Talking about PHONE USER EXPERIENCE, I have been using Samsung phones for 4 years, overall the software did quite a perfect job, but the hardware NO. I bought 2 lasted note 1 year ago, both of our phone battery and charger dying after 1 year, that's the unfriendly part I don't like.
Also, I heard a lot about iPhone user as well, their hardware actually similar to Samsung, as in they're using same battery factory! BTW if built in battery, oops you have send to factory to change your battery! Recently Samsung are into built in battery too, so UH NO!
So, Huawei so far I still haven't heard any of my friends complain about it, BUT definitely looking forward on them! I can't decide on which phone actually give the best user experience, as they is always based on individual choice. What's your choice? Lets check out their debate here! bit.ly/WWPVideo3