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My Jiwa2 Corner......

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Post time 22-5-2006 10:38 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
A journey of Love

We walk the path of life everyday
We will love many along the way

You may even look into that special someones eyes
And fall in love, much to your surprise

You may love with all your heart
But sometimes its not enough and it will all fall apart

You will ask yourself How? and Why?
Your eyes will swell and tears will flow as you begin to cry

Inside your body, mind and soul it hurts really bad
And you can't explain and you think..Ohh no one will understand

Although at times, love can leave you sad and blue
You must look ahead.. down that path so new

Try to stay strong
Love is not always wrong

It might bring you to tears
But if its true it will take away all your fears and forever they will disappear

So I say to YOU...

Don't ever take someones love for granted
For if you do they will be left disenchanted

Always show your lovein every way
This you must do every single day

Don't ever let them doubt
Keep your eyes open wide
Recognize when they need you and they are crying out
Reach out to be right by their side

Love is waiting for you
Now all you have to do..


Have a little talk..
Take a little walk..



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 Author| Post time 23-5-2006 09:04 AM | Show all posts
Is it true?....i need to know.

Is it true?
That you love me
Is it true?
That you care
Is it true?
When you tell me you will always be there
Is it true?
That I make you smile
Is it true?
When you say, "It is all worthwhile"
Is it true?
When you say, "I promise, my love for you will never end"
Is it true?
When you tell me I am your best friend
Tell me now
Cause I need to know
Is it true?
That our love will grow
Is it really true?
When you say, "I will always love you"
Please tell me now
I need to know



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 Author| Post time 24-5-2006 08:36 AM | Show all posts
So My Soul May Finally Rest

As my mind wanders tonight
I think of the pain I have caused you
And in my heart I want to make things right
Although I do know, there is really not much more I can do

I can only say I am sorry for what I did
Please think about all the things we have shared as well as the fun
And I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive
I wish there was a way to undo what I have done

As I sit here I think about regrets
And realize that life is not perfect, nor am I
But I must be more careful not to hurt or upset
Or otherwise the person who means so much to me will slip by

I will try to never let it happen again
This I will do, not just for you
But for all those who love me and for my friends
And because it is something I ought to do

I am learning every day
That today is all I have and I must make it the best
And that when you hurt someonethere is always a price to pay
But please forgive me, So My Soul May Finally Rest!!!



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 Author| Post time 26-5-2006 06:44 AM | Show all posts
you can make a difference

You can make a difference,
every single day
You can make a difference,
with everything you say
You can make a difference,
to that stranger on the street
You can make a difference,
with everyone you meet
You can make a difference,
by holding someone's hand
You can make a difference,
by taking a stand
You can make a difference,
to someone who is sad
You can make a difference,
and instead make someone glad
You can make a difference,
and make someone smile
You can make a difference,
by making it last a while
You can make a difference,
by making someone laugh
You can make a difference,
and help them forget the past
You can make a difference,
stop being greedy
You can make a difference,
and help those who are needy
You can make a difference,
by helping a friend
You can make a difference,
and be there till the end
You can make a difference,
to those who are near and far
You can make a difference,
no matter who you are
You can make a difference,
just by being YOU
You can make a difference,
with the simple things YOU do.



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 Author| Post time 26-5-2006 06:45 AM | Show all posts

As long as forever
I will stay by your side....
I'll be you companion,
Your friend, and your guide.

As long as I live
And as long as you care....
I'll do anything for you,
I'll go anywhere.

I'll bring you the sunshine,
I'll comfort your fears,
I'll gather up rainbows
To chase all your tears,
As long as forever,
My love will be true,
For as long as I live....
I'll love only you.



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 Author| Post time 27-5-2006 03:04 AM | Show all posts

Today I breathe
Today My heart beats
Tomorrow life may no longer be
And yesterday is all I see

I see a world filled with pain
People who hate
But you must remember life is about love

Remember, it's not about who we love
It's not about why we love
But more importantly
Life is about how we love

Remember, it's not about money
Or how life is unfair
In the end it is only about whether or not you truly care
It's about going out of your way for others
It's about time, precious time
Taking the time to really get to know one another
To really feel how they feel
To understand
To accept
And to then move on

Remember, it's not about what you get
But more about what you give that truly matters
When I am no longer here
It will not really matter to most whether I was rich or poor

Remember, life is about supporting each other
Being there when someone needs you
It's not about what I possess or what you possess
It's about loving and being loved
And no one should settle for less

How will you remember me?
Will you remember the love I gave to you?
Will you remember my shoulder that you cried upon when you were blue?
Will you remember the joy we shared?
Will you remember how much I truly cared?

This is how I want to remember you....



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 Author| Post time 28-5-2006 06:33 AM | Show all posts
Everything about you

As I get older
I miss you more and more

I miss the times we never had
When I think of this it makes me so sad

I miss the many hugs I will never feel
It's been so long, so many years it feels so unreal

I miss the smiles I will never see again
Oh, I miss you so much, my friend

I never thought I would miss all those foolish fights
You brought to my life so much delight

I miss the words you would speak-I didn't listen then
But today those same words I always seek

I was to young to appreciate the things you would do
And just didn't understand you

No matter how many years pass
I will always wish they had not gone so fast

You were so good through and through
I simply miss everything about you.



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 Author| Post time 29-5-2006 02:12 AM | Show all posts
For you my love...

If i came to your doorstep
would you let me in?
or would you turn me away
in shame?
would you take me to your
family in pride of knowing me?
or say you have never
heard my name?

Would you caress me when we met
with open arm or
would you hide me away in fear
of unknown harm?

If i beckoned for your love
would you opened your heart?
If i asked for your tenderness
would you kiss my tears away?
If i came to you willingly
would you give me your love?
If i whispered i love you
what would you say?

I give my love freely
for it is mine to give
My love has no possessor
My life is mine to live....



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 Author| Post time 30-5-2006 02:24 AM | Show all posts
Missing Love

Feeling love, when love has gone,

Lonely nights, with love filled songs.

An empty heart, where love should be,

Loving memories with dreams to see.

Missing pictures, leaving empty frames,

Love letters, with missing names.

In your heart, missing love brings tears,

A new beginning brings many fears.

From missing love, new life is there,

Memories and dreams, new love you'll share.



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 Author| Post time 30-5-2006 02:27 AM | Show all posts
Feelings From Love

Roses for love, candlelight by the sea,

Reflections in your eyes, of love there will be.

My heart full of feelings, expressed as I kneel.

Warmth from emotions, your lips I can feel.

The desire for love, under moonlight above,

An essence of beauty brings fantasies of love.

An ultimate rush, like walking on air,

When two hearts are one, the feelings are there.



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 Author| Post time 31-5-2006 02:47 AM | Show all posts

I look into your beautiful eyes
    and i see infinity
I love your eyes
    that love me
And in them
    i see sunsets
    and a glimpse of heaven
    and our love that echoes in them
I see freedom
    and a bondage
    they've silently sworn me to
I see yesterdays
    and tomorrows
I see a forever
    I'm sometimes in
I see your eyes
    under this pencil
    as i write on them
And they are
    as real in my mind
    as when i'll look into them
    as i give you this



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 Author| Post time 1-6-2006 07:04 AM | Show all posts
Love or Friendship"

Love or friendship, are they the same,

Two words a like, but different name.

Look upon the past to be,

With-in your future your heart will see.

Was it true love you will find,

Or needed friendship with-in your mind.

If it were love, you still would care,

If only friendship, you still would share.

If you walk away from both, you will see,

An empty heart of loneliness there will be.

I searched with-in my heart to find

Both love and friendship makes life divine.



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 Author| Post time 2-6-2006 09:43 AM | Show all posts
" Feel My Heart "

Hold your hand to my Heart,

Feel all that Love from the start.

Embrace those feelings I have with in,

To the highest mountains of the wind.

Stand with me, under skies above,

Share with me all eternal Love.

Feel our hearts and what they say,

Our faithful Love will grow each day.

Enchantment in life we will see,

Ultimate love for all eternity.



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 Author| Post time 3-6-2006 12:14 AM | Show all posts
Life is Like a Book

To0 many judge you by your cover and the first few pages.

In time that book gets old and put away and forgotten.

Never knowing to others what you really could offer them.

Love, understanding and knowledge a very important

ingredient to Life it self.

Later on in life, some open those old books.

They finally read the complete book and find out this

book could of changed so many things in life.

If they didn't wait too long, the books pages still

come alive with information and can be a

learning tool for others to learn from.

The sad thing.

The book is so old, you can't even read the name on

the cover and that life that was, is no longer.



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 Author| Post time 5-8-2006 11:06 PM | Show all posts

Aku kagum bagi buat yg berucap:;
" aku mengingat -ingat kekasihku"
Adakah aku bisa melupakan
lalu aku masih ingat yg
Aku mati..
tapi bila mengingat-kekasih..
aku hidup lagi
Kalaulah bukan karena kecintaanku padamu
aku tak akan hidup
aku hidup dengan harapan
dan aku mati karena rindu.....
Berapa kali aku hidup melalu harapan padamu
dan berapa kali aku telah mati....
aku meminum air cinta dari piala ke piala
Namun piala tetap penuh jua
rindu .....tak henti-hentinya....

wahai yang dimabuk cinta
Wahai yg tercekam rindu krn perpisahan panjang
Bersabarlah, siapa tahu esok
engkau bertemu kekasih yang kamu cinta




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