Nama dah gitu, tiber makannya ***** *******. Allahhh...potong terus feeling meols  |
I guess that's why the other one is gaining more. Tak pelik sangat nak membayangkan. Jauh dah macam Jakarta n Siberia  |
Dah voluntarily baca, pastu complain. Yang jemput baca, siapa? |
Makin jauh terjebak, jangan tak jumpa jalan pulang sudah  |
The very unreliable always and never  |
BlueRose99 replied at 13-9-2019 03:19 PM
Nak ngorat lah tu!
yeke..mcm x je..i yg crush kt dia..dia x pun..tp dia suka cari psl ngan i |

Author |
Post time 14-9-2019 11:02 AM
From the mobile phone
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Budak twitter, kalau hati tak kental jgn main forum yerrrr. Kena kalis maki kalis kecaman. |
I think I should shut down my phone this one whole week. Before it shut me down 
Talk about a real get away khens? Get away, not getaway. Though it won't hurt for a little getaway I guess. |
Often one thinks one could. But it's really fine to stop for a while. The world will still go on. And one can always start again. Kalau ajal belum sampai la kan tentunya  |
EH being jailed really broke my heart. Gilanya struggle sheols. Mudah-mudahan pays off in future. Kesian sheols. |
Can't wait to get everything done and get away from all these. It's getting mad. Need to sort everything out. Inside most importantly. |
Pros and cons of being **** ******. It definitely do good to your pocket but also haywiring other aspects of life. |
Pastu ada yang cakap you should this and that. Meols kentutkan je. Jual sebilah peniti pun tak pernah banyak pulak kau punya fatwa pujangga. |
Did I sound annoyed to her just now? Biarkan. Memang meols annoyed pun.
****** pulak tegap kemain sekoq-sekoq tapi confuse and seems takut tak habes2. |
Kelakar pulak ingat expression ******* tadi. Macam meols cuba tinggalkan 60kg dadah pulak. Tak dek tak. Kakak tak jual dadah  |
Masa baru propose Maleficent 2 dulu meols ghase macam makkkkkkk aihhhhh lamaaaaa naauuuuu nak tayang. Sempat la meols cuak kesampaian ke nak tengok ni pon? Mana la tau umur tak panjang.
Tup tup ehhhh next month dah nak tayang. Mohon panjang umur boleh tengok. Maleficent 2 adalah tujuan hidup Suka bebeno meols dengan konsepnya. |
Meols letak harga tinggi, chuols terkujat.
Dah meols turunkan harga, permintaan chuols macam-macam pulak. Sample je pun nak banyak-banyak, chuols nak buat mende? Koleksi peribadi?
Manusia berkonsep murahan gini kan, bawaannya meols nak tido je.
Meols paling nak elak keluar kata tak berbaloi kat customers. Tapi sejenis takde common sense ni, meols cakap je la, ye dok? |
Meols kalau beli benda dah murah, malu rasanya nak minta macam-macam. Nama pun murah, nak expect apa kan?
Kalau pun nak untung sendiri, jangan pulak chuols tak segan nak rugikan orang lain. |
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