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Author: seribulan


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Post time 18-7-2008 01:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ladydolph at 16-7-2008 02:12 PM
yg original pnyer tak pasti la dah ada ke tidak.... aku tgk yg pirate but quality visual amat superb... aku beli pun masa sale kdai DVD tu nak tutup...byk gak DVD aku borong.....murah giler n q ...

serius la, ori punya dvd pun macam pirate punya kualiti je.
kadang tu pirate punya jauh better dari ori punya.
dah subtitle pun ala-ala pirate punya translation, rasa rugi je beli ori.

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Post time 18-7-2008 01:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by arduka_kencana at 14-7-2008 11:43 AM

citer nie dah lama tp aku baru tgk...mmg lawak arr.......berdekah tgk..ala ala ...

aku dh ada cite ni tapi tk penah tengok.
nnt aku belek balik koleksi aku...

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Post time 18-7-2008 09:24 AM | Show all posts
La vie en rose... Marion Cottilard

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Post time 18-7-2008 09:46 AM | Show all posts
semalam tenguk cerita The Italian Job...cerita ala-ala oceon twelve/ smith... best gaklah cerita dia...kisah rompak emas

gang of robbers, lead by career criminal Charlie Croker, create the largest traffic jam in Los Angeles history, giving them time to pull off a theft of gold bullion. They get away in their Mini Coopers, which are small enough to drive on sidewalks so they can make a clean get away before the traffic jam clears.  Written by Mark Cameron

After Charlie and his crew pull off a picture perfect heist of tens of millions of dollars worth of gold in Venice, Italy they must overcome the betrayal of one of their own who in turn kills another teammate to reclaim their ill-gotten gains in yet another high tech heist. Written by FMJ_Joker

In Venice, Italy, a team of expert theives pulls a daring heist of 35 million dollars in bars of gold. One of the theives betrays his companions and swipes the gold for himself. One year later, in Los Angeles, the surviving team members create a smart and devious plan to steal back the gold and get their revenge on the traitor. Written by Michael

The plan was flawless... the job was executed perfectly... the escape was clean. The only threat mastermind thief Charlie Croker never saw coming was a member of his own crew. After pulling off an amazing gold bullion heist from a heavily guarded palazzo in Venice, Italy, Charlie and his gang -- inside man Steve, computer genius Lyle, wheelman handsome Rob, explosives expert Left-Ear and veteran safecracker John Bridger - can't believe when one of them turns out to be a double-crosser. Enter Stella, a beautiful nerves-of-steel safecracker, who joins Charlie and his former gang when they follow the backstabber to California, where they plan to re-steal the gold by tapping into Los Angeles' traffic control system, manipulating signals and creating one of the biggest traffic jams in LA history. Now the job isn't the payoff, it's about payback. Written by averagefilms

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Post time 18-7-2008 01:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1926 me_shhiza's post

italian job mmg one of the best heist movies....

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Post time 18-7-2008 01:08 PM | Show all posts
semalam tengok nurse betty... tak sempat habis sbb tertido.. huhuhu

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Post time 18-7-2008 04:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1928 aYuGiLeR's post

tertido sebab apa?cite x best ke?

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Post time 18-7-2008 04:38 PM | Show all posts
Am watching "Spooks / MI-5" starring Matthew Macfadyen, Keeley Hawes etc. Tengah tengok Episode 5 ...

Sesape yang minat cite spy / thriller / suspense, boleh le tengok coz best gak ... tapi pasang English subs le. Slang British ni kekadang susah gak nak paham  

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Post time 18-7-2008 06:58 PM | Show all posts
aku tgk
SIN CITY - x best pun..nasib baik black n white..kalau x muntah darah aku.
ATONEMENT - gambar dia cntik. and excellent performance by james mcavoy dan juga adik si kiera (zaman kecik) yg aku xtau nama dia.cita sedih..

VIEW FROM TOP - gwneth paltrow nak jadi pramugari. best gak.

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Post time 18-7-2008 10:05 PM | Show all posts
Dying Young - an old movie.

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Post time 23-7-2008 12:19 AM | Show all posts
The Mummy... baru jer tgk tadi sbb jumaat ni kat tv3 akan tayang but aku takleh tgk sbb jawabnye tgk DVD jer la....

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Post time 23-7-2008 10:34 AM | Show all posts
A few members here recommended Nuovo Cinema Paradiso so I got curious. Just finished downloading it.

I watched a few mins of the movie and then I cheated. I watched the ending. I think this is going to be a great movie.

Next on my dl list is An American Crime and Madame X.

Thank you everyone for your recommendations especially foreign films.

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Post time 23-7-2008 03:50 PM | Show all posts
malam ni nak tgk DVD The Mummy Returns pulak....

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Post time 24-7-2008 04:59 AM | Show all posts
Dah tgk Starship Troopers 3: Marauder, hampeh la citer.. bab ketuhanan sket.. konon cam alien brain of the brain tu implant kepercayaan ketuhanan kat admiral federation sampai admiral tuh betray the mankind..
org yg terperangkap tu siap berdoa la pada tuhan diorg sebelum diselamatkan oleh robot marauder. At the end planet alien tu musnah. Kalau kat mesia sure bab bogel casper van dien dan pasukan dia tu dipotong.. ade la dalam 2 3 minit nampak diorg tak pakai baju.. Cemane leh aku tgk sampai habis..

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Post time 24-7-2008 11:40 AM | Show all posts
Semalam baru jer tenguk drama siri cerita jepun, baru tenguk siri yg ke 5 dah nangis berbakul2 rasa2nya lebih 1 litre airmata dah keluar semalam, bawah nie aku letak jalan cerita...sesuai utk tontonan keluarga...  

1 Litre of Tears"; also called A Diary with Tears or A Diary of Tears) is a Japanese television drama for Fuji Television about a girl who was diagnosed with an incurable degenerative disease at 15, but was able to continue her life until her death at the age of 25.

The drama is an adaptation of the diary of a Japanese girl named Aya Kitō, who suffered from spinocerebellar ataxia. She began keeping a diary at the suggestion of her doctor, and continued to write until she could no longer hold a pen. The diary, titled 1 Litre no Namida, was published shortly after her death.This drama is based on the real-life struggles of a 15-year-old girl named Aya who suffered from an incurable disease, but lived life to the fullest until her death at 25. The script is based on the diary Aya kept writing until she could no longer hold a pen. The book that later followed entitled One Litre of Tears has sold over 1.1 million copies in Japan alone. Aya Ikeuchi proved her courage and positive attitude towards an uncertain future when suffering such an illness, spinocerebellar ataxia. The drama spans a decade, during which she graduates from school while her conditions worsen.

The story begins as Aya prepares for the new semester. Despite being happy, she suffers from slight physical problems, which only her mother seems to notice. However, one day, she falls unconsciously on the floor.

After she is sent to the hospital, she is shortly diagnosed with the disease. Despite the fact that she is diagnosed with the terminal illness, she does not lose the will to survive.

She still makes friends with others, including her first love, Yuji. She later develops an interest in Haruto. Although somewhat cold, Haruto was still kind to her. Meanwhile, her health continues to deteriorate.

Knowing that she will not survive for long, she returns the gift Haruto has given, who discovers the fact when he reads the love letter that Aya gave him.

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Post time 28-7-2008 11:04 AM | Show all posts
U Me Aur Hum and Madame X (highly recommended).

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Post time 28-7-2008 04:08 PM | Show all posts
Kemarin aku nengok dvd Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay..muehehe just like white castle, guantanamo bay is filled with weird adventures & weed hehe

Then aku nengok Long Khong 2, mcm part 1 gak..very gory.. dvd ni clear tpi takder subtitle (ada subtitle tapi tak betul) so aku paham2 sendirik la ehehe

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Post time 28-7-2008 04:42 PM | Show all posts
Weekend lepas tengok X-Files Want To Believe...Mengecewakan..After 10 years, itu jer yang diaorang leh bagi kat kita...Kes tak mencabar langsung..Anyway, terubat rindu kat Murder & Scully.

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Post time 28-7-2008 07:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by seafoamgreen at 28-7-2008 04:08 PM
Kemarin aku nengok dvd Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay..muehehe just like white castle, guantanamo bay is filled with weird adventures & weed hehe

Then aku nengok Long Khong牋...

gua pon dh tgk Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay, wakakaka banyak pompuan bottomless nmpak pusssy....lawak gak.

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Post time 29-7-2008 11:24 AM | Show all posts

  hell boy
  hell boy 2

  spiderwick (utk kali ke 4)

  the bank job (based on true story)


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