept flight..jauh lagi tu..huhu..

talking bout SIA ke? My kids love their games..movies pon not bad.. (uncencored lak tu ..ehh itu cathay pacific kot..he he he)

cuma... mase flight tu ada confusion pasal food... some of us ordered halal food..some ordered seafood.. masa tgh2 confuse tu steward kata ' take note that seafood does not mean halal" gitu pulakk.....

lagi baik cathay pacific ..terang2 tulis situ "food served is HALAL'..senang hati nak makan.. sedap lak chinese style chicken with rice dia hari tu.... i likee...

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Post time 11-3-2009 06:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nour2001 at 11-3-2009 18:14
airfarelah..emirates lebih murah by at least 2500 bucks..duit tu boleh ku enjoy sakan shopping..

  but of each their own preferences..............and it makes good sense too........


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Post time 12-3-2009 10:45 AM | Show all posts

Reply #173 Delifrance's post

thanks for the tips..

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Post time 12-3-2009 10:51 AM | Show all posts

Reply #176 Delifrance's post

SIA le..hihi..seafood tu kadang2 derang boh bacon bits,entree pork/ham atau white wine..tu yg derang kata tak halal..mintak muslim food je lah..biasanya kita makan dulu sblm org lain..

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Post time 12-3-2009 10:58 AM | Show all posts

Reply #177 manakautau's post

hihi..baru je balik dari travel agent..dah booking tiket to cairo 3rd Sept to 8th 6450 for 5..murahh.. agent tu budak klang lah pulak..sekampung..muahaha..what a small world..

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