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Author: chazey


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Post time 7-3-2013 02:24 PM | Show all posts
NeoMatrix posted on 7-3-2013 02:19 PM
Utk versi 9 aku cadangankan:

Versi 9: ATM the Terminator vs The rise of the Sulu Zombie with Blue ...

karlastt blom hada umah baru tajuk sudah tersedia

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Post time 7-3-2013 02:25 PM | Show all posts
mylia posted on 7-3-2013 01:52 PM
Sultan Sulu umum gencatan senjata

ini sebenarnya berita bagus...... berita menandakan pahlawan kita dah dekat dah dgn mamat yang kata tengah relek2 masa jet tengah bom....

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Post time 7-3-2013 02:25 PM | Show all posts
SulurBidar posted on 7-3-2013 02:05 PM
Tak semua jawapan boleh dikasi serta merta...

Ko kena faham ini perang..

and please stop it right there
nak muntah aku baca your long winded speech
think thank dalam pasukan pertahanan sesebuah negara bukan berfikir macam "wannabe" yg tuntut ilmu ketenteraan di university al-google, hasil baca buku fiction & tengok movie propaganda
thare are well prepared & well equipped, professionally, to handle crisis like this one, dan segala keputusan genting are at their fingertips
yg jadi punca delaynya sesuatu tindakan sekarang adalah sebab setiap keputusan yg akan diambil perlu dirujuk terlebih dahulu kepada pucuk pimpinan negara yg mandul otak & bapok2 belaka

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Post time 7-3-2013 02:25 PM | Show all posts
hereana posted on 7-3-2013 01:55 PM
harap janganlah terlepas ke anak2 , wife arwah.................
kalau boleh ..block terus lah.... ...

betul tu kita yg bukan ahli keluarga pun taksanggup tgk....apatah lg kaum keluarga mereka...

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Post time 7-3-2013 02:26 PM | Show all posts
rebecca_nur posted on 7-3-2013 02:22 PM
Suluk la yg mintak..

owhh...dari segi positif way mgkn dia pk cara berperang neh tak beri apa2 manfaat

p dari segi negative plak.. mgkn dia sdg gunakan masa neh tuk plan serangan lain dan cube berkompot dgn mana2 pihak

tuk sernagan besar2an

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Post time 7-3-2013 02:27 PM | Show all posts
Maaf ye senior2 semua.. Saya ada google td bkenaan sejarah sabah. Pastu terjumpa satu blog rakyat filipina. Dalam blog ini dia mnyatakan tidak bersetuju dengan cara Sultan Kiram ambush Malaysia utk dapatkan Sabah. Dia dgn bijaknya mngatakan bhw filipina perlu membangun seiring dgn Malaysia dan guna cara yg baik untuk mendapatkan sabah.. saya copy paste ye...

Joseph on Perspectives
Last week, 12 February 2013, there was a stand-off in Lahad Datu in Sabah, Malaysia where 400 persons including 20-40 who were armed have infiltrated the town of Lahad Datu in behalf of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III of the former Sultanate of Sulu on the basis that North Borneo or Sabah is in the dominion of the former Sultanate of Sulu and the recently signed peace deal between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front or MILF, appeared to have isolated that deal, prompted the decision to send the men to Sabah this month.

They were given until Tuesday or 26 February to withdraw from Sabah and return to Sulu but the Sultan has been consistent not to do so because the Malaysian government is still paying yearly rental dues to them as a result of the 1878 lease agreement between the British North Borneo Company and the Sultanate of Sulu.

The Sabah sovereignty dispute between the Philippines representing the Sultanate of Sulu and Malaysia should be traced back in 1878 when an agreement between the British North Borneo Company represented by Alfred Dent and Baron von Overback and the Sultanate of Sulu, which stipulated that North Borneo be which stipulated that North Borneo was either ceded or leased (depending on translation used) to the British syndicate in return for payment of 5000 Malayan Dollar per year. The dispute on whether the Sultanate of Sulu leased or ceded North Borneo to the British North Borneo Company has been in contentious dispute until now because different interpretations of the American, British, Dutch, and Spanish interpretations of the word “padjak” where all of them expect the British interpreted to mean as “rent” or ”arrendamiento” while the British interpreted as “grant or cede”.

The dispute has become a complicated ones when the Spanish colonial government in Manila, where the Sultanate of Sulu had belong as a protectorate after the Treaty of 1851,  relinquished all claim to North Borneo which had belong to the Sultanate in the past through the Madrid Protocol of 1885.

21 years later in 1906, the American colonial government, who was controlling the Philippine archipelago including Sulu after they ousted the Spaniards 8 years before, formally reminded Great Britain that North Borneo did not belong to the Crown and was still part of the Sultanate of Sulu. However, the British did turn Sabah into a Crown Colony in 1946. American reminders were denied on the basis that the Sultanate of Sulu was a mere protectorate of Spanish East Indies based in Manila during the signing of the Madrid Protocol in 1885 while they asserted that the Spain never acquired sovereignty over North Borneo.

This ambiguity has been passed to our Philippine government through the promulgation of the 1935 constitution which states that the national territory of the Philippines included, among other things, “all other areas which belong to the Philippines on the basis of historical rights or legal claims” as a weapon to claim North Borneo.

Malaysia asserted its claim on North Borneo after the British left in 1963 and the residents were decided through a UN-supervised referendum on whether to be a part with the Federation of Malaysia or with the Republic of the Philippines and when the results were announced, Sabahans chose to be a part with the former.

A year before the Federation of Malayan States, during the presidency of President Diosdado Macapagal, the former Sultanate of Sulu ceded its rights on claiming North Borneo to the Republic of the Philippines, thus gave the Philippines an authority to claim Sabah unsuccessfully from Great Britain. The Philippines broke diplomatic relations with Malaysia after the federation had included Sabah in 1963 but probably resumed it unofficially through the Manila Accord.

The Philippines tried to claim Sabah through force through forming a number of Moro Muslim recruits to train for the invasion of  Sabah which was not executed as most of the recruits were massacred during their training in Corregidor attempting to escape the training led by military handlers according to some accounts. The massacre became the root cause of Moro discontent against the Philippine government from Marcos up to the present time.

I think the reason on why Sabah is not ours was because the Spaniards were too late of consolidating their control on the Philippine archipelago including Sabah and when the Spaniards gained sovereignty over the Sulu and Sabah for a short period of time, the British, Germans, Austrians, and even Americans were already looking to control the then-Sultanate of Sulu and as Spain did not have enough money or manpower to control the then-Sultanate of Sulu, they had to relinquish Sabah in exchange for the sovereignty of Sulu archipelago. When the Americans wanted to claim Sabah in 1906 and 1920, it was way too late to claim it. Also, the Philippine government was way too late of pursuing to claim Sabah. Therefore, Sabah’s exclusion from the Philippines was a product of Spanish Empire’s long decline of its prominence to the British Empire, who  economically and militarily controlled the world when Spain gave up its control on Sabah.

I don’t think making foolish military actions to claim Sabah to us would gather sympathy to the Sabahans and in fact, the recent stand-off further scared the motives of the Sultanate of Sulu and the Philippines on claiming Sabah. We don’t have even an enough military technology and manpower to assert our claims on Sabah against the Malaysians, how much more of making a sensible military actions to claim Sabah?

We should not sacrifice our relations not just with Malaysia but also with the rest of ASEAN on claiming Sabah in a foolish way. We need to befriend all of them though a greater economic and political integration where if the latter achieves sometime in the future, it would be easier for the Filipinos to live and work in Sabah under the ASEAN supranation umbrella like what most European Union member states under the Schengen Area where the Germans can live and work in France or vice versa without barriers.

If we want to pursue our claims on Sabah, we have to clean our own backyard first like improving the lives of the Filipinos into Malaysian levels or greater than of that so that the people of Sabah will insinuate to be part of our country.

http://josephonperspectives.word ... d-protocol-of-1885/

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Post time 7-3-2013 02:28 PM | Show all posts
melia_star posted on 7-3-2013 02:22 PM
aku ragu2 bila org kata dan dia sendiri kata dia miskin takkan disanjung mcm tu sekal ...

mungkin dia banyak melabur dan kaya tapi kekayaan tu disalurkan kepada pengikut2 dia untuk membeli kelengkapan ketenteraan...

sebab itu mereka mampu memulakan serangan gerila...

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Post time 7-3-2013 02:29 PM | Show all posts
Babai posted on 7-3-2013 01:57 PM
Nyesal? Mesti fake nyer kan kak?

babai....tak yah ler tengok....tapi terpulang nak kata fake ker apa yg kita tau ada benda yg x boleh dipublish....ada benda yg boleh publish....

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Post time 7-3-2013 02:29 PM | Show all posts
crossfire posted on 7-3-2013 11:40 AM
Tawaran berjuang di medan juang dibuka kepada orang ramai!!

iols takut lanun yg amik peluang masuk dlm team kita, bertambah ler org dalam deme dlm team kita jadi mole

kompom org diorg pon sama amik peluang ni

pekida leh la masuk, mana mereka

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Post time 7-3-2013 02:29 PM | Show all posts
gutes_madchen posted on 7-3-2013 02:17 PM bgs..sultan ni..walau hanya matang...waris sah keturunan sulu skang byk di malaysia ..depa lari bila diserang spain..depa lari ke sabah...dan mendapat perlindungan dari orang2 bugis dan bajau..penghijrahan besar2an orang sulu jd masa amerika serang sulu...orang sulu lari sampai semenanjung...

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Post time 7-3-2013 02:30 PM | Show all posts
nacein posted on 7-3-2013 02:25 PM
betul tu kita yg bukan ahli keluarga pun taksanggup tgk....apatah lg kaum keluarga mereka...

tulah ni bukan bideo ala2 indon arial peterpan dulu...
ni bideo pembunuhan kejam...
bukan setakat anak2, kuarga nengok...
kalau terlepas ke public lagilah haru....bebudak bwh umur, budak sekolah semua pakat nengok...bahayeee....

harap cepatlah kekang..jgn terlepas ke public....

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Post time 7-3-2013 02:30 PM | Show all posts
genchi posted on 7-3-2013 02:26 PM
owhh...dari segi positif way mgkn dia pk cara berperang neh tak beri apa2 manfaat

p dari segi  ...

Personally i dont trust these suluk people la...dah tersepit tu..

Setan kiram ni bukan nya kaya..berpenyakit pulak..sapa sebenarnya yg funding depa ni berperang?? ?.nk kumpul duit n buat strategi br kot...pendpt aku jer ni...

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Post time 7-3-2013 02:31 PM | Show all posts
tlg bunuh setan tua sultan sulu tu..

i tgk die dh mcm tok mudim kg mana tah...

nak je antor sihir kt die supaya terbunuh

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Post time 7-3-2013 02:31 PM | Show all posts
mbhcsf posted on 7-3-2013 02:19 PM
isk isk

kak  sini kak sana





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Post time 7-3-2013 02:31 PM | Show all posts
najib dah smpi blom ke sabah??

ahkak pink ikot tak?

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Post time 7-3-2013 02:31 PM | Show all posts
rebecca_nur posted on 7-3-2013 02:30 PM
Personally i dont trust these suluk people la...dah tersepit tu..

Setan kiram ni bukan nya kaya ...

Lahad Datu: "Sultan Sulu" umum Gencatan Senjata Sebelah Pihak!

Sultan Sulu Umum Gencatan Senjata Sebelah Pihak

MANILA: Jamalul Kiram III yang mendakwa dirinya sebagai Sultan Sulu mengumumkan gencatan senjata segera terhadap pencerobohan di Sabah berikutan gesaan Setiausaha Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu PBB Ban Ki-moon bagi menamatkan keganasan di Sabah dan mengadakan dialog.

"Sultan (Jamalul Kiram III) mengumumkan gencatan senjata sebelah pihak bagi pihak Kesultanan Sulu bermula pukul 12.30 tengahari Khamis," kata jurucakap Ibrahim Idjirani, menurut Beliau berkata tindakan ini dibuat sebagai menghormati gesaan setiausaha agung PBB untuk menamatkan keganasan di sana.

Beliau berkata ini adalah "untuk membalas seruan PBB bagi memelihara nyawa." Ketua PBB juga menyatakan kebimbangan pencerobohan terhadap penduduk awam, termasuk pendatang di rantau ini.

Dalam pada itu beliau turut berharap Malaysia juga akan mengisytiharkan gencatan senjata bagi mengelakkan lebih banyak kehilangan nyawa.

*  Sekarang baru nak gencatan senjata. Sebelum ni dibagi peluang untuk pulang ke negara asal tak mahu. Harap Pihak Keselamatan Kita dapat memberi pertimbangan sewajarnya.

Mundu atau Lanun ini mempunyai banyak muslihat. Lihat sahaja kejadian tembak menembak sebelum ini. Angkat bendera putih, serang hendap dari belakang. Dasar pengecut. Rakyat Sabah sudah tentu tidak mahu mempunyai sultan pengecut seperti ini! Sabah untuk Sabahan, Sabah milik Malaysia!

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Post time 7-3-2013 02:32 PM | Show all posts
hereana posted on 7-3-2013 02:30 PM
tulah ni bukan bideo ala2 indon arial peterpan dulu...
ni bideo pembunuhan kejam...
bukan setaka ...

dan tak mustahil lain isu plak yg akan ditimbulkan oleh golongan yg mmg x puas hati ....

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Post time 7-3-2013 02:33 PM | Show all posts
melia_star posted on 7-3-2013 02:22 PM
aku ragu2 bila org kata dan dia sendiri kata dia miskin takkan disanjung mcm tu sekal ...

theory ni yang kata kaya tu lanjut di sini:

Seorang sahabat tidak bersetuju dengan analisis saya yang mengatakan Perang Dunia Ketiga akan bermula di Sulu. Beberapa sahabat karib juga turut tergelak sambil bertanya, apakah mimpi saya malam tadi hingga menyebabkan saya mengatakan PERANG DUNIA TERAKHIR itu akan bermula di Sulu. Sahabat saya Neldy Jolo salah seorang dari teman pengkaji Sejarah Sulu, lebih bijak dan berhati-hati dengan bertanya, apakah buktinya? Saya katakana buktinya sudah terpampang di depan mata. Dia Tanya lagi yang mana satu? Jawab saya ringkas, meletupnya dua bangunan New York dan kejatuhan ekonomi Amerika (Global). Dia mengangguk dan tersenyum sambil mengatakan bahawa, dia akan turut menemani saya mengkaji hal ini.

Saya mengatakan, Sulu adalah satu wilayah di hujung dunia yang paling timur di garis khatulistiwa, adalah satu wilayah yang paling kaya di muka bumi. Sesiapa yang mendampinginya akan turut menjadi kaya-raya. Persoalannya betulkah?

Menurut sahabat saya seorang Jurutera Tausug yang bekerja di carigali PETRONAS, mengatakan bahawa beliau ada maklumat berupa foto-pelan Setelit Laut Sulu dan sekitar Pulau Jolo. Menunjukkan di Laut Sulu terdapat satu kawah petroleum yang lebih besar dari simpanan minyak negara-negara Arab keseluruhannya. Malah katanya terdapat tompokan emas yang banyak tidak jauh dari Pulau Jolo yang berada di laut. Maklumat ini sangat menakjubkan.

Beberapa hari lalu seorang sahabat yang bekerja dengan carigali mengatakan, baru-baru ini mereka sedang menyiapkan pelantar minyak di laut Sandakan dan beberapa lokasi lain berhampiran sempadan perairan Sabah dan Sulu (Filipina), mengesahkan lagi dakwaan ini.

Satu penjelasan menarik dari salah seorang Dr yang menjadi ketua kampung di Pulau Flores


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Post time 7-3-2013 02:33 PM | Show all posts
hereana posted on 7-3-2013 02:30 PM
tulah ni bukan bideo ala2 indon arial peterpan dulu...
ni bideo pembunuhan kejam...
bukan setaka ...

betul oh..

KALAU aku.. iskk.. nak type pun tangan terketer..

kalau ahli family aku kena buat begitu dan aku tengok mcm tuh.. aku mati berdiri kot..


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Post time 7-3-2013 02:33 PM | Show all posts
yanasan21 posted on 7-3-2013 02:27 PM
Maaf ye senior2 semua.. Saya ada google td bkenaan sejarah sabah. Pastu terjumpa satu blog rakyat fi ...

If we want to pursue our claims on Sabah, we have to clean our ownbackyard first like improving the lives of the Filipinos into Malaysianlevels or greater than of that so that the people of Sabah willinsinuate to be part of our country.

finally a phillipino who makes sense...


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