So i terpikir on this topic. Love ramai org suka say love, love you, my love, your love and many more version's of love
So what is exactly love means? some people suka sangat to be in love. some sangat choosy and take ages to fall in love some avoid love, some adore love. But do we really in love ?
Apa definition love to u? love org kata.. if u love someone let them go. if they meant for u they will come to u.. if they love u they will show it.. love is more than just words love till death do us part
Love, towards parents... depan mata aaah xlayan dah xde meraung... love to ur child... some take advantage being parents.. i can scold my kids the way i like... and i still love my kids
Love is universal. Love is pure and multiple definitions.
Ramai org heart broken and blame love.. u cheat ur love... infedelity over lust... i don't love u anymore. So how we react?
it is a great feeling to be in love and to be loved. But we dont chase love, love will come to us. Those heart breaker or been hurt much... say this to urself.. love ada souls love ada pride so dont be a loser over love.
All those 6th sense that is gone... get it all back and redeem urself. After all... love is beautiful its worthy to wait for.
So what is love to u?
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Post time 26-1-2019 10:35 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
For me kan dil, love tu apabila dia tetap menyebelahi i apabila i melakukan khilaf. Dia tak pernah meninggalkan i ketika i dalam keadaan gembira atau duka. Bahunya sentiasa ada untuk i menangis. Walaupun orang lain menyalahkan i , dia tetap memilih untuk mempertahankan i. Dia berjuang untuk cinta i walau dengan apa cara sekalipun. Dia cuba memenuhi semua impian i walaupun ada yang dia tak mampu.
Setiap malam sebelum tidur dia akan menghadiahkan kata2 indah sambil menggaru3 i nak bagi lalok suruh tido. Hahaha. Setiap pagi setiap hari dia menghadiahkan i dengan doa tahajjudnya sambil mengejutkan i bagai seorang puteri. Ciuman lembut dan kata3 manis setiap waktu i bangun tido.
Dia juga mengimamkan di setiap solat i .. membiarkan i tido extra kalau i penat, masakkan nasi goreng kampung kalau I mengada2 malas masak.
Dia juga gigih mencarikan i kopi yang baru di brew walaupun lepas balik kerja penat nak gi kedai jauh, tapi dia sanggup.....
Dia adalah cinta i dunia akhirat. I tetap memilih dia dan i mahu ke Syurga bersama2 dengan dia. I harap dia baca ni Dil. Dia selalu stalk I kat sini
Post time 26-1-2019 12:37 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
What love is?
I love to say i love u..i call stranger, hi love, bye love, thanks love.
I dont wanna talk about love towards my kids or next of kin.
I think tt might want to talk about lobe towards man/woman.
Love for me is selfless.
Tidak menakluk.
We fall for him because of his personality.
I want my man kekal dengan his good personality.
I dont go for look.
I fall for his wisdom, his wittiness.
This two x boleh dibuat-buat.
Tak boleh ditiru.
Above all i want him to be happy with or without me.
"Then only for a minute
I want to change my mind
'Cause this just don't feel right to me
I want to raise your spirits
I want to see you smile but
Know that means I'll have to leave
Know that means I'll have to leave
Lately, I've been, I've been thinking
I want you to be happier, I want you to be happier
When the evening falls
And I'm left there with my thoughts
And the image of you being with someone else
Well, that's eating me up inside
But we run our course, we pretend that we're okay
Now if we jump together at least we can swim
Far away from the wreck we made"[youtube]RE87rQkXdNw[/youtube]
Post time 26-1-2019 02:25 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
pitera replied at 26-1-2019 12:56 PM
For me, love is when:
I would willingly change for the better for him. Contoh ai sejenis malas ma ...
Betul.. sebabkan love.. kita sanggup berubah.. sama ada jadi better person or worst person.. mcm awak berubah ke arah yg baik rajin masak sebabkan love.. ada yg berubah menjadi teruk di sebabkan love juga..
So betullah quote tt love is 7th sense yg bunuh semua sense yg lain..
Post time 26-1-2019 02:48 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Sebesar-besar love.. adalah love dari-Nya... seteruk mana pon kita, Dia tetap akan membantu kita... tatkala kita rasa lost, sedih, kita pasti akan cari Dia kerana kita tahu Love Dia pada setiap hamba-Nya tiada berbelah bahagi..
Post time 26-1-2019 02:50 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
epis replied at 26-1-2019 02:42 PM
Setuju.. means love la sense yg sebenarnya kan...
Perhaps. Because it is capable of killing all the other senses so just imagine how powerful that is.
Ada sorang cikgu lelaki tempat ai, bercerai dengan wife, cikgu juga, last year, kerana wife kantoi skandal dengan laki orang sampai ke hotel. But he said if the wife is willing to return to him, he'll accept her unconditionally because he is still in love with her plus, for the kids' sake. Wife curang gitu pun dia bagi talak 1 ja bang. Ye la, wife dia lawa nak mampos macam artis.