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Nana_Man replied at 1-5-2018 09:38 PM
Tapikn beb, mas khan nyer shooting scenes tak bnyk sgt kan? Lgpn masa mas khan kat shooting scene, ...
What i heard or read from crew or co actors,zul is friendly tak sombong.Cuma haters tu yg penonton je pun tapi in every thread abt zul always the same ppl yg kutuk zul kan.Yg minat zul cam kita avoid tak nak gaduh2. |
Nana_Man replied at 1-5-2018 09:25 PM
Kalau dia cumer "invest" waktu untuk watak tu, does it mean there is nothing going on ngan FN? Har ...
So yg duk couplekan zul n ex actress tu faham2 jelah.Setakat zul peluk dokong tu cuma utk keje dia.Bts TC pun zul byk buat hal sendiri kan..fara yg panggil ajk zul dtg dekat in her live ig.BTs tiamo pun pelakon2 lain duk berIG vid n ajk zul joinkan.N zul selalu ckp in reality totally diff becoz dia geli jiwang2 nih.Takde romantik mcm dlm lakonan dia. |
Nana_Man replied at 1-5-2018 09:38 PM
Tapikn beb, mas khan nyer shooting scenes tak bnyk sgt kan? Lgpn masa mas khan kat shooting scene, ...
Me too think zul is not that stupid although haters said zul ni otak bodoh.Kalau dia bodoh takkan dia sampai tahap paling popularkan tahun nih.I rasa zul ni bijak cuma being a guy who is always forgetful n expect ppl forgets easily.Ckp ikut sedap mulut dia je pastu lupa hahahahaha |
brums08 replied at 1-5-2018 11:10 PM
What i heard or read from crew or co actors,zul is friendly tak sombong.Cuma haters tu yg penonton ...
Aah.. the same ppl yg tak abis2 kutuk2 zul kan.. dorang kenal zul personally ke? I dun think so. Yg perna keje ngan dia takde lah ckp yg bkn2. |
brums08 replied at 1-5-2018 11:21 PM
Me too think zul is not that stupid although haters said zul ni otak bodoh.Kalau dia bodoh takkan ...
Lol.. smpi org kutuk dia pakcik bawang.. hahaha..
I dun think dia jenis bodoh.. kalau bodoh, tkkn kak G nk couple ngan dia dulu. I'm sure kak G pun cari yg ader otak nyer jenis.
Takpe lah zul, just do ur job. Org kutuk ko pun, duit masuk. Yg keje mengutuk tu mgkn gaji ciput jer. |
brums08 replied at 1-5-2018 11:15 PM
So yg duk couplekan zul n ex actress tu faham2 jelah.Setakat zul peluk dokong tu cuma utk keje d ...
Yg couplekn zul tu will nvr stop selagi zul remain single. Jgn next Mira filza nyer fans join bandwagon nk kenen2 kn jgk. Hahaha..
J Revolusi 2 confirm ader eh nanti? I nmpk kat zul nyer wikipedia.. |
Nana_Man replied at 2-5-2018 05:37 AM
Lol.. smpi org kutuk dia pakcik bawang.. hahaha..
I dun think dia jenis bodoh.. kalau bodoh, tkkn ...
Alah yg hina zul bagai tu i tau apa keje dorang n drive keta apa.But im not going down to their level kita suka minat zul thats all.Yg benci sesgt tu nasib dorangla it potrays who u r.Fans zul muka glowing ceria je chill n cool.Like fattah seme org suka ckp fattah bodoh miskin bla2 look where is he now n drive audi.Mencurah2 rezeki yg so called bodoh tu.hahahahaha Memasing dpt 10k sebulan pun tak whereelse yg di benci satu job ratusan ribu. |
Nana_Man replied at 2-5-2018 05:37 AM
Lol.. smpi org kutuk dia pakcik bawang.. hahaha..
I dun think dia jenis bodoh.. kalau bodoh, tkkn ...
Biar la apa org nak kata tapi bila di interview zul jwp gitu2 je.Zul citer sampai awal tahun depan dia busy so we fans harap zul kumpul duit harta byk2 for rainy day n ur future. |
Nana_Man replied at 2-5-2018 08:08 AM
J Revolusi 2 confirm ader eh nanti? I nmpk kat zul nyer wikipedia..
Next yr kot n payment for movie hundreds of thousand.I think actresses q to be the heroin.Janna nick yg duk perli2 zul bole try ehehehehe eli tan pun teringin nak bertango dlm A380. |
brums08 replied at 2-5-2018 02:06 PM
Next yr kot n payment for movie hundreds of thousand.I think actresses q to be the heroin.Janna ni ...
mek janna perli zul kat mana? sorry terlepas lrt hehehe |
brums08 replied at 2-5-2018 02:01 PM
Alah yg hina zul bagai tu i tau apa keje dorang n drive keta apa.But im not going down to their le ...
So obvious jeles nk mampos kan?? Beb, dorang keje ape/drive ape? Hw u noe them? Hehe..
Tu sbb, nk hina, jgn hina gitu skali. Pasal yg kiter nyampah tu slalu nyer ader lebih dari kiter. Zul nyer payment untk satu drama tu mgkn dorang nyer gaji setahun. Kn ramai yg gaji tak smpi RM2k sebulan.. yg kutuk2 tu shuld be one of them kot. |
brums08 replied at 2-5-2018 02:06 PM
Next yr kot n payment for movie hundreds of thousand.I think actresses q to be the heroin.Janna ni ...
Janna kutuk ape beb?? I terlepas flight ni.. hehe |
Nana_Man replied at 2-5-2018 02:49 PM
So obvious jeles nk mampos kan?? Beb, dorang keje ape/drive ape? Hw u noe them? Hehe..
Tu sbb, nk ...
Dlm cari forum more than 10yrs..ive read their comments some gave away their identity.I tak pernah lupa hahahahha used to be their friends but not anymore siince stay low for few yrs. |
miamiot replied at 2-5-2018 02:27 PM
mek janna perli zul kat mana? sorry terlepas lrt hehehe
Dlm melodi sis sindir2 psl kena hack.N i terfikir janna mungkin sesuai jadi hana sofia.Dlm coffee prince cute sgt dia. |
Nana_Man replied at 2-5-2018 02:51 PM
Janna kutuk ape beb?? I terlepas flight ni.. hehe
Pasal isu kena hack dlm melodi kan..pastu masa event fashion valet janna sama stage dgn zul.Gojes sgt dgn kurung hijau..janna bila dressed up cantik sgt. |
Nak suggest janna nick sebagai hana sofia..sure janna bole bwk watak yg sama cute je mcm dlm coffee prince.I nak suggest kat kak Gaya la. |
brums08 replied at 2-5-2018 02:04 PM
Biar la apa org nak kata tapi bila di interview zul jwp gitu2 je.Zul citer sampai awal tahun depan ...
Yup, simpan lah duit tu buat anak2 nyer education, invest sikit kat hartanah, insurance.. jgn lupe zakat jgk.. |
brums08 replied at 2-5-2018 02:52 PM
Dlm cari forum more than 10yrs..ive read their comments some gave away their identity.I tak pernah ...
Lol!! Bole ingat u... i still newbie kat sini, blm kenal lg.. but tau sape haters si zul.. kikiki |
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