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Author: bUtTeRfLy

>>>BoLaSePak MaLaYsIa<<<

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Post time 3-7-2011 04:22 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 14-7-2011 12:07 AM | Show all posts
Reign In Black

Harimau Malaya II

Painter/Illustrator/Comic Artist : Aedes / Aedestrix / Hulubalang Lubuk (Ahmad Kamil Sabri)

Email : [email protected]


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Post time 16-7-2011 11:13 AM | Show all posts
Harimau Malaya tagih sokongan padu peminat

[email protected]

NADA kecewa disuarakan jurulatih skuad bola sepak kebangsaan, Datuk K. Rajagobal menjelang aksi persahabatan menentang Liverpool di Stadium Nasional, Bukit Jalil petang ini. Bukan kerana pengurus Liverpool, Kenny Dalglish sudah pulang awal ke England tetapi Rajagobal jelas berasa kecewa dengan sikap peminat yang hadir ketika Harimau Malaya tewas 0-4 kepada Arsenal, Rabu lalu.

“ Saya tak faham apa yang mereka (peminat) mahu. Saya fikirkan mereka sudah cukup bijak. Mereka tak boleh samakan skuad kebangsaan dengan kelab Liga Perdana England. “ Kita amat memerlukan sokongan peminat pada saat genting menghadapi pusingan kedua Kelayakan Piala Dunia 2014 menentang Singapura. “ Sebagai rakyat Malaysia dan menetap di Malaysia, bukan saya nak kata kita tak boleh sokong kelab Liga Perdana England.

“ Tetapi kenapa tak boleh sehari sahaja datang ke stadium pakai jersi Malaysia ? Saya harap esok (hari ini) ramai yang datang dengan jersi Malaysia, terutamanya warna biru, ” kata Rajagobal ketika ditemui pada sesi latihan di Stadium Nasional petang semalam. Pada aksi bertemu Arsenal Rabu lalu, majoriti stadium dipenuhi peminat yang hadir dengan jersi merah dan tambah mengecewakan Rajagobal, anak-anak buahnya diejek setiap kali melakukan kesilapan.

“ Bila Arsenal terlepas peluang, mereka tidak diejek tetapi bila kita buat silap, kena ejek. Mereka tak boleh nak banding pemain kita dengan pemain lawan. Arse- nal pun mampu tewaskan pasu- kan sehebat Barcelona. “ Jadi saya sangat berharap warga Malaysia yang hadir ke stadium esok (hari ini) memberi sokongan padu kepada sku- ad negara sendiri, ” tegas Raja- gobal.

Selepas sesi latihan petang semalam, Rajagobal mengesahkan dua pemainnya, Aidil Zafuan Radzak dan Norshahrul Idlan Talaha tidak dapat diturunkan akibat kecederaan buku lali dan hamstring. “ Saya sudah panggil dua pengganti iaitu Ismail Faruqi Ashari dan Izzaq Faris Ramlan semalam (kelmarin) dan akan mencuba mereka. Jika memuaskan, mereka mungkin diselit untuk skuad ke Singapura, ” ujarnya.

- Kosmo -


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Post time 16-7-2011 08:20 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-7-2011 01:15 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 23-7-2011 08:50 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 23-7-2011 06:22 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 26-7-2011 09:36 PM | Show all posts
Boleh panggil balik norhafiz zamani misbah tk...?..dia ni calm skit.harap aidol tu sempat pulih...bgitu jg norshahrul..

(posted by mobile)

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Post time 26-7-2011 09:38 PM | Show all posts
Boleh panggil balik norhafiz zamani misbah tk...?..dia ni calm skit.harap aidil tu sempat pulih...bgitu jg norshahrul..

(posted by mobile)

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Post time 27-7-2011 12:53 AM | Show all posts
PESANAN Claude Le Roy...

Tuesday, 26 July 2011


Apa yang dilalui oleh Skuad Harimau Malaya pada hari ini, telah mengingatkan aku kembali ketika aku mewakili Skuad Olimpik Malaysia pada Kelayakan Olimpik Atlanta 1996 di dalam Kumpulan C bersama-sama Singapura dan China.

Pada ketika itu kami telah dibimbing oleh ketua jurulatih berpengalaman dari Perancis yang begitu tegas sifatnya serta mempunyai etika profesionalisme yang tinggi iaitu Mr. Claude Le Roy dibantu oleh En. Irfan Bakti dan En. Lim Chuan Chin (Jurulatih Penjaga Gol).

Cloude Le Roy ketika memberi penerangan kepada pemain

Cuma pada ketika itu sitiuasi tekanan jauh amat berbeza daripada hari ini kerana waktu itu satu sejarah hitam telah melanda bola sepak tanah air dengan tertangkapnya ramai pemain di atas amalan “ Rasuah ” (1994)

“ Berat Mata Memandang Lagi Berat Bahu Memikul ” dengan perumpamaan ini sahaja yang dapat aku gambarkan kepada peminat2 bola sepak tanah air. Kami diberikan tugas yang amat penting dan harapan yang tinggi daripada semua pihak untuk mengembalikan “ Maruah ” bola sepak Negara ketika itu. Pada perlawanan pembukaan menentang Singapura (Julai 1995) dalam Kumpulan C, pasukan kami tewas kepada Singapura (2-0) dengan  kehadiran lebih 40,000 penyokong tuan rumah Singapura. Kedua-dua jaringan pihak lawan telah dijaringkan oleh Lee Man Hon.

Apabila tiupan wisel penamat ditiupkan ALLAH sahaja yang tahu perasaan kami ketika itu, setelah semua kuderat dan perancangan jurulatih telah kami “ FOKUS ” dan berikan. Hinaan dan cacian dilemparkan kepada kami. Ketika berjalan keluar menuju ke dressing room Aku dan rakan2 tunduk kecewa. Tanpa sedari Aku telah ditampar oleh Claude Le Roy serta diiringi dengan kata-kata keramatnya. Dengan prinsip dan falsafah yang tinggi Claude Le Roy sehingga kini kata-katanya itu tersemat dalam ingatan aku.

Aku memakai jersey No. 7 (Malaysia vs Singapura)

“ Jangan Sesekali Memalingkan Muka Kamu Menyembah ke Bumi, Terus mendogak dagu, membuka dada kerana perjuangan kamu belum berakhir ” – Claude Le Roy

Oleh itu dengan kata-kata ini aku berharap Skuad Harimau Malaya jangan mengaku kalah, teruskan perjuangan untuk memartabatkan nama “ MALAYSIA ” di arena bola sepak Asia. Aku berharap peminat-peminat bola sepak tanah air bersama-sama kita memberi sokongan dan berjuang untuk bola sepak Negara kita “ MALAYSIA ”


Nukilan :

En Hasnizam Uzir

Mewakili JOHOR : - 1 ) MSSM (Bwh12) 2 ) Piala FAM/MILO (Bwh14,16,18) 3 ) MSSM (Bwh18) 4 ) Piala Razak (Bwh18) 5 ) Piala President 6 ) Johor (1992-1998) 7 ) Johor FC (1999-2000) 8 ) Malaysia Olimpik (Atlanta 1995)



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Post time 30-7-2011 11:25 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 3-8-2011 02:47 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 3-8-2011 11:03 PM | Show all posts
jumaat nnti ade live tak psl undian Piala Malaysia...?

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Post time 4-8-2011 03:11 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 14-8-2011 06:37 PM | Show all posts
Baddrol bin Bakhtiar Set For Wigan Athletic Trial

Wigan Athletic are being linked with offering a trial to Baddrol bin Bakhtiar, a Malaysia international who plays for Kedah FA.

The winger is highly rated in his homeland and he has 11 international caps scoring 3 goals, the Latics are certainly casting their nets far and wide in an effort to unearth some gems.

Sources : http://www.wigan.vitalfootball.c ... 50832#ixzz1UztFxfzA


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Post time 17-8-2011 07:54 AM | Show all posts
Latics Offer Trial To 2nd Malaysia International

It looks like Wigan Athletic are attempting to forge links with the Far East, following on from reporting that Baddrol bin Bakhtiar has been a linked with a trial at the Latics, Vital have been contacted about another talented young player, 20 year old striker Wan Zack Haikal from Malaysia, who has also been given the same offer of a two weeks trial from Wigan Athletic.

Information received from Aku Aweh:

Wan Zack is currently playing for Malaysia under-23 side, Harimau Muda A, he is a very talented striker and currently top scorer for Harimau Muda. Wan Zack Haikal and his team, Harimau Muda A were in Slovakia last month for a part of the Malaysian team's preparations ahead of their final round of the Olympic (Asian) qualifiers.

After four matches, Harimau Muda A won three games and Wan Zack Haikal put in a good performance. He has been offered a two weeks trial at Wigan Athletic along with Baddrol bin Bakhtiar.

Thanks to Aku Aweh (hariz2613) for the information

Sources : http://www.wigan.vitalfootball.c ... 51283#ixzz1VEsn1Ykl


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Post time 9-9-2011 11:59 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 15-9-2011 11:16 AM | Show all posts
Safee mula tunjuk belang

[email protected]

KUALA LUMPUR - Penyerang sensasi negara, Safee Sali mempamerkan taringnya apabila meledak gol sulung pada hari pertama sesi latihan bersama Cardiff City di pusat latihan kelab tersebut, kelmarin.

Jaringan sulung Safee pada perlawanan lima sebelah itu begitu menarik apabila dia mengelecek pemain pertahanan skuad bimbingan Malky Mackay.

Ia merupakan perkembangan terbaru Safee yang disampaikan oleh pengurus peribadi pemain itu, Zakaria Ab. Rahim yang bangga dengan pencapaian Safee pada hari pertama bersama kelab divisyen dua England itu.

" Sebelum meledak jaringan tersebut, Safee mempamerkan kehandalannya apabila mengelecek seorang pemain pertahanan skuad Bluebirds.

" Selepas menjaringkan gol, Safee dijatuhkan oleh pemain yang berjaya dilepasinya sebelum itu namun Safee tidak mengalami apa-apa masalah.

" Ia perkembangan yang amat baik kerana Safee tiba hari Isnin lalu dan terus menjalani latihan pada pukul 9 pagi semalam (waktu tempatan), " katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia, semalam.

Tambah Zakaria, Safee mula menyertai sesi latihan kelab itu di Stadium Cardiff City buat kali pertama selepas berlatih di pusat latihan kelab itu Selasa lalu.

" Safee menunjukkan keserasian dengan pemain dan hubungan dengan rakan sepasukan yang lain amat baik.

" Jurulatih tidak menganggap Safee sebagai orang asing semasa latihan serta memberikan layanan yang sama seperti mana pemain lain, " katanya.

Menurutnya, Safee tidak mengalami masalah seperti tempat penginapan yang hanya lima minit berjalan kaki ke pusat latihan Cardiff City.

Sementara itu, mengenai laporan akhbar tempatan Wales yang menggelar Safee sebagai 'David Beckham Malaysia', Zakaria berkata : " Ia mampu menyuntik semangat Safee kerana ramai yang semakin mengenalinya.

" Cabaran berlatih di sana amat bagus buat Safee kerana dia dapat bersama dengan pemain yang jauh lebih tinggi tahap keupayaannya, terutama apabila berlatih dengan penyerang Cardiff City, " katanya.

- Utusan Malaysia -

Malaysians set for City trial

Sali has been descibed as ' the David Beckham of Malaysia '

Bluebirds boss Malky Mackay to trial Malaysian pair

Malaysia duo Safiq Rahim and Safee Sali have been offered trials with Championship outfit Cardiff City.

Rahim is the national team captain and is currently on trial with the Bluebirds for the next fortnight, while Sali, who QPR boss Neil Warnock recently described as 'the David Beckham of Malaysia ', is set to fly out to Wales two weeks later.

Sali, 27, has one of the highest profiles across South East Asia, and is regarded as the best Malaysian marksman of his generation with 16 goals in 31 internationals.

He is currently plying his trade for club side Pelita Jaya in the Indonesian Super League, but City chairman Dato Chan Tien Ghee has convinced the player to try his hand at the Cardiff City stadium.

And Sali has revealed that he is thrilled at being asked to trial with the club and is ready to show manager Malky Mackay what he is capable of.

He said : " Every Malaysian football fan follows the English game and I'm no different. Even as a kid, I've always dream of one day plying my trade in the English league and now I have a chance to do that with his trial.

" The door has been opened for me. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity and I am going to give it my all to prove my credentials. "

Sources :


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Post time 15-9-2011 11:33 AM | Show all posts
Cardiff City hand ' Malaysia's David Beckham ' his big chance

Football correspondent Steve Tucker reports on Cardiff City’s interest in Safee Sali - ‘ Malaysia’s David Beckham ’

WALK anywhere in Kuala Lumpur and there’s a good chance you might see the face of Safee Sali beaming down.

The name might not mean anything in British football but in Asia they don’t come much bigger.

In fact, Queens Park Rangers boss Neil Warnock described Sali as “ the David Beckham of Malaysia ”.

Watch Safee Sali in action :

Warnock should know as Rangers were linked with Sali before Cardiff City stole a march in the race to sign the free-scoring striker by taking him on a two-week trial.

Of course, Cardiff and Rangers have Malaysian owners – the big-spending Tan Sri Tony Fernandes having just taken over at Loftus Road – and it could be argued that signing Sali is a crude marketing ploy.

A PR stunt of Premier League proportions ?

Imagine the interest in Malaysia in their top player plying his trade in British football.

There would be a few replica shirts in it, that’s for sure – much to the delight of Bluebirds billionaire backer Vincent Tan and chairman Dato Chan Tien Ghee.

But is there more to Sali than a marketing man’s dream? Well, his goal record would suggest so.

The 27-year-old is regarded as the best Malaysian marksman of his generation with 16 goals in 31 international outings to prove it.

With goals, come cash. Sali was the face of his previous sponsor Adidas across South East Asia and is currently tied up to Nike.

The sports giant have paid him the ultimate accolade of supplying him with his own named boot.

That has raised Sali’s profile on the international stage and there has also been reported interest from Bundesliga clubs in Germany.

But after flying into Cardiff on Monday, Sali – who currently plies his trade at Indonesian Super League side Pelita Jaya – was remaining modest about the prospects of playing in Britain.

Sali described his opportunity to impress manager Malky Mackay at Cardiff as “ the chance of a lifetime ” and is just hoping to make a good impression in the Welsh capital.

“It all started when Cardiff contacted my agent about the arrangement,” Sali told a Malaysian newspaper.

“ When my agent told me I was in a state of shock.

“ I didn’t believe it at first, thinking it was a practical joke.

“ Then my agent had to reassure me that it was for real; that Cardiff City was really interested in having me on board for a two-week stint.

“ It slowly sank in and naturally, I was elated over the whole matter.

“ When things were finalised I told my wife and she too was in disbelief, but she and my whole family were very happy about the whole news.

“ I’m still very happy and really excited but I do have several concerns, one being my old knee injury.

“ I’m praying that I will be fit and well throughout my time there.

“ Language too will be an obstacle. But I hope I will be able to adapt quickly and make the best of my opportunity.

“I know some people may treat this trip lightly, but to me, being called up for trials with the first team is already an honour.

“ Deep down inside I am bent on impressing them. Perhaps this would help market my capabilities in that region.

“ I know I’ve been linked to the Bundesliga, too. A good showing in Cardiff would surely help me secure something in Europe.

“ But I don’t want to be seen as being too far-fetched, so for now I’m just going to enjoy myself by playing good football.

“ I’m thankful, it is certainly a chance of a lifetime.”

One thing that cannot be disputed is that Sali certainly knows where the net is.

During his club career in Malaysia, he scored an incredible 110 times in 138 appearances for various clubs.

At his current Indonesian employers he has continued where he left off with seven goals in 13 appearances.

Mackay is certainly in the market for an extra striker to boost his attacking options.

The starting partnership so far this campaign has seen Robert Earnshaw paired up top with Kenny Miller.

Young Frenchman Rudy Gestede has made a number of substitute appearances in the league, but, along with Joe Mason, is currently seen as too inexperienced.

Burly frontman Jon Parkin does not appear to figure in Mackay’s plans and was close to moving to Coventry recently.

With the loan window now open Mackay has confirmed he is looking to add new faces.

But even with Premier League sides having named their 25-man squads, experienced options for the Bluebirds look limited.

“ It is a small pool you have to fish in of who the Premier League clubs would like to loan out, ” said Mackay.

“ Even among that there is criteria like wages that are astronomical or youngsters who are not ready to play in the Championship yet.

“ So there’s a small band and I would imagine about 15 clubs in this league are looking for them – and we’re one of them.

“ We certainly need a little bit of strength-in-depth if we are going to make it through a 46-game league season.

“ We need strengthening in every area. ”

At 5ft 8ins, Sali barely fits the bill of the strong forward presence that Cardiff are crying out for. But, with his trademark turn of pace and deadly finishing, he could yet add another dimension to Cardiff’s play.

One thing is for certain, if Sali can impress over the next fortnight then life at Cardiff City might never be quite the same again.

Sources :


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Post time 15-9-2011 11:33 PM | Show all posts
Malaysian businessmen mmg passionate footbal.
Klu tk manenye T.G dgn Tony sanggup bli kelab sane!
Connection dh ade, hrp safee leh utilise kn nye. Permit tk permit no.2.

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