SILENCE ~ Borak2 psl Vic Zhou & Park Eun Hye
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Reply #1898 ash_ikin's post
lum ler dpat carik MV jer |
Originally posted by miss_mulan77 at 31-1-2007 10:30 PM
mulan lum lagi nak nangis lagi
yeke? ntah nape la mata shikin ni berair, xtahan sebak di dada lebih dari SS gamaknya..
baru perasan, byk lagu WY utk SS..lagu SS utk WY plak tak de yg seswai? Sume lagu yg korang post tu mmg kena la.. |
Reply #1900 ash_ikin's post
hehehe tapi mulan nak diorg feel cam kiter feel hehehe |
Reply #1902 ash_ikin's post
mulan letak diri mulan kat SS.. tabah jer  |
Reply #1904 miss_mulan77's post
ewah..ewah.. |
rajin mulan cari MV..baguih2 :love: |
Reply #1907 miss_mulan77's post
weiyi ke zaizai ke..dua2 pun kite melepas..sorang kiok sorang lagi nak kahwin dah.
berhati-hatilah dgn realiti, kemungkinan ia sekadar fantasi |
Reply #1908 ash_ikin's post
ntah leh ke idak taruk kat sini |
vic zhou, park eun hye, andy hui... ketiga-tiganya best... clicked with each other  |
waa.. ape jadik awal2 tadi ? camne weiyi bleh tau psl shen2 tuh kwn mase kecik dia? story please ^^ |
Reply #1912 adheq's post
Lepas WY baca notes yg shen2 ltk dlm wall tue, dia pi hsptl jumpa doktor yg tolong dia masa kecik (x ingat nama doc ni..Wu kot :stp . Borak2 jap ngan doc pastu WY kuar dr hsptl. Tiba2 dia sakit lak pgg perut & pi duduk jap. Doc tu teringat something & berlari cari WY. Doc tu nampak WY cam sakit tanyer la nape WY kata dia gastrik. Doc tu bagi buku nota kecil kat WY & bg tau yg WY leh berkomunikasi guna buku tu. Di suatu tempat ni, WY bacala buku nota yg doc kasi & terjumpa sekeping kad kecil. Dlm kad tue tulis nama Xiao Shenshen.....terus WY flashback time shen2 tulis nama dia atas meja (WY pon tau rupanyer shen2 lah orgnyer) Pastu WY teringat la smula dr mula2 dia kenal shen2..... |
Originally posted by ash_ikin at 31-1-2007 10:37 PM
yeke? ntah nape la mata shikin ni berair, xtahan sebak di dada lebih dari SS gamaknya..
baru perasan, byk lagu WY utk SS..lagu SS utk WY plak tak de yg seswai? Sume lagu yg korang pos ...
Lagu Shen2 untuk WY....
Stay With Me by Danity Kane
[Verse 1]
Raindrops, Fall From, Everywhere
I Reach Out, For You, But Your Not There
So I Stood, Waiting, In The Dark
With Your Picture, In My Hands
Story Of a Broken Heart
Stay With Me
Don't Let Me Go
Cause I Can't Be Without You
Just Stay With Me
And Hold Me Close
Because I've Built My World Around You
And I Don't Wanna Know What's It Like Without You
So Stay with Me
Just Stay With Me
[Verse 2]
I'm Trying And Hoping, For The Day
When my touch is enough
To Take The Pain Away
Cause I've Searched For So Long
The Answer Is Clear
We'll be OK if We Don't Let It Disappear
Stay With Me
Don't let Me go
Cause I Can't Be Without You
Just Stay With Me
And Hold Me Close
Because I've Built My World Around You
And I Don't Wanna Know What's it Like Without You
So Stay with Me
Just Stay With Me
[Verse 3]
I've searched my heart over
So many many times
No you and I, is like no stars to light the sky at night
Our Picture Hangs Out Of Tune
Remind Me Of The Days
You Promised Me We'd Always
And Never Go Away
That's Why I Need You To Stay
Stay With Me
Don't let Me go
Cause I Can't Be Without You
Just Stay With Me
And Hold Me Close
Because I've Built My World Around You
And I Don't Wanna Know What's It Like Without You
So Stay with Me
Just Stay With Me
oooo.. oh oh
don't leave
so I stay waiting in the dark... |
Lagu Shen2 untuk WY versi Indon....
Tercipta Untukku by Ungu
Menatap indahnya senyuman diwajahmu
Membuat ku terdiam dan terpaku
Mengerti akan hadirnya cinta terindah
Saat kau peluk mesra tubuhku
Banyak kata
Yang tak mampu kuungkapkan
Kepada dirimu
Aku ingin engkau slalu
Hadir dan temani aku
Disetiap langkah
Yang meyakiniku
Kau tercipta untukku
Sepanjang hidupku
Aku ingin engkau slalu
Hadir dan temani aku
Disetiap langkah
Yang meyakiniku
Kau tercipta untukku
Meski waktu akan mampu
Memanggil seluruh ragaku
Ku ingin kau tau
Kuslalu milikmu
Yang mencintaimu
Sepanjang hidupku
Aku ingin engkau slalu
Hadir dan temani aku
Disetiap langkah
Yang meyakiniku
Kau tercipta untukku
Meski waktu akan mampu
Memanggil seluruh ragaku
Ku ingin kau tau
Kuslalu milikmu
Yang mencintaimu |
terkejut aku bila shenshen tetiba kuar suara.... andy hui kat seblah tu lagi laaa...  |
ada lagi 1 lagu SS utk WY...
- celine dion -back to me now...errr..tak ingat tajuk full tp lirik lagu tu sedih sebab ingat balik org yg dah mati
-american idol..shane ward? tak tau lah sapa nama dia tu...video clip dia tu sedih jugak... |
muahaha... korang sumer sibuk duk tuju lagu ek...
memacam lagu... kalo la wei yi/shen shen bleh nyanyi sumer ni...
ari ni ramai cuti ek... |
tak ramai cuti rasanyer..bz..awal bulan..semua bz prepare report agaknya.. |
Reply #1919 lemontea's post
hr ni hr wilayah ngan thaipusam kan...
yg kt kl & sengkatan cuti le kot... |
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