SILENCE ~ Borak2 psl Vic Zhou & Park Eun Hye
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tak sabo nak tgk episod hari nih
lajunya thread nih,tak larat nak kejor
paste la lg byk2 pics WY dan SS kat sini |
Reply #1881 shinkaihajime's post

credit:zaizai_lover |

credit the name on the pic |
Reply #1878 low_profile's post
wui tak hingin aku... aku paling anti ngan group tuh ntah biler2 nak kuar ntah.. menci menci.. |
Reply #1882 airahthislove's post
aku suker tgk gambo diorg berdua. zai zai nampak relax jer amik gammbo ngan Eun hye nih.. tak nampak janggal pun.. |
wow..baru sehari dah 76 pages :pompom: |
tak sangka dia yg nyanyi lagu nih |
Reply #1884 miss_mulan77's post
dh kuar pon team M&M 2 last week... awat la ko benci...diorang kiut aper...
lawa la gambo yg shen2 pakai skirt ijau 2... pegang tgn wei yi... so sweet... ...cam sesuai plak diorang ni...
aku benciii arr ngan ZJ td... sibuk je nk warning |
Reply #1890 low_profile's post
ye ker dah kuar yer.. boleh ler aku tgk balik amazing race tuh wakakaka
ntah aku pun tak paham naper SS layan baik sgt ngan ZJ nih :@ |
Reply #1890 low_profile's post
teringat kakak yellow cakap..so sweett.. comel je.. |
Reply #1892 ash_ikin's post
kakak yellow tuh pun comel gak.. hehehe |
Reply #1894 ash_ikin's post
aku pun jadik tukang spoile kat adik2 aku wakakak... |
[quote]Originally posted by low_profile at 31-1-2007 05:03 PM
korang leh la kapel ngan M&M amazing race asia 2...
mardy & marsio yg sihat walaufiat 2...
agak |
mulan lum lagi nak nangis lagi |
Reply #1888 miss_mulan77's post
dah dpt cari ke lirik lagu megan ni? yg shikin tau tajuk lagu dia "Zhuan shen di shihou"..lirik dia yg paling diingati ~wei shen me... |
Originally posted by miss_mulan77 at 31-1-2007 10:24 PM
kakak yellow tuh pun comel gak.. hehehe
mmg..bila dia perasan tu yg tak thn tu.. dia ingat WY tingglakan XG sbb dia..lawak tul |
Reply #1895 miss_mulan77's post
kite rasa xcited kan nak citer sbb derang xtau apa akan berlaku..hehehe |
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