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Author: cheergirlz

-----> Jom Borak Pasal Kucing (^_^) <--------

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Post time 19-5-2017 05:56 PM | Show all posts
cheergirlz replied at 19-5-2017 04:55 PM
woow..chuols, iols is jeles...
dh laa comeiiii, gomok2 n debab..bulus mulus is cantik...      ...

hehehe...yg chiko tu unik sket kan. putih seco'it kat hidung pastu tgn kaki pakai stokin..

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2017 06:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Zaien replied at 19-5-2017 05:56 PM
hehehe...yg chiko tu unik sket kan. putih seco'it kat hidung pastu tgn kaki pakai stokin..:lovelin ...

comel laa chuols...
ios is jatooh chenta sudah...     

rajin laa tepek...klu dkt iols is kidnap ur meoww...     

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2017 09:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sekadar pembacaan..jangan ikut plak..

10 Mitos tentang Kucing yang wajib anda tahu

1 . Jika suatu waktu kucing peliharaan beranak dengan warna bulu yang memiliki tiga warna maka bermakna pemilik rumah akan mendapatkan rejeki dalam waktu dekat.
2. Kalau mitos diatas dengan tiga warna, bagaimana kalau kucing peliharaan beranak kucing dengan memiliki warna bulu sampai empat macam? Maka bermakna pemilik rumah akan selamat sejahtera.
3. Bila kucing peliharaan beranak tujuh maka bermakna bahwa pemilik rumah akan kaya.
4. Jika kucing peliharaan beranak tujuh bermakna kaya, kalau beranak sembilan maka memiliki makna pemilik rumah akan selamat dunia dan akan kaya raya.
5. Jika suatu ketika kucing tidak memiliki tuan dan kucing tersebut betah tinggal dirumah seseorang bermakna pemilik rumah akan mengalami nasib yang mujur.
6. Untuk yang pernah berjudi, mungkin pernah mendengar mitos yang satu ini yaitu menyimpan atau mengantongi bulu kucing yang sudah dikeringkan dengan bertujuan untuk jimat dalam berjudi.
7. Dianjurkan untuk memelihara kucing yang berbulu hitam dengan sedikit bulu warna putih pada bagian kening kucing yang bermakna akan membawa pengaruh baik dalam mencari nafkah.
8. Jika ketika sedang dijalan dan melihat kucing ingin menyebrang jalan, tapi kemudian sang kucing membatalkan diri dengan kembali ketempat semula maka akan bermakna segala sesuatu urusan yang sedang dikerjakan atau digarap tidak akan terselesaikan.
9. Jika melihat kucing sedang menjilati anusnya berulang ulang kali maka dianjurkan untuk menaburi garam pada anus si kucing. Hal ini bermakna sebagai penangkal datangnya penyakit yang akan menimpa salah satu anggota keluarga.
10. Bila kucing peliharaan dipukul sampai mati, maka sang pemukul disarankan untuk mandi keramas dengan tujuh macam bunga sebelum lewat jam 6 hal ini bermakna untuk menangkal kesialan yang akan datang selama 3 bulan berturut turut.

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2017 09:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hukuman bagi mereka yang menyakiti hewan lucu ini sangatlah serius, dalam sebuah hadist shahih Al Bukhori, dikisahkan tentang seorang wanita yang tidak pernah memberi makan kucingnya, dan tidak pula melepas kucingnya untuk mencari makan sendiri, Nabi SAW pun menjelaskan bahwa hukuman bagi wanita ini adalah siksa neraka.
Tak hanya nabi, istri nabi sendiri, Aisyah binti Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq pun amat menyukai kucing, dan merasa amat kehilangan dikala ditinggal pergi oleh si kucing. Seorang sahabat yang juga ahli hadist, Abdurrahman bin Sakhr Al Azdi diberi julukan Abu Hurairah (bapak para kucing jantan), karena kegemarannya dalam merawat dan memelihara berbagai kucing jantan dirumahnya.

source: ... gama-islam.html?m=1

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2017 09:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
The domestic cat is a small, typically furry, carnivorous mammal. They are often called house cats when kept as indoor pets or simply cats when there is no need to distinguish them from other felids and felines. Wikipedia
Lifespan: 4 – 5 years (In the wild)
Did you know: Cats are sometimes born with extra toes.

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2017 09:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pet Misbehaving? It Might Be Your Fault

Don't force your pet to face his fears (like nail trims). Instead, use positive-reinforcement techniques to help him become comfortable with the anxiety-inducing activity.
Fear, stress and anxiety are at the root of many problem behaviors in cats and dogs — and in some cases, human behavior is the direct cause of a pet’s actions. Many pet owners fail to understand this, though, and instead blame the dog or cat for the “bad” behavior.
In my experience, pet owners make three common mistakes that lead to problem behaviors in their dogs and cats. Here’s what they are, and how to fix them.
Are You Making These Mistakes?
Mistake #1: Ignoring a pet’s body language. The vast majority of pet owners don’t understand what their pets are saying. Your cat or dog may use simple body language to politely request that you give him some space. If you ignore him or misinterpret his signals, he is likely to progress to more pronounced warnings, like a growl or hiss, to get his message across. Failure to heed a pet’s warnings can make it seem like a bite or scratch came out of nowhere. Instead of waiting until your pet lashes out, familiarize yourself with the early signs of anxiety and stress and tailor your own behavior accordingly.
Mistake #2: Pushing a pet to face his fears. Repeatedly exposing an animal to a situation that frightens him, without gradual desensitization to allay the stress, is a high-risk strategy and one that can escalate your pet’s panic and fear rather than decrease it. While it is possible that your pet may learn to tolerate whatever it is that scares him (loud noises, bright lights, small children), it is unlikely that he will ever completely lose the associated sense of fear or anxiety. In addition, force- or punishment-based training strategies can escalate anxiety and aggression and deteriorate the bond of trust between person and pet. Reward-based strategies, on the other hand, are more successful at helping a pet learn to manage his stress in scary situations. In some cases, the best resolution is to manage the environment around the pet to remove stressors altogether (when possible).
Mistake #3: Forcing a pet to comply with care. Forcing a pet to endure care that scares or upsets him, such as nail trims , grooming or other procedures, can be emotionally and physically dangerous for the pet. An upset cat or
dog may struggle during handling or physically fight and bite to get away. A frighted animal can injure himself and anyone caring for him, including veterinary staff, groomers — even his owner. This can compromise a pet’s ability to get necessary veterinary care. A better approach is to teach the pet that calm cooperation earns ample rewards. Such efforts are important both in the home and other places of care, including the veterinarian and the groomer. The mission of Fear Free Certified Professionals is to protect both the physical and emotional health of pets during care. Talk to your veterinarian or groomer about fear-free strategies to help your pet receive the care he needs without the stress.
With all behavior problems, your first stop should be your veterinarian’s office, to make sure your pet’s behavior isn’t connected to a medical issue (especially if the behavior is new to your pet). Once your pet has a clean bill of health, talk with your vet about finding a veterinary behaviorist or reward-based trainer to provide the help your pet deserves.

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2017 09:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Fear Free Tips for Picking Up and Holding a Cat

Saying a word like "hold" before you pick up your cat lets her anticipate what's going to happen.
Some cats can panic when held if they feel unsafe or threatened. And holding a feline who may have herclaws and teeth engaged as she struggles to break free can beanunsettling experience for both of you.
There's plenty for a cat to be concerned about. For starters, being held can takeaway a cat’s ability to escape. In the veterinary hospital or at the grooming facility , a cat may feel uncomfortable and threatened when held in place to be physically manipulated. Or when picked up and carried, the feline may panic out of anticipation of where she's being taken to, like the crate .
And many times when a cat is carried, she lacks grip, balance and proper orientation to the ground, creating a situation where the cat may feel at risk of falling. And, no, cats don’t always land on their feet. In fact, when held at a lower height to the ground in a person’s arms, a cat can have greater difficulty righting herself in the air than she does when she has more height and therefore time to twist and land correctly should she fall.
You may not have a cuddly cat who wants to be held all the time. But with use of the following handling tactics, most cats can transition from scared to serene when picked up .
1. Teach your cat to be held in a gradual manner. You can do this by pairing a word, like “hold,” with being held. The word lets your cat anticipate what’s going to happen rather than create anxiety of the unknown. Start where your cat is comfortable. For some felines, training may start just with touching her side or putting gentle pressure on both sides without lifting.
Reward calm, nonstruggling behavior with a “yes” and something your cat finds fabulous, like a favorite treat or a play session. For some felines, the greatest reward for calm can be the release of pressure and giving space. Practice numerous times to ensure your cat is comfortable before progressing to a lift or longer hold. If your cat panics, make the next try less stressful, such as touching without holding, standing still while she's held instead of walking, or holding for a shorter period of time.
2. Cater to your cat’s preference when it comes to holding positions. Some cats like being held from underneath with both arms linked together to create a cradle of sorts. Other cats are accustomed to their chest being up against their person’s torso with their front paws resting on the shoulders or chest and back legs and bottom securely held in the person’s arms. In some cases, unique preferences exist, like our Siamese cats who, unlike most cats, preferred being held on their backs like babies, as they’d been accustomed to since kittenhood.
3. When holding, try to provide a steady, balanced surface for your catto lean into and keep a secure hold on your cat. Many cats are uncomfortable when held by children , because they’re less predictable and may hold the cat either too tightly or too loosely. Consider alternatives to holding that still provide closeness. Inviting your cat onto a child’s lap while the child sits on the floor or in a chair, and rewarding with things your cat likes, such as treats, is almost always preferred to being held. Additionally, allowing your cat to move away when she wants can
decrease her stress and reduce the chance of a negative interaction.
4. Another reason cats may panic when held is because they’re sensitive to what might happen or where they're being taken. Your cat may associate holding with being taken to be groomed , to the car or being put in her crate. In such cases, changing your cat’s perception of these events and holding her in situations outside of the ones perceived as negative candecrease stress. If your cat is sensitive to petting while being held, for instance, separately teach her that petting can be enjoyable. My three-legged cat, Nemo, liked being held but nervously anticipated being set down. His anxiety seemed rooted in fear of falling and being unable to catch himself, especially because he hadonlyone front paw. His fear was eased by letting him step out of my arms ontosomething roughly the same height, like the bed or his perch, rather than lowering him down to the ground.
5. You can also try alternatives to holding when your cat needs to bemoved. Coax your cat to follow using a food lure, treat trail or wand toy. Or teach her to willingly follow by training "come" or "target."
Crates can also be conditioned as a safe space and used for transport.

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2017 09:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Training Your Cat to Be Handled

Half the fun of having a cat is touching and holding and cuddling with him. Being held and examined are also crucial for veterinary visits.For your cat to be at his best in a variety of situations, you need to give him positive experiences with those situations while he's still a kitten. You want your cat to be able to be handled by you or by strangers without having him try to wriggle away or scratch. That training will make him more pleasant around the house, more popular with company and a better patient when visiting the veterinarian.
Kitten Cuddling
Start young. Hold your kitten in your lap when he's drowsy and let him fall asleep as you stroke him. Use long, gentle strokes rather than short, choppy ones. Start by stroking down the length of his back and sides. Use one finger to rub behind his ears and under his chin. Gently stroke his chest and abdomen, taking care you don't entice him to start playing.
As he accepts those overtures, move on to stroking his legs and the top of his head. Gradually move downward to his feet and rearward along his tail. Finally, work to slightly more vigorous stroking.
Pick your cat up in your arms, with one arm supporting him from beneath and the other wrapped around him. Carry him from one chair to another, then one room to another. If he tries to jump away, gently restrain him. Once he stops struggling, if only for a second, you can let him go. Work up to longer periods of relaxation.
A Little Help From a Friend
Once your kitten is fine with petting and carrying, have a friend do the same thing, beginning with the touching exercises. For kittens who have grown up in your household and met strangers already, that step is not usually difficult. It's quite possible the kitten will jump into your friend's lap and make himself at home. But for feral kittens you've tamed, or for household kittens who have not met many strangers, you may need to start slowly.
For suspicious or recently feral kittens, have your friend sit with you in a small room that doesn't have furniture the cat can hide under. At first, your friend should ignore the kitten. Watch television or just chat as the kitten becomes accustomed to the new person. It's best if the kitten is a little hungry so the friend can offer him an irresistible treat. Still sitting (on the floor is ideal), the friend can introduce a toy that allows the kitten to pounce and play. Gradually use the toy to entice the kitten over the friend's legs and lap and to keep him there longer and longer. Again, the friend can offer the kitten a treat. It's best at this point for the friend not to talk to, reach for or make direct eye contact with the kitten.
With luck, the kitten will get tired and fall asleep in the friend's lap, but otherwise wait for him to get drowsy or fall all the way asleep and then gently transfer him there. Have the friend stroke him with long, gentle strokes. On subsequent days advance to touching other parts of his body.
If the cat won't even come close to the stranger, use a trail of tasty morsels leading to the person to entice him closer and closer, with the person ignoring him all the time. If that's still too intimidating, work on having the cat eat in a cage in the same or next room, where he can see the stranger, gradually working up to closer proximity.
Paw Handling
Most cats don't mind being petted or stroked, but they may protest at the next steps. Hold each of the cat's paws and gently press on each toe so the nail is unsheathed. That action will be necessary when you clip his nails. If possible, offer him a tiny but delicious treat after each toe or foot. Again, it's best to do this when he's drowsy or relaxed. You don't want to reach for a foot when he's standing up, because you're almost guaranteeing a tug contest with his foot if you do. And you don't want to ever lose any contest with your cat when it comes to handling, because if you do, he will learn that he can wriggle, scratch, hiss and growl his way to freedom — exactly the lesson you never want him to learn! If a contest does ensue, make sure you win, but then quickly switch to an easier exercise you can reward him for. Then go back to the contested exercise and try an abbreviated form — your goal is for him to let you do it rather than for you to force him to do it. Always reward him for good behavior.

source: ... r-cat-to-be-handled

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Post time 23-5-2017 01:32 AM | Show all posts


[AceHand SPECTaceLAR]

Miyau... Miyau... Miyau... (Borak ngan kuceng...)

Jizzz... Klong! Klong!

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 Author| Post time 23-5-2017 09:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AceHand replied at 23-5-2017 01:32 AM
[AceHand SPECTaceLAR]

Miyau... Miyau... Miyau... (Borak ngan kuceng...)

ko mmg kan ache :  :

cer ko highlight ckit benang miyau nie..     

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2017 11:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nantikan picture baru meow dari TT

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2017 05:35 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2017 05:35 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2017 05:36 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2017 05:38 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2017 05:39 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2017 05:40 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2017 05:40 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2017 05:41 PM | Show all posts

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