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Author: minahsaudi


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Post time 2-6-2010 10:04 AM | Show all posts
So, masa detox kalau pi outdoor takyah pakai sunblock ke?
Takpe yek camtu...
red_kebaya Post at 2-6-2010 08:47

yes, better jgn campur2 ngan lain brg wat sementara ni
kang detox set tu terpaksa lak wat keja2 extra nk mendtoxkn skin

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Post time 2-6-2010 03:05 PM | Show all posts
yes, better jgn campur2 ngan lain brg wat sementara ni
kang detox set tu terpaksa lak wat keja2 ...
catalina Post at 2-6-2010 10:04

i see...ok2..tengkiu very much!

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Post time 3-6-2010 09:24 AM | Show all posts
i see...ok2..tengkiu very much!
red_kebaya Post at 2-6-2010 15:05


U dah dpt ur uv sunblock colorless, then u can used it. It have vitamin C on it.good for ur skin tau.

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Post time 3-6-2010 09:57 AM | Show all posts

U dah dpt ur uv sunblock colorless, then u can used it. It have vitamin C on ...
zana0101 Post at 3-6-2010 09:24

salam kak zana,
nak tanya, uv sunblock tu pakai after toner, aha serum & acne cream is it?
pagi tadi i try pakai, pastu muka melekit semacam. berkilat semacam.
pastu muka nampak gelap.

flawless pulak pakai camne yek?

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Post time 3-6-2010 10:32 AM | Show all posts
salam kak zana,
nak tanya, uv sunblock tu pakai after toner, aha serum & acne cream is it?
red_kebaya Post at 3-6-2010 09:57


For u skin type which akak dah jumpa u face to face. Cara pemakaiannya adalah seperti dibawah. Kulit kita semua tak sama dgn kulit org lain. caranya :-

1- cleanser for acne and problem and biarkan 2-3 minutes baru rinse
2- toner
3- aha aloe vera serum/skin clear let dry baru apply sunblock
4- uv sunblock and let dry dulu baru apply powder if u guna. muka gelap becau pantulan cahaya ke uv sunblock and after cuci ur skin back to normal tone. cosmeteq akan normalise ur skin tone tau.

1- cleanser for acne and problem skin and biarkan 2-3 minutes baru rinse
2- toner
3- aha aloe vera serum/skin clear
4- acne cream and let it dry lastly
5- flawless

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Post time 3-6-2010 10:39 AM | Show all posts
let's share info now about pigmentation.

What causes pigmentation and melasma?

The following could be the cause of pigmentation:
a.        Due to extreme and long application of chemical peels and use of heavy chemical based cosmetic products.
b.        Bleaching of the skin - use of cosmetic products containing mercury, hydroquinone, and Retinoic Acid.   
c.        Hyperpigmentation – abnormal accumulation of melanin pigments can happen due to intake of Corticosteriod drugs, woman in menopause, hormone replacement therapy and birth control hormones.  
d.        Melasma - happens when over exposed to sunlight, hormonal activity, oral contraceptive pills, photosensitizing medications and mild thyroid dysfunction.   
e.        Rough and badly damaged pores due to pimples or enlarged pores.
f.        Lack of vitamin B12, folic acid and antioxidants.

For the above a, b reasons do not use Exfoliator in the begining as a treatment for removing pigmentation. It is advisable to nurture the skin with natural & herbal based Cosmeteq nutrient creams that has the necessary capacity to nourish, promote faster cell renewal, and remove pigmentation and to protect the skin from further damage.  

For over exposed skin to sunlight use of radiance, whitening cream and ACE, B5 + UV Complex would be excellent choice as vitamin C, E, Alpha Lipoic acid and DMAE have the properties to treat sun burnt skin. Exfoliation is recommended.  

For item d & e you may do the Exfoliation process as recommended.

First Step
Cosmeteq Facial Cleanser
1.        Wet the face apply the Acne and Pimple Cleanser (D-tox). Use your fingers to massage with slight pressure circling clockwise on your forehead, cheeks and chin, downwards on your nose and go upwards and sideways on your neck. Leave it for 1-3 minutes and rinse it. If you have acne or pimple you must leave it for 2-3 minutes before rinsing.

Second Step:
Cosmeteq Facial Firming Toner
1.        Apply the toner all over the face and neck and leave it for 2-3 minutes to absorb. It is a skin      
        tonic and helps to open the pores for better absorption.  

Third step:
1.        Apply the Exfoliator all over the face, avoiding eye area and lips and leave it for 15 – 20 minutes before rinsing the face with plain water.
2.        For the first time user check out if there is any irritation or inflammation or conduct an allergic test 24 hours before starting with the Exfoliator. If there is reactions neutralize the area with D-Tox Cream (known as Acne and Pimple Cream) if there is an allergic reaction discontinue using the Exfoliator.

Forth step:
DMAE LIFTING + Wrinkle free

1.        Apply DMAE mixed with Wrinkle Free and apply from face to neck with slight massage for 2-3 minutes.     

Fifth Stem:
Algae Mask or Collagen Mask

1. Direction:
Take 30gm of mask powder and 90gm of water. Important: Use water at 20°C or keep the water in the fridge for 3 – 5 minutes before mixing or use a little ice cubes.   
2. Diluting:
Pour the water on the powder, stir quickly and vigorously for one minute until you get a homogeneous paste.
3. Applying:
Apply immediately within 3 minutes before it becomes become hard. The mask sets in 5 minutes following the application.
4. Direction of care:
Leave the mask to perform its function at least 20 minutes. Remove it by peeling it off neck to forehead.

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Post time 3-6-2010 10:41 AM | Show all posts

For u skin type which akak dah jumpa u face to face. Cara pemakaiannya adalah seperti  ...
zana0101 Post at 3-6-2010 10:32

kak zana,
really appreciate your kind explanation. i will follow exactly as u said!
thanks again.

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Post time 3-6-2010 11:28 AM | Show all posts
agak2 in future cosmeteq akan keluarkan set mekap dak?

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Post time 3-6-2010 11:39 AM | Show all posts

Ada tak agent di kawasan kedah/penang?
Saya pun nak face to face dgn agent utk cek skin saya...hehe

Masalah saya jerawat tak surut2.... selepas dah detox sejak raya last year.... sy dah wat testing lama gak utk range cosmetaq yg saya pakai ni..... dan kesimpulan yg dpt saya buat drp product ni utk kulit muka saya, saya tak bleh pakai wc...huhu... jerawat akan kuar besar2....

Hanya flawless yg dpt surutkan jerawat saya ttp parut ada bnyak lagi......bila dah semua jerawat tak der saya apply WC...jerawat baru akan kuar..huhuh... so dah stop lani la wc... mcmana yer nak pudarkan parut2 ni huhu? nak tunjuk pic pun malu teruk sgt muka dgn parut n open pores...

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Post time 3-6-2010 11:46 AM | Show all posts

Ada tak agent di kawasan kedah/penang?
Saya pun nak face to face dgn agent utk cek s ...
anna_natasha Post at 3-6-2010 11:39


ur kena pakai mcam cara kak zana. dulu akak mmg suffer teruk from acne. for time being jgn guna wc dulu treat jerawat first.flawless pun leh pudarkan parut. u should pakai :

1- cleanser for acne and biarkan 2-3 minutes at the same time urut kat tmp acne tu biarkan cleanser absorb sampai dlm baru la rinse.

2- toner

3- aha aloe vera serum / skin clear

4- acne cream - nite je takut oily day time

5- flawless malam aje whole face

6- uv sunblock colorless - day time

7- exfoliator 2-3 weeks once to exfoliate dead cells.


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Post time 3-6-2010 11:47 AM | Show all posts

Ada tak agent di kawasan kedah/penang?
Saya pun nak face to face dgn agent utk cek s ...
anna_natasha Post at 3-6-2010 11:39

dlam perangkaan nak naik alor setar. let's gather warga alor setar on july 2010 and zana n mila akan ke sana.

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Post time 3-6-2010 12:11 PM | Show all posts

ur kena pakai mcam cara kak zana. dulu akak mmg suffer teruk from acne. for time being ...
zana0101 Post at 3-6-2010 11:46

aha....mmg wat cara mcm tu dr dulu kecuali skrg ni dah abis acne cream laks... and saya tak penah try exfoliator lagi...

clenser for problem skin so far sejak dr dulu pakai dah nak abis botol ke dua....
aha serum pun dh banyak botol.. yg kecik2...
toner botol besar n kecik..dh nak abis gak stok ni...lagi seminggu ni tak cukup dah...

siang2 saya pakai sperti yg di sarankan...saya tambah refiner before apply uv cream yg bukan foundation tu... adakah uv cream yg sama dgn yg colorless tu?

radiance saya dah stop seperti yg di sarankan far pakai baby powder je mai keja lps pakai uv...hehe...sbb tak nak muka berminyak... minggu ni dah 3 mlm berturut pakai flawless je...jerawat besar dh kecut kiri n kanan pipi ni...

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Post time 3-6-2010 12:13 PM | Show all posts
dlam perangkaan nak naik alor setar. let's gather warga alor setar on july 2010 and zana n mi ...
zana0101 Post at 3-6-2010 11:47

    owh jauh gak tu nak ke alor setar.....hehe
    kalau kat penang laju sket saya nak turun...saya kat kulim...

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Post time 3-6-2010 01:05 PM | Show all posts
please stop refiner dulu. insyallah akan inform u klu gi penang nanti.

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 Author| Post time 3-6-2010 01:09 PM | Show all posts

Ada tak agent di kawasan kedah/penang?
Saya pun nak face to face dgn agent utk cek s ...
anna_natasha Post at 3-6-2010 11:39

salam anna

pls contact dr segar directly in penang.  infact u can arrange to see him yrself.  his nos is 045682008.  u never know yr luck, it cud be advise frm the horse's mouth himself.

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Post time 3-6-2010 05:23 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1815# minahsaudi

    tqvm!! insyaAllah nnt saya try call number tu...

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 Author| Post time 3-6-2010 07:45 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by minahsaudi at 3-6-2010 19:58
dlam perangkaan nak naik alor setar. let's gather warga alor setar on july 2010 and zana n mi ...
zana0101 Post at 3-6-2010 11:47

yes let us all meet in alor setar on the date mentioned.  i will try my best to come over but at the moment flight tickets mmg sold out.  kebetulan cuti sekolah kat sini.

dr segar pun mintak kakmin turun kemsia in july cos we are having our promotions schedule for july.  warga kedah jom ramai2 serbu kak zana n dr segar july nnt di alor setar.

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 Author| Post time 3-6-2010 07:51 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by minahsaudi at 3-6-2010 19:57

Ada tak agent di kawasan kedah/penang?
Saya pun nak face to face dgn agent utk cek s ...
anna_natasha Post at 3-6-2010 11:39

u have been suffering for a very long times.  cosmeteq products yg disarankan zana are the best for you insyaallah.  ikut nasihat zana n u will see results.  sudah lama u abused yr skins without u realising,  so definitely it take a little bit longer for yr skin to be healthy.

skang nie products kami sedang merawat dgn kaedah memberi nutrients utk menjadikan yr skin lebih sihat.  whatever nutrients u have lost all this while cosmeteq is trying to replenish it.  merawat n menyihatkan kulit sekali gus akan mengambil masa especially if u have suffered for some times.  yr patience wud be rewarded soon insyaallah.  berbaloi2 kekdah nya.   i have never doubted these products 1st time akak jadi pengguna n sekarang menjadi pemilik kilang serta laboratory R&D cosmeteq.

m sure our cosmeteq experts wud agree

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Post time 4-6-2010 12:31 AM | Show all posts
u have been suffering for a very long times.  cosmeteq products yg disarankan zana are the best  ...
minahsaudi Post at 3-6-2010 19:51

Pemakanan pun kena jaga. eat more vegetables and fruits.drink more water. it will help u.

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Post time 4-6-2010 09:24 AM | Show all posts
Cara-Cara Menggunakan Acne Trial Set

1. Cuci muka dengan acne facial cleanser.
2. AHA B5 aloe vera serum
3. Sapukan acne & pimple cream satu muka

Healing crisis

Based on zana previous customer yang guna Tia Amelia. Jerawat akan kuar dari dalam dan besar-besar. U jangan terkejut dan takut. Itu adalah proses pembersihan dan membuang toxic dari dalam.  Our cleanser menyerap sehingga ke lima lapisan kulit. After a few days u will see the different.

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