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Salam and good day semua.
Kalau sebelum ni I tulis pasal Selling The Wheel and I dah hadiahkan kepada one of the readers yang feel buku tu menarik. So hopefully beliau akan terus maju jaya dgn impiannya. So now I nak share story tentang buku yang ditulis oleh Chin Ning Chu pulak. She is an Asian writer a marketing people and buku ni sesuai untuk mereka yang sukakan strategy dalam perniagaan dan kehidupan.
Mengikut buku ni, sesuai untuk Asean culture. Memandangkan orang Asia termasukla kita semua yang sangat concerned akan what others think. Especially perkara yang berhubungan rapat dengan maruah diri atau image dan sebagainyala. So bagusla buku ni untuk mereka yang nak ada SHIELD atau she wrote it as THE SHIELD.
So point pertama beliau THICK FACE - thick face ni seumpanya sebagai perisai atau the shield untuk seseorang itu apabila berhadapan dengan situasi yang tidak disenangi especially critisims. Mekanisma ni I rasa mmg awesome dan bijak. Instead of worried about opinions of others buku ni encouraged kita untuk love ourself and percaya pada diri sendiri lebih dari yang lain. Create your own positive self image. Mereka yang mengamalkan teori ni, selalunya mampu untuk put aside self doubt. Well adalah lumrah apabila kita usahakan sesuatu akan ada self doubts. Boleh ke saya lakukan ini bolehkah saya berjaya...but this tricks mengajar kita utk have the fullest confidence in self - maknanya langsung tak hesitate dengan apa yg di telah diputuskan utk buat sesuatu tu..kiranya no turning back.
Former President Ronald Reagen, adalah contoh - beliau ni selalu dikritik dalam pentadbirannya especially in administrative matters. What he did usually dia akan ignore semua critisms and hanya akan respond kpd perkara yang beliau mahir. He is good at it and potray himself a very confident statesman and disebabkan itu beliau antara president yang popular - the popular president in history!
Thick Face ni tak memerlukan kita jadi bold ke outspoken or loud...rilek rilek je. But charming and confident. An Ancient Chinese story about a young man named Han Xin dia ni skilled kung fu fighther...femeslah during his time. Then one day dia ni nak balikla kerumah dia. On his way datanglah dua malaun ni ( cacai / kaki buli ) halang Han Xin ni ..stop him pastu nak cari gaduh la..kirannya pastu dua jin aprit ni beri dua pilihan - kalau u nak balik rumah u kena berlawan dengan kami ni, to prove la dia ni skilled fighter and x boleh dikalahkan. Pilihan lagi satu merangkak melepasi mereka untuk balik kerumah. Without paused ke apa ke...rileks je Han Xin ni pilih untuk merangkak balik kerumah. Pastinya kalau kita ni akan rasa okeh...yeah dia ni bukan skilled fighter at all...penakut dan sebagainya...but why dia tak lawan?? x tunjuk teror dia tu? aha! sebabnya orang yang THICK FACE dia tahu apa keupayaan dia dan dia tidak perlukan judgemental others untuk justify dia teror kung fu atau tidak. Dan dia tahu his self worth dan dia tau apa yang perlu dan tidak. Why nak menyusahkan diri berlawan dgn org yang dia tahu akan kalah. So dia balik je la and biar je, untuk mereka yang tahu their self worth ..the incident that they were unworthy adversaries. ( conflicst , etc)
Still kalau kita akan pikir kesianla jgk...bila rumours ni spread out habis org kampung kutuk dia and seek his explaination. But sehingga akhir hayat beliau dia x pernah bother untuk amek pot pasal ni..sbb pada dia not his level to explain and for what kan. But the cool part in his life ni, he proved himself as a true fighter , a warior during his time.
Okay nnt sambung.
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Edited by adila39 at 28-2-2020 08:11 AM
BLACK HEART - definisi ni ialah bukanlah hati hitam tu, tapi lebih kepada kemampuan seseorang tu untuk membuat keputusan tanpa mengambil kira consequences kepada keadaan sekeliling dan orang lain.
Satu scenario, pada zaman perubatan dahulu kala sebelum adanya anesthetic ni, ubat bius tu...setiap doctor perlu untuk melakukan pembedahan bayangkanlah for sure pesakit akan menjerit meraung dan sebagainya - eh betul ke ni ? dedulu gini ..hmm anyway. Meaning to say pakar perubatan ni kena totaly detached emotionally la. Tak boleh langsung rasa kesian. Tapi difikirkan balik ...pembedahan tu untuk menyelamatkan nyawa jugak kan. So the process tu semestinya la sangat mencabar so hanya mereka yang ada BLACK HEART je mampu lakukan. Dalam hal ni, doktor ni tahu akibat dan kebarangkalian untuk pesakit ni dibedah mati terus atau berjaya diselamatkan. So the caused of his actions tu dia dah tau dan dia willing to face it.
Scenario yang lain pula, imagine jika seorang general nak hantar pasukkan askarnya berperang jika nak pikirkan kematian ..mati ke tidak askar ni memangla tak sorang pun dihantar untuk berperang kan ? sbb chances untuk mati memang tinggi. Tapi bila memikirkan ...this is the only way to save the country dia kenalah hantar teamnya berperang. Hilang team askarnya dan negara selamat gitulah kaedahnya
Scenario ketiga seorang usahawan yang ingin berjaya I rasa mmg kena ada tribe yang begini, BLACK HEART - dalam perniagan mesti berani mengambil risiko dan kadang kala terpaksa lakukan sesuatu yang mungkin end up gagal or berjaya. So memang hanya mereka yang benar benar ada sikap ni je berjaya level gaban. Golongan ni selalunya fokus pada objektif dia tidak ambil peduli apa pendapat orang lain atau keadaan sekeliling dia tahu dia kena lakukan perkara yang pada amatan dia akan inilah kriteria untuk berjaya rasanya....u do it or u dont.
Next - Winning at all cost - nanti kita sambung part ni pulak.
ps: doc ipes betul kan dahulu kala tidak digunakan bius?
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buku apa ye ni kaka? menarik... |
Thick Face and Black Heart.
Sat saya tepek, samalah jugak kot scenario sekarang politic scene kita maybe TUN pun Thick face and Black Heart. Dia tak peduli apa org kata dia buat apa yg dia rasa paling effective utk achieve the goal for the country.
( ehhh politic pulak )
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Post time 27-2-2020 09:20 AM
From the mobile phone
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ni bukunya... in year 2004. One sweet lady beri kat saya. May she will be blessed selalu. Dah lost contact kakak ni. |
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scenario tu, personal explanation ke mmg di describe dlm buku?
Interesting la Dila.. tajuk nya tu pun dah kedengaran interesting.. kalau i prgi big bad wolf maybe can look for this
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Post time 29-2-2020 11:06 PM
From the mobile phone
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DididanNana replied at 29-2-2020 08:51 AM
Interesting la Dila.. tajuk nya tu pun dah kedengaran interesting.. kalau i prgi big bad wolf maybe ...
boleh cuba.. tp mcm xd sbb old book jugak dah ni |
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Post time 27-10-2020 09:55 PM
From the mobile phone
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Aloha... lama i tak tulis...
All good things come to those who strive with patience. My wisdom saying for today. For a while , i feel my routine has become too routine that i can even predict what i will do next. Ah, its getting too common for me and maybe most of us will put blame on covid yeah covid i tak boleh buat ni buat tu dan sebagainya...naaa. bukan salah covid pun.
Since my journey belum habis masih jauh so i need to read more good vibes . While doing so I feel sharing what i have read will maybe benefit anyone yg interest to improve self or business ke or work ke or even spiritually to feel peacefully and excited untuk keep moving. ok? so jom.
Tau tak, before kita buat apa apa pun one thing that is so vital is to know what is right for us. Apa yang paling terbaik untuk kita? kita kena ikut cara org ? atau kita tau A is the best for us or B or C? so apa yang terbaik untuk kita? pilihan yang kita pilih tu adalah terbaik tapi kita suka ke nak buat? are we up to the challenge? do we have enaf courage? ATAU kita terpaksa membuat pilihan to something yang kita pikir will make our parents proud of us? kena jadi doctor so mak kita happy and rasa wow kat kita? sbb adik beradik lain keje best so kita kena jugak jadi lawyer? is that what is our fundamentals?
She is a 41 yrs old lady , single and working with insurance company. Whole life her purpose is to make her dad proud of her. The other two siblings is a boy and obviously the father had placed more importance to his two naturally Nita developed a strong desire to please her dad. I rasa kita semua pernah lalui semua ni. Kan? So , nita ni pun decide to attend a law school simply to please her dad . She had no love for law, her real desire very simple nak jd housewife je pun...but disebabkan mentality and apa yg dia percaya to please her dad the most akan buat life dia berubah is totaly a heartbroken. After 20 years trying to please her dad...that she tried her best still tak boleh nak jadi lawyer as she thought she will, ended her at insurance company and 20 years after to finally come to the terms that she cant do it. Isnt it to late dah ? she deeply regretted that she had never lived with a man , or married and be a housewife.
So? do we get some hint over nita's story?
Nantii sambung |
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ohhh i nak sambung ni, up dulu |
adila39 replied at 3-11-2020 01:46 PM
Aloha... lama i tak tulis...
All good things come to those who strive with patience. My wisdom s ...
Menunggu kesinambungan Nita. Hopefully shes okay. |
Nita end up as it is la sis, not married regretted for not doing what she moral dia kita take her as example...kita buat apa kita suka and kita buat sungguh sungguh , if kita buat apa kita kena buat kita jugak kena buat terbaik and move on and terima seadaanya. haa next chapter if i ada courage to write petang petang sikit, nak tulis ni kena ada mood gak
adila39 replied at 30-7-2021 10:13 AM
Nita end up as it is la sis, not married regretted for not doing what she moral dia kita ...
Love to read your writing sis! Keep it up! |
oh tq...sory still xde mood nak tulis soon eh
Edited by adila39 at 27-10-2021 04:49 PM
Dharma :
The Wish - Fulfilling Tree -
Dharma, comes from Sanskrit the oldest language in the world which originated in ancient India. So apa Dharma ni?
According to Hindu Mythology ia macam a language that spoken by the gods. Which means to uphold and nourish kiranya macam anugerah yang kena di hargai in simple explanation.
Maknanya dalam apa keadaan / circumstances kena hadapinya dengan sebaik yang boleh so sama jugak dalam kehidupa harian kita samaada dalam situasi bekerja, berniaga no matter apa pun yang kita lalui kena hadapi dgn open heart.
Kiranya those yang menerima Dharma or practice kaedah ni akan accept life as it is. Macam mudah kan...tapi in real life bukanla senang nak dapat apa pun dgn redha manjang kan...
So ni contoh kisah di buku ni yang saya share tentang Dharma - The Frogs , a father and his son.
Two frogs , a father and son satu hari ni tengah berenang then suddenly kesemuanya jatuh kedalam big bucket of milk. Depa pun cuba berenang untuk selamatkan diri mereka. Berenang punya berenang they seemd no hope to getting out from that huge bucket of milk. So the father said to the son, im getting tired son! im going to drown, The son pun keep encouraging the father...No dad, keep swimming keep swimming . Something will happen. Have Faith! So the father kept swimming..but half and hour later the father gave up and mati...sian kan.
The son pulak keep swimmming , since its a bucket yang penuh dgn milk so bila dia suk swimming tu slowly the milk form to a ball of butter, and soon become solid beneath his feet...just u all imagine, mcm movie animation tu...kacau kacau milk lelama jadi solid. So, end up the son managed to hop out from that huge bucket. Then dia bisik dalam hati, if myfather had just held on a little longer hed be with me now
Dharma it works for humans just as it does for frogs.
Ni reality story pulak, 17 years ago Leslie ni a teenager who used to help out Russel to clean up the house, kira mereka ni mengambil upah membersihkan rumah rumah. Leslie ni kiranya mengambil upah bantu Russel untuk his piano lessons. As time goes by after 5 years Russel terjumpa mak Leslie and bertanyalah how Leslie was doing..since dah lama x jumpa kan, then the following fantastic story began...after Leslie graduated from high school the mother told Russel Leslie bekerja part time kat bookstore
Nanti sambung
nice artikel. TQ for sharing.
terus i download kindle. baca pdf version jer. tQ Adila share. |
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