For some reason, when human-like features are found in animals, it can be pretty scary. Marine creatures with human teeth may sound like a joke but these creatures actually exist. Here are the list of some sea creatures with human teeth.
Sheepshead Fish
The sheepshead fish is commonly found in North and South America. The fish commonly reaches 10-20 inches, but can sometimes grow to be as large as 35 inches. They have a compressed body with very sharp dorsal spines. One of the most striking characteristics of the sheepshead fish is its teeth, which are amazingly similar to human teeth. Their front teeth and back molars are sharp and thick. It mainly feeds on oysters and crustaceans.
The pacu is a cousin of the piranha and native in South America. Unlike piranha, pacu are vegetarian and their teeth look surprisingly human teeth. They have two blunt molars, which are used to break nuts and grind plants. Depending on the species, the pacu fish can measure anywhere from 7 to 42 inches long. This fish are not endangered. They are farmed and eaten around the world.