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Balas #162 akeyron\ catat
g la wat aduan..  |
Balas #163 budingyun\ catat
sapa la aku ni nak buat aduan...diorag tak pandang pun..  |
Balas #164 akeyron\ catat
Balas #165 budingyun\ catat
xde sambutan dh thread nih.. |
Balas #168 monorail\ catat
dah email ke nk pasal tajuk ni...tapi tak dapat jawapan punnnn |
baru dapat jawapan dari nokia.....as below
Thank you for emailing Nokia Careline..
In regards to your Enquiry, please be advised that there is no difference between phone "Made By Nokia" and phone "Made in Finland"
Nokia is dedicated to finding solutions to any problems of which our customers may experience with their Nokia products. For this reason, should you encounter any difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact Nokia Careline and we will be happy to further assist you.
You may like to visit our website at www.nokia.com.au for more information and support for your Nokia device. If you have further enquiries, please write to us again or contact Nokia Careline at 1300 366 733. We operate between the hours of 8:00am and 8:00pm EST, seven days a week. |
Balas #174 akeyron\ catat
ada, kilang len2..
tp kualiti sama la..
bukan wat pakai tgn kan..
pakai robot tuh.. |
Balas #175 budingyun\ catat
made in china pun pakai robot jgk kan.. tp dia nyer kualiti drop. tak gitu??  |
Balas #176 akeyron\ catat
x la..
mesti ada kualiti control kan..
kalo drop, mesti byk anset nokia yg bermasalah..
[ Last edited by budingyun at 13-3-2009 10:19 ] |
Reply #174 akeyron's post
kalau nokia sendiri yang kata gitu ....
maybe ejaan tu berbeza...satu made by nokia satu lagi dieja made in finland..... |
mana-mana nokia pun sama jer.koranhg tengok pelekat SIRIM dia.dull jer.x halogram langsung.bukan setakat Nokia.,,,,banyak lagi barang2 letrik kat malaysia ni pelekat SIRIM dia mnecurigakan.. |
Balas #179 rriizzaall\ catat
selalunya sticker sirim kat HP takda la berkilat2...mmg sticker dia mcm tu..  |
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