Our prediction of the price of RON97 price in Septmber 2016: Prediction Date | Prediction Price | Actual Price | 30 MAR | RM 2.052 ( est. 2.05 ) | RM 2.05 (APR) | 29 APR | RM 2.033 ( est. 2.05 ) | RM 2.05 (MAY) | 30 MAY | RM 2.051 ( est. 2.05 ) | RM 2.05 (JUN) | 29 JUN | RM 2.098 ( est. 2.10 ) | RM 2.10 (JUL) | 30 JUL | RM 2.110 ( est. 2.10 ) | RM 2.10 (AUG) | 25 August 2016 | RM 2.086 ( est. 2.10 ) | SEPT ??? |
Ever since Malaysia government scrapped the fuel subsidy scheme back in 2014, we are getting used to the monthly fluctuation of petrol now. In fact, it became a guessing game that Malaysians play every month. At LookP.com here, beside gathering reviews and feedback on professional service providers in Malaysia, we would also want to play the guess-the-petrol-price game J We didn’t ask the bomoh for next month’s RON97 price, instead, we had come up with our own computerised formula to calculate the new RON97 price, which on average, we have only 5 sen of deviation on average in the past 6 months. We won’t reveal the ingredients of our secret sauce, but it includes the trend of RM VS USD, CPO price and some other short, middle and long terms factors. However, this prediction is not cast in stone and we will update it based on the latest development. The closer towards end of the month, the more accurate it will be, so do come back from time to time to get the latest prediction. Our article on prediction of price for petrol will be updated every month. Stay tune for our new article. Besides that, we also have many more article for you to read.