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:: Star Wars Episode III Revenge OF The SIth ( 19.05.05)
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The last movie .....
And the Title is REVENGE OF THE SITH .... 

Science Fiction/Fantasy and Action/Adventure
The third and final installment in the Star Wars prequel trilogy - the sixth Star Wars movie overall. Anakin Skywalker's turn to the Dark Side of the Force, the continuing Clone Wars and the final fate of the Old Republic should be revealed.
About Episode III
After three long years of relentless fighting, the Clone Wars are nearly at an end. The Jedi Council dispatches Obi-Wan Kenobi to bring General Grievous, the deadly leader of the Separatist droid army, to justice. Meanwhile, back on Coruscant, Chancellor Palpatine has grown in power. His sweeping political changes transform the war-weary Republic into the mighty Galactic Empire. To his closest ally, Anakin Skywalker, he reveals the true nature of power and the promised secrets of the Force in an attempt to lure him to the dark side.
Release Date: May 19th, 2005.
Distributor: Twentieth Century Fox
Cast and Credits
Starring: Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, Ian McDiarmid, Samuel L Jackson
Directed by: George Lucas
Produced by: Rick McCallum
[ Last edited by rhoyo on 29-4-2005 at 05:47 PM ] |
evoHahn This user has been deleted
hmm.. kena tunggu tahun depan :ah: tak sabar nak tengok macam mana Anakin bertukar menjadi Darth Vader :ah: |
akhirnya....official nyer tajuk dah diumumkan....jadi ianya...REVENGE OF THE SITH lah ya.....ada org pernah mencadangkan ia sebagai DOWNFALL of JEDI(lebih kurang begitulah...aku dengar taun lepas...)....pesal siri ketiga ini akan menunjukkan kejatuhan barisan perwira Jedi......hingga membawa kepada kejayaan EMPIRE menguasai galaksi........
Tahun depan nak kuar....awalnya kita dah ada thread...maknanya dah boleh kita berborak2 dan mengulangkaji pesal sejarah saga starwars & segala2nya yg bersangkut paut....aku sendiri pun masih banyak tak tahu tentang seluruh saga star wars dan nampaknya bolehlah korek kat sini....
untuk permulaan....aku nak tanya apa itu Sith....saper2 leh jawab ? yg aku faham hanyalah diorang ini adalah dari kalangan Jedi sebelah darkside....dan mereka ingin menguasai galaksi.....mastermind Sith nie saper sebenarnya...Darth Sidios aka Senator Palpaltine tuh ker ? |
haLLie This user has been deleted
[ The Sith are masters of the dark side of the Force and the sworn enemies of the Jedi. They were all but exterminated by the Jedi a thousand years ago, but the evil order continued in secrecy. They operated quietly, behind the scenes, acting in pairs - a Master and an Apprentice - patiently biding their time before they could take over the galaxy. In Episode III, they'll finally exact their revenge on the Jedi. ]
An ancient order of Force-practitioners devoted to the dark side and determined to destroy the Jedi, the Sith were a menace long thought extinct. The current incarnation of the Sith is the result of a rogue Jedi dissident from the order. Two thousand years ago, this Jedi had come to the understanding that the true power of the Force lay not through contemplation and passivity. Only by tapping its dark side could its true potential be gained. The Jedi Council at the time balked at this new direction. The Dark Jedi was outcast, but he eventually gained followers to his new order. Awakening beliefs from the dark past, the new Sith cult continued to grow. With the promise of new powers attainable by tapping into the hateful energies of the dark side, it was only a matter of time before the order self-destructed. Internecine struggle by power-hungry Sith practioners dwindled their numbers.
One Sith had the cunning to survive. Darth Bane restructured the cult, so that there could only be two -- no more, no less -- a master, and an apprentice. Bane adopted cunning, subterfuge, and stealth as the fundamental tenets of the Sith order. Bane took an apprentice. When that apprentice succeeded him, that new Sith Lord would take an apprentice.
Thus, the Sith quietly continued for centuries, until the time of Darth Sidious and his apprentice, Darth Maul. By that time, the galaxy at large had believed the Sith to be extinct, a fabled threat from the past. Qui-Gon Jinn's report of a Sith attack on Tatooine was met by the Jedi Council with hesitation and skepticism. Surely if the Sith had returned, the Jedi would have detected it, they reasoned.
The dark side, for all its power, is ultimately hard to detect when required. A shadowy master like Darth Sidious was able to keep his presence a secret, even when sharing a world with the Jedi Temple.
With the death of Darth Maul at Naboo, the Jedi Council realized that the Sith menace was true. What they hadn't puzzled was whether Maul was the master, or the apprentice. Years would pass before the Sith menace arose once more, a menace that would eventually come to engulf the entire galaxy.
The Sith originally were a race of people inhabiting a planet by the same name. About two thousand years before the birth of Anakin Skywalker, a small segment of the Jedi decided to follow the Dark Side of The Force. These Jedi were banished by the Jedi council and found refuge on the planet Sith. The Jedi were thought of as gods by the Sith and they easily conquered the planet and enslaved the Sith. This group of Dark Jedi later became known as the Sith and were led by the strongest of their number, who were given the title "Dark Lord of the Sith."
For the next thousand years the Jedi and the Sith were at war. At the same time, Dark practitioners fought among themselves for leadership. The result of these internal and external battles resulted in a nearly extinct Sith order.
At the end of this war, one Sith Lord named Darth Bane survived to carry on their order. He reinvented the Sith to consist of one Dark Lord and one apprentice. They operated in secrecy, waiting for the chance to defeat the Jedi and seek revenge.
Nine years after the birth of Anakin Skywalker, Darth Sidious and his apprentice Darth Maul made their first overt attempt of hostility toward the Jedi. Darth Maul was ordered to hunt down and destroy Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan, Obi Wan Kenobi. This event takes place in "The Phantom Menace." Anakin Skywalker later converts to the Dark Side and becomes the last Sith Lord, Darth Vader. This transformation is described in Episode II and Episode III. The Sith order dies with Vader in Episode VI, or does it?
aku dapat 3 jer.... :bgrin: menjawab soklan tak GAIA? |
Trivia for
Star Wars: Episode III (2005)
* George Lucas announced publicly that this will be the last Star Wars film he'll make. He had plans to make Episodes VII, VIII and IX, but the 57 year-old writer/director has declined.
* George Lucas has said Episode III will be the darkest of all the Star Wars films.
* The film's title, "Revenge of the Sith," is a variation on a working title for the third film's title, "Revenge of the Jedi," which was later changed to "Return of the Jedi."
* Unlike the previous Star Wars films, which were shot both on soundstages and on location, this episode was filmed entirely in the studio. The only location work was a background plate shot during the production of Episode II.
* George Lucas allowed a short scene for Episode III to be shot in the Tunisian desert during the production of Episode II, to avoid the inconvenience of having to fly the team back out and shoot the scene three years later. It is widely rumored to be the so-called "Harry Potter" scene, in which Obi-Wan Kenobi delivers the infant Luke Skywalker to his aunt and uncle.
* Anthony Daniels and Kenny Baker are the only two actors to appear in all six Star Wars movies. Frank Oz comes in a close third place, appearing in five out of six films, and Obi-Wan Kenobi gets an honorable mention in that his character appears in all six movies, played by two different actors.
* Actors Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen trained for two months in fencing and fitness in preparation for their fight sequences.
* Samuel L. Jackson (Mace Windu) said he knew that he must die in this film, so he told George Lucas he would only do the film if Mace Windu goes out in a blaze of glory and not "like some sucka". On an American late-night talk show, he confirmed that he did indeed have a meaningful death scene; and he does not go out like "some punk".
* The original design of Anakin had him sporting a mohawk, a tattoo on his right arm and a shredded looking design to his Jedi robes. Lucas said that it was, "too much". The design was later changed to traditional robes and long hair in a pony-tail. Hayden Christensen thought it was "too pretty". Finally, they settles on the design similar to Obi-Wan's look in Episode II.
* A subscription service offered by Lucasfilm offered fans the chance to watch various stages of the production via a Webcam.
* Although no live-action location filming was done during principal photography, post-production filming was done in Thailand, Switzerland and China to represent background plates for the Wookiee planet of Kashyyyk.
* One of the early concepts for General Grievous was a small child sitting on a floating chair, guarded by two IG88 droids from Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980). George Lucas rejected this look as a child would not be taken seriously as the deadliest hand to hand fighter the galaxy has seen, which is how he wanted Grievous to be portrayed. Instead, part of the final look for General Grievous' face was inspired by the shape of a bathroom detergent spray nozzle.
* Keisha Castle-Hughes filmed all of her scenes in just one day. |
Aku cadangkan sblm korang tgk Episod 3 ni korang carikla atau tgk dulu Animasi Clone Wars yg pernah tayang kat Cartoon Network tu...mmg superb dan korang leh tgk la jugak apa yg berlaku sblm berlakunya cerita dlm Episod 3 ni nanti (bridging series macam mane jugak yg Matrix buat dgn Animatrixnye) |
dah tak sabar la....
confirm mesti best gile punya...
adegan2 aku tunggu
- anakin lawan ngan darth apakenamadia ( chritopher lee ).
- anakin lawan ngan obi wan kat tempat gunung berapi
aku nak nengok cam mana anakin masuk gunung berapi tu dah habis rosak satu tubuh dia...
mesti kecoh gile bila anakin pakai baju/topeng darth vader buat pertama kali.
- cam mana si padme lahirkan leia dan luke dan sembunyikkan dari anakin
- cam mana reaksi yoda bila tinggal dia sorang je, members dia semua dah mati dah dia pergi bawak diri kat planet cam sungai amazon berasap tu...
mesti sedih gile ah adegan ni..... kesian si kenit hijau tu. |
Originally posted by dollah_bedwi at 30-7-2004 01:52 PM:
Trivia for
Star Wars: Episode III (2005)
* George Lucas announced publicly that this will be the last Star Wars film he'll make. He had plans to make Episodes VII, VIII and IX, but the 57 y ...
tu ah , pasal episod 7, 8 , 9 ni pun aku boring...
patut si george lucas buat la episod 7 - 9
ni dia gatal...dia nak buat balik 4, 5, 6... semua baru punya.
nak buat 4, 5 , 6 baru pun dia ntah hidup lagi ke tak ....
patut sekarang dia duduk diam, jangan buat pilem tapi cuma buat skrip je untuk 7 , 8 , 9
lepas tu kalo dia jumpa mana2 director dia berkenan, suruh dorang yang buat...
7, 8, 9 mesti best ah!! |
Ha ha..the thing is, dah takde elemen surprise untuk episod 4, 5, 6 sbb semua org dah tau Darth Vader tu bapak Luke. Kalau dulu masa first time tgk episode 5...wahhh terkejutnya camne Darth Vader tu leh jadik bapak Luke pulak...
Tapi yg pastinya, light saber duel jadik semakin perlahan masa zaman luke skywalker..tapi masa anakin pergh laju giler saber duel dia..vueng vueng veund tsczzzzz...vueng tzxxx...vueng vueng tzrllllkkk |
join jg tengok -- tp aku bukan die hard.... cuma teman anak + hubby -- suka sgt nin.... |
Originally posted by haLLie at 30-7-2004 13:51:
aku dapat 3 jer.... :bgrin: menjawab soklan tak GAIA?...
Ok lah least mengessahkan apa yg aku tahu.....thanks...
siri kartun Clone Wars tuh boley dolod kan ? kat mana website dia ha'ah ? |
Dulu pernah ada website bagi download percuma, tapi lepas je aku habis download chapter sampai 10 dia terus takleh di access dah (maybe kena shutdown kot sbb bagi free). Skrg yg aku tau kat je la..tapi kena jadik member berbayar Hyperspace dia la...kalau tak, cuma view online je.
Siapa-siapa yg ada site lain boleh dikongsi bagus jugak utk member2 yg lom tgk tu. |
Originally posted by SPACE COP GABAN at 31-7-2004 05:35 AM:
Ha ha..the thing is, dah takde elemen surprise untuk episod 4, 5, 6 sbb semua org dah tau Darth Vader tu bapak Luke. Kalau dulu masa first time tgk episode 5...wahhh terkejutnya camne Darth Vader t ...
tak silap aku, sapa yang expert2 pasal star wars ni perasan ada beberapa jalan cerita episod 4-6 bercanggah ngan episod 1-3.
mungkin tu jam George Lucas tak perasan sangat...
sebab tu mungkin dia nak buat 4-6 ngan teknologi baru...
yang light sabre tu memang ah teknologi 70an, tapi George Lucas pandai cover up la , dia bilang jedi skill zaman dulu lagi handal dari jedi skill zaman luke skywalker sebab tu dulu punya fight sampai si yoda boleh terbang2 sommersault. episod 4-6 punya fight cam gladiotor je.. |
supershadow ni, ialah orang tengah antara peminat2 harcore star wars ngan George Lucas...
aku rekemen korang visit website dia mungkin dua tiga hari sekali, banyak infor dan perbincangan terbaru...
paling best info, walaupun principal shooting ep 3 dah tamat, tapi george lucas ada lagi sampai februari tahun depan untuk finalise...
jadi mungkin banyak masa lagi dia boleh ubah2 untuk kasi lagi thrill...
Anyway ni ialah story line untuk ep 3.
Star Wars Episode 3
Revenge of the Sith
Plot Summary Script Synopsis Story
George Lucas
According to the opening-text crawl that begins Episode 3, the Clone Wars continue to rage between the Old Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems (The Separatists). The opening-text crawl also reveals that the enemy Separatists have taken Supreme Chancellor Palpatine hostage. Next, we see an epic space battle (the largest space battle ever seen in a Star Wars film) taking place over Coruscant between the Republic military forces and the Separatist抯 military forces. General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and other Jedi Knights enter the battle with clone troopers in star ships.
Obi-Wan is now a Jedi Master and Anakin is a full-fledged Jedi Knight. During the battle, the Jedi use a new version of the Jedi star fighters, which have been augmented for battle. Obi-Wan and Anakin make it their primary objective to free Palpatine from the Separatists. Palpatine is being held prisoner in the flag ship of the Separatist armada. This just happens to be the biggest and most heavily fortified star ship in the Separatist抯 fleet.
After much excitement, Obi-Wan and Anakin pilot their ships inside the Separatist ship holding Palpatine. Soon after landing, General Grievous (the half-man and half-machine leader of the droid armies) comes after Obi-Wan and Anakin. The two Jedi manage to flee from Grievous and his battalion by using giant tubes. Obi-Wan and Anakin then proceed to an elevator and eventually run into Count Dooku. A tremendous light-saber duel erupts between Obi-Wan and Anakin vs. Dooku. Grievous enters the fight and manages to hurt Obi-Wan.
However, realizing that he might be captured or killed, Grievous leaves the Separatist flag ship as the ship gets pounded by laser fire from the Republic star ships. Next, Anakin duels with Dooku alone as Obi-Wan is sidelined with his injury. Palpatine watches this duel while being imprisoned in a chair. Palpatine also speaks during this dramatic duel. Anakin manages to slice off one or both of Dooku's arms. Anakin then pauses to give Dooku a chance to beg for his life.
Next, Anakin uses two light sabers to cut off Dooku's head. Palpatine lets out an evil cackling laugh after watching Anakin destroy Dooku. To avoid destruction, Anakin races to the control area of the Separatists star ship so that he can safely land the heavily damaged ship. Anakin successfully lands the ship on the surface of Coruscant and emergency vessels arrive to quench the fire that is overtaking the ship.
Mas Amedda and Palpatine抯 royal guards arrive and take Palpatine to the Galactic Senate. As Palpatine disembarks the ship that carried him to the Senate, Palpatine is greeted by a group of Senators and Jedi Knights. Palpatine enters the Senate and Padme Amidala is waiting for Palpatine. Padme is wearing clothes that hide her pregnancy. Her marriage to Anakin remains a complete secret. Before the Senate, Palpatine announces that the Separatist leader (Count Dooku) is now dead and that the Separatists are in disarray. Palpatine advises that the Republic must strike against the Separatists while the Separatists are in chaos.
For Obi-Wan抯 next mission, the Jedi Council orders Obi-Wan to hunt down General Grievous. Anakin is upset that the Jedi Council does not adequately acknowledge the fact that Anakin destroyed Dooku all be himself. With great cleverness, Palpatine feels Anakin抯 great anger and uses this to Palaptine抯 benefit. Palpatine asks the Jedi Council to allow Anakin to be his bodyguard. Anakin is eager to serve Palpatine because Palpatine has long been a great supporter of Anakin抯 career.
Meanwhile, Bail Organa is seen at a meeting in Padme抯 residence. The focus of this meeting is to have Palpatine relinquish his emergency powers. Powers which Palpatine promised to relinquish at the end of the Clone Wars. In other parts of the galaxy, the Jedi and clone trooper forces continue to battle the Separatist military in various star systems. On Kashyyyk (the Wookiee home world), Yoda oversees clone troopers during an important battle. Meanwhile, back on Coruscant, Mace Windu manages to piece together the Sith conspiracy and comes to the conclusion that Palpatine is evil.
Windu arrives at Palpatine抯 office to air his suspicions directly to Palpatine. Anakin is present with Palpatine as Windu asserts his belief that Palpatine is up to no good. With massive hate, Palpatine unleashes a strong current of dark side lightning at Windu. With great skill, Windu deflects this lightning with his light saber. Here and now, Anakin is left with the most important decision of his life. Will Anakin save Windu from Palpatine or will Anakin strike down Windu and save Palpatine?
Palpatine claims that the Jedi are corrupt and deceitful. Furthermore, Palpatine states that the Jedi themselves have always sought to undermine Anakin抯 destiny. The choice is clear for Anakin. Anakin and Mace Windu engage in a very dramatic duel. Palpatine helps Anakin during the duel. Anakin finally slays Windu.
Next, Palpatine finally reveals to Anakin that Palpatine is indeed a Sith Lord. Palpatine cleverly convinces Anakin that the powers of the dark side will bring Anakin抯 great promise to fruition. On a new planet never before seen in a Star Wars movie, Obi-Wan (with his contingent of clone troopers) finds General Grievous. A spectacular battle erupts between Obi-Wan and his forces vs. Grievous and Grievous |
Meanwhile, Yoda happens to be on Kashyyyk when the clone troopers turn on him. Chewbacca and other Wookiees save Yoda from the clone trooper betrayal. While on Kashyyyk, Yoda finds an ancient Sith manuscript. Yoda believes he must go to the Jedi Temple and meditates on future events. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan hides on a new world. The leader of this world graciously welcomes Obi-Wan and promises to help Obi-Wan抯 plight. On this world, Obi-Wan finds out about Anakin turning against the Jedi. Obi-Wan decides to head for Naboo.
On Naboo, Obi-Wan finds Padme at her villa. At first, Padme does not trust Obi-Wan and refuses to tell Obi-Wan anything. However, eventually, Padme tells Obi-Wan that she is pregnant with Anakin抯 child. Padme tells Obi-Wan of Anakin's future plans and that there still remains some good in Anakin. Obi-Wan plans to leave Naboo without Padme, but Padme is able to hide on Obi-Wan's star ship without Obi-Wan realizing this. Obi-Wan tracks Anakin's star ship to Mustafar.
During his meditations, Yoda comes to the conclusion that if he can destroy the Sith Master, then the Sith Apprentice will automatically be destroyed. Sidious confronts Yoda at the Jedi Temple. Yoda engages in a terribly violent fight with Sidious. Yoda ends up losing this battle. Next, Obi-Wan arrives on Mustafar, but Anakin has already eliminated all the Separatist leaders. Obi-Wan and Anakin begin to argue. Suddenly, Padme appears believing she can help them both. Anakin is upset with Padme because she led Obi-Wan right to him. Anakin feels betrayed. As a result, Anakin becomes very angry, loses self control and ends up putting the Force choke on Padme. Padme hits her head when she falls to the ground. Obi-Wan ignites his light saber. The legendary duel between Obi-Wan and Anakin has begun and it begins amongst the dead bodies of the Separatist leaders.
This duel is very epic in nature. It takes place in several locations. Volcanoes erupt and the ground shakes. One location is a mechanical room. In another location, they hang from cables and finally end up at a volcano crater. Obi-Wan manages to cut off Anakin's other real arm. Amazingly, Anakin continues to duel Obi-Wan using his mechanical arm. Later on during the duel, Obi-Wan cuts off one of Anakin抯 legs (perhaps even both of Anakin's legs are severed). Anakin slips on the slope of the volcano and plummets into molten lava. Next, Obi-Wan leaves the area and takes care of Padme, who was badly hurt by Anakin抯 Force choke. Clone troopers arrive and rescue Anakin. These clone troopers then board a star ship with Anakin and take off.
After the Obi-Wan vs. Anakin conflict, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Bail Organa and Padme are traveling on the Tantive 4: Blockade Runner for Alderaan. However, an emergency stop on a new world has to be made when Padme becomes gravely ill. The Skywalker twins are removed from Padme. Subsequently, Padme does die after giving birth to the Skywalker twins. Elsewhere, Anakin heals inside mechanical armor. Anakin regains consciousness, awakens in his black Darth Vader armor and is told that he is responsible for Padme抯 death. Anakin is so distraught that he destroys the room he is in with the Force. Anakin is also upset at finding out that he has become more machine than man as a result of his duel with Obi-Wan. In his anger, Anakin Force chokes many people and uses the Force to throw droids around the room. Next, Palpatine gives Anakin the moniker of Lord Darth Vader.
A funeral is held in Padme抯 honor. Some of her handmaidens and Sio Bibble attend the ceremony. From the afterlife, Qui-Gon Jinn communicates with Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan (with Bail Organa and Yoda抯 input) decides to hide the Skywalker twins on Tatooine with Owen and Beru Lars. It is Bail Organa in his Tantive 4: Blockade Runner that carry Obi-Wan and the Skywalker twins toward Tatooine. Yoda arrives on Dagobah via an escape pod from the Tantive 4 as the remaining Jedi Knights scatter all across the galaxy trying to escape the Imperial onslaught. Yoda plans to wait patiently until it is time for Yoda to do his part in bringing down the Sith. However, Bail抯 star ship comes under fire from Palpatine抯 forces. Bail抯 ship is boarded by Palpatine抯 minions. Obi-Wan and young Luke escape aboard an escape pod headed towards Tatooine. Bail Organa claims young Leia to be his own child. Also, Bail Organa makes certain that C-3PO's memory will be erased. On the bridge of a star destroyer Palpatine, Vader and Tarkin are seen standing and looking out into space. They are watching the death star being constructed.
After arriving on Tatooine, Obi-Wan requests that Owen and Beru Lars take care of young Luke. Obi-Wan tells Owen and Beru that Anakin died fighting in the Clone Wars. Understandably, Owen blames the Jedi for Anakin抯 fate stating that the Jedi never should have taken Anakin from Tatooine in the first place. Owen and Beru decide to raise young Luke as their own child and seek to never see Obi-Wan again. Obi-Wan now goes by the name Ben and stays close by to watch Luke grow up. Fade to black. Roll end credits. |
Really, spoiler utk SW Ep III ni is in the details..... kaki SW semua tau Anakin akan jadi Vader...Luke anak Vader etc2.... details2 pun kalau buat jadi Ep. I, hilang stim ler..... |
tajuknya kali ni takla seburuk yg 2nd aritu. |
Waa banyak nyer citer.,blom pepehal banyak info yg kite mula2 dulu ingatkan tajuk asal dier Star Wars III:Clone Wars pastu tukar Rise of the Empire. ast last baru tukar revenge of the sith.tapi nak tanya sket arr.btoi ker anakin lawan ngan obi wan.mmm tapi pepehal pon memang logik lar George Lucas buat 1-3 nampak modern lagi daripada 4-6.Dark Side kan dah pembangunan tuh nmpak slow la kot.musti dark side tuh nak diri dier je power watper nak pikir teknologi power2 kan?tapi sedey arr GL tak buat 7,8,9.sbab kalo tak silap utk episode 7 tajuk dier ader kaitan ngan Luke trained jedi lain plak.jalan citer banyak amek dari game Star Wars Knights of the Old kite tunggu jer la star wars nanti.lagi satu korang jgn citer lebey2 nanti tak saspen la kan. |
Star Wars III versi melayu embalasan Karim
Star Wars II:Serangan rhoyo
Star Wars IV:Harapan rhoyo |
Episode III Trailer Description
Star Wars fans check this out
The first half of trailer consists of a familiar voice over with Alec Guinness. Fans will love to hear him speak his monologue to Luke from A New Hope about "Jedi Knights always being the guardians of peace." As we hear these familiar phrases, they've intercut shots from various Star Wars episodes, excluding Episode 3. Only when the monologue ends with "Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force" about 40 seconds into the trailer do we see the face of Anakin. He is partly covered with dark hood, looking positively evil.
This is followed by the shot of erupting volcanoes, then some sort of volcanic field with crab-like creatures and then darkness, all accompanied by Vader breathing. Then the following is heard:
Sidious: "Lord Vader..."
Vader: "Yes?"
Sidious: "Rise."
Then we see Anakin in full Vader gear rising on some sort of operating table to which he is chained. The rising is slow and is intercut with shot of various Star Wars main characters. When the table has fully risen so that Vader is basically standing upright, the meatiest part of trailer begins, with many, many shots from Episode III. Most of them are very, very short - this will be something for freeze-frame fanatics to analyze.
The ones that stuck in my memory:
Dozens of Wookiees on some sort of floating platform.
Padme with signature Leia hairdo.
The Tri-Fighter, aka the precursor to the TIE fighter with three curving wings and guns mounted between each wing. They shoot red lasers.
The ARC Clonefigthter, aka the precursor to X-Wing, with three wings on each side.
A gigantic starship being sprayed by streams of something that looks like dense acid.
The trailer ends with the title "THE SAGA IS COMPLETE - MAY 2005" and is about 100 seconds long.
:hatdown: :hatdown: |
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