In nearly all animal species, offspring are carried by the female until birth. However, Depending on the species, some of the babies may come from males and the process of laying and hatching eggs are quite different. Here are some of the best animal fathers who carry the babies for mom.
The male seahorse is one of the only male animals in the world to get pregnant. Instead of being pregnant in the abdomen like the female, the male seahorse will put the eggs in a pouch, just like kangaroos. After the seahorse mother deposits her eggs into the father’s pouch, the father fertilizes the eggs and incubates them until he gives birth to the tiny, fully-formed seahorses. This happens after about 20 to 28 days of pregnancy.
Yellowhead JawfishIn the Yellowhead Jawfish family, a dad fish takes care of the future offspring. After the birth, the male carries his babied and broods the eggs inside his mouth. The fish will occasionally open its mouth, spit out the eggs, and collect them again, rotating them in the process to ensure even oxygenation. Mouth-brooding lasts between one and two weeks. During that time, the parent forgoes food, devoting all energy to caring for its spawn.