And the stitches are uneven
Of course it's uneven. Once again, we're mice
Good sharing, TT
Post time 2-5-2020 03:04 PM
From the mobile phone
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nefnefnef replied at 2-5-2020 12:10 AM
And the stitches are uneven
Of course it's uneven. Once again, we're mice
Comei sgt mice2 tu
manjalara_01 replied at 2-5-2020 03:04 PM
Comei sgt mice2 tu
Ha'a kan... Pastu menjawab sekor-sekor kemain witty hehe. Thanks for the joke, TT. Time kegusaran melanda gini, a laughter or two can be a very welcoming relief.
Post time 2-5-2020 03:38 PM
From the mobile phone
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nefnefnef replied at 2-5-2020 03:14 PM
Ha'a kan... Pastu menjawab sekor-sekor kemain witty hehe. Thanks for the joke, TT. Time kegusaran ...
Ha ah u, i pun tgh cari2 movie komedi nk tgk hr ni. Tp x jumpe lg..
Edited by nefnefnef at 2-5-2020 04:34 PM
Excuse the language. Bahasa dia gitu sikit. Tapi iols rasa kelakar gils
Post time 3-5-2020 10:07 AM
From the mobile phone
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nefnefnef replied at 2-5-2020 04:31 PM
Excuse the language. Bahasa dia gitu sikit. Tapi iols rasa kelakar gils
U suke tgk movie x? Kalu yea bleh la rekomen i ape2 cite yg menarik
manjalara_01 replied at 3-5-2020 10:07 AM
U suke tgk movie x? Kalu yea bleh la rekomen i ape2 cite yg menarik
Sukaaa... Last iols tengok What Happened to Monday. Best movie tu. Tp parental advisory explicit content. Ada la scene not good for kids
Iols tengok online streaming je kat FB group Bantuan Movie 1Mlysia. Kalau uols nk tgk movie, boleh survey kat sana gak
Post time 3-5-2020 08:06 PM
From the mobile phone
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nefnefnef replied at 3-5-2020 06:07 PM
Sukaaa... Last iols tengok What Happened to Monday. Best movie tu. Tp parental advisory explicit c ...
Alright thanx u . Mlm ni nk tgk kat youtube je la. Smlm tgk Mr Bean.
hahahaha lucu la jugak hihihi