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Students Dillemma
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Kalau buat research, mana yang senang qualitative or quantitative research? Help me |
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Kualitatif- ukur kualiti- contoh analisis kandungan buku teks dll daripada kuantiti- biasanya ada instrumen spt soal selidik, interbiu dll.
Kuantitatif- sebaliknya...
Kena tengok awak cenderung @ mahir yang mana...nak buat penyelidikan tentang apa, bidang apa...
X pasti SBB akku scienctific research..X de istilah quali quantitative .so X boleh BG opinion..cer personal pm Dr Othman talib kt facebook |
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Biasanya kalau sains more to kualitatif. berdasarkan fakta yg kukuh. ada data etc... |
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Perlu byk buat survey mutltiple choice.Pastu process data using software SPSS to get your findings. Make sure mahir apply SPSS.
Perlu buat one to one interviews & observation, literature reviews. Ada few methods to analyse qualitative data like quadrants, fish bone / ishikawa method etc..
I personally prefer qualitative. As you will get more detail insight.
Anddd...I dont like spss hehehe...buat den stress je. |
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